The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 396 I am the ruler here

Lu Shui walked in the ancient city, and now there was no sign of the ancient Buddha.

But when looking forward, Lu Shui felt that Zhen Tianzhu had some shocks.

"The cycle is coming?"

Reincarnation is a part of the Kingdom of the Moon, and the Zhentian Pearl can indeed escape the influence of reincarnation.

But standing in the main way is definitely death.

Then Lu Shui took out the mask and put it on.

Then put on the black robe.

The subsequent actions are not suitable for people to see.

"Let's go, the circulation is about to come in, there should be a lot of people coming in." Lu Shui said.

The others didn't say anything, and all put on black robes.

Lu Shui glanced at these people, and he felt that the number of people could be easily noticed.


Snap your fingers.

At this moment, an incomprehensible force covering Jianqi and the others covered them.

But they don't know what's different in themselves.

"Remember, don't tell people how many of us there are." Lu Shui stepped forward and instructed by the way.

As long as they don't tell, no one knows how many of them there are.

Chu Yu and the others looked at each other, expressing their incomprehension.

But everyone understands.

It should be done after that.

They are ready.

After all, there are people in the city on the gate of the Kingdom of the Moon, and they have all seen it.

The thigh should be talking about these people.

But Chu Yu looked at Qiao Gan and asked curiously:

"Did you sleep late last night?"

"I'm sick." The voice of Jian Luo came out.

"???" Chu Yu was a little surprised:

"Where's Qiao Ye?"

"Over here." Qiao Gan's voice came from the far left position.

In fact, it wasn't just Chu Yu who was surprised.

The others were actually a little surprised, because the positions of Jian Luo and Qiao Gan were different from what they expected.

Well, this is not important.

The important thing is Qiao Ye.

"Did you sleep well last night?" Chu Yu asked again.

Qiao Gan didn't answer.

He responded in silence.

Lu Shui was also curious about how Mingye spent last night.

He remembered that when he and Mu Xue got married, they were strangers at first.

But getting married still has some things to do.

Then he did it.

I don't know why, maybe it was drugged.

Sleep late or not, this

There is no concept of time, and it is not worth remembering anyway.

How old were he and Mu Xue at that time, and they knew relatively few things.

Especially Mu Xue.

Thinking about going through this kind of thing again, uh... maybe this time it will be normal.

After all, everyone is reborn, does Mu Xue still pretend to be shy?

Lu Shui didn't believe it.

Check it out then.

"There seems to be someone in front." Qiao Gan began to change the subject.

Qiao Qian and the others are also in the city.

Because of the danger outside, they didn't intend to go out of the city.

Instead, look for something in town and see if you can get anything.

When they first started checking, they felt that the city was a bit strange.

All the rooms are closed, not a single door can be opened.

They tried brute force.

Then it turns out that the door is breakable.

They breached a door, but were quickly taken aback.

When the door was broken, they saw two people sitting inside, two people dressed in simple clothes, but without the slightest expression.

Looking at them from the side, their bodies were a little shriveled, as if they hadn't eaten for a long time.

Then they saw the two men turn their necks suddenly.

It looked a little stiff, and after a while, the two people faced them and looked at them.

The eyes of the two people were wide open, as if they had some expressions, and they looked angry.

It's like asking the people outside why they want to destroy their door.

At that moment, Qiao Qian and the others felt a little strangeness and a strong danger.

The hairs all over his body stood up.

However, what made them even more incomprehensible was that the door that was originally destroyed was gradually restored.

In the end, there was no trace of damage.

Those two people also disappeared from their eyes.

No surprises.

After this incident, they no longer dare to approach the house.

Not to mention the random destruction of the house.

Because they never know what will be inside the house.

"What should we do now?" Qiao Qian asked the people next to her.

Qiao Yi and some of the stronger Qiao family members are all together.

It's too dangerous to separate.

Gather together and escape together easily.

Of course, if they encountered something they couldn't deal with, they would flee separately.

It depends on one's luck and strength to escape one by one.

"Look around first, there may be some rooms that can be entered, or related records." A fifth-level elder said.

It's too dangerous here, even the fifth level may not be able to solve it.

Especially the weird scene just now.

He felt an indescribable palpitation.

It seems that the opponent rushing out will directly devour them.

The Qiao family and the others naturally had no objections, and then they looked around.

When they came to the side of the main road, they suddenly heard footsteps.

clatter! clatter! clatter!

Very light footsteps.

The moment the footsteps appeared, everyone was shocked.

"The room, the sound of footsteps coming from the room." Qiao Yi said immediately.

He heard it right, there were footsteps in the room next to him.

At this moment, everyone looked at the room Qiao Yi was pointing at.

Then they heard it.

It was indeed the sound of footsteps.

And approaching the door.

As if going out.

Everyone is scalp tingling.

What they thought of was the two people before. If someone similar came out, they didn't dare to imagine what would happen.

At this time, the Qiao family and the others felt a powerful aura shaking, and they were ready to attack.

As long as the door is opened, it will attack.

However, something even more terrifying happened to them.

Footsteps began to be heard from other rooms as well.

The ancient city, which was originally dark at night, began to light up after the sound of footsteps.

Every house has lights, and every house has shadows reflected.

It's just that there is no other sound except light footsteps.

Not only did this twilight not bring a sense of security to Qiao Qian and the others, but it was even more weird.

They stared at every door, worried that someone would come out.

You must know that they saw the people inside just now, they didn't sleep, and they didn't seem to light the lights.

"Go back." The fifth-rank elder chose to go back without the slightest hesitation.

No one had the slightest objection.

The weirdness here is far beyond their imagination.

Even with Zhen Tianzhu, they don't have the slightest sense of security.

The few people retreated to the main road immediately, but just as they retreated to the main road, they found a group of people walked in outside the city gate at some point.

A group of people dressed in primitive costumes, with dry skin and no expressions in their eyes.

Somewhat similar to the people in the house, but not the same.

These people walked on the road, looking aimless.

But suddenly they stopped and looked at Qiao Qian and the others.

Then it moved.


Seeing this scene, the fifth-rank elder immediately shouted.

boom! ! !

Those shriveled people suddenly launched an attack, and it was very strong.

It is not something that Tier 3, Tier 4 or Tier 5 can resist.


A gleam of light fell.

Suddenly the opponent's attack became weaker.

The fifth-rank elder took the opportunity to repel them.

Then tell the others to escape first.

He felt that Zhen Tianzhu had played a role, but it might not last long.

Drag now.

It's okay to escape.

Qiao Qian and the others were surprised at first, but they came back to their senses immediately, and then started to flee.

It's just that when they started to escape, the faces of the group of people began to contort.

The next moment, they started to attack as if they were going crazy.



Even the weakened strength is not something Qiao Qian and the others can resist.

And the power is extremely strange.

Once the attacks of the Qiao family were close to those people, it seemed to be useless.

was distorted.

This is simply not someone they can deal with.

It's not normal here.

Those who besieged them were like irrational beasts, innocent souls in the abyss.

A little carelessness is a disaster.

will die.

Qiao Qian was flustered, but she remained calm.

At this time, you must not mess up your position, or you will only push yourself into the bottomless abyss.

There is no place to die.

Qiao Qian understood this truth.


The fear in my heart is lingering.


Qiao Qian was sent flying.

But she stood up immediately and began to try to escape.

It's just that my feet are shaking a little, and the darkness in my heart is spreading.

Don't panic, don't panic.

Calm down, be calm.

Qiao Qian was running, avoiding the attack from behind, she felt that she might have to stay here today.

She was trying to find a way, but there was nothing she could do.

Because she is not strong enough.

The gap is too big.

Despair is covering her, and the people behind are about to catch up.

Qiao Qian was on the run, and when she was powerless, when she felt fear in her heart, when she was desperately thinking about how to escape this catastrophe, suddenly she felt a black shadow flashing by her side.

"elder brother?"

This was the first instinct in her heart.

Soon Qiao Qian looked back.

She was a little surprised to see this.

A man in a black robe directly blocked the man who made her defenseless.

And still fighting back.


The force is hitting.

Just when she thought it was her brother who saved her again.

Suddenly several dark shadows appeared again.

These people rushed into the scene of the battle.

The originally chaotic battle scene became immediately clear.

Qiao's family members were rescued one by one, and shriveled people were repelled one by one.

Qiao Qian saw that the men in black robes of six paths were pressing down on those people and beating them.

All the power of those shriveled people seemed useless to the black robed man.


All shrunken men are repelled.

Joe's family couldn't believe it.

They have no way to deal with these people. When they fight, it is a unilateral crush.

But now these eight men in black robes made them somewhat incomprehensible.

The crowd that suddenly appeared was like a child meeting an adult.

Not an opponent at all.

The people of Qiao’s family immediately gathered together, and many people were injured.

If these black-robed people are their enemies now.

Then the consequences are unimaginable.

Yes, they have no idea whether the visitor is an enemy or a friend.

Even Qiao Qian didn't understand.

She couldn't be sure either.

Da da!

At this moment, they heard footsteps again.

Everyone's heart trembled.

But soon they discovered that the sound of footsteps was not coming from the room this time, but from the main road.

It was the direction from which the man in black came.

At this moment, they saw a man in black robe coming this way.

Come over slowly.

At this moment, they all understood that this person was the leader of the black-robed people.

Lu Shui came over.

At first they saw someone coming in.

Then I noticed that the lights in the surrounding rooms were on.

The atmosphere is a little weird.

But Lu Shui didn't care.

He planned to go up and chat with those who came into town.

Ask about the situation.

But before they could go up, the people from the Qiao family had an encounter with those who entered the city.

After Joe did it, they went up to help.

The enemy is strong and we are weak.

The reason why these people dare to rush up.

It was all because Lu Shui said something to them.

"When they fight against you, their strength will be pulled to your level."

Then these people suppress those people and beat them.

Jian Qi and the others became more and more surprised as they fought.

It's not that you can't beat it, it's too easy to beat.

They can clearly perceive that these people are very strong, and they don't know how much stronger than them.

But as long as they fight, the opponent's strength will drop suddenly.

into their level.

What ability is this?

Unheard, unseen.

It's terrible, isn't it?

What's the use of this state?

But soon they understood one more thing.

The realm of these people seems to be useless in front of Liuhuo thigh.

And their power is given by Liuhuo thigh.

So it's really nothing.

It's just that Liuhuo Thighs suppressed these people in a different way.

Well, this understanding is easy to accept.

Yes, this is Lu Shui's power here.

But it's of no use.

Just kidding kids.

It is useless to face some strong enough.

The members of the Qiao family looked at Lu Shui. The appearance of the other party could determine their life and death.

"Ex, senior." The fifth member of the Qiao family looked respectfully at Lu Shui.

He had no idea who the other party was or how he got in.

But he knew that the other party was definitely not someone he could afford.

Those who know the current affairs are Junjie, even if the other party is not invited, he still needs to pretend not to know.

Lu Shui glanced at each other.

Then he ignored the other party, but walked directly to Jian Qi and the others.

What are you talking about with these people?

waste time.

But these people are really not suitable to die here, otherwise they will easily lose contact with the outside world, causing Mu Xue to worry.

When Lu Shui approached, he directly asked Zhenwu and others to retreat.

"Let me talk to them." Lu Shui's voice came out.

But his voice was inaudible, or everyone heard a different voice.

Zhenwu retreated, and Qiao Gan and the others also retreated.

Then Qiao Yi and the others saw ten people standing behind Lu Shui.

They are a little worried, is this safe?

Those odd ones are strong.

But he didn't dare to open his mouth to question.

Yes, once Zhenwu and the others retreated at this time, the group of people would no longer be suppressed.

You must know that those people will suddenly burst out with extremely powerful attacks.

Lu Shui didn't pay much attention. He looked at those people, and then sat down slowly.

Zhenwu originally wanted to take out the chair, but he found that behind the young master there was a high chair made of intertwined forces.

Zhenwu: "."

Lost, unemployed?

Lu Shui sat on the chair in front of everyone.

The Qiao family and others didn't understand at all, so why did they sit on it.

Of course, this is not what they need to care about. What they really need to care about is that those people rioted again.

Yes, those who entered the city all looked at Lu Shui, as if they knew that this person should be the first to be dealt with.

In the next instant, their whole bodies twisted, and overwhelming power surged out.

This terrifying aura made the Qiao family and the others tremble with fear, it was not on the same level at all.

To them, such a huge and strange force is like a mountain that can directly crush them.

Now the mountain is about to come down.

The fifth-rank elder of the Qiao family wanted to remind him, but he couldn't speak for a while.

A powerful force is suppressing them.

Those people moved, and they all focused on Lu Shui.

The Qiao family and others watched like this.

Watching those people rush over.

They felt that the man in black would definitely suffer some shocks.

It's just that they were stunned very quickly, a little unbelievable.

Because they saw that the person sitting on the chair seemed to have changed for a while.

It seemed that a person of normal size suddenly began to grow taller and bigger, and in the blink of an eye, he seemed to stand upright.

Qiao Yi and the others, who noticed this scene, felt fear in their hearts, and their minds were shaken. Boundless fear grew in their hearts, and they were filled with great terror.

this, this feeling

Qiao Qian also remembered, the man in Shimen.

That horrible person.

Yes, is it him?

At this moment, they subconsciously lowered their heads and dared not look any further.

But the moment they lowered their heads, they saw it.

Seeing that group of people rushing up, it was like a group of ants rushing towards a giant.


Lu Shui sat on his seat and looked at the people rushing over.

At this time, those people stopped in front of him, and the distortion on their bodies became more serious.

They were fearless before, but they started to fear.

They who were unconscious at first began to be in awe.

They who had been moving forward indomitably began to retreat.

Because they faced the existence beyond their cognition.

"I've been asleep for so long, it's time to wake up." Lu Shui's voice came out.

At this moment, those distorted people no longer distorted instantly, and their power disappeared in an instant.

The turbid eyes began to appear clear.

At this moment, they saw Lu Shui.

That indomitable, indescribable existence.

Faced with this terrifying existence, they subconsciously knelt down.

It was as if the sky was suppressing them.

"Looks like he's awake." Lu Shui's voice came out.

Then he took his breath away.

And Zhenwu and the others behind him broke out in cold sweat.


Chu Yu secretly wiped the cold sweat.

Being a thug this time is a bit exciting.

Qiao Gan secretly glanced at his sister and the others, but then didn't pay attention.

It doesn't look like a problem.

Qiao Qian really didn't understand at this time.

Among these people, is there really her brother?

What kind of terrifying existence is that sitting at the front?

They don't have such an existence, do they?

She doesn't get it.

"You, who are you?" A dry voice came out.

It was those people kneeling in front of Lu Shui.

"Hidden Heaven Sect, have you heard of it?" Lu Shui asked.

"Never." The man at the front shook his head.

"You failed to kill the way?" Lu Shui looked at these people and asked.

Hearing what Lu Shui said, those people looked at each other, but did not speak in the end.

"It seems that you don't know much." Lu Shui leaned back and said:

"So how much do you know?"

"Can you kill us?" asked the man at the front.

"Want to be free?" Lu Shui said with a smile:

"Answer my question, and I will let this city accompany you to escape."

"What I want is everyone." The man in front spoke, his expression was very serious.

Lu Shui looked at this person, and didn't answer immediately, but after looking at the sky, he said:

"No, it's not, but it depends on what you tell me, whether it's worth my hands."


"It seems that people from Worm Valley are here."

Nie Hao, who was in the library of Tiannvzong, said to Lefeng who was reading.

"It's coming, but I don't know if there will be a conflict." Le Feng closed the book and planned to go out to have a look.

"What will happen if they start fighting?" Nie Hao was a little curious.

According to his vision, in a fight, Worm Valley would definitely have the upper hand.

After all, the opponent is a top power.

"That depends on whether the other party is afraid of the goddess.

If yes, then can not fight.

It's definitely not the name of Bug Valley.

It should be personal. "Lefeng stood up and said:

"Go and see the attitude of Chonggu, and you can know whether they are afraid of the goddess before the Tiannvzong.

If it is, then it means that Chonggu has indeed suffered from the goddess.

If not, it would be difficult to know the purpose of Bug Valley.

But with the Kraken around, the Worm Valley shouldn't mess around.

If you want to mess around, there is no need to wait until this time.


"Unless what?" Nie Hao was curious.

But if Le Feng wants to go out, it means that he doesn't have to stay here to continue reading.

They also confirmed one thing, Tiannu Sect really has no more documents.

"Unless the people in Chonggu have unique thinking and give you face on the surface. When they get here, they will kill you in one fell swoop. By the way, tell the big and small forces in the cultivation world that it is only face that Chonggu gives you. If you don't give you face, you are nothing." Lefeng said.

Hearing this, Nie Hao was terrified.

"This, can't it?" Nie Hao was a little scared all of a sudden.

"Who knows, but we're still going to see.

The Young Sovereign also wanted to know what would happen. " Le Feng said.

Doing things for the young suzerain is inherently risky.

Of course, what you get is also bizarre.

Nie Hao didn't say anything either.

He is extremely fast, and he can take Le Feng with him when he escapes.

When he reaches the fifth level, his speed can beat Le Feng by dozens of blocks.

When Lefeng and the others went out, they found that the Tiannv sect was actually struggling with one thing, that is, whether to let the head of the Tiannv pick up the people from the insect valley.

Hearing this music style is a little scary.

The head of the heavenly girl may come with courtesy first and soldiers later.

It's dangerous.

Later, the head of the heavenly girl did not go out.

Sea Demon Lishang thinks it would be better for her to go together.

With her here, not many people got up.

As for the head of the heavenly girl, she is still young, so she should rest first.

As for the goddess in purple, don't bother her old man.

She is someone who has seen the Goddess and knows how scary the Goddess is.

After all, the queen and the goddess communicate on an equal footing, and from what Xiaotao said, the purple-clothed goddess is unbelievable, and the queen's temperament seems to be suppressed.

Although Sea Demon Lishang didn't know the specific situation, but the goddess in purple came out and put a lot of pressure on them.

Insect Valley has three people here this time.

A ninth-level middle-aged man, although he has never proved the Tao, but looking at the cultivation world, he is definitely the top senior.

And beside him are two juniors who asked about the eighth level.

A beautiful woman and a white-haired man looked quite young.

They did not directly enter the Tiannvzong.

Instead, they are waiting for the other party to come.

The other party's faux pas is an opportunity for them to attack.

However, the head of Tiannu is very famous for kneeling, and they are actually a little jealous.

After all, they don't know which goddess it is.

I can only hope that the head of the celestial girl will not come down at this time.

Play some music.


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