The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 463 Mu Xue: Master Lu, have I become a tool person?

Lu Shui walked on the path all the way.

Under normal circumstances, he is a sixth-level man, and few people in the entire Lu family can notice him.

But this time he directly activated the power of heaven and earth.

Not to mention that the Great Elder is not free in the sky, he won't even notice when he is free.

He wants to hide, Mu Xuedu.

Forget it, Mu Xue can find it.

Sometimes it's not about strength.

Mu Xue is unreasonable and difficult to deal with.

When they came to Mu Xue's courtyard, the power of heaven and earth began to spread, covering Mu Xue's room.

Even if Mu Xue uses powerful force inside, she won't be discovered.


Lu Shui pushed the door open and walked in.

After he stepped into the room and closed the door by the way, Mu Xue got out of bed. She looked at Lu Shui nervously and said:

"Not being followed?"

Lu Shui: "."

They are obviously a normal couple, why did they do this?

Even if it is made public, it is actually nothing.

Nai He is not married yet.

There are a little more than three months.

"Miss Mu, what you said will be misunderstood." Lu Shui replied.

"Master Lu, you are already an adult, you have to learn to be smart." Mu Xue sat up and looked at Lu Shui.

The quilt was lifted, and Mu Xue, who was wearing a nightgown, could see it.

At this moment, Mu Xue looked at Lu Shui and said nothing.

As if waiting for Lu Shui to praise her.

"If you don't turn on the light, I can't see." Lu Shui's voice came over.


The purple air spreads.

Lu Shui: "."

He was just telling the truth.


boom! ! !

Purple light flickered.

After a long time, the movement disappeared.

At this time, Lu Shui was pressed on the quilt and beaten, and he felt bruised all over his body.

Mu Xue leaned on Lu Shui's stomach, and then jumped up and down her long purple legs, with a happy look on her face.

It really is the happiest thing to beat Lu Shui directly.

Lu Shui won't reflect on himself, he deserves to be beaten by her.

(Lu Shui: I've reflected on it, and I think it's okay, it's a needle in a woman's heart.)

"What did you just say?" Mu Xue's head resting on Lu Shui's stomach suddenly turned to Lu Shui.

is questioning.

"Huh?" Lu Shui was confused:

"What did I just say?"

"Young Master Lu, don't speak ill of me in my mind from now on." Mu Xue waved her small fist as a warning.

Lu Shui: "???"

How did Mu Xue's brain grow?

Talk without logic.

"Hmph." Mu Xue snorted coldly, and then continued to use Lu Shui's stomach as a pillow.

Her feet were leaning against the air, and Ziqi helped her to drag them.

It seemed that it was for Lu Shui.

"Master Lu, do you think my stomach will react?" Mu Xue asked.

"My intuition tells me no, so I'm here to slap my intuition," Lu Shui said.

Hearing this sentence, Mu Xue suddenly sat up and looked at Lu Shui, and asked seriously:

"Young Master Lu, you mean that you came here just to slap your face?

I'm just a tool man? "

Lu Shui: "."

Can you make some sense?

Tell the truth.

next morning.

Lu Shui opened his eyes, it was time to read.

Looking at Mu Xue who was still sleeping beside him, Lu Shui had no intention of staying and couldn't stop everyday.

Otherwise how to become stronger?

Mu Xue thought this would stop him from becoming stronger?

Idiots talk about dreams.


Mu Xue looks really good-looking, he must have practiced charm, otherwise how could he, who wants to become stronger, remember this place?

This charm is terrible.

It actually made him sink into this willingly.

After getting ready, Lu Shui walked away without waking Mu Xue up.

"Did Young Master Lu refuse to admit it in the morning?" Lu Shui, who had just walked two steps, suddenly heard Mu Xue's voice.

He looked back at Mu Xue, who was hiding under the blanket with her big eyes exposed, as if she had some resentment and anger, which made him feel for a moment that he was really wrong.

Then he sat on the edge of the bed and said seriously:

"I'm not leaving."

Mu Xue: "."

"I think Miss Mu must be very happy." Lu Shui said softly.

Mu Xue: "."

She covered the quilt, and then came out a shameful voice:

"I didn't say anything just now."

Lu Shui didn't speak, but slowly lowered the quilt, and when Mu Xue's face was exposed, he lightly touched Mu Xue's forehead with his forehead.

