Mu Xue was still sitting by the bed.

It was already bright, but fortunately, I was fine this morning, otherwise I would be a little rushed.

However, Lu Shui finally relied on the power of others, and she was curious about what happened.

If you can borrow it all the time, it will be very troublesome.

Although the problem is not very big.

But it will be troublesome to fight at the beginning of next month.

She wanted to suppress it unilaterally.

If he had that level of strength, Lu Shui would have escaped very quickly.

It's not right, after all, she didn't plan to hide it, so she just wore a veil, so Lu Shui didn't dare to escape.

If he dared to escape, he was telling her that Lu Shui was also reborn.

In this way he dies.

Death to the outside world is also death.

So when you beat Lu Shui for the first time, you don't have to worry about anything.

Open beating.

See if he dares to resist.

"I have to ask, what's the matter with that kind of power blessing, last time Lu Shui bought insurance, I don't know if it's related.

The head of the celestial girl has not yet answered.

Get in touch. "

Mu Xue thought in her heart, and then planned to go out to water the flowers, Lu Shui should be back today or tomorrow.

This time she also knew a lot of things.

It's just that Lu Shui was doing it.

She is a little daughter-in-law, so it won't affect Lu Shui's prestige outside.

Then Mu Xue took out her notebook and made another note.

Lu Shui called her the master in front of her, suppressed his wife, and gave him an extra punch.

"Eleven thousand is several punches, rounded up, 12,000 punches."

"Oh, and an extra leg."

"There are still socks, forget about it"

Mu Xue looked down.

Well, Lu Shui must be humiliated.

Lu Shui knew it was her, so he wouldn't be angry.

It's just inconvenient outside, but it's fine at home.

It's a pity that I couldn't find the opportunity at home.

It's fine at her house.

"Well, it's decided, after beating him up this time, when we send me home, I'll beat him up again.

Anyway, during this period, he will definitely spread hatred on me again. "

After all, Lu Shui held grudges.

She is different from Lu Shui, she doesn't hold grudges, she takes notes.

Mu Xue walked out of the room.

It was found that Ding Liang was still feeding Bingfeng.

"Miss, what do you want for breakfast?" Ding Liang asked immediately.

She prepared three different ones, and there was always one that the lady liked.

"Sweet." Mu Xue thought for a while and replied.

After all, after thinking about it just now, he immediately thought of Lu Shui.

So, eat something sweet.

Lu Shui is coming back.

Ding Liang naturally didn't say anything, but immediately went to take out the prepared things.

Mu Xue sat at the stone table in the yard.

She was waiting for Ding Liang to bring her breakfast.

Actually it's getting late now.

At noon, I have to go find my mother and the others.

Chacha should be back two days late. If there is no danger, she must go on an adventure again.

It's just that Mu Xue, who just sat down, suddenly received a communication request from the head of the heavenly girl.

"Just to ask about insurance."

Mu Xue whispered to herself, and then connected to the communication of the head of the goddess.

As soon as she connected, she saw the head of the heavenly girl kneeling on the ground.

"Greetings, Lord Goddess." The head of the Goddess kowtowed respectfully.

Although Mu Xue has seen a lot, she still can't get used to it.

If Lu Shui saw him kneeling directly in front of her, he would have to laugh at her.

In fact, she mentioned it several times, but the head of the heavenly girl knelt down, as if out of instinct.

There was nothing she could do.

"What's the matter?" Mu Xue asked.

"There are two things." The head of the celestial girl knelt down, then looked at Zi Qi in front of her and said:

"Last time, Lady Goddess asked us to look up Moxiu who bought insurance, and we found it.

I didn't check it all before, but this time it's more complete. "

"What is it?" Mu Xue asked.

The news came late, but it was okay.

At least I didn't wait until she finished fighting Lu Shui to find out.

"At the beginning, we found out that there were people who bought and sold security tickets.

It is said that it is the current era of magic repair.

It is said that his location is in Chaotic Sea.

Later we found out that the one who sold the guarantee ticket was not Moxiu Shishi at all.

But his disciple, Moxiu Ji'an.

He is selling the life-protecting magic weapon his master gave him.

Commonly known as a security ticket. "The head of the heavenly girl said.

Mu Xue was a little surprised.

This Moxiu Jian really has a big heart.

He actually sold all the magic weapons that his master left him for protection.

Are you so short of money?

"Do you know what the guarantee ticket is?" Mu Xue asked.

She wanted to see if she could correspond with Lu Shui.

If he could cope, it would be good to know how many hands Lu Shui had.

The defense still needs to be guarded against.

In case of being attacked successfully.

You have to use nirvana.


"There are three kinds of guarantee tickets, one is the power blessing guarantee ticket, which is said to be able to pass on 30% of the magic cultivator's current power.

Moxiu's current strength should be above the eighth rank.

The second is the space isolation guarantee ticket. It is said that when it is opened, the user will be automatically isolated, and then pulled away by the magic repair time.

The third is therapeutic. It is said that it will wrap the whole body directly and powerfully. Although it is not particularly exaggerated, it can last for a day.

By the way, Moxiu is a person with multiple talents nowadays, the first one is physical talent, Wanyuan body.

The second is spatial talent. "The head of the heavenly girl said all the high probability that she knew.

Then add the ending:

"Probably so."

Mu Xue was a little surprised, this person is really talented.

Naturally used as an auxiliary material.

If this is placed next to Lu Shui, it will be his biggest help before the seventh level.

But adding strength to Lu Shui is not easy.

Even the Wanyuan Body has to bear tremendous pressure.

If you come twice more, you will probably have a psychological shadow.

Because of 30% of the power, Lu Shui exerted several times, dozens or even hundreds of times the power of Qiang Moxiu himself.

Although it is not considered a power eater, there must be pressure.

"Are there many power guarantee tickets?" Mu Xue asked.

"Rarely, it is said that each person only sells one at most." The head of the heavenly girl said immediately.

She didn't know why the goddess wanted to buy it.

The Goddess is so powerful that it is unimaginable, and that Demon Cultivator is definitely no match for the Goddess right now.

So she didn't understand, what's the use of guarantee tickets?

Just one? Mu Xue felt that Lu Shui had nothing to rely on.

But Lu Shui's strength is not weak.

At that time, he had absolutely no need to use the security ticket.

It's just that the aura is not that strong.


Use the power of heaven and earth.

Mu Xue felt that Lu Shui did not lose money this time.

Keep so much power of heaven and earth.

As for the space isolation guarantee ticket, Mu Xue didn't care at all.

She didn't care if it wasn't the power from Lu Shui's hands.

Only Lu Shui deserves her attention.

"What about the second thing?" Mu Xue asked.

For the magic repair, you can turn the page directly.

The head of the Tiannv naturally understood, and said immediately:

"It's related to the Tang family. The last time the Tang family sent a Gu worm, it was only a few days after Goddess inquired about the Tang family's situation with the Gu people on the plateau.

We inquired many times, confirmed and confirmed.

Then yesterday I figured out the general reason.

So tell Goddess today.

The Tang family said it was something for Goddess.

We have confirmed that it is Gu God. "

Mu Xue was stunned for a moment, but felt normal again.

The news has leaked out, it is impossible for the Tang family to keep Gu God.

So directly choose the goddess who appeared in the Tang family.


But the Tang family definitely won't suffer, they should have gotten something useful from Gu God.

And this pot is tantamount to letting the Tiannvzong, that is, her goddess, carry it directly.

"What price did the Tang family pay?" Mu Xue couldn't believe that the other party didn't pay anything.

It would be difficult for the Tang family to survive until now.

Moreover, the head of the Tiannv School has been running the Tiannv Sect for many years. Although she doesn't know how to make it bigger and stronger, she can still know if someone wants to harm her.

Besides, there is Suluan helping her, so she must know what the Tang family is up to.

"A lot of rare poisons were given.

There are also some hidden weapons and magic weapons, plus a lot of spirit stones.

There is also a group of spirit beasts that poison and detoxify.

And a batch of extremely rare poisons and elixirs.

It really helped Qian Lingfeng a lot.

The Tang family's attitude is very firm.

We can't accept it. "The head of the heavenly girl said in a low voice.

Not accepting it means that the Tang family is about to perish, and the Tiannv Sect has goddesses, so they can accept them.

But it took some time to investigate and figure out the situation by the way.

Of course, there is no way to hand over the Gu God directly.

"Then what trouble did you cause?" Mu Xue asked.

Gu God is in the hands of Tiannvzong, so there must be troubles.

It is impossible for the Tiannvzong to live in the realm of comprehension in awe.

Not even her existing reputation.

"There are some first-class forces who want to buy the Gu God, and some want to come to the Tiannvzong to see the Gu God." The head of the Tiannv sect lowered his head and said:

"There are still some top forces who want to see Gu God.

And let's make an offer. "

The head of the goddess spoke very quietly, and she felt that she was going to trouble the goddess again.

In fact, there is nothing too dangerous, just don't bother the Goddess.

But I still need to ask the Goddess for instructions on this matter.

"Is Goddess interested in Gu God?

If you are not interested, you can sell it directly to Worm Valley.

They said they would pay a high price. "The head of the heavenly girl said softly.

Then he knelt there, waiting for the oracle from the Goddess.

Mu Xue didn't reply immediately.

Is Gu God useful?

In fact, Gu God is also useful.

After all, she grows up to be the mother god of all things.

Although it may have been crooked at the beginning, under her guidance, it is still very peaceful.

Will it still grow crooked in the end if it is given to others?

It is also beneficial to stay with the head of the heavenly girl.

The head of the celestial girl has the nine-turn immortality scripture, which can also assist.

And she will definitely not stay in the Tiannvzong in the future, and leave like the previous goddess.

Therefore, having a Gu God is also a kind of help for them.

The head of the heavenly girl didn't say anything.

Su Luan and the others also have potential.

"Leave Gu God, stay with you, and raise her in the future." Mu Xue said.

The head of the heavenly girl responded immediately:

"It's Goddess."

She accepted it, she is in charge, and she is familiar with it.

"Then what do those people want to buy, and what else do they want to see?" asked the head of the celestial girl.

"Unified rejection, by the way, send a letter to Insect Valley and tell them.

If you want to grab it, it's early. "Mu Xue said softly.

The head of the celestial girl immediately bowed down:

"Yes, my lord goddess."

"By the way, remember to let the Gu God recognize you as the master, and take her with you when you practice the Nine-Turn Immortality Manual in the future.

Don't teach her wrong. "Mu Xue asked.

If it's crooked, she's the only one to do it.

Well, let Lu Shui be the bad face first, and she will be the bad face.

Better results.

"Acknowledge the master?" The head of the heavenly girl was a little puzzled for a while.

According to Lady Goddess, did Gu God give it to her?

"Are there any other questions?" Mu Xue didn't specifically explain.

The head of Tiannv immediately thought about the news he had prepared before, and immediately said:


The treasure of Zhan Wuying has appeared. It is said that when the magic weapon was cast, a vision appeared in the world.

It may be a super magic weapon close to the Dao weapon. "

"Super magic weapon?" Mu Xue didn't know what to say for a moment.

Lu Shui was taught to be a human being because of the super magic weapon in his first life.

The other party can't teach in this life.

She was going to teach this man how to behave.

At that time, I will torture him again, whether it is aimed at Lu Shui.

From the conversation between Lu Shui and Jiu.

She found that the potential for targeting was high.

Because of the prophetic slate.

Lu Shui thought it was his younger brother and sister, so the source of the slate was in the Lu family.

Lu Shui didn't do anything in his last life, probably not.

But others didn't believe it, so they were testing Lu Shui.

"If I don't make a move this time, will he succeed in his temptation?

But the opponent must also belong to Xianting. " Mu Xue thought in her heart.

We'll talk about it later.

She's in no hurry, beat Lu Shui first.

And when she makes a move, she won't make the other party suspect anything.

To save Lu Shui from being considered by the other party as the person on the prophecy slate.

"Is there anything else?" Mu Xue asked again.

"The day of the Siren's alliance is coming, and the power of the Siren Queen may come at that time, so they hope that the goddess can take the time to come down with a little power." The head of the goddess said again.

"Okay." Mu Xue nodded in response, a little bit of strength is of course no problem.

Then the head of the goddess said some things that were not nutritious.

Then they ended the communication.

The head of the goddess knelt on the ground, and waited for the goddess to leave completely before she got up.

Some apprehension.

She wants to go out and talk to Senior Su Luan and the others.

Let's see what the Goddess means.

Not long after, the head of the Tiannv walked out of the room.

Elder Nanbei and Su Luan Suran were waiting for her outside.

After all, this time is not a small matter.

If Lady Goddess blames them, they will all be punished.

Although the head of the goddess has always said that it is good for her to take the blame, but the goddess directly points at the entire sect, and no one can escape.

Fortunately, Lady Goddess is still kind.

They are safe and sound so far.

You must know that every time the Goddess appears, although there is no big fight, the enemy will be wiped out.

Those so-called enemies are not worthy of Lady Goddess to touch her fingers.

Soon they saw the head of the heavenly girl coming out.

The four of them were a little anxious, especially when they saw the puzzled look on the head of Tiannu.

It's even more urgent.

But no one asks casually.

"I got instructions from the Goddess, but there are some things I don't understand." The head of the Goddess looked at the others and said.

"What did the goddess say?" Su Luan asked.

The matter of Gu God is too big.

As middle-level power they, even if there is a goddess to join them.

In fact, it is only standing firm in the middle power.

After all, the Goddess is hardly in the Tiannvzong.

None of them have a seventh rank so far.

This is true even if you have joined so many affiliated sects.

There is no goddess, and there is no comparison with the Tang family at all.

They belonged to the lower middle class before, and they were considered upper class when they became the Tiannvzong. After all, there is a goddess who is elusive.

Now due to the existence of the Gu God, they are not only being watched by first-class forces, but even top-level forces are eyeing them.

If all of these are not scruples about the Goddess, it will be the end of the day for the Tiannvzong.

So they are very concerned about what the goddess said.

"Master Goddess said to keep Gu God, and then said to directly reject those forces that want to visit.

Just reply to Worm Valley with a letter. "Heavenly Girl Head concluded and said.

"What?" Elder Nan asked curiously.

Su Ran was also very curious about what the Goddess would reply.

The head of the heavenly girl looked at them and said:

"Probably highlight a word, grab it as early as possible."

Everyone: "."

The Goddess is simply a god.

They dare not even think about such words.

Especially for top powers like Insect Valley.

Although there have been some changes in Chonggu Valley a while ago.

But they are still the top power.

No one dares to covet.

You know, the strongest in Insect Valley has always been fine.

But the Goddess actually let the other party grab it directly.

This really exceeded their expectations.

The Goddess is a little scary.

But every time they saw the goddess coming, they felt that it was normal to say such things.

My Goddess, it's unbelievable.

"Isn't this a good thing?" Su Luan was a little puzzled.

Goddess did not blame them, the meaning of this sentence was to support them.

But why is the head of the celestial girl unhappy?

"Master Goddess also said another thing." The head of the Goddess said.

"What is it?" Su Luan was a little worried.

So do others.

"Master Goddess said, let the Gu God recognize me as the master, and let me bring the Gu God with me when I practice the Nine-Turn Immortality Mantra, and said don't teach it wrong." The head of the goddess looked at the others and said:

"What does Goddess mean?"

"Maybe there is no other meaning, just let the head take in a Gu God, Gu God is extraordinary.

To be called a god must have a high intelligence, and it is easy to go astray if you don't teach it. "Elder Bei thought for a while and said.

"Don't take the blame?"

"Probably not."

"Is it abnormal not to take the blame? Someone should take the blame for such a big matter."


Su Luan thought for a while, could the Lord Goddess mean that, don't let Gu Shen learn to kneel when meeting people?


Lu Shui looked at the sky and found that it was really time-consuming to divide up the divine power.

If it can't be divided up tonight, then he will help.

These people are terrible.

It took so long to carve up such a little divine power.


Without the Goddess of Darkness and Xianting, the speed was almost a third slower.

Those people came prepared.

Buddhism is not strong.

It was just a thought.

"I don't know if I'm doing something big, and I can't send anyone."

Lu Shui guessed in his heart.

But no matter who it is, they must be doing some hidden things.

Such as Xianting.

That person was strong before.

He should have just woken up.

He also recovered a lot of power with the help of divine power.

Otherwise, let alone take half of the bodies of those three people.

He himself will stay.

As for whether the three were dead or alive.

Lu Shui didn't know.

It depends on how vital those people are.

If the vitality is strong, it should still be alive, and the strength must have plummeted.

If it is bad, there should be no help.

However, they carry a lot of divine power, which should be recovered.

In short, Xianting is not losing money this time.

The gods were crushed with some powers, plus a clone of the main god.

It can be said that the damage is the heaviest, but the gain is also the most.


Not promising.

Do not comment.

In the afternoon, Lu Shui took out the stone slabs he bought from Miao Tong.

This stone slab was indeed left by Jiu, and the upper and lower floors are just like this.

He read it carefully.

But what exactly is recorded on this stone, he does not know.

Anyway, it's different from the God Killing List.

The list of killing gods is not as powerful as this one, but the only true god is gentle.

Her strength is not enough to hurt people.

Even if it is countless times higher than others.

The divine power on the stone slab will echo the divine power left by Nine.

Wiping out the divine power before will more or less affect their competition for divine power.

It's almost the same now, erasing the divine power has little effect.

Then Lu Shui gently wiped it on the slate.

At this moment, the divine power on the slate was directly wiped away by Lu Shui.

When the divine power disappears, the contents of the slate are revealed.

However, Lu Shui could also feel that the stone slab would disappear completely in a short time.

Its existence is originally endowed by divine power.

Now that the power is gone, it will also disappear.

Lu Shui didn't pay attention to these, but looked at the contents of the slate.

It was some words, some words that he didn't know, but he could understand.

"Because the only true God, the world will change."

"I don't like this kind of world, I like a world full of life and stars."

"The strong stand side by side, seek the future, and explore the unknown world."

"But it's all ruined."

"I destroyed it myself."

"But I don't regret it. One day in the future, someone will come to me and end my hegemony."

"Looking forward to that day."

"It must have been a wonderful time."

Lu Shui frowned after reading this.

So Jiu became the only one, which means that there is a possibility of falling?

No, it means that she will choose to perish in the future.

Lu is the one who ended the era of true gods.

"Slaying God is actually just following the trend?"

But Lu Shui still didn't quite understand.

Why did Jiu choose to fall?

Do those people really have the courage to stand up to Nine?

"No, according to what Ming said, they fought, but no one went to compete with the true god."

"It seems that the way to kill a god is not necessarily to kill a god head-on."

As for what the true god said, it was impossible for Lu Shui to believe that Lu Shui killed her with a single palm of a dagger.

As Lu Shui finished reading, the stone slabs also began to disappear.

The days after Jiu became the only true God should be lonely.

Humans are almost extinct.

The other gods were obviously killed by her.

All powerful humans were exiled by her.

The world develops again.

True God does not walk in the world.

The day when Nine becomes active again will most likely be in ancient times.

Before the fall of the true god, it was the era of shining stars.

The strong stand side by side.

There was even the appearance of Lu, the person who could end the era of the only true god.

Jianyi, Emperor Zun, Buddha, Tianji, Toothache Immortal, etc., were all strong men of that era.

So that era may be the era Jiu most wants to see.

It is also her favorite world.

Lu Shui sighed.

"Unfortunately, after the fall of the true god, the world is still in chaos."

In ancient times, the four major forces fought against each other.

Almost wiped out all creatures and creatures again.

If it weren't for the inexplicable end of the battle.

It may be even more serious than when Jiu became the only true God.

After all, at that time, only living things were extinct.

In ancient times, the world was about to collapse.

The strength and the degree of destruction are not on the same level at all.

In the era of black and white kings, other technologies should be more developed.

The destructive power is much weaker than that of ancient times.

"It seems that if you want to know more, the best way is to find the secret, but unfortunately you don't have enough strength."

If he is strong enough, he can go directly to see Tianji.

Don't wait for the heavenly machine to send him a message.

"It's almost time, it's time to go back."

"In a few days, it seems that it will be the day when Qiao Ye gets married."

Lu Shui felt that there was nothing wrong with taking Mu Xue for a stroll.

After all, they will also get married soon.

Marriage is the tomb of love, but if you don't enter it, you will die without a place to die.

Does he have love with Mu Xue?

A world probably can't be buried.

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