The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 387 Do you want to know how strong I am?

Qiao Qian looked at her mother and said nothing.

After a while, she asked curiously:

"Does the family have other plans for brother's future?"

Under normal circumstances, as a waste young man, it is impossible to have any cultivation resources.

to a certain age.

Either work for the Qiao family, or go out and work hard by yourself.

Although her brother married Bingshui Ji, his status would be higher, but who knows how the Qiao family will treat them in the end.

"After marrying Ice Field and Snow Region, your brother doesn't have to do anything, as long as he stays in the family with peace of mind.

The Qiao family also didn't want to bear the reputation of not being able to support two people. " Qiao Yu said to her daughter.

Qiao Qian breathed a sigh of relief.

It looked like it was really good for her brother.


Who would have thought that in fact, everyone could not see the truth.

But she also thought about it, she was different from her brother.

She wants to compete for resources and become the most dazzling one in the Qiao family.

She has to go further.

Especially after seeing Jian Yifeng Jianqi and Daozong Yu Nirvana.

Can't be left behind too much.

Qiao Gan hung up the phone.

Walk towards the station.

This time, there is no turning back.

It's too late to regret now.

Finally Qiao Gan stood at the train station, the train was right in front of him.

Stepping in is equivalent to accepting the fate that was arranged.

He will also live the wasteful life he wants.

Looking back and leaving, maybe there will be a bright time.

The road is under your feet, and every step is a choice.

Qiao Gan's eyes were calm, and then he stepped into the train.

He already had the answer.

What he wants, he understands.

What to do, he knows better.

He will not force things that do not belong to him, and do not belong to the life he should have.

In the future, we may one day walk in the light of the world.

But he knows, not now.

To live is what he should do now.

Lu Shui is so powerful that he hides in the shadow of his family.

Let alone him!


The train started, heading for Qiao's house.


Lu Shui watched Gouzi eating the chicken drumsticks, and didn't speak for a while.

The Moon Clan is indeed somewhat special.

There is a high probability that Ming is the Moon Clan.

However, at present, there is still no clear evidence.

Need to go to the Moon Clan to see.

Maybe there is an answer.

"Do you know where the Moon Clan is?" Lu Shui asked the toothache fairy.

Gouzi has never been in contact with the Moon Clan, but the Toothache Immortal has.

"The Moon Clan of that period." Toothache Immortal thought for a while and said:

"It should be in the sky."

"Heaven?" Lu Shui looked up at the sky and said:

"On the moon?"

"The Moon Clan is a mountain city, it should have been fixed somewhere in the sky before.

Don't know now. "The Toothache Immortal said.

Over the years, the place has changed.

The earth has been reorganized many times, and no familiar shadows can be seen at all.

Only a certain place can be kept intact.

For example, the soldier's grave where the dog is located.

Lu Shui nodded.

It seems that they can't get the position of the Moon Clan.

It used to be in the sky, but now there is basically nothing in the sky.

It is possible on the moon.

Quite in line with the Moon Clan.

But going to the moon feels quite far away.

What are you doing running up there?

Taking Mu Xue on a date?

It's not impossible.

It's just inconvenient to find the Moon Clan.

Let Lefeng and the others go there when they have time.

Lu Shui had an idea in his mind.

The moon is not without practitioners.

This piece of land is the foundation of the cultivation world. Although there are practitioners outside, there are not many of them.

"Do you know Mingyue of the Moon Clan?" Lu Shui asked.

The toothache fairy shook his head, and the dog also shook his head.

Lu Shui asked some more questions.

But none got an answer.

For example, can the two parts of the Moon Clan be separated?

They don't know this either.

There is really little news about the Moon Clan.

However, there is a month-long kingdom in the ice and snow region, and there may be some gains.

Of course, the Moon Clan may also be the Kingdom of the Moon.

In short, it will pass in a few days, and you can also take a look.

After that, Lu Shui left Toothache Immortal's side, and he planned to ask Ye Xin.

Ye Xin probably didn't know either.

But this time it was Ye Xin who was looking for him.

Lu Shui was walking on the road when Zhen Wu Zhen Ling came to him.


Zhenwu said softly.