Only then did he get up and leave.

Mu Xue watched Lu Shui leave with a smile on her face.

When he came to the door, Lu Shui stopped suddenly, then turned to look at Mu Xue and said:

"Miss Mu's head is really hard."

After speaking, Lu Shui moved his hand.


He left Mu Xue's room in an instant.

At this time, Mu Xue's pillow was also thrown on the door.

Angrily, Mu Xue opened the notebook.

Make a note first, so as not to forget it later.



Lu Shui didn't go back to his yard, and went directly to Qiuyun Town.

Today he has to contact some people.

Prepare for what's to come.

In a few days, I should go to Mu's house again.

I don't know if I can pull my father-in-law into the water, it's not easy.

But forget it, there is the Origin Stone over there, if it is targeted, the loss outweighs the gain.

Ming is located in the fan capital, which has a huge influence, and it is quite troublesome to find it.

If you can contact the suzerain of the Yintian sect, I don't know if you can get some news from him.

It shouldn't be easy.

Classes are not equal.

At present, he can only rely on himself, but it is not in a hurry.

Get rid of the three stars in the sky first.

Lu Shui looked at the three stars that were no longer visible in the sky, and muttered to himself silently.

This project is unprecedentedly large, and only those three can make him such a troublesome arrangement.

Fortunately, the Innate God did not participate in it, otherwise the project would be even bigger.

The last time he woke up, the Innate God consumed a lot.

I don't know when I will wake up again, or I am lurking now, trying to reap the benefits of being a fisherman.

However, the suppression of the Kongming Sea Territory is still there, and the opponent can't make much noise.

At least not as active as the three major forces.

When he came to Qiuyun Town, Lu Shui randomly found a place where no one was around, and took out the Hall of Valor.

After sending out the call, Lu Shui quietly waited for the old man Guying to arrive.

Guying old man appeared from the Hall of Valor for the first time.

He stood in front of Lu Shui, knelt down on one knee, and said respectfully:


"I need you to do something." Lu Shui signaled Gu Ying to get up.

He can't get rid of this king, can he?

But it's not a big problem.

When the old man Guying and his group are dead, no one will call Wang.

Although they are all dead, the heroic spirits have a limit after all.

In front of the years, longevity is useless.

"I will go through fire and water for the king." Gu Ying old man said immediately.

"It's not that troublesome." Lu Shui shook his head, and then explained the general situation.

"Because you have a slight connection with the Innate God, so you can only carry one at most.

I can perfectly cover up this place for you. " Lu Shui said.

Blue Night Country is different from other places.

Where there are traces of great power, there must be a lot of Yu Ze.

The only thing to pay attention to is that God is born to destroy.

Well, let's go to the Kongming Sea Territory to confirm the situation and see if the other party has the ability to destroy.

If there is, suppress it directly.

Save yourself the hassle.

Although one can be perfectly avoided, it is not afraid of ten thousand but just in case.

An error in a certain link is easy to be discovered.

"Just build an altar and then defend it?" Guying old man thought it seemed a bit easy.

But the Innate God is indeed the most dangerous existence.

The god under the deep sea, he already knew that he was a born god.

If Wang called it that, he must be right.

"Before we start, I'll take a trip to make sure he has nothing to spare," Lu Shui said.

The lonely old man knelt on one knee:

"Never betray the king's trust."

After telling everything, Lu Shui originally planned to hand out the invitation directly.

Then I found out that I didn't go to his mother to get it.

Then wait for the next time.

"Notify me when it's finished." Said Lu Shui asked again:

"By the way, has there been any change in Tianshengshen recently?"

"There is no abnormality, as if he has fallen into an endless sleep." Guying old man said.

The last time he woke up, his heart was broken.

That existence is really terrifying and boundless, as if everything will be destroyed by the other party.

However, it was suppressed by the king.

"Are you familiar with sea monsters?" Lu Shui asked again.

To be honest, Siren has a huge territory.

And more courageous.

Not to mention that they are backed by Mu Xue, their strength is not comparable to that of others.

At this time, they are no worse than the three major forces.

"There have been a few contacts." Guying old man thought for a while and said:

"I'll try to communicate when I go back."

"Tell them the reward as well, you can ask." Lu Shui added.

The old man Gu Ying lowered his head, but did not speak.

Do things for the king, dare not ask for rewards.

