The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 279 On How To Break Up With My Girlfriend

Mu Xue put down her chopsticks, then took a notebook and began to write.

"Does Miss Mu have to take notes at this time?" Lu Shui asked while eating.

"Thanks to Young Master Lu." Mu Xue said softly.

"Am I being too nice to Mu Xue recently? I always feel that she will refute me." Lu Shui looked at Mu Xue in doubt.

If Mu Xue didn't think he was easy to talk to, Mu Xue should still have the attitude of a young lady.

Just like taking notes, she wouldn't take notes while eating before pressing the button.

As for the chopsticks, in theory, I would pick them up myself.

Isn't the hatred pulled big enough?

Lu Shui was full of doubts.

"Could it be that Mu Xue felt that I liked her unconsciously? Although it's true, I should seldom show it." Lu Shui began to reflect.

He felt he had to be more careful in the future.

After all, it was too familiar, and it was useless for him to do anything.

But as long as Mu Xue doesn't know that he is reborn, then the problem shouldn't be too big.

Mu Xue would have worries in her heart, and would not dare to do things that were seriously inconsistent with her personality.

"Miss Mu, have you dealt with it?" Lu Shui asked when he saw Mu Xue put away his notebook.

The fate of the notebook is fixed, as Lu Shui said, no one can save it.

"It's ready." Mu Xue said.

They can return to Lu's house at any time.

As for the construction of the Mu family, it will take a few months. Although it is a bit tight, it will definitely be fully restored before the wedding.

It will never affect their wedding.

The Lu family is very active in this matter and will never allow any accidents to postpone the wedding.

"In that case, we'll go back to Lu's house the day after tomorrow. Is there a problem with Ms. Mu?" Lu Shui asked.

Mu Xue ate her own food and found it delicious, and it was not bad last time.

Lu Shui definitely said on purpose that her cooking was unpalatable just now.

"Listen to Young Master Lu." Mu Xue responded.

Lu Shui was free for a whole day, but he didn't want to show that he was in a hurry and wanted to take care of Mu Xue's mood.

It always feels a little impolite to take people away as soon as you arrive.

Although being rude is in line with his good-for-nothing young master, people change.

Especially after meeting Mu Xue.

In his last life, he also married Mu Xue, so he became more diligent.

Facing some things, she would also think about Mu Xue.

It's normal to be like this in this life.

Of course, impulsiveness is not without it, especially when Mu Xue is bullied, it is the easiest to be impulsive.

For example, the Mu family was razed in the previous life.

In my previous life, there should have been no more impulsive things than this.

Probably not in this life.

At that time, I was really angry, and I didn't have any scruples. In short, I should beat them first.

"Master Lu, are you going to go shopping in the street after eating?" Mu Xue asked.

It's not too late now, Mu Xue thinks that Lu Shui won't go to bed so early.

"Go to the street?" Lu Shui was a little surprised.

There is still a street in the Mu family?

"Although the Mu family is destroyed, everyone is still there. Some people naturally need to live, and the necessities of life will definitely be prepared as soon as possible.

Therefore, the streets needed for life will definitely be temporarily built. " Mu Xue explained.

"Listen to Miss Mu's arrangement." Lu Shui said.

In Mu's house, it is naturally better to listen to Mu Xue.

Mu Xue nodded, it must be a pleasure to go shopping with Lu Shui.


After dinner, Mu Xue took Lu Shui to the temporary street.

Zhenwu Zhenling and Ding Liang followed behind, not daring to approach.

There's no danger, and they won't even look for Lu Shui and Mu Xue.

Of course, it was because the Mu family belonged to a safe area that they dared to do this.

Lu Shui looked at the streets full of people coming and going. Although it was a little crude, it was very lively.

The people of the Mu family are not affected at all.

Even better than before.

Maybe it's because of the catastrophe and the fact that I survived the catastrophe, so I cherish the people and things that I didn't cherish enough before.

Lu Shui thought to himself.

But too simple, there is no dessert shop.

Mu Xue probably has nothing to eat.

"Master Lu, do you want some snacks?" Mu Xue asked softly on the road.

