The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 448 Kicked out of the group chat

Lu Shui looked at Lu Luo's pen, and he found that the title of the book was actually written by Lu Qi.

And specially made for dogs.

So, he is now the author of the biography of gods and demons?

Want to become the author of Sword One Go Legend soon?

At this moment, Lu Shui had a clear understanding.

He cannot see the author because that author does not exist.

Now he has come, this author exists.

But this person appeared in ancient times.

If he doesn't show up all the time, this place will become a point of collapse of fortune, speeding up the destruction of the world.

"Come." Jian Yi took out a new book and pen, and handed them to Lu Shui:

"Come on, write me a beginning first, and I will tell you about my experience first."

When Lu Shui got the book and pen, he heard Jian Yi start to talk about his life:

"I was born in a human town. I held a sword at the age of seven. I started to learn about cultivation at the age of ten. At the age of twenty, I created my own path of cultivation. At thirty, I became famous. At the age of fifty, I created the sword at the sixth level. I cut the first sword of the era and started the rise of the human race. chapter.

At the age of ninety, at the beginning of his swordsmanship, he glimpsed the light of the Dao, and with one sword he cut down the arrogance of all races, became famous all over the world, and laid the foundation for the strength of the human race.

This is roughly the case, the new achievement has not yet been achieved. "

"New achievements?" Lu Shui was curious.

At this time, Jian Yi has already proved the Dao at the ninth level. Although he is still far away from Dao Tiancheng, his combat power must be among the Dao.

What achievement can't be done?

However, I didn't hear Jianyi mention Daozong, that is to say, Daozong has not yet been established at this time.

I don't know when Daozong will leave his name in the cultivation world.

"Yes, a new achievement. I found that I should have been born for the way of chess. Before the way of kendo, no one wrote me an autobiography. Now I want to make a lasting mark on the way of chess." Jian Yi was full of pride.

Lu Shui is very calm.

Regarding the sword, he believed everything Jian Yi said.

About chess, huh, huh.

It took Jian Yi ninety years to get a glimpse of the Dao, and he was able to enter the Tao.

This is genius to the extreme, especially since he created the way of swords by himself.

There is no way of swordsmanship in the world, after the first sword, the way of swordsmanship has been passed down through the ages.

"Okay, hurry up and write me a beginning, and after we're done, we'll go out and find someone to play chess with." Jian Yi looked at Lu Shui, wanting to see how Lu Shui would start.

Lu also watched.

At this time, the dog is holding its autobiography in its mouth, trying to figure it out.

Lu Shui nodded and began to write.

"The way of chess is the way I pursue in this life, and the way of swordsmanship is just the way I created." Lu Shui watched Lu Shui write, and then read:

"Today I will abandon the sword and play chess.

Be a well-known Go master, and then use all things to play against heaven and earth. "

After writing this, Lu Shui didn't continue to write, but looked at Jian Yi.

"Wonderful." Jian Yi looked at Lu Shui with satisfaction:

"Long'er, you will be my Jian Yi and Lu's friend from now on.

If there is anything to report my name in advance, it is useless to report Lu's name.

Let you run rampant in the world of comprehension. "

Lu Shui: "."

The names of these two in his era were not easy to use.

There is no great elder's name that can be used, and even his father's name is better than these two.

Of course, his pseudonym is better.

"Let's go now?" Lu Shui asked curiously.

"No, I decided to play a game against Heaven and Earth first." Jian Yi said righteously.

Lu Shui: "."

Jian Yizhen took the chessboard to the mountain peak.

Lu Ze asked Lu Shui:

"What to eat?"

"Anything is fine." Lu Shui said softly.

He has a strange feeling about Lu.

Because this person may be related to his family.

But I have never heard that Lu has descendants, so I don't know if I can see it this time.

Jian Yi's Go Biography is written about Jian Yi's affairs after all.

Lu, who was traveling with him, did not have any description.

But this time he not only watched, but also had a good relationship with them.

"Wow, woof." After Lu went in to prepare food, Gouzi wagged his tail at him, and there was still a book in front of him.

It seemed to be thanking Lu Shui, and it seemed to hope that Lu Shui could continue to write.