The old man Guying left.

Lu Shui was thinking about who to contact, mainly because Zhenwu couldn't contact anyone.

If Zhenwu can contact, there is no need for him to contact.

Think about it carefully, except for the old man Guying, other real martial arts can be handled by himself.

Of course, it's useless to contact some people.

For example, Moxiu Xuechen, if you find him, he won't do anything.

The same is true for Tianji.

Otherwise, let Xianshan add one.

If there are more in other places, the problem is not too big.

If the amount is not enough, you have to find other ways to make up.

Thinking in this way, Lu Shui took out the pattern of heaven and earth and looked at it.

I haven't thought of who else I need to contact for the time being, and wait for Zhenwu to report.

Among them, the hidden sky sect may have the best effect.

It's a pity that Li Qianchi may not be found.

There are a lot of people in the Lu family, and it can actually be used, but there is too much movement.

The Lu family is watched all the time.

Yintianzong is almost an individual action, with high secrecy.

Without thinking about it, Lu Shui looked at the book and waited for the time.

Before noon, Zhenwu didn't come, so he should go buy some snacks for Mu Xue.

See where to go later.

If it doesn't work, you can go to Fengshuang River for a stroll, and Mu Xue said that there is a road there.

However, entering Fengshuanghe felt like causing trouble to the Great Elder, and he was easily punished severely.

So, look at the situation.



Jian Yifeng.

Jian Qi walked on the stairs, he was dressed in white, and walked towards the highest point of Jian Yi Peak.

This road is not easy to walk, if you don't have enough understanding of the sword, you will not be able to go to the top.

Sword heart and sword intent are indispensable.

However, the requirements for cultivation are not high.

Only an understanding of swords is required.

Therefore, Jianqi can go up step by step.

He does know about swords, but he is still not as good as those seniors.

Or rather.

The only thing that can support him to keep going up is that heart.

Hold the heart of the invincible sword.

The heart that can give up even the ultimate kendo.

Jian Qi is the first person who can reach the peak in the third-order situation in so many years.

"The sword is up."

There are twelve pillars in the main hall of Jian Yifeng.

Three of the pillars sit three people.

A young man in red, an ordinary middle-aged man, and a middle-aged bald head.

A dark long sword is carved on the bald head.

As a bald head, he doesn't look like a sword repairman, so he can only stab the sword on his head.

Let people know that he is a man with only a sword in his mind.

The first one to speak was the young man in red.

"I started leaving last night, I don't know why." The bald head followed suit.

"Won't you know when he comes in?" The seemingly ordinary middle-aged man said.


Da da!

Jian Qi's footsteps sounded in the hall.

The three figures on the pillar also set their sights on the gate.

Soon they saw Jian Qi dressed in white, calm and unhurried, as if all the pressure had not disturbed him, which made them a little frightened.

This is the future of their Jian Yifeng.


"Meet the three elders."

Jian Qi stood in the middle of the hall, lowered his body and said respectfully.

"Come up suddenly, is it related to personal matters?" asked the young man in red.

Coming up means having the qualifications to bargain with the elders.

Anything can be discussed.

If you marry a wife, you can't agree.

This will delay the sword, and you must not touch this kind of thing.

"What if this incident might offend the three ancient forces?" Jian Qi asked.

Say the most frightening thing directly.

"Oh?" The bald head looked at Jianqi with some surprise:

"It depends on what's going on."

If Jian Qi can know the ancient forces, he is already very good, and if he can be an enemy of the three major forces, that is incredible.

"Help someone build an altar."

Jian Qi said the relevant things again.

"That's about it."

Hearing what Jian Qi said, the others frowned slightly.

"The altar is harmless?" asked the young man in red.

"The one said it's harmless." Jian Qi couldn't understand.

But Liuhuo wouldn't be able to deceive him, and it didn't need to be within the range of Jian Yifeng.

Someone can keep it.

Just find a deserted mountain.

"I'm curious about his compensation, asking a question, or any question?

Can he answer my question? "The bald head looked at Jianqi and asked directly:

"I have been preaching for many years, but the way is hopeless.

I want a chance, can he tell me the answer?

Where does he have the qualifications to be so arrogant? "

Facing the question from the bald head, the other two didn't speak, but just looked at Jianqi and how Jianqi would answer.

Jian Yifeng didn't do good deