The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 290 Land and Water Shake the Other Coast

The Second Elder and the Ice Sea Goddess stood in place, and there was no other movement between them.

But the breath of power is constantly colliding.

It was just a superficial collision, and it didn't look like they were about to fight.

In other words, both parties feel that there is no need to do anything now.

"Why did the goddess come to the other side?" the second elder asked.

She didn't know the other party's purpose, so she could only try to analyze something from the other party's mouth.

"Why did the second elder of the Lu family come here?" The Goddess of Binghai asked back.

It is naturally impossible for her to reveal anything.

So far neither of them spoke.

Instead, they are tied to each other.

The second elder was worried about the other party, especially when the other party had just stared at Lu Shui.

No matter how special Lu Shui is, he deserves her attention.

The Goddess of Ice Sea is also worried that the other party will find the elder of the Lu family. If the other party is not under her watch, she needs to worry about being ambushed all the time.

This is definitely not good for the purpose of this trip.

So it's better to wait here.

After all, Lu Shui will definitely come to Naihe Bridge again.


Lu Shui fell all the way down the Wangchuan River, although he was falling, Lu Shui's expression was unusually calm.

He didn't care at all about the fall.

At this time, the pale yellow bead had already left his hand, and it was unknown where it flew.

Maybe it's in the hands of Zhenwu Zhenling. Anyway, once it leaves the Naihe Bridge, the beads can't be held.

It should be related to Naihe Bridge.

However, Lu Shui was quite concerned about his slipping and falling.

"It should be caused by distraction for a while, but it's not a big problem."

Lu Shui felt the falling body, and the moment he fell, he heard an unusual sound.

"The sound of running water, Wangchuan River?"

After a moment of silence, Lu Shui had some answers:

"is that so?

The real other shore is not the other shore we see.

But what is the point of doing so? "

Lu Shui turned his back to the Wangchuan River, he couldn't figure out the meaning of doing so.

If you keep him in touch for a long time, you may be able to perceive some purpose.

But the contact time is too short.

It is impossible for him to know the specific reason.

"However, the stared eyes have disappeared, which is also a good thing."

Lu Shui thought to himself.

After falling for a while, Lu Shui's body slowly stood upright, when a gust of wind appeared under his feet.

The bottom of the Wangchuan River, which was originally covered with sand, suddenly had a gust of wind.

The wind blew away the sand layer, and Lu Shui's body fell slowly.

With the sound of the wind, Lu Shui's feet landed firmly on the land of the Wangchuan River.

As soon as Lu Shui came down, he looked around, and the goal was indeed dry land, and the sandy soil was relatively soft.

Some of them looked unusually hard.

There is nothing here except sand and stones.

There are no plants or trees, let alone shells and fish bones.

As for other things, there is no such thing.

There are one or two traces of people.

But it was a little far away, and those people kept going forward.

"It should be the person who fell before." Lu Shui had the answer in his heart.

After all, the place where he fell was closer to the river, so theoretically he was in front of most people, but now he is behind others.

There is only one possibility.

That was the person behind him. After driving for a long time, he finally approached the river bank.

Lu Shui didn't move, but squatted down and drew a formation, and then used the power of heaven and earth to sense the land on the other side of the coast.

"It feels like there's never been a flow of water, but maybe it's been dry for too long."

Lu Shui doesn't know what the other coast was like at the beginning of its existence, and probably no one knows.

But there is indeed an unknown side hidden here, as if a key is needed to open it.

Lu Shui didn't think much, but took out three soybeans from his body.

Then sprinkle lightly.

"Scattering beans into soldiers." Lu Shui whispered to himself.

Call it whatever you want, this trick is not like throwing beans into soldiers.

After the soybeans fall to the ground, they are automatically transferred to the land.

Then one goes upstream, one goes downstream, and one goes to the opposite bank.

This is a backup clone specially prepared by Lu Shui.