"You can write it yourself, you are a mature dog." Lu Shui said calmly.

It is indeed a dog.

Just didn't see its weapons.

"Woof?" Gouzi was a little puzzled.

"You can polish the follow-up plot yourself, and adapt it based on your own experience." Lu Shui said calmly.

Gouzi thought for a while, then excitedly wagged his tail at the landing water.

very happy.

The current Gouzi can't speak, and it's completely different from the previous life.

I don't know why it became like the previous life.

When the dog grows up, it also undergoes eighteen changes.

But regarding the present memory, it should have forgotten.

When it first learned about Lu Yu's fall, it was instinctively sad, but finally found that it didn't understand why it should be sad.

After a long time, Lu brought out some meals.

Ordinary stir fry.

Lu Shui tried it, and the taste was average.

Not good, not bad.

Very ordinary, as ordinary as Lu himself.

"Don't you ask me where I came from?" Lu Shui asked while eating.

Being at the same table as Lu made him feel strange.

Lu was very quiet, feeling like he was on the edge.

"I've seen you." Lu suddenly said.

Lu Shui looked at Lu in surprise.

"I should have seen you when Jian Yi declared war with the half-orcs for the first time." Lu said calmly while eating.

"So you don't think I'm in any danger?" Lu Shui asked curiously.

At that time, he really felt that Lu had glanced at him, but he didn't expect that Lu could recognize him.

"I don't feel any hostility from you." Lu's tone never changed.

Lu Shui didn't bother anymore, he just said curiously:

"Jian Yi often challenged the powerhouses of various races, but in the end it was all up to you to save the day?"

Lu Ke is much stronger than Jian Yi.

"No." Lu shook his head and said:

"It should be that we are often chased and beaten.

It's just that if you're not careful, they won't be able to beat us. "

Lu Shui: "."

These two people are really the light of the sun and the moon.

Powerful unreasonable.

There is no trace of Lu, but Jian Yi created his own way of swordsmanship and is fearless of everything.

Play the invincible road all the way.

Besides Lu, Jian Yi is the number one person in this era.

No one can beat him head-on.

It's a pity that both of these two people died, and it seemed that they were both their own choices.

It's just that he can't ask, and it's impossible to change.

He's just here to fill in the loopholes.

The past is just the past after all.

Once he does any action that violates the mystery city, he will be sent out of the mystery city.

After all, although he participated in it, he was still a witness and a tourist in the end.

the next day.

Lu Shui stayed here for a day.

After eating Lu Lu's meal, I feel a little nostalgic for his mother's food.

Of course, it's just style and fragrance.

Just eat it.

His mother is really talented, and the dishes she cooks are beautiful and delicious.

It's just unpalatable.

At this time, they saw Jian Yi returning with a dejected expression on his face.

Lu Shui looked at Jian Yi, and finally moved his pen.

"I wanted to have a game with the world, but the world didn't care about me.

In desperation, I can only go to the township to see if there is such a competition. "

Lu opened his mouth and read out.

Jian Yi, who wanted to speak, didn't know how to speak for a while.

"Very good, you guessed it right, let's go to the township." Jian Yi said after a moment of slowing down.

Lu didn't refuse, they went out quite often.

The dog naturally followed the owner out.

See the world.

Lu Shui is just a tool person.

He can't refuse, and if he refuses, he has to go back.

He doesn't have any freedom at all, but he still wants to finish his trip to the maze.

This fan will last for more than 30 years, and it should not affect his era.

It's a pity that I can't practice.

Otherwise, thirty years later, when he goes back and let Mu Xue beat him, Mu Xue won't be able to beat him.

Does this fan have the nerve to call it a loophole?

It can't make him grow up, it's not enough to be called a loophole.

But in a short time, they came to a town.

This is a rather run-down town.

The human race is not considered strong in this era.

It was originally a food-like existence, but it started to get better because of the rise of Jianyi and others.

However, the time is not too long, so there are only a few important areas, which are still prosperous.

Remote ones are worse.

But everything is perfect.

Not too bad.

Jian Yi walked around and sighed:

"It's so pitiful that there are so few people who know how to play Go, let alone let them understand the importance of Go master."

"What do you want to do?" Lu asked.

"It's very simple, just let them understand it, and let Go flourish in the world.

Go is for everyone. "Jian Yi said righteously.

Lu Shui was a little surprised, because the book didn't write in detail, and he didn't know the specific situation.

I didn't expect Jian Yi's idea to be quite great.

"Of course, the chess master is mine." Jian Yi added.

Lu Shui nodded, this is normal.

If he doesn't hold a sword, he won't be great.

But it has to be said that Jian Yi was the first to stand up against all powerful enemies with strength.

His sword opened up a new future.

"Let's not talk about it, start from this town and find the person in charge here." Jian Yi led them all the way to the center after speaking.

"Ninth-level proof, is it too bullying?" Lu asked.

"It's okay, isn't Gouzi here too? Let him do it." Jian Yi said.

"Woof?" Gouzi felt that he had been tricked.

But with Jian Yi's eyes, Gou Zi didn't dare to resist again.

It didn't take long for them to see the local manager, a middle-aged man.

Jian Yi's temperament is outstanding, even middle-aged people dare not underestimate him.

But facing Jian Yi's request, he was a little embarrassed.

"Don't worry, just start promoting it. It won't be long before everyone understands what Go is." Jian Yi comforted.

"I'll try, but the effect may be a bit poor.

After all, many people can't get along with eating, so why play chess? ’ the man sighed.

"It makes sense. Next time I go to the imperial city to find someone in charge, you can promote it with peace of mind, and someone will support it." Jian Yi had a plan.

Lu Shui nodded, it was really convenient.

As long as the imperial city gives an order to give Go an honorary position, many people will participate in it.

After explaining, Jian Yi led the people to the imperial city.

It was night at this time, and Jian Yi and the others came directly to the bedroom of the steward of the imperial city.

"Get up, put on your clothes." Jian Yi's voice sounded in the darkness.

The two people in the bed were so scared that they almost called assassins.

But the two of them just quietly put on their clothes under the covers.

They saw a huge black beast staring at them with red eyes.

As if they could be eaten at any time.

Lu Shui: "."

For his chess skills, Jian Yi really can do anything.

But he didn't care, and it had nothing to do with him, he came here just to get lost.

Nothing can be done.

Thinking of this, he took out a chair and sat on the sidelines watching the show.

Seeing Lu Shui sitting on the high chair, Jian Yi and Lu both glanced at him.

The eyes are not right.

"Is there a problem?" Lu Shui asked.

"I'm the protagonist, aren't you stealing my limelight?" Jian Yi said seriously:

"Take out two more, and I'll sit in the middle."

Lu Shui: "."

Zhenwu Zhenling has always given him chairs, when is it his turn to give chairs to others?

But fans of this kind of thing can tolerate it.

Then he took out two high chairs, and Jian Yi sat in the middle.

Lu Shui and Lu sat on both sides.

Highlight the extraordinaryness of Jianyi.

Lu Shui found out that among the three, Jian Yi was the weakest.

Even if Jian Yi can grow normally, he is still the weakest.

However, Lu Shui felt that he had really become a tool man.

never mind.

Light begins to appear.

At this time, a middle-aged man came down, but the beautiful woman on the bed did not come out.

Nobody cares.

The middle-aged man looked at the three people sitting in the chair and at the red-eyed behemoth half the size of the house, trying to maintain his majesty.

"I have seen three immortals."

The middle-aged man saluted respectfully.

Neither humble nor overbearing.

Tier 4 cultivation is not bad.

Lu Shui looked at the other party, and he could naturally see the power of cultivation from the other party.

Just one step weaker than him.

However, most of the imperial city are ordinary people.

There are only a very small number of people with cultivation, and their status is very high.

As for this middle-aged man, his cultivation is hidden, and ordinary people really can't find it.

But the three of them are ordinary people?

But the other party didn't know it was either.

At most scared by the dog.

Seeing the other party come down, Gouzi became smaller and came to Lu Jiao, wagging his tail.

It's like asking yourself if you're doing well.

A well-behaved dog.

Lu Shui was very curious as to why Gouzi's back became like that.

Is it because Lu is gone and he let himself go?

"Do you know Go?"

Jian Yi looked at the other party, without saying any more nonsense, and went directly to the topic.

This sudden question made the steward of the imperial city a little puzzled for a while.

"Ordinary Go, that Go?" The middle-aged man tried to ask.

Naturally, he couldn't understand these three people.

But dare not act rashly.


Jian Yi slapped the handle of the chair.

Scared the steward.

"What are you doing?" Lu looked at Jian Yi and asked.

"That's my chair, don't break it." Lu Shui followed.

He didn't know if he could go back after it was broken.

Or be sent back early.

Jian Yi looked left and right, the two followers talked a lot.

"This person knows Go, I was excited for a while, do you have a question?" Jian Yi asked.

Then he looked at the middle-aged man in charge:

"Do you understand the greatness of Go?"

Manager: "???"

"It seems that you don't understand." Jianyi looked at Gouzi and said:

"tell him."

Gouzi looked at Jianyi in astonishment, but faced with Jianyi's fierce gaze, it chose to grow bigger.

Then a powerful aura that belonged to it erupted.

"I understand, I understand." The moment he felt this breath, the middle-aged man immediately nodded in response.

Everyone is a cultivator, so they naturally understand that it is not easy for these three to have such a pet.

Let's see what to do first.

"Let's start publicizing that line, let them move, understand the role of Go, and start the Go game when the time is right." Jian Yi stood up.

Then the three disappeared directly.

Along with the dog and the chair.

Seeing this scene, the middle-aged man broke out in cold sweat.


What kind of strong man is he?


He understands, but how difficult it is to popularize it.

The land is vast, and there is a huge difference between the north and the south.

Can it really be popularized?

But no matter how difficult it was, he had to do it, and those three people came as soon as they said it, which made him flustered.

These immortals don't know what to think.

"Come here." The middle-aged man called out suddenly.

At this time, a voice came from outside:


"Back off." The middle-aged man said immediately.

So his guards didn't find anything, knowing that he was protected by strong people.

However, those three came as soon as they said they would, and no one noticed.

"If this person is settled, other things will be much easier. Afterwards, I will travel around the world and find people in charge to promote it. After some time of promotion, the Go business will be secure."

Above the imperial city, under the bright moon, Jian Yi spoke.

But he looked at Lu Shui with a serious expression:

"Long Er, what are you going to write?"

It was part of his autobiography just now, and he felt that he had to know how to write it, and if there was anything wrong with the description, he had to give some pointers.

Lu Shui thought for a while, and then began to write.

It was written next to the previous one.

"But I soon discovered that very few people play Go.

How does this make me a Go master?

For this reason, I found the local person in charge, told him the greatness of Go, and asked him to promote it.

Then the game will start. "

"The world is so big that I take the trouble to travel around"

"Some stubborn people, also under my reasoning, understand the greatness of Go."

Lu read out all that Lu Shui had written.

Jian Yi sounds very comfortable.

He looked at Lu Shui, patted Lu Shui on the shoulder, and said with a smile:

"Long Er, we will be brothers from now on, just call me Big Brother."

Lu Shui: "."

Feeling taken advantage of.

But Jian Yi is a senior, so he naturally wouldn't call him Big Brother.

The elder brother has something to do, but the younger brother cannot refuse.

So Jian Yi was actually tricking him.

He won't be fooled.

Especially as a fan of him, he can only say a lot of things in his heart, but cannot open his mouth.

For example, in fact, I am your elder brother, such words.

Said he might have to go back.

It wasn't that Midu channel would send him back, but Jian Yi kicked him out of the group chat.

The summoning technique used by Jianyi naturally has the authority to kick him.

But so that Honkai was caused by Jianyi?

It looks like it is, but it's not at all.

It's just a coincidence that this fan fell on Jian Yi's summoning technique.

the next day.

They appeared on a city by the sea.

It is quite prosperous here.

It's just that the people walking on the road feel a little heavy.

"It's very deadly." Lu said.

"Woof." Gouzi nodded, indicating that the owner was right.

"Go and find the person in charge first." Jian Yi said directly.

Lu Shui looked at the people around him, but didn't care.

During this period, he no longer needs to write a book. After all, the follow-up will be the day when the Go game will start thirty years later.

So he wants to follow these people around for thirty years?

Or wait for one by one to spread, and he disappears.

And then come back thirty years later?

Not sure.

Then they found the steward.


The manager is a woman.

Some are surprising.

"Is there a problem?" Jian Yi asked.

"Are you immortals?" asked the dark-skinned woman.

Although I can't understand it, the other party's temperament is not ordinary.

And came in silently.

Definitely have some patience.

"Barely count." Jian Yi replied after thinking about it.

It's barely counted.

After all, it is impossible for a normal immortal to defeat him.

The cultivation system already exists.

So immortals exist.

"Do us a favor, I will let everyone in the vicinity accept Go at the fastest speed." Haicheng's speaker said seriously.

She saluted the sword respectfully, hoping to get help.

"Let's talk." Jian Yi didn't even hesitate, and responded directly.

He has contributed to the great cause of Go.

This is a difficult road to walk. If you need to make a move, you will naturally make a move.

Lu Shui stood behind, he suddenly had a feeling that he was going to disappear.

It seems that we really can't go for thirty years.

Even if he could practice, he couldn't practice for thirty years.

Fortunately, there is no need to spend thirty boring years here.

But it can last for half a day.

There are also reminders when you go offline, and the Midu channel is quite user-friendly.

At this time, Lu also looked at Lu Shui.

It seems to be aware of it.

Lu Shui handed the book and pen to Lu.

Lu took it and didn't speak.

Lu Shui didn't speak either.

Jian Yi was listening carefully to the words of the person in charge of Haicheng.

"Is there a demon dragon making trouble overseas? Children are used as tributes every year?" Jian Yi was a little surprised.

"Yes, the immortal has a solution?" the person in charge of Haicheng asked softly.

Some nervous.

"Relax and prepare to promote Go.

From today, there will be no demon dragons. "Jian Yi said directly.

Then Jian Yi took the lead to go to the beach.

Only the woman from Haicheng looked at Jian Yi and prayed.

Hope it goes well.

Otherwise, it won't be long before Haicheng will be reduced to stuttering.

Lu Shui followed them, feeling that when Jian Yi finished dealing with the demon dragon, that was when he was kicked out of this era.

Then it should be thirty years later.


At least it started right.

After a while, they appeared on the sea.

"Gouzi, show up." Jian Yi said.

"Woof." Gouzi immediately grew bigger.

The huge body stands on the sea, very domineering.

directly stirred up the sea.

"Wow woof, woof woof." Gouzi growled.

It is not cowardly at all.

Lu Shui looked at Gouzi, not surprised.

The strength of the big monster of the seventh level.

It seems that he has been with Lu for a long time.

It should have been just promoted not long ago, but it is very stable.

I don't know how Lu was raised.

"Hmph, the evildoer who is on the wrong side."

When Gouzi was stirring the sea, a female voice suddenly came from high above.

Then a powerful force came from high above.

"Go to hell."

Lu Shui and the others were a little surprised, then looked up.

It is a young woman.

Ninth-level Proving Dao cultivation base.

It should have just been proved not long ago.

She has long hair fluttering, standing in the sun, like a goddess descending to earth.

"The one who killed you was my Heavenly Spirit Clan, Ji Xun."


Power comes down from the sky.

It hit Lu Shui directly.


At this moment, Lu Shui felt that he was directly smashed to death.

Then began to exit the fandom, exit the era.

"It was actually beaten back by Ji Xun"

But Lu Shuiming realized that this was the first time Ji Xun and Jian Yi met.

"What a coincidence, it's at this time."

As long as he stays for a while, he will know roughly what the relationship between these two is, or understand how Jian Yi got the engagement.

Losing the challenge was just Lu Shui's guess.


Jian Yi's voice rang in Lu Shui's ears.

With reluctance, with a trace of eagerness.


Forget it, let's go offline.

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