Lu Shui glanced at Mu Xue and said:

"Ms. Mu thinks the clothes are too loose?"

Mu Xue: "..."

Lu Shui is saying that I am fat, right? It must be.

Find a small corner and knock out the teeth.

Mu Xue squeezed her fist lightly, then said softly:

"Master Lu, do you want to eat?"

"Miss Mu, what snacks do you think this street can eat?" Lu Shui asked.

There are snacks, but is Mu Xue willing to eat them?

She just likes to eat dessert, cake or ice cream.

"Have you ever eaten that, Young Master Lu?" Mu Xue pointed to the area in front of her.

Following Mu Xue's hand, Lu Shui found a small shop selling popsicles.

It's the kind of popsicle that can be snapped in half.

"You can try it." Lu Shui said.

Of course he has eaten it before, so it's okay to try again now, it's all for fun anyway.

"I invite Young Master Lu." Mu Xue said.

Lu Shui was a little surprised, when did Mu Xue get rich?

Without thinking too much, Lu Shui followed Mu Xue and walked over.

At the door of the store, Mu Xue took a look at the popsicles, picked one out, and then went to check out:

"Boss, how much is this?"



Mu Xue's voice was very soft, without any emotion.

As she spoke, she took out a dollar from the notebook, a piece of money that was sandwiched in the notebook, the only one.

Lu Shui: "..."

He didn't know where to complain.

Not long after, Mu Xue returned to Lu Shui, and handed the popsicle to Lu Shui:

"Master Lu can break this in half."

Lu Shui understood what Mu Xue meant, they were half of each other.

"Can Miss Mu Xue break it by herself?" Lu Shui asked after taking the popsicle.

"The ice cubes are relatively hard, so I can't stop breaking them." Mu Xue said slowly.

Xiaojiabiyu has little strength, so there is nothing she can do.

Lu Shui nodded, then grabbed the popsicle, and then exerted a little force.

Not broken.

"This popsicle is really hard." Lu Shui looked at Mu Xue and said.

Mu Xue blinked, but didn't speak.

Afterwards, Lu Shui increased his "strength", and his expression seemed a little strained.


Lu Shui's hands showed blue veins, and after a few breaths.

Popsicles were intact.

"Miss Mu, the hardness of this popsicle is beyond imagination, I can't break it." Lu Shui said to Mu Xue.

Mu Xue had been staring at Lu Shui at this moment, and was silent for a while before opening her mouth and saying:

"Master Lu, try again."

"I will try again."

Speaking of landing water, he put a popsicle stick against his knees, let out a low growl, and his veins popped up again.



After a few more breaths, Lu Shui stopped exerting himself. He looked up at Mu Xue and shook his head, expressing his helplessness.

Mu Xue didn't speak, then took out the notebook, opened it and started recording.

Lu Shui: "..."

It's really a matter of taking notes.

This time Lu Shui didn't let Mu Xue take notes smoothly, but broke the popsicle the moment Mu Xue started writing.


There was a crisp sound.

Popsicle split in two.

"Uh, it's broken." Lu Shui handed out half of the popsicle and said:

"Miss Mu, here it is."

Now, do you remember to go on?

Mu Xue looked at Lu Shui, reached out to take the popsicle and bit it on her lips.

Then move on to her notes.

Lu Shui: "..."


In the end, Lu Shui and Mu Xue sat in front of a small stall eating popsicles. This was a stall selling iced rice.

Busy is a young couple.

The wife can't speak, and the husband's feet are a little stiff.

"This is a snack for the two of you." The boss put the snack on the table and said.

Lu Shui looked at the other party, then at his legs and said:

"Boss's leg hurt?"

The boss smiled embarrassedly:

"It hurt before, but it's getting better soon.

It's good to be able to walk so quickly after being injured for a hundred days.

In two more days it should be business as usual. "

They are all ordinary people, and they have to recover slowly when they are injured.

It cannot be compared with a cultivator.

Lu Shui originally wanted to ask some small questions, but before he could ask, the proprietress came to the boss angrily, she stared at her husband without saying a word, and was speechless.

