Moxiu Jian felt that he was different from his master.

He had never been so humble in his business.

Even if he met the patriarch of the Lu family, he still took a spirit stone.

Is a qualified businessman.

And he got so many benefits.

It's just not as expected.

Patriarch Lu can fight more than he thought.

Be a little stronger than him.

In short, the Lu family is really perverted.

However, he had never seen who the young master of the Lu family was, such a powerful father would have a son with such a bad reputation.

In Qiuyun town, he didn't dare to inquire.

If you can't offend the Lu family, if you are misunderstood, you may have to stay in the Lu family forever.

After last night, he was very thankful that Master gave him a list of not to be messed with.

It was simply a terrifying family.

There are few people, but the combat power is higher than each other.

When patriarch Lu grows up, God knows how terrifying it will be.

Unfortunately, there is a son who does not live up to expectations.

If you have time, you can go to the other party's son to do business and get back your face.

Let's talk about it later.

"Who are you?" Moxiu Hongli also took a step forward.

The eighth-order peak aura exploded again.

Moxiu was the next person to block the two peak auras of the eighth order.

He can go on.

Do you really think his talent is just a display?

He has defensive talent, combat talent, Wanyuan body, and at the same time, he also has injury-free body.

Two more players at the same level are not enough for him to fight.

If he didn't want to be promoted too quickly, he still has the talent of enlightenment, and he would have already reached the ninth rank.

He is invincible at the same level.

Moxiu Hongli and the others were horrified by the powerful breath directly pressing down on them.

Then the third person joined the breath confrontation.

For a while, Moxiu confronted the three of them.

There is no disadvantage.

This is the current ability of his magic cultivation.

A man of talent.

However, luck was not so good, and he provoked someone who shouldn't be provoked.

But it's okay, his apprentice is strong enough to give him a chance to correct his mistakes.

Now is his chance to perform.

"These three demon cultivators are related to you, right?" Lu Shui looked at the blood coffin and said casually:

"So weak."

Demon Cultivator Blooddust: "."

It's actually better if you don't talk at this time.

But Moxiu Xuechen didn't care, he was about to come out.

When Moxiu was fighting with those three people, suddenly a terrible coercion swept over.

The moment the coercion appeared, it shocked everyone.

The three of Moxiu Hongli, Moxiu and Moxiu Ji'an all felt a little uneasy.

It seems that the world will collapse.

Then they saw a stream of blood rushing up into the air.

Several people retreated to the side, seeing the blood rushing to the sky, gathering towards the blood coffin.

It seems that there is the center of all power.

Even the blood-red stone in Moxiu Hongli's hand immediately flew towards the blood coffin.

She has a feeling.

Supreme Demon Cultivator, is about to recover.

This sudden appearance was not what they expected at all.

They came to find the supreme inheritance, and never thought that the supreme would wake up.

And no one knows what kind of person Supreme is, and whether they will sacrifice their blood as soon as they wake up.

After all, she is also a blood cultivator.

to die.

The Supreme Demon Cultivators are terrifying, you don't need to meet them to know.

There are always a few words in the books.

Throughout the ages, the magic cultivator has been number one, and no one has surpassed it.

This is their common cognition.

After seeing such coercion, they can better understand the weight of that sentence that no one can surpass.

Moxiu is also frightened at the moment, so strong.

It is worthy of being the Supreme Demon Cultivator.

He couldn't bear this kind of coercion, but when he saw Dongfang Haoyue and the three people around him, he didn't feel it at all.

It was as if he had never felt the coercion.

It seems that his apprentice is telling the truth.

Such a terrifying surge of coercion is nothing more than a breeze in front of the other party.

Hidden sky sect is in flames.

Well-deserved reputation.

At this moment, all the blood is gathering in the blood coffin.

The momentum is huge and majestic.

Suppress everything.

The demon cultivators didn't dare to make the slightest move, lest they offend the Supreme Demon Cultivator who was about to awaken.

Even if they came here for inheritance, they dare not show it again.

After all, the Supreme Demon Cultivator awakens, and the pattern of the Demon Cultivator Realm is about to change.

Everything will be decided by the Supreme Demon Cultivator.

For better or worse, no one really knows.

All that can be done now is to wait quietly for the result.

Hope not to collide with this existence.

As for rushing to stop now.

They don't have the courage.

Because the momentum is too strong, so strong that they can't pass through it at all, and they can't face it.

You don't have the qualifications to face it directly, so why talk about other things?

The aura of Moxiu Xuechen is very strong.

In Lu Shui's eyes, some of them belonged to the recovery, and some were deliberately exposed by the other party.

Presumably it was used to intimidate people.

As for who to deter.

Lu Shui didn't care, let him intimidate whoever he wanted.

It doesn't affect him anyway.

However, he didn't influence Moxiu Xuechen to come out.

After a long time, the momentum began to drop.

The blood coffin was surrounded by blood, and then began to melt.

The last figure began to emerge.

The moment this person came out, all the auras began to gather on him.

They thought it would be much easier, but soon they knew they were wrong.

When the man restrained his breath, the coercion belonging to the strong was instantly suppressed.

It's even a little difficult to stand up one by one.

The supreme demon cultivator stands above all demon cultivators.

Shock the past and shine the present.

Moxiu is a little horrified at the moment, he has seen Daoists, but Moxiu Supreme is not comparable to those Daoists at all.

This terrifying aura reminded him of the great elder of the Lu family.


It really is the Supreme Demon Cultivator.

The other three trembled even more. They came with the inheritance.

If known, then

They may not survive today.


Wild laughter came from the bloody water.

At this moment, the power of Moxiu Xuechen began to overflow.

Blood poured into his body, and his originally thin figure began to solidify.

But within a few breaths, all the blood and water merged into his body.

A handsome man with fluttering red hair stood in midair.

Space vibrated beneath his feet.

As if he couldn't bear his presence.

Then Moxiu Xuechen looked at the three of Moxiu Hongli:

"Are you here for inheritance?"

"No, I dare not." The three immediately bowed their heads and said respectfully:

"I will never dare to peek at the supreme inheritance."

The three of them didn't dare to meet Moxiu Xuechen's gaze.

Even being stared at by the other party made them feel a little uneasy.

"If you want to be honest, it's fine, I'm not too good at giving it." Moxiu Xuechen looked at the three people with a smile on his face.

After being trapped for so many years, he was in a good mood to be free today.

Inheriting this kind of thing is nothing more than the understanding of exercises.

The avenue is to be walked by oneself.

How far you can go is up to you.

Otherwise, you will always be in his shadow.

Although it is a road, it is a road with an end.

"Please forgive me, my lord."

The three were terrified and immediately admitted their mistake.

Moxiu Xuechen looked at the three of them and pointed at them.


At this moment, the entire magic word seemed to emit power, directly covering the three people.

"This seat gives you a chance, how much you can comprehend, it's up to you."

The three people who were still scared at first discovered that it was indeed some inheritance.

I am overjoyed.

Thank you quickly.

After that, he closed his eyes and isolated himself, and began to comprehend the Supreme Inheritance.

Moxiu Xuechen looked at Moxiu again and said:

"It's quite a strange person."

There are advantages all over the body.

Then he didn't care about this person.

I wanted to beat this person just now, but now I don't want to do them any favors.

It's that willful.

Finally, Mo Xiu's blood dust fell to the ground and looked at Lu Shui.

Surprisingly, it was completely different from what he had imagined.

Second-level cultivation, sitting on a chair that only a cripple would sit on.

Doesn't look like anything special.

Ordinary is like a newcomer who has just practiced.

And he, the Supreme Demon Cultivator, one of the ancient godslayers, actually told this person so many things.

Put the other person on the same level as yourself.

However, the other party will not be affected by him.

"You are different from what I thought." Moxiu Xuechen stood on the ground.

He has red hair and is wild and unruly.

"You're not bad either. I thought you would be the same as when Jiu first found you, but I didn't expect it to be the same." Lu Shui said calmly.

Don't look at Moxiu Xuechen's strong appearance.

It's all about being strong outside.

In a real fight, he can use the power of heaven and earth to teach the opponent how to be a man.

Although this is Moxiu Xuechen's home court, he can use the power of heaven and earth to change the owner of the home court.

Sure enough, Tianji asked him to come, because he has the strength to communicate with the other party on an equal footing.

very good.

"Have you seen me at that time?" Moxiu Xuechen was a little surprised.

This man really knows more than he thinks.

"It's nothing but seeing through Jiu's eyes." Lu Shui said softly.

Moxiu Xuechen looked at Lu Shui, he really wanted to challenge him.

But I don't have the courage.

What this person wants to know, Tianji knows.

Tianji didn't want to say it, but let this person find him.

That is to say, Tianji didn't want to talk about it, but he had to let this person know more.

There is a high probability that Tianji is afraid of the other party.

But what was terrible, he didn't know.

"I'm curious, this is my place, if I don't answer your question, what will happen to you?" Moxiu Xuechen wanted to ask.

Just ask.

Lu Shui leaned against the wheelchair, and then gently raised his hand.

The next moment, the power of heaven and earth surged.

In an instant, a blood-red light appeared on Lu Shui's body.

The blood in Moxiu Xuechen's body suddenly loosened, and then broke open his body, rushing towards Lu Shui's palm.

This sudden scene changed Moxiu Xuechen's expression drastically.

At this moment, he felt that his home field had disappeared, and he couldn't stabilize the blood in his body.

A life-and-death crisis grew in his heart.

The opponent can kill him.

"Stop, stop, I understand." Moxiu Xuechen said immediately.

I was afraid that my blood would be drained dry.

Lu Shui smiled slightly, and threw the blood into the blood pool with his backhand.

He never thought about going back.

"When you recover, you can come and challenge me." Lu Shui kindly mentioned.

It's just that the recovery time is too long or forget it.

Lu Shui didn't say that.

If Moxiu Xuechen was at his peak, he wouldn't have come at all.

Unequal strength, it is impossible to ask things.

As for now, Moxiu Xuechen only has the home field advantage.

And he, Lu Shui, can deprive the opponent of his advantage.

Not to mention that Lu Shui's cultivation was close to the sixth level.

It's not a big problem to play a disabled magician who doesn't have a home field.

As for the power of the avenue.


Not to mention that Lu Shui has the power of heaven and earth, even if he doesn't, there is no way of power that can take advantage of him.

It's not real power, and breath is useless to him.

"What did you want to ask just now?" Moxiu Xuechen asked immediately.

On a good day, he didn't want to be completely dead.

But the person in front of him was unremarkable and unremarkable.

But it can kill him.

What kind of monsters come out of this era.

"Before the ancient times ended, what exactly happened in that battle?" Lu Shui asked.

That battle was related to the prophecy slate, and it was also related to his younger siblings.

Although it is relatively clear at present, I still want to clarify the specifics.

And Lu also fell in that battle.

Mingyue should have also been separated during that battle, and then helped Lu guard things.

Moxiu Xuechen opened his mouth, finally turned his head to look outside, and changed his words:

"Let's go out and talk.

Noisy here. "

Said Moxiu Xuechen drew the blood water.

Lu Shui and the others were covered in blood for a moment, and then the blood flashed.

Lu Shui and others disappeared directly in place.

"Master?" Moxiu Ji'an immediately ran to Moxiu Shixia.

"Let's go, let's leave too." Moxiu immediately said.

He had come to find a way to deal with the injury.

Now he understands one thing, it is not the Supreme Demon Cultivator who can heal him, but the Liuhuo of the Yintian Sect.

And the other party also set a condition, that is, to give a power guarantee ticket within three days.

Then Moxiu took Moxiu Ji'an and left here quickly.

Moxiu and others also came.

You can come in with tokens.

No one knows how many tokens there are.

Only the previous three people are still comprehending the inheritance with peace of mind.

At the top of Blood Flower City.

There is a huge space, and the space here is not in the eyes of normal people.

but a hidden space.

The space is open-air, and you can see the high-altitude blue sky.

Red light flashed.

Moxiu Xuechen appeared in the space.

Lu Shui and others also appeared in the space together.

Zhenwu Zhenling didn't know what was going on, but Lu Shui didn't care.

He looked at the sky and realized that it was getting dark.

Going back in a few days.

Normally, he would be able to go back tonight or tomorrow morning, but there is still a deal with Moxiu right now.

So you need to wait four or five days.

Four or five days, although it is a long time, but you can wait by gritting your teeth.

By the way, let's get promoted to 5.5 and accumulate the power of heaven and earth.

Mu Xue made some moves later, so she wouldn't be beaten.

Anyway, you can escape.

"The last battle in ancient times, why did it start?" Lu Shui's calm voice came out.

He looked at the sky, waiting for Moxiu Xuechen to answer.

The battles of ancient times were caused by those three.

So there must be a reason.

Otherwise, they wouldn't be able to fight without incident.

Jiu said they were fighting for something, but what exactly they were fighting for, Jiu refused to say.

Moxiu Xuechen took a deep breath, he hadn't breathed this kind of air for many years.

Or it's been a long time since I saw this piece of sky.

"Are the four major powers going to war?

That was really scary.

It is much more terrifying than the battle of killing gods. "

Moxiu Xuechen felt a little palpitating just thinking about it:

"The realm of those three people is much higher than mine, so I don't know exactly why they did it.

But I also have some guesses, which may be related to the unique power. "

"It's impossible for the sole power to appear again, and they shouldn't be fighting for it," Lu Shui said.

Apart from Jiu, there is no other person who can have the unique power, not even Lu Shui can have the unique power.

The only true god. Although she is a true god and possesses divine power, she only has unique divine power, not unique authority.

"As far as I know, when Jiu's unique power collapsed, the Inborn God took back his power, and the rest was directly divided among the three of them.

Therefore, these three people are much stronger than ordinary supreme beings, and their abilities are not comparable to ordinary supreme beings. " Moxiu Xuechen said.

"Better than Lu?" Lu Shui asked.

Demon Cultivator Blooddust: "."

This person certainly can't chat.

But it is true that there is no other supreme.

Lu Shui paused, curiously said:

"Xianmu cultivated the Avenue of Time?"

"No." Moxiu Xuechen shook his head directly:

"If he built the Avenue of Time, then he should pick Gu Li.

not me. "

Lu Shui understood.

It's not the avenue of time, but it can use the long river of time to deduce.

He got the nine powers about time.

Immortal books, Buddha fruit, and god positions are probably also derived from the unique authority.

The possibility of competing for power is indeed high.

"Did you watch that battle?" Lu Shui asked.

Moxiu Xuechen looked at Lu Shui with a wry smile:

"You really think highly of me, they have crossed the high wall, which is beyond my comparison.

Why do you think I hurt like this?

It's not to protect the realm of the demon cultivator.

That battle almost collapsed, and everything was evaporating.

All of us are fighting against the ravages of this war.

If Lu hadn't made the move in the end, no one knew what would have happened. "

Hearing this, Lu Shui became curious and said:

"What happened then?"

It is impossible to know the details of Demon Cultivator Xuechen, so he should know the general situation.

"Probably?" Moxiu Xuechen recalled, and said:

"Everything is evaporating, the sky and the earth are collapsing.

And at the last moment, a figure fell from the sky and the earth.

It's Lu.

Lu who disappeared for an unknown number of years appeared.

Lu Dao did not argue, his appearance shocked the other three.

And fear.

Because Lu was too strong, he immediately suppressed the three of them as soon as he appeared.

At first I thought Lu would kill the three, but I was wrong.

Lu walked out of his way, I couldn't hear what he said, but Lu started to block them.

And more forces are mending the world.

What surprised me was that Lu was using his Tao and his body to repair the world.

At that time, an absurd idea popped into my mind that Lu was about to fall.

Then I found out that Lu was really about to fall.

I don't know how many days have passed, the three of Xianmu made the final struggle.

They were not reconciled, but they couldn't resist Lu's power at all.

Because of Lu's intervention, the world is rapidly stabilizing, and I survived in the end.

But that's when my memory of Lu started to blur.

It was as if Lu had taken away everything related to him.

The world will forget his existence.

At that time, I didn't know why, so I asked why.

Didn't expect an answer at all.

But Lu's voice came over: "This world is terrible, I think it's easy to leave this world, but I can't deal with these terrible things."

After all these years, I didn't succeed, but thankfully, I didn't fail either.

Because someone can do it.

I am waiting for him. '

I don't know what Lu meant at that time, but I know that everyone will forget Lu, only a few of us can remember.

Yes, Lu is going to fall, and he will completely disappear from the world.

I asked him why he had to fall.

His answer is: Why do you want to protect the people behind you?

I asked him again: Is it worth it?

He answered very positively this time, he said: Of course. "

Moxiu Xuechen looked at Lu Shuidao:

"That's all I knew, and then I passed out, and when I woke up, I was severely injured, so I could only hide in the blood coffin.

I don't know anything about it.

But the secret is different, he seems to know the catastrophe of the world in advance.

successfully dodged it.

Xianshan was also protected by him.

I am not familiar with Lu, so we talked a few words.

And Tianji must be in good condition, and there must be a lot of people talking to Lu. "

After finishing talking, Moxiu Xuechen looked at Lu Shui with a "you know what I mean" expression.

Lu Shui understood what he meant.

But Moxiu Xuechen's words still surprised him.

The world sucks, what does this mean?

Of course, the world doesn't end up being so good.

But Lu did not specify which point.

Either the people are bad or the environment is bad.

And more importantly, what is Lu doing?

What was it that he did not succeed in and did not fail in?

Another point, who is he waiting for?

Lu's strength is extremely powerful, restraining cause and effect, and breaking away from the world, which has surpassed the highest.

It was easy for this kind of person to kill Emperor Zun and the other three, but he didn't kill them, he just let the three parties fall asleep.

"Are you waiting for my younger siblings?" Lu Shui had some answers in his mind.

Lu Zai is waiting for someone, this person is by no means simple.

And the three major forces want to kill.

This person is his younger brother and sister.

So, just for his younger siblings?

"What's the background of my younger brother and sister?"

Lu Shui was shocked.

Originally, Lu Shui felt that he knew a lot, but now it seems that this non-existent Lu is still cheating him.

But if you really want to know the specific situation, you can only find Tianji or the person involved.

If Lu is dead, then the person concerned is the founder of the three major forces, as well as a natural god.

Well, you can't beat any of them.

Or they didn't wake up either.

As for the others, you can start with the sword.

There may be some gains.

After thinking about it, Lu Shui felt that he could also find clues in Mingyue.

There are other people on the list of killing gods.

After all, he will say a few words to Lu, right?

According to the history of Pure Land, Ji Xun also talked with Lu at that time.

The specific content is unknown.

Therefore, we must find these people to die.

"Any more questions?" Moxiu Xuechen looked at Lu Shui curiously.

He wasn't sure what this person was going to do, but it was right to ask the other party to find Tianji.

Today's shame, he will find a way to get it back from Tianji.

He is a majestic demon cultivator, and he has no face today.

"What are your plans for the future, senior?" Lu Shui asked.

If this person still wants to do something, he hopes to get more news from the other party.

"The three major forces must still be there, and the three of Xianmu must still be alive.

According to the agreement, I still cannot interfere with the cultivation world.

Walking in the realm of comprehension incognito is already the limit. "Mo Xiu Xuechen shrugged.

He can't help it either.

The agreement at that time was that the defeated party was not allowed to interfere in the affairs of the cultivation world.

You have to live in seclusion.

As the victor, he will never attack the forces of the defeated party.

Everyone is obeying.

No one has defaulted so far.

So he still had to keep hiding.

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