They came here because Lu Shui was looking for them.

So come here as soon as possible.

"Contact Le Feng and ask him to find a way to get the authentic biography of the gods and demons. If the other party refuses to make a move, let them investigate the other party's location clearly.

I will go there myself. " Lu Shui looked at the dessert shop in front of him and said.

He found that new products were released during the rainy and snowy season.

Mu Xue should like it.

Take one with you when you go home.

A thought flashed across, Lu Shui felt that he cared too much about Mu Xue?

How does this draw hatred?

Then pick a flavor she doesn't like.


Zhenwu Zhenling didn't know what was special about that book.

But if the young master wants it, it means it is special.

"By the way, let Lefeng and the others have time to investigate some Moon Clans. The Moon Clan is a place, and there is a certain possibility that it is on the moon.

If there are such clues, you can go up and have a look. "Lu Shui left the entrance of Flower Rain and Snow Season and headed for the park.

Ye Xin is usually there.

After Zhenwu responded, he reminded:

"Master, the snowy ice field has already started receiving guests. It seems that the wedding is about to begin."

He was just reminding their young master that they can pass over there during this period.

Lu Shui nodded.

Then let Zhenwu Zhenling do their own work.

Not long after, Lu Shui came to the park.

There are still people setting up stalls here.

Some people just come to join in the fun.

So continuing to set up stalls is definitely their best choice.

Under the woods somewhere, Lu Shui saw Ye Xin.

Probably looking for bugs under the tree.

I don't know if caterpillars and blue birds eat them.

"Master Lu." Seeing Lu Shui coming, Ye Xin called out immediately.

Hearing this, Lu Shui was a little surprised:

"I remember I didn't tell you my real name."

"Jiu told me." Ye Xin didn't hide anything.

Lu Shui: "."

How many people have you told this?

Omniscience is capricious.

These people always take advantage of being dead and do whatever they want with him.

Jianyi is like this, so is Jiu.

who is the next?

It is easier to talk to Tianji who is still alive.

However, the people on the God Killing List all have their own forces.

And most of them are fine.

Not to mention the three major forces such as Xianting.

Although Jianyi's Taoist sect and Jianyifeng have long been disconnected, they are still well spread.

An ancient Taoist sect extended two top forces.

Very strong.

Although far inferior to the original Taoist sect.

Luo Sansheng's Underworld and Ji Xun's Pure Land are even better.

It is definitely stronger than any current top power in the comprehension world.

Tianji's fairy mountain is not weak at all.

The Sea-Monster of the tide is even stronger.

The undead, uh, almost exterminated.

But the reputation is still there.

It seems that Xuechen still has descendants, and the title of Supreme Moxiu is still there, which shows that his power is still there.

And the Moon Clan of Mingyue.

Really disappeared.

No sound at all.

It feels more than a little weaker than others.

It's not that they are weak.

It's that the power's ability to survive is weak.

The undead were targeted, and the main members were disintegrated and went crazy.

Otherwise, it is absolutely not easy to mess with.

If the undead were not induced, they would collapse and collapse.

The battle between the four major forces in ancient times may be the battle of the five major forces.

"What else did Jiu tell you?" Lu Shui didn't think too much, but asked Ye Xin directly about Jiu.

The last time there was a divine power, he saw it.

So Ye Xin was not surprised to see Jiu.

Someone else should have seen Jiu.

"No, Jiu said that he just came out specially to help Siyao by the way." Ye Xin said.

Is Jiu so free?

He felt that Jiu overflowed with a lot of power.

Did you do something secretly?

Of course, Lu Shui didn't care either.

With the character of the only true God Nine.

Not to do anything bad.

Just do it, it's nothing to worry about.

But that blue bird did get a lot of changes, and it was fine before, after all, it came out of the reincarnation tree.

Not everyone has the opportunity to be a freshman.

"Suddenly came to me and sold fake medicine?" Lu Shui asked.

It's not about Jiu, it's most likely about fake medicine.

Ye Xin: "."

At this time, the blue bird on Ye Xin's head covered his face with its wings.

Feeling so embarrassed.

That's how it was said.

Was Ye Xin so embarrassed before?

But the blue bird had no idea of ​​escaping at all.

It will face everything together.

Like being embarrassed together.

After all, Ye Xin said that selling fake medicines would support it.

"There is no medicine for sale at the moment." Ye Xin explained.

Maybe it doesn't fit with the Lu family.

Selling medicine here is always regarded as selling snacks.

Is he really going to sell snacks?

If it really doesn't work, I will come to Qiuyun Town to set up a shop in the future and open a shop to sell snacks.

Not now, he wants to travel all over the world.

Take Siyao to have a look, and sell fake medicines if you have no money.

She must be able to support Siyao.

Ye Xin no longer thinks about the future, he has a serious business to find Lu Shui.

"Master Lu should know that I once joined the Buddha." Ye Xin looked at Lu Shui and said.

Lu Shui nodded:

"So it has something to do with Buddhism?"

"Yes, not long ago, I sensed that the Buddha might start to recover.

His power has already begun to affect the Buddhist fruit status.

Although I lost my fruit status, there are still some influences. "Ye Xin said seriously.

Lu Shui was a little surprised.

"It seems to be due to the divine power, I never thought that Jiu's divine power would directly awaken the Buddha.

Then the Immortal Court Emperor, the gods and true gods should also start to wake up.

I don't know how fast it will wake up. "

After making some guesses in his mind, Lu Shui looked at Ye Xin curiously:

"In your opinion, the awakening of the Buddha will bring about some changes?"

If there is no change, Ye Xin doesn't have to be so serious.

He didn't know the content of the future scriptures, and he didn't know that the Lu family was the target of the three major forces.

"The Buddha has begun to wake up, which means that the emperor of the fairy court, the true god of the gods, should also wake up.

Once these three wake up.

The three major forces will sweep the entire cultivation world.

At that time, the world of comprehension will definitely undergo tremendous changes.

For the cultivation world of this era, it is definitely a disaster. "Ye Xin spoke very seriously, especially since he knew that Lu Shui was not ordinary:

"Young Master Lu is not an ordinary person, and sooner or later he will face the three major forces.

So better be prepared.

But I don't know what the three major forces will do, and I don't know when the Buddha will really wake up. "

The specialness of Lu Shui and the strength of the Lu family are destined not to bow their heads in front of the three major forces.

Therefore, fighting is inevitable.

And Lu Shui's specialness, in Ye Xin's view, is the same since ancient times.

No one can beat it.

Therefore, there is a certain possibility of being directly targeted.

"Do you think that I am not an opponent of the three major forces?" Lu Shui asked.

"Master Lu, the Buddha is very strong. I can't say how strong he is, but he is very strong." Ye Xin said.

Lu Shui looked at Ye Xin with a smile and said:

"Do you want to see how strong I am?

Do you know Buddhist supernatural powers, one thought is eternal, right? "

"I don't know anymore." Ye Xin shook his head.

He is no longer a Buddhist.

Lu Shui said softly:

"You don't need to use it, you can do it once.

Do you want to see it? "

Ye Xin hesitated, he didn't understand.

Why does it take an eternity to see how strong Lu Shui is?

Can't it be expressed directly, or can one thought of eternity be seen more clearly?

So do you want to see it?

To be honest, he was a little curious.

However, it doesn't always feel good.

"If you don't watch it now, will you have a chance to know how strong Young Master Lu is in the future?" Ye Xin asked.

"It's hard to say." Lu Shui thought for a while and said:

"It's not related, you basically can't see me making a move."

Ye Xin was very confused.


He saw Lu Shui make a move once.

That's when the other side of the coast.

Under normal circumstances, he would not run to dangerous places.

"dont see."

Ye Xin made a choice.

Lu Shui: "."

If you don't read it, don't read it.

"A few questions for you." Lu Shui decided to ask what he wanted to know.

But Ye Xin's news is quite useful.

At least let him know the current recovery situation of the three major forces.

Others are fine.

Mainly those three.

Since the Lu family has become the protagonist on the prophecy slate, once these three wake up, it will be very troublesome.

Of course, it is very troublesome to wake up now.

After a while, if he didn't wake up, Lu Shui wanted to help them.

After all, if these three don't get up, the three major forces don't have the courage to make trouble.

"What does Young Master Lu want to ask?" Ye Xin asked.

He was actually curious about how strong Lu Shui was.

But his instinct told him not to look.

Don't look at it.

Therefore, he suppressed his curiosity and followed his own opinion.

In the future, even if you can't see how strong Young Master Lu is, you can still hear it.

Liuhuo's name is very loud.

Don't rush this moment.

"Have you heard of the Moon Clan?" Lu Shui asked.

Although Ye Xin lived a long time, his strength has not reached the peak of the cultivation world.

So he has no way of knowing events belonging to vertices.

However, the Moon Clan is not among them.

The probability of knowing is high.

"Moon Clan? Bright Moon?" Ye Xin asked.

"You know Mingyue?" Lu Shui was a little surprised that someone could name Mingyue directly.

Gouzi is indeed a dog, and Mingyue doesn't even know him.

The toothache fairy most likely went to bed early.

Ye Xin nodded:

"When I woke up one time, I met a member of the Yue clan, and he said his name was Mingyue."

"Tell me about it," Lu Shui said.

After the death of the true god, those who belonged to the list of killing gods basically lost the slightest reputation.

Ji Xun is like this.

She has been hiding in the pure land and never went out.

It's completely different from her when she was young.

"Actually, it's nothing. We just ran into each other on the road, and we chatted casually about some long-term matters." Ye Xin recalled:

"Mingyue said that the difference in the form of life has caused us to bear countless arguments in the world.

Only Nine is different.

She sees us as ordinary people.

Ever since Jiu fell, the cultivation world has changed.

Like a grown-up child, he went his own way.

Later, Mingyue also said that the Moon Clan crashed, and I planned to let the Moon Clan go to the moon, but after thinking about it, I should go to the Mist Capital.

No gossip there.

We just chatted like this, I was a little sad at that time, so we probably all felt that it was good for someone to talk.

Later, Mingyue was about to leave, he said, he was going to find a new opportunity and try again. "

"After that time, I never saw the Moon Clan or Mingyue again.

I don't even know who the other party is. " Ye Xin said.

Lu Shui was a little surprised, so he immediately knew where the Moon Clan was?

Ye Xin knows half and half here, but he really knows a lot of things.

"One person of the Moon Clan is two people, have you understood this?" Lu Shui asked.

"I know about it." Ye Xin nodded.

"Then can these two people be separated?" Lu Shui asked again.

Ye Xin shook his head, not because he didn't know, but because he couldn't:

"It is said that the range cannot exceed 100 meters."

"After the two of Mingyue separated, what were their names?" Lu Shui asked again.

"One is Ming and the other is Yue." Ye Xin continued:

"Mingyue told me about this. He said that their clan basically named them like this, which is convenient and simple."

Lu Shui: "."

It seems that Mingzhen is really a Moon Clan.

What is the relationship between the Namu Family and the Moon Clan?

Does the Mu family have Moon Clan blood?

It's scary just thinking about it.

But it's not right, there are no normal people in the Moon Clan, and it is impossible to have offspring with normal people.

Perhaps someone approached the place where the Moon Clan originated and was affected.

"Is the Kingdom of the Moon related to the Moon Clan?" Lu Shui was curious.

It feels related, but the Moon Clan is in the Mist Capital.

Then it doesn't matter.

"It should be a little bit related, but the Kingdom of the Moon is not the Moon Clan.

The kingdom of the moon appeared suddenly at a later stage.

Their life forms are similar to normal people, but their strength seems to be related to the Moon Clan.

What is the specific situation, you have to go and see to find out. "Ye Xin explained.

He still knows a lot about it.

Lu Shui nodded.

Ye Xin is indeed a living history book.

Know a little bit.

It's just not strong enough, and there aren't many things in contact with.

Now there is a high probability that they know clearly that the Moon Clan should be in the Misty Capital, and Ming was trapped in the Misty Capital by Lu.

There is some relationship between the origin of the Mu Family and the Moon Clan.

The Kingdom of the Moon is not the Moon Clan, but has some minor relations with the Moon Clan.

To put it simply, the only place that can go at the moment is the Kingdom of the Moon.

