The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 299 Mu Xue perceives the power of heaven and earth

Ye Xin looked at all this, he didn't hesitate too much.

Not too much doubt.

In other words, truth and falsehood are not that important to him.

Because whether it is true or false, he is willing to give it a try.

Willing to ask for it.

That is the belief in his heart, the direction he yearns for, and all the light in his heart.

For her, he can go to hell and suffer, why can't he worship this person?

Ye Xin lowered his body and knelt down slowly.

At this time, there was nothing else in his mind, only the picture of it with a bird when it was young.

Some of them were young animals running on the grass in the arms of a little girl.

Some are told by a girl in the sunset that she is going to make a wish.

Some are the words that he will never forget in this life:

"My wish is to turn you into a human being."


A soft sound sounded under the tree.

All heard it, all saw it.

I saw a man kneeling on the ground under the tree, and saw his head lightly touch the ground.

He bowed down.

Then everyone heard a pleading voice:

"Please save her."

Everyone is watching, they don't know what will happen next, the only thing they can do is watch.

At this time, they all looked at the figure in the sky.

Ancient Buddha Youluo was also watching, but he was just watching.

At this time, Lu Shui lowered his eyebrows and looked at Ye Xin under the tree, with a smile on his lips.

Then his voice came out.

Incomparably vast and shocking:

"as you wish."

The moment the sound fell, everyone felt the earth on the other side shaking.

The space seems to be distorted.

Afterwards, countless streamers began to gather in the sky.

On the reincarnation tree, endless brilliance bloomed.

Everyone was watching this scene, they didn't know what was going to happen.

But they feel that everything in front of them is distorted, and new things are emerging.

The old man on the edge of the stele was stunned.

He stood up and looked at the incredible opening in the sky:

"The other shore is open, and the other shore is about to open."

Others naturally heard the old man's voice, but no one understood what he meant.

The Ice Sea Goddess and the Second Elder at the rear also heard it.

"The other shore is open?" The second elder looked around, she wanted to see what changes would happen later.

What about the real other side?

The Ice Sea Goddess looked at the Reincarnation Tree, and she felt that the Reincarnation Tree seemed to have reached the pinnacle, and the change was just behind.

At this time, a round of pure white light condensed in the sky.

It seemed to condense the white light of the entire other side of the coast.

After the white light condensed, Lu Shui came before this round of white light, reached out and lightly tapped this round of white light.


A silent explosion followed, and the light group that seemed to condense all the white light exploded.

The ultimate light shines on the other side of the earth.

At this moment, Lu Shui frowned. He always felt that something was wrong, but he didn't notice anything.

Just keep vigilant, the most urgent thing is to solve the matter here.

Once it has started, it cannot be stopped.

Ye Xin looked at all this, he didn't know why the other party did this.

But soon he heard an ethereal voice from above the sky, it was Lu Shui's voice:

"The flowers on the other side are blooming."

Everyone heard the voice, and everyone couldn't believe it.

Because there are no flowers on the other side.

It's just a wasteland here.

Gufo Youluo looked at all this, his eyes were full of shock, he stared at the ground to see if what the other party said was true or not.

If it is true, then the other party is simply unacceptable.

Ye Xin also looked around.

He remembered what the true god told him, that the blooming of the other shore flower is the beginning of the fruiting of the reincarnation tree.

At this time, the light fell, Ye Xin looked at the light falling beside him, and then he found bright red flowers suddenly appeared in the barren land.

The flowers are all over his feet.

Then quickly extend outward.

As far as the eye can see, flowers are blooming everywhere, sweeping the entire land along the coast like a wave.

Ye Xin stared blankly at all this, his vision began to blur:

"Really, really open.

After so many years, the other shore flower has really bloomed. "

"I've been waiting for countless years." Ye Xin knelt there, a drop of tear fell on the Bana flower.

Countless years.

He waited for hope.

The second elder also saw it, and the light fell, and the flowers of the other shore began to spread all over the land on the edge of the shore.

She looked at the other shore flowers blooming under her feet, and for a moment she didn't know how to deal with it.

"It turned out that the reason why I couldn't find the Bana flower was because the Bana flower didn't grow in the land I saw.

If no one opens the other shore, you will not see the other shore flower. "

The second elder looked at the flowers and felt the changes around him.

She could clearly sense that the entire other side was undergoing earth-shaking changes.

"Blooming, the other shore flower actually bloomed.

Who is this person? "The Goddess of Ice Sea looked at the figure of that person in the sky.

It's hard to say whether the presence of the other party will affect them.

The light shines on the earth, and the entire land on the other side is full of flowers.

In just a few breaths, as far as the eye can see, they are all flowers of the other side.

Miao Tong and the others were stunned and worried.

Now they don't know what to do.

At this time they saw the old man came to the bank of Wangchuan River.

"Senior, is there any change?" Miao Tong asked.

Others also want to know, but they haven't waited for the old man to speak.

A new voice came down from the sky again.

As if using words to achieve change:

"The River of Forgetfulness."

Lu Shui looked down at the Wangchuan river, and then stroked lightly.

The power of heaven and earth followed.

The next moment, a majestic aura appeared in the entire Wangchuan River.

Immediately after, the people staying below were thrown out directly.

Lu Shui's voice fell, and the old man beside the stele respectfully bowed to Lu Shui:

"Respect the decree of the law."


The water of the Wangchuan River flows out from the earth and flows down from the upper reaches without stopping.

The water of the Forgotten River runs along the channel of the Forgotten River and passes through the entire other side.

At this time, the old man turned into a ray of light and sank into the river.

Together with that stone tablet, the stone tablet submerged into the river and turned into a small boat, with an old man sitting in the stern.

There was a bead next to the old man, and the bead turned into an oar.

Then the boat and the old man disappeared on the Wangchuan River.

"Here, what's going on?"

someone asked immediately.

"The Ferryman of the River of Forgetfulness?"

"Did you say that?"

"Don't worry about it, but the other party may have this similar identity."

"Yes, no wonder he can help people cross the river."

"Then when we cross the river and walk in the middle, we always encounter mental turmoil. What's going on?"

At this time, everyone looked up at the sky above the river, and they remembered that there would be something unusual in the middle.

When they looked over, they saw a vague figure.

It seems to be a woman.

She seemed to be facing an indescribable existence in the sky.

Lower your body and wait for the other party to speak.

At this time, Lu Shui could perceive the situation on the other side, and no one was against him.

He is ready, if anyone dares to stop him.

Just cross the robbery directly, and deal with it while crossing the robbery.

Soon Lushui moved to the next step.

Facing the direction of Naihe Bridge, he said softly:

"Naihe Bridge is here."

Hearing Lu Shui's voice, on the Naihe Bridge, the figure bowed his head respectfully, and then a clear female voice came out:

"Respect the decree of the law."

At this moment, a quaint wooden bridge appeared on the Wangchuan River.

The bridge body slowly emerged from nothingness, and then landed on the Wangchuan River.

And in the center of the bridge, stood a woman.

A young, but expressionless woman.

She is wearing a red dress and has a beautiful face.

But I just can't feel any anger.

The woman then disappeared from the bridge.

Is this the legendary Meng Po?

A lot of people think of this.

Although the underworld is not real, the rumors always carry some real color.

At this moment, on the opposite side of the Wangchuan River, invisible roads appeared one after another.

That is the way of life.

A different path.

"Is this the real other side?" The second elder was a little surprised.

The ice sea goddess was also surprised.

The red moon is in the sky, the flowers on the other side are blooming, the river of Wangchuan, and the bridge of Naihe.

This is the real other side.

"Then can the road of this life become more special? Will Lu Shui still go?" The goddess of ice and sea was a little puzzled.

At this time, Lu Shui was no longer stuck in the air, and the opening of this life had nothing to do with him.

The existence of the road in this life is not in the same system as that of the other shore, he felt a little strange.

But you'll find out after a while.

Now, he is going to find the Reincarnation Tree.

For the reincarnation tree, complete the final step.

When Lu Shui fell in front of the reincarnation tree, many flowers bloomed on the reincarnation tree at this time.

But only the middle one shows signs of fruiting.

This is the flower of the harpy.

Everything is available, only the last trace of strength is missing.

The entire coast of the other side is making a foil for this flower.

Everything is prepared by the true god for the reincarnation tree.

There are no flowers on the other side, the river of forgetfulness is cut off, and the bridge is lost, all because of this reincarnation tree.

This is a part of rebirth, the reincarnation of power, the intersection of the beyond and the heaven and the earth.

Therefore, without the power to control the world, there is no way to clean up the mess left by the true god.

In today's world, except him and Mu Xue, no one can help Ye Xin.

This is not a question of combat power.

When Lu Shui fell, Ye Xin stared blankly at Lu Shui's figure. He didn't know what to say or what to do.

In the end, he thanked him without words.

Lu Shui looked at the flowers on the reincarnation tree, then at Ye Xin, and finally gathered a little strength in front of Ye Xin.

"Catch this power and integrate it into the reincarnation tree, and your wish will come true."

After speaking, Lu Shui turned into countless lights and disappeared in place.

He has done everything that should be done, let Ye Xin do the last step.

Ye Xin froze for a moment, then carefully stretched out his hands to catch the trace of strength.

He looked at a trace of power in his hand, a power he couldn't comprehend.

The power exudes a gleam and contains endless possibilities.

Ye Xin got up and walked towards the reincarnation tree when he was sure that the power was lying in his palm.

At this time, the reincarnation tree started to move, and the reincarnation tree, which was only one step away from success, became active.


It was still dark.

Ding Liang got up and got busy.

After finishing the work, I started feeding Bingfeng.

While feeding, she glanced at the location of her lady's room.

"It seems that the lady didn't get up so early."

She was actually very worried that her young lady would go to water the flowers in Young Master Lu's yard early in the morning, and she was most worried about watering the flowers at night.

Whenever the lady has something on her mind, she will water the flowers at night.

"I don't know if Young Master Lu will come back a few days late, and Miss will water the flowers at night."

Ding Liang muttered.

In fact, she hoped that young master Lu would come back soon.

This lady will be happy.

Only when Young Master Lu was around, would she feel that her young lady was very happy.

Don't laugh, you can know that.

Being in love is scary.

Thinking like this, Ding Liang planned to go to the small town.

It was to prepare her lady's breakfast. Although her lady might be called to have breakfast by Mrs. Lu, she still had to prepare it.

In fact, Lu's kitchen will also prepare, and she mainly prepares some that her young lady likes to eat.

Just be ready.

If the lady doesn't want to eat it, give it to Bingfeng. Bingfeng likes it quite a bit.

"It should be dawn when I get back. It would be great if the miss let me comb her hair."

Ding Liang felt that his workload was too little.

Especially when it comes to grooming and grooming.

It's all done by the lady herself.

She feels unemployed.

Then Ding Liang left the yard.

Not long after Ding Liang left, there was a sound from Mu Xue's door.

It was Mu Xue who got up.

At this time, Mu Xue was wearing long-sleeved trousers and her hair was simply tied up, looking more casual.

She looked at what she was wearing and thought that Lu Shui would definitely like it.

Lu Shui prefers to wear less, but she is not used to it. When she gets married, Lu Shui can see her in whatever she wants.

Well, in the room.

In the room, she would get used to it, after all, it was only Lu Shui who saw it.

Without thinking too much, Mu Xue walked out of the room and looked around.

"Ding Liang is out?"

After that, Mu Xue didn't care, and walked out of the yard slowly.

I went in the direction of Lushui Yard.

A flower is about to bloom today, she went to see it.

Soon Mu Xue came to the outside of Lu Shui's courtyard, and as soon as she arrived, she subconsciously looked at the pavilion in the courtyard.

Well, I still haven't seen Lu Shui sitting there.

"It's been three days, and I don't know how many days it will take to come back." Mu Xue murmured silently in her heart.

Then gently came to the seat in the pavilion and sat down.

The seat is next to where Lu Shui often sits.

Then Mu Xue rested her chin on her hands and looked at the flowers not far away.

Here she is very familiar, so there is no need to sit dignified.

Just sitting for a while, Mu Xue sensed someone approaching.

is in heaven.

"Have you noticed it?" Mu Xue was not surprised.

Now she doesn't have anything to do, so she can help this little guy deal with things and pass the time.

By the way, let's see what the little guy can perceive and what it is about.

"It might be the same as last time, it has something to do with Jiu." Mu Xue thought.

The only true god in the world, she didn't understand the specific situation.

It would be good if I could find out through the bad girl.

With a whoosh, the little girl with colorful hair landed beside Mu Xue, she was a little happy but also a little anxious.

But seeing Mu Xue staring at her, she sat down obediently, and then said:

"I feel it, the feeling of calling has become stronger, and I can know where I am right away."

Mu Xue nodded, then said:

"Put your hand out."

Although the little girl with colored hair was puzzled, she obediently stretched out her hand.

Mu Xue drew a rune on the hand of the little girl with colorful hair, saying:

"Wait for the past, it's about to arrive, activate this rune.

so that i can pass. "

The little girl with colorful hair touched the rune curiously, and then activated the rune with a bang.

Mu Xue waved her hand, and the rune became calm:

"Activate when you arrive."

"Yeah." The little girl with colored hair nodded immediately.

Mu Xue touched the little girl's head, feeling that this bad little girl is very cute.

"How long have you lived in Fengshuanghe?" Mu Xue asked curiously.

The little girl with colored hair thought for a while, then shook her head:

"I don't remember, I was in God's Domain when I woke up."

"What about before waking up?" Mu Xue asked.

The little girl with colored hair shook her head.

"Does God's Domain look good?" Mu Xue asked.

For the rest, she doesn't care much.

Upon hearing this question, the little girl with colorful hair said excitedly:

"Shenyu is very good, you can see a lot of fish and shrimp, they have many colors, but none of them have as many colors as my hair.

They are envious of me. "

The little girl with colored hair touched her head as she spoke, feeling very proud.

"Is there anyone to play with you?" Mu Xue asked.

"As the only true god in the world, you don't need a playmate.

The true God is the true God, and he is not a child. "The little girl with colored hair said stiffly.

Mu Xue looked at the little girl with colorful hair and didn't speak for a while.

But at this time, she found that the little girl with colorful hair began to have a faint light, as if something was connecting her.

very strong.

"I sense it, I know the location." The little girl with colorful hair said excitedly.

"Then let's go." Mu Xue said.

Naturally, she will not leave Mu's house in person, as long as her strength goes out.

The little girl with colored hair responded, jumped into the air, and then disappeared into the sky.

She passed directly across the space.

As the only true god in the world, he still has this ability.

Mu Xue looked at the direction in which the little girl with colorful hair left, but didn't speak.

Just quietly waiting.

It won't be long before you should be able to sense the activation of the rune.

After a while.

Mu Xue didn't feel anything.

"Not activated? Encountered difficulties?"

Mu Xue is not worried, although the little guy looks like a child, but it is not too much for her to call herself the only true god.

The divine power he has is also not to be underestimated.

It's easy to beat her, but hard to kill her.

"Speaking of which, why did you never see her in the last life?

This is unreasonable. "

Mu Xue didn't understand, so she could only see it in the past two years.

See if something went wrong.

Just when Mu Xue's thoughts stopped, she finally sensed that the rune was activated.


On the endless sea, the little girl with colorful hair stumbled and finally stabilized her figure.

"It's strange that the divine power inside has been sealed." The little girl with colorful hair touched her head.

Just accidentally bumped into it.