It took a lot of time to describe the formation for a soybean, and there is a lot of power from heaven and earth in it. As long as it is within the range, his power can act on the soybean, and then, like Mu Xue in the ancient city of calamity, he can appear across space. body.

Of course, for him with average strength, if the distance is too far, he will fail.

But there is his formation on Soybean, as long as the distance is exceeded along the way, the formation will be engraved to extend the distance.

In short, he was well prepared.

In this way, no matter what he did, the second elder would not find out that he did it.

After all, the second elder will only look for his body.

At that time, the second elder will only look at his body and lament the children of other people's families.

Of course, something must be done first, otherwise the Second Elder wouldn't sigh.

After finishing all this, Lu Shui stood there and waited.

Zhen Wu Zhen Ling should come down.

Sure enough, Lu Shui saw two people falling in front of him.

A man and a woman.

Men are faster, probably because of their weight.

These two people are naturally true martial arts and true spirits.

Boom, boom twice.

True Martial Spirit has landed.

Lu Shui waved his hand, and the dust was blown away by him.

Then he walked upstream.

Zhenwu Zhenling followed immediately.

"Master, are you okay?"

Lu Shui shook his head while walking on the road, but he felt that the Wangchuan River was not easy to walk.

No wonder it takes a day.

Lu Shui tried it and found that it was not easy to fly.

"Can you fly with the sword?" Lu Shui asked Zhenwu Zhenling who had come over.

Zhenwu Zhenling tried it, and then flew a little bit with difficulty, and then it seemed to be under tremendous pressure.

"Not very good, it seems that there is something huge suppressing us." Zhenwu said.

"It's as if we are really in the river of Wangchuan." Zhenling expressed his opinion.

Lu Shui just nodded.

It seems that it is not completely isolated, and some effects are still there.

Thinking in this way, Lu Shui touched the front with his hands, and he used the power of heaven and earth.

And based on the previous contact and understanding, the analysis was carried out.

Soon Lu Shui's hand touched something, but there was nothing substantial.

Immediately, Lu Shui increased the power of heaven and earth.

Zhenwu Zhenling stood behind Lu Shui. They didn't know what Lu Shui was going to do, but they always felt that Lu Shui had bumped into something.

But what it is they have no way of knowing.

The young master always does things that others cannot understand.


Just when Zhenwu Zhenling was puzzled, they suddenly heard the sound of water flowing.

Then they saw a muddy river emerging in front of where their young master's hand touched.

"River, river water?" Zhenwu was stunned and couldn't even understand.

They were sure the water flowed out of nowhere.

"This water has a strange power." True Spirit also said immediately.

However, when they were surprised, the river stopped abruptly.

At this time, they also saw their young master put down his hand.

So, the river water just now was created by their young master.

Where is that water?

Lu Shui put down his hands and didn't try again. After all, it consumed too much power of heaven and earth. Unless he wanted to go in, there was no need to open a hole out of thin air.

And opening a hole big enough for them to enter would consume all his power of heaven and earth.

The loss outweighs the gain.

Let's see where the real hole is.

We'll know what's going on then.

"Don't be surprised by the water in the Wangchuan River." Lu Shui explained casually seeing Zhenwu Zhenling being so surprised.

The water of Wangchuan River?

For a while, Zhenwu Zhenling looked around worriedly, that is to say, where is the water?

Then if the water of the Wangchuan River suddenly appeared, would they be able to escape from here?

A huge sense of crisis enveloped them.

Still, they were curious.

"Master, why is the water in Wangchuan clearly there, but not in the river of Wangchuan?" Zhenwu asked.

Lu Shui glanced at Zhenwu:

"I said, you don't understand either."

Zhenwu, Zhenling: "..."

Well, what the young master should say is true.

Such a complicated thing is indeed not easy for them to understand.

But it would be great if the young master could explain.

Naturally, Lu Shui didn't have the desire to explain, and it was a long story, and Yishui was a lot of words.

And he's not sure about the whole build yet, needs to check it out.

"Go upstream and have a look." Lu Shui said something, and then walked forward.

His pace is not slow, and the influence here has little effect on him.

Seeing Lu Shui walking so fast, the true martial artist naturally didn't complain at all, this was the young master's experience with them.

Then the two quickened their pace, not for any other reason, just to barely keep up with the young master's pace.


Ye Xin watched Shuangyue walking towards Shuangyue all the way.

His expression had long since lost the ease he had when he was selling counterfeit medicines, and he had lost the ability to speak eloquently.

Although he looked calm, there was a hint of sadness in his eyes.

It seems that countless years of waiting have come to nothing in the end.

He walked all the way, not caring about other directions, for him, Shuangyue was the direction.

At this time, he was walking on the mountains and rivers, and there seemed to be a huge river below, but there was nothing below.

Not even a drop of water.

Ye Xin withdrew his gaze, then looked at the river beside him, and sighed:

"When will Wangchuan have water?"

Seeing Wang Chuan, Ye Xin raised his head and looked at both sides of Wang Chuan, feeling helpless again:

"When will the other shore flower bloom?"

"The flowers on the other side don't bloom, the Wangchuan River doesn't flow, and the Naihe Bridge still doesn't exist.

Everything is the same as before.

Nothing has changed. "

"Even so, the sky is still as calm as ever, and it hasn't changed for countless years." Ye Xin looked at the sky and said in a low voice.


Boom! !

The moment Ye Xin's voice fell.

Suddenly there was a loud noise in the sky, and a bolt of lightning flashed between the two moons.

The entire land on the other side suddenly shook, as if something had been shaken.

It was as if something was about to break through the shackles.

Feeling all this, Ye Xin was suddenly stunned.

"Fat, what happened?"

"Why, why is there a sudden change? For countless years, there has never been such a change on the other side."

Soon Ye Xin was a little worried:

"An accident is going to happen to the reincarnation tree?"

Without the slightest hesitation, Ye Xin took out the sword box behind him.

With a bang, the sword case was directly erected on the ground by Ye Xin, and then he moved his hands, and the two sides of the sword case slid out.

Then a large number of leaves appeared from the sword box.

All are green leaves, these leaves are floating in the air, and each one has an aura that makes ordinary practitioners dread.

Ye Xin stretched out his finger and waved the leaves directly.

"open circuit."

As Ye Xin's voice fell, the leaves kept sprinting forward, as if they wanted to break through the space.

And Ye Xin didn't hesitate, and followed the leaves all the way forward.

It's like going to an area that normal people can't reach.

He has something very important to confirm.


The Second Elder was located far away from the Naihe Bridge. After Lu Shui fell, she could no longer perceive Lu Shui.

Wangchuanhe is not simple at all.

But she has nothing to worry about. The only thing she should worry about is the main god of the gods, the Goddess of Ice Sea.

The threat level of a clone is not high, but the attention of a main god means that the threat level can be great or small.

Especially whether the other party has extra guesses about Lu Shui is very important.

If the speculation is confirmed, then Lu Shui's situation is very dangerous.

"Fortunately, I came here this time, otherwise it would be hard to say where things will go."

"Besides, there are other people behind the coast. If it is related to the goddess of the ice sea, then..."

The second elder didn't continue to think about it.

She took out some elixir and dealt with it.

Idle is also idle.

Seeing that Lu Youting, the second elder of the Lu family, started sorting out the elixirs, the Goddess of Binghai frowned.

"Is she playing with psychology, or does she have enough strength?" The Goddess of Ice Sea was not sure.

But she didn't dare to underestimate Lu Youting, she kept paying attention to the atmosphere around her.

If there is a special smell or something, she will wipe it off immediately.

She still knows everything about the medical skills of Lu Youting, the second elder of the Lu family.

Although at her level, all poisons have no effect on her.

But there are always unknown things.

If you are careless, or underestimate the other party.

The fate of the sun god may be her fate.

No matter what, she will not take it lightly, and the main body is also vigilant to prevent being traced back.


Boom! !