Moon Clan, you have to enter the Mist City later.

"By the way, are you free at the beginning of the year?" Lu Shui asked.

"New year?" Ye Xin thought for a while and said:

"There is a high probability that she has taken Siyao around in various places in the cultivation world.

What's the matter, Master Lu? "

He refused to buy counterfeit medicine.

"I'll look for you then." Lu Shui said.

He didn't intend to say it now, he just asked first.

When sending invitations, it's not like he couldn't send them.

After that, Lu Shui bid farewell to Ye Xin.

He intends to go back to reading.

It's just that the flower rain and snow season just happened to pass by.

New product promotion.

Bring a few by the way.

Go back to Lu's house.

Lu Shui handed the dessert to Mu Xue.

Mu Xue looked at Lu Shui with an obvious smile.

"Master Lu specially brought it for me?" Mu Xue asked.

"It's passing by, promotion." Lu Shui said expressionlessly.

"Then Young Master Lu knew that I like to eat, so he bought it for me?"

"This is the taste that Miss Mu hates."

"Master Lu remembers my taste preferences?"


That way we can't have a good chat.

Yayue and Yalin hid in the corner, and for a moment they wanted to get out over the wall.

I'm afraid it will affect my sister and brother-in-law.

It's a pity that Sister Chacha is not here, otherwise there must be a way to escape with them.

Finally, Lu Shui left Mu Xue's yard.

Sure enough, he was too kind to Mu Xue, and he has been getting more and more insatiable lately.

But it's close to the big plan.

Be patient first.


"Zhenwu has news again, just try to inquire about the Moon Clan.

There is a high probability that the Moon Clan will be in the Mist Capital. "Lefeng looked at the phone and said.

Now they are already in the Tiannvzong's library.

They watched for a long time.

It's just a pity.

Nothing to gain.

I always feel that this place is very comprehensive, but there is no literature about the goddess of the Tiannv sect.

At most, it means that there is a goddess.

There is no record of the specific situation.

This is somewhat unexpected.

"Young Sect Master probably has some new news, so shall we still go to the moon?" Nie Hao asked.

He hadn't been there, but he really wanted to.

But he is only a fourth-order god.

Need Le Feng to lead the way, be safe.

The fifth-level dharmakaya is better.

"Wait later." Le Feng shook his head and continued:

"At the moment, get things done with Moxiu and Bug Valley.

The three major forces always feel that they will also make moves. "

Nie Hao didn't say anything, the young suzerain's affairs were more important.

And he will be crossing the catastrophe in a few days.

I don't know what's going on.

Although the young master said that he could live, he would not relax in the slightest.

In the realm of comprehension, who dares to relax vigilance against the Heavenly Tribulation?

If there is, then there must be only the young suzerain.

"But now I need to find Fairy Suran, I don't know if she can sell that book." Le Feng said.

If they have no choice, they can only let the young suzerain come.

That book seems to be very important.

"I don't think it's a big problem, but the Young Sovereign asked us to spare time at the beginning of the year. Guess what it is?" Nie Hao asked Le Feng.

He felt that Le Feng must know.

"Do you still need to guess?" Le Feng looked at the book in his hand and said:

"Is there any major event in the Lu family recently?"

"A major event in the Lu family?" Nie Hao thought for a while, then froze for a moment:

"Master Lu got married at the beginning of the year?"

Lefeng nodded.

Nie Hao was stunned:

"Short, the Young Master invites us?"

"Are you only reacting now?" Le Feng was a little helpless.

Been talking about this for a few days.

"Isn't that a congratulatory gift?

But what do we give? "Nie Hao thinks this is a big deal.

"We will give whatever normal people give, do you still want to suppress other people?

You must know that once the identity of the young suzerain is known to the high-level, the high-level will also go.

If you don't want to be discovered by the higher-ups, keep a low profile. Le Feng glanced at Nie Hao and continued:

"There must be a lot of people going there, and the Lu family is not here to receive gifts.

Furthermore, the day when the high-level leaders challenge the young suzerain is approaching, and the high-level leaders will lose face when the time comes.

If we are found out by the higher-ups, we have been working for the young sect master.

There is no good fruit to eat. "

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