As a true god, it will naturally not be called pain.

The power of the true god cannot be damaged.

At this time, the little girl with colorful hair saw a passage in front of the sea area, and there seemed to be a crimson light in the passage.

"The divine power is still a bit short, it would be great if you can still eat the divine power."

The little girl with colorful hair activated the rune on her little hand as she spoke.

Then a purple light began to appear.

Then the purple light condensed into the appearance of a woman, and the person who came was naturally Mu Xue.

At this moment, she was still wearing a purple veil, making it impossible to see through her face.

As soon as Mu Xue came out, she heard the voice of the little girl with colorful hair:

"It's here, but there seems to be something unexpected inside, and I can't get in."

"Let me see." Saying that, Mu Xue turned her head and looked forward.

She saw a passage in front of the sea, and there seemed to be a brand new coast on the opposite side of the passage.

"The other shore?" Mu Xue was not surprised.

Then she looked up, and there was a crack in the sky, as if it was forced to open by something.

Something does happen by accident.

"But this is the coast of the other side, so Lu Shui must be in there too?" Mu Xue was a little happy, so that she could sneak a look at Lu Shui.

Then wait at home for Lu Shui to come back.

"Let's go in and have a look." Mu Xue said.

She sensed divine power, and it seems that this place is indeed related to the only true god in the world.

But can't stop her.

It has no effect on her.

The little girl with colorful hair followed behind Mu Xue.

Then Mu Xue and the others approached the entrance, but just as they reached the entrance, a strong force burst out from inside.

Followed by a male voice:

"The flowers on the other side are blooming."

This voice is ethereal, full of power between heaven and earth.

At this moment, Mu Xue, who was planning to enter the other shore, stopped immediately.

She just stood at the entrance of that coast, neither going in nor leaving.

Also did not speak.

The little girl with colorful hair looked at Mu Xue curiously.

Does she think it is too difficult?

As a human being, it is indeed difficult.

"Is it difficult to deal with?" The little girl with colorful hair touched her fingers and asked in a low voice.

This is the duty of being a true God.

Mu Xue touched the head of the little girl with colorful hair, and said softly:

"Let's wait."

The little girl with colored hair naturally wouldn't say much.

As a true god, he disdains to cause trouble for mortals.

Mu Xue stood like this, as if waiting for the development inside.

Then she once again felt the power erupting from the entrance of the shore, followed by another ethereal and ethereal voice:

"The River of Forgetfulness."

Mu Xue looked at the entrance of the coast, and she just looked at it.

I didn't extend my power into it, and I didn't think too much about it.

After a while, the power exploded again, and the voice also came out:

"Naihe Bridge is here."

Mu Xue heard the sound three times, she waited for a while, and found that there was no sound coming out.

"There is a power inside, it seems to be more powerful than my divine power." The little girl with colorful hair said while staring at the entrance of the sea.

But she couldn't tell what power it was.

"The power of heaven and earth." Mu Xue explained softly:

"A power based on heaven and earth, similar to divine power."

"Is he blaspheming?" the little girl with colored hair asked.

Isn’t it blasphemy to compare with God and fight against God?

"He is doing things for the true god, this is his wish." Mu Xue said.

"Human beings should have wishes, and I should satisfy them." The little girl with colorful hair floated up, subconsciously expressing her true god position.

After saying that, I feel something is wrong.

Mu Xue didn't care, but looked at the other side of the coast, and said to herself silently:

"The power of heaven and earth, and not the superficial power of heaven and earth.

It is the improved full version of Power of Heaven and Earth. "

"So it is.

Does he not change his voice? "

There was a hint of a smile in Mu Xue's eyes, and she thought about many things for a while.

Also figured out a lot of problems.

"No wonder you're not fascinated by me, no wonder you like me and don't show it, no wonder you're so skinny.

The notebook is almost full.

He did it on purpose.

Deliberately provoke me, occupy myself knowing that I can't lose my temper. "

Mu Xue puffed her cheeks:


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