A sudden sound came from the sky.

Whether it was the ice sea goddess or the second elder, they were all taken aback.

Then look to the sky.

There was a sudden flash of thunder in the double moon, which seemed normal, but there had never been thunder on the other side of the coast.

Soon they noticed the changes around them, as if something had been shaken.

The entire land on the other side was shaking.

"What happened? Lu Shui wasn't in my sight, it was him?" The second elder immediately thought of Lu Shui.

But it always feels impossible, and the land water is under the Wangchuan River, it is impossible to shake the entire shore of the other side.

So where is the exception?

The Second Elder really wanted to look around, but he couldn't.

The Ice Sea Goddess was also surprised, but she had no clue.

The change just now didn't come from under the Wangchuan River, so she naturally wouldn't think about Lu Shui.

But she didn't want any accidents on the other side of the coast.

This would ruin her plans.

If Lu Youting wasn't here, she would have to check it out and erase the abnormality.

But thinking of this, the Goddess of Ice Sea turned her head to look at Lu Youting, who was recovering from arranging the elixir, and said:

"Second Elder thinks what happened just now?"

"The gods and gods are very knowledgeable, what do you think?" The second elder asked back while handling the elixir with his head down.

She didn't go to see the ice sea goddess.

I didn't expect the Goddess of the Ice Sea to answer her either.

The two fell silent again.

None of them had the idea of ​​leaving, so they could only spend their time.

After all, they all have their own ideas and want to confirm something.


The sudden change naturally surprised many people, but the old man in the stone tablet was not surprised at all, as if he thought it was normal, as if he was used to it.

But it didn't take long for him to suddenly froze.

"Here, thunder?" He muttered to himself.

Many people heard this sentence, and immediately someone asked:

"What does thunder mean?"

"Yes, senior, isn't it normal for thunder to strike here?"

However, the old man did not speak again, as if he had never said that sentence just now.

It was as if he hadn't heard those questions.

Miao Tong was puzzled, the water here seemed to be deeper than he thought.

Lei just now was obviously abnormal.

"If I knew I had brought my Taoist companion, it would be safer."

It's just that he quickly gave up this idea, and now he is more curious about when Dongfang Haoyue will come up.

He was still waiting to explain to the other party, rubbing his luck by the way.

He always felt that the other party was lucky.

As for falling off the Naihe Bridge, that doesn't explain anything.


Of course, some people scoffed at this change, after all, he couldn't care less about it.

For example, Chiba Nayoshi from Netherland, who was fleeing crazily.

"How big is the enmity, and it has been pursued to the present."

Ming and Zhong felt that if this continued, he would die at the mouth of the herd.

It was still far away, but now the herd is very close to him.

And the distance is still shortening, those herds of beasts don't know what it means to be tired, and their combat power is still higher than him.

The only good thing is that they are not much faster than him, and their brains are not as good as his.

This can only be delayed until now.

Of course, with a good mind, he wouldn't be so reckless in chasing him down.

In retrospect, they had no hatred at all, even because of the new buds, they were no longer in Netherland, but they seemed to be sure.

He insisted on chasing and killing him, a little Netherland Qianyu.

Why not go directly to the Ten Temples of Netherland?

At this time, Chiba Nayo Shige saw a small hill in front of him.

"Jump over and change the direction, it should make them confused." Ming Yuda was overjoyed.

Finally able to procrastinate for a while longer.

Approaching the hillside, Nayuju jumped directly over it.

Just when they crossed over, Ming and Zhong saw a faint light, it was a person.

A woman in a magic robe and a magic hat, glowing all over her body.

People of the Pure Land.

Ming and Zhong were shocked.

With a bang, Ming and Zhong landed behind the hillside, not far from the Pure Land woman.

Mu Ran looked at the person standing up slowly in front of him in astonishment.

She had just changed her clothes, and she was pretending to be something that a Pure Land person would never pretend to be.

This is what she saw from an ancient book.

It's just that I didn't expect a man to suddenly appear just after getting dressed.

This made her murderous. Did the other party see her changing clothes?

It's just that just after she released her killing intent, the man got up, and a deep voice followed:

"A person from the Pure Land? My Netherland Qianyu Mingyue, are you declaring war on me?"

"Underworld? Declare war?

No, I am going to kill you. "Mu Ran thinks it's funny, where does a sixth-order person get the confidence?

People in Netherland really don't have brains.

According to the records, every time the other side of the coast is opened, there will always be fewer of their people, some are captured by the people of Netherland, and some are killed.

But they killed more Hades.

Ming and Zhong waited indifferently, saying:

"Kill me? By you?

I am famous and heavy in Mingtu Qianyu, forging swords and on Mingqiu. After thousands of battles, I have never failed. Do you know why? "

Ming and Zhong hold a long sword and stand proudly on the ground.

Mu Ran was a little surprised for a moment, the opponent's aura was so strong.

"Why?" Mu Ran asked.

"Hehe, haha." Ming Yuzhong's laughter came out, and then he said loudly:

"Because I have a group of righteous partners.

Come out.

my friends. "

Ming Yuzhong swung his long sword, pointed at Mu Ran, and proudly said:

"Fight for me."


A loud noise sounded from the uphill, followed by a powerful breath.

The famous and severely frightened immediately backed away and leaned against the side of the hillside.

Fortunately, there is a hillside, otherwise it would be a flanking attack, and life would be lost.

Mu Ran was a little surprised:

"What a powerful breath."

But the herds were coming her way.

She can't avoid it.

Immediately without further ado, all cultivations were used, and the battle was imminent.

boom! ! !


Lu Shui walked on the river of Wangchuan, he was in the river, but he didn't feel the movement of the other side of the coast.

He also took a different path from the others, so he didn't find anyone along the way, nor did he find anything useful.

"It's a bit far away." Lu Shui couldn't help talking to himself while looking at the front.

He tried to perceive that there was no special place nearby, and he didn't know how far he needed to go to get something.

But he is not in a hurry, because if he goes up, he may fall under the eyes of others.

He needs to be prepared enough below to deal with any emergencies.

For example, engrave some formations, or look at the formation patterns of heaven and earth.

Let the power of heaven and earth increase.

"Tomorrow will enter 4.7, let's go shopping down there for another day." Lu Shui thought to himself.

Once he reaches 4.7, he may overcome the tribulation at any time.

He can try to deal with any sudden situation at that time.

It's just the sudden gaze that can easily disrupt his plan.

Especially not being able to fight it.

It was easy to find out.

Without thinking too much, Lu Shui thought it was better to upgrade to 4.7 first.

And there are three soybeans to help him find the way, and there will be more or less harvest tomorrow.


noon the next day.

Mu Xue sat on the seat, she was waiting for that bad little girl to come over.

The power of the opponent's stomach should be digested almost.

"Ding Liang, buy me a dessert, it will take the rainy and snowy season." Mu Xue said to Ding Liang who was feeding Bingfeng.

She didn't want to be heard by Ding Liang when she made a noise later.

At that time, I think it's not good that she has lovesickness.

"What kind of lady do you want?" Ding Liang immediately responded.

"Hmm~" Mu Xue thought for a while and said:

"Order often."

"Okay." Saying that, Ding Liang left the yard.

Her lady often ordered it, so she naturally didn't know it.

After all, her miss always goes with Young Master Lu, no one will follow her in.

But she doesn't know, it doesn't mean the three sisters don't know.

Just ask.

Seeing Ding Liang leave, Mu Xue turned to look at the sky.


Mu Xue said softly.

She was actually curious about where the only place the true god could perceive was.

In fact, she also has some interests in the only true God Nine.

But only a few.

After all, he had never heard of this name in his previous life.

"I don't know if it has something to do with the place Lu Shui went to, if it does, take a peek at Lu Shui.

Just a glance. "

Mu Xue leaned on the table, resting her chin, thinking happily.

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