But this time even sign language was useless.

"I know, I didn't move." The boss was a little helpless.

After that, he didn't stay any longer, apologized to Lu Shui and the others, and went to sit inside.

"Master Lu knows the boss here?" Mu Xue asked while eating a popsicle.

Lu Shui nodded:

"I had dim sum in this shop before, and this dim sum is much better than my mother's."

Although less chewy.

But it tastes good.

Mu Xue picked up the snack and took a bite, then nodded:

"It is indeed better than mother... than Aunt Li Yin's, but the chewiness is not as good as Aunt Li Yin's."

Lu Shui didn't care that Mu Xue almost made a mistake:

"What is Miss Mu going to do tomorrow?"

"Chacha should wake up tomorrow, take her to play nearby." Mu Xue said while eating a snack.

Lu Shui has no objection to this, so he shouldn't have to follow, right?

"Young Master Lu, do you want to go together tomorrow?" Mu Xue asked.

"Where is Miss Mu taking Dongfang Zha?" Lu Shui asked.

"A small scenic spot nearby." After finishing her snacks, Mu Xue continued:

"It takes about half a day to go back and forth. It just so happens that Aunt Tang needs some things over there. I can help Aunt Tang bring them back."

Can you call nearby if you want to take a car?

Lu Shui was a little helpless.

So far, he naturally wants to follow.

"What time do you leave tomorrow?" Lu Shui asked.

"Listen to Young Master Lu." Mu Xue said.

Lu Shui: "..."


next morning.

It was slightly bright.

Xiangyu has been sitting next to Dongfang Chacha, if Dongfang Chacha has not woken up today, she will contact the patriarch.

But she thinks that Miss Chacha should be able to wake up, because the bean sprouts have escaped from withering and are turning back to normal.

The bean sprouts are almost back to normal, and Miss Chacha should be able to wake up too.

Xiangyu thought so just now, when there was a sudden thud.

Dongfang Chacha on the bed jumped up.

Xiangtao was taken aback.

When she saw clearly, the huge stone in her heart was finally let go.

She saw Miss Chacha standing on the bed with a confused face.

"Xiangyu, where is this?" Dongfang Chacha looked at Xiangyu and asked.

She had just woken up and felt extremely well.

I don't know why.

Although I just woke up and felt that I was in a strange environment, but with the fragrant taro, it is not a strange place.

"Miss Chacha, come down first, you don't have the dignity of a young lady at all." Xiangyu said immediately.

After Dongfang Chacha came down obediently, Xiangyu explained:

"This is Miss Mu's residence, Miss Mu should be outside right now."

"Then I'll go find my cousin." Dongfang Chacha said immediately.

She was going to tell her cousin about the eyes.

A fish went in, I don't know if there is any problem.

"Oh, I haven't put on my clothes yet, so I won't be scolded at home." Just as Xiangyu was about to speak, Dongfang Chacha realized it by herself.

Xiangyu breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that Miss Chacha hasn't changed much.

The degree of cleverness is not obvious, without aggravation.

But Miss Chacha really woke up, both Young Master Lu and Miss Mu were right on point.

Are they so knowledgeable?

In fact, she also checked, and it seems that Miss Chacha's problem is not small at all.

Taro is a bit difficult to understand.

A young master who was said to be a waste, and a young lady who had lost all her cultivation base, had a vision that ordinary people did not have.

Is this really normal?

If these two were other people, Xiangyu would never want Miss Chacha to stay with them.

Too dangerous.


Lu Shui woke up early in the morning, he would wake up so early every day to read.

Because they were all temporary residences, he came under the big tree by the river.

After watching for a while, Zhenwu came to Lu Shui's side:

"Master, there is news from Lefeng."

Lu Shui was a little surprised, there was new news so soon?

"What time is the ticket?" Lu Shui asked.

If you don't have time, talk about it later.

"Eight o'clock, there are still two hours." Zhenwu explained.

"Tell me, what did Lefeng discover?" Lu Shui said.

There is still plenty of time.

"Le Feng checked some sect's books in the past two days, and they found an unexpected piece of news." Zhenwu glanced at Lu Shui and found that Lu Shui had no intention of interrupting, so he continued:

"Lefeng accidentally discovered the person that the young master asked to check before, if there is no mistake.

The person who appeared at the Misty Islands station should be the Demon Sword Slayer.

Le Feng didn't get specific information, and he was a person with relatively little information.

The only thing I know is that this is a very strong person.

And it is a strong man with a long history. "

"Devil Sword Slayer?" Lu Shui repeated inwardly.

Not the slightest impression.

"Let them check slowly, by the way, this person is from Xianting." Lu Shui said.

Zhenwu was a little surprised that the other party was actually from Xianting.

He knew that the young master and Xianting were not dealing with each other, but they didn't know why.

Anyway, their young master has been checking Xianting.

But from the underworld, Zhenwu Zhenling felt that the young master might be involved in a huge vortex.

That sentence, killing Lu Shui Netherland may revive, making them feel that everything is far from as simple as they seem.

But their duty is not to figure this out, but to help the young master with some small things.

Their young master will eventually solve this vortex one day.

Most definitely.

Zhenwu didn't think about it any more, he answered and continued:

"Lefeng said that recently the opening of the other side of the coast was artificially spread, and also said that the difficulty of entering the other side of the coast has been reduced.

Although there is no evidence, but the opening of the shore of the other side, there must be some people's purpose hidden.

Lefeng finds out that the other side may be related to a certain strong man in Buddhism.

Some unreliable records show that in order to allow the Buddha to enter the other side, this strong Buddhist monk specially became a monk and entered the sea of ​​suffering, seeking to see the Buddhas. "

Lu Shui didn't say anything after hearing this.

The opening of the other shore this time is indeed an accident.

Both the Netherland and the Pureland are restless, and what happened at the end of the sea directly prompted the opening of the other shore.

But artificially spreading news, this Lu Shui really doesn't know who would do this.

As for Buddhism, this involves Lu Shui's blind spot, which he doesn't know at all.

But no interest.

The other side of the coast is also considered special, if you go there, you may get some news.

But I shouldn't be free recently.

So, leave it alone for now.

"Any more?" Lu Shui asked.

"Lefeng and the others have a question and want to ask the young master." Zhenwu said.

In fact, Zhenwu was also very curious about that question.

People of their level may not have access to the answer to this question in this life.

So, if the young master can answer, that would be really gratifying.

It's just this kind of question, can the young master really answer it?

Zhenwu felt that it was impossible.

"Ask." Lu Shui said.

A question, he still can't refuse.

"Lefeng asked, is there reincarnation in this world?" Zhenwu explained the original words.

Hearing this question, Lu Shui's hands that turned the pages of the book paused.

How old are these ones?

Such a question would actually be asked.

It's like two elementary school students asking what it's like to see their son get divorced.

Of course, this is like people on the earth asking if there is life in the endless universe.

The unknown always makes people yearn for answers.

"That depends on how you view the issue of reincarnation." Lu Shui closed the book and said.

This question cannot be answered in one sentence or two, so when answering this question, Lu Shui did not intend to read a book.

"It's like the underworld that some people say." Zhenwu thought for a while.

In fact, he was quite surprised, the main young master seemed to really know the answer to this question.

"It doesn't exist." Lu Shui said:

"Birth and death are part of a cycle in the world that is not being executed anywhere."

Lu Shui paused and said:

"Natural places of reincarnation do not exist, but such things as reincarnation can exist, and the form is a little different."

"Different forms?" Zhenwu didn't understand.

"For example, the fruit status of Buddhism, once you have the fruit status of Buddhism, you have the qualification to open the next life.

The afterlife is equal to the new birth.

It is consistent with reincarnation, but the number of times is limited, and the next life is unpredictable. " Lu Shui continued:

"But outside of Buddhism, there are not many people who can master this new way of life."

"Then will there be some powerful force to establish the land of reincarnation?" Zhenwu asked.

Lu Shui shook his head and said calmly:

"Impossible, mastering the reincarnation of others is equivalent to mastering the method of resurrection.

The world's upper limit of power, no one can revive someone who has been dead for a long time.

The One True God of Heaven and Earth is no exception.

To do this, you first need to…”

Lu Shui paused, did not continue to speak, just shook his head and said:

"It involves a lot of cognition about power and the world, plus the structure of life, you don't even understand it."

Zhenwu: "..."

He really didn't understand it at all, but he knew the answer.

The land of reincarnation does not exist, but reincarnation can exist.

Of course, it doesn't matter whether it exists or not.

The only useful thing is to increase knowledge.

Although this knowledge is of no use.


The vast sea.

There is a huge turtle swimming slowly on the surface of the sea.

A man sat firmly on the tortoise.

In this man's eyes, there seemed to be endless mysteries. Sitting there, he gave people a feeling of seeing through the future.

"Where are you going this time?" An old voice sounded slowly from the turtle's mouth.

"Just go to a crowded place nearby and be a fortune teller," Tianji Louyu said.

Yes, he is the owner of Tianji Pavilion, Tianji Building.

They left Xianshan and continued to communicate throughout the cultivation world.

"It's only been a long time since I came out, and I've changed so many places. Are you a little cautious?" Shi Gui asked curiously.

"There is always a follower behind, there is no way, but this time there should be no follower." Tianji Louyu said.

"It seems that you haven't entered that state for a long time." Shi Gui asked.

Under normal circumstances, although Tianji Louyu is in the present, he lives in the future, and his eyes are always on the future.

But now, Tianji Building is in the present and lives in the present.

The eyes have been afraid to look into the future.

"You don't understand, there are suddenly many variables in the future, I dare not look at it.

You should also feel that major events have happened continuously in the past two months. What happened in these two or three months is more than what happened in the previous hundreds of years.

And behind everything, there is an unusual direction of development.

For example, the upcoming opening of the other side of the coast, this time the other side of the coast is almost artificially opened.

The pure land, the underworld, and the sea all have the power to push. "Tianji Building sighed.

He is becoming more and more incomprehensible in the current cultivation world.

I am even more afraid to look at it.

He doesn't know what the world of comprehension will become in the future.

I dare not know.

"Is it because the forces in Xianting are recovering?" Shi Gui asked.

"Who knows." Tianji Louyu shook his head and continued:

"There are many taboos attached to this era, and my living space is getting narrower and narrower."

"Haitang Lake is here." Shi Gui looked ahead and said.

There is an island in front of them, which is not big and has nothing special.

However, there is a large lake on the island.

The lake is clear to the bottom, and there are clear shadows. There are stone pillars interlaced in the lake for people to walk on.

Many people who are idle will come to take a stroll.

Not too beautiful, but ok.

And in a stone pavilion by the lake, there was a Taoist sitting there, and there was a small stall in front of him, and the word fortune-telling was written on the stall.

The Taoist closed his eyes slightly, and after sensing someone appeared in front of him, he said softly:

"Marriage and future, what are fellow Taoists?"

The Taoist opened his eyes, but he was stunned when he opened his eyes.

There was a big turtle in front of him, and a man was sitting on the back of the turtle.

No matter how you look at it, it is not simple.

"Here, senior, is there anything I can help you with?" The Taoist immediately got up and asked.

No matter how the other party looked at it, it was bottomless.

He didn't dare to make a big deal in front of the other party.

"How about letting the old man tell your fortune here these few days?" Tianji Louyu said.


"Are you all right?" Dongfang Chacha put on the blindfold and asked.

Just now my cousin told her that there is no problem with her eyes, so don't worry about it.

Her worry was instantly let go, although she didn't raise it much.

"Well, don't worry about it, it's just that there will be no one to help fight in the future, you can try to draw a spirit beast with your eyes to help.

The best is the four-element holy beast. "Mu Xue said softly.

"Then you want to learn how to draw?" Dongfang Chacha muttered and asked:

"My cousin just said that she wants to go out for a stroll, where is she going?"

"I was going to Haijing Mountain, but Aunt Tang said that it is easy to buy what she wants in Haitang Lake.

So go to Haitang Lake. " Mu Xue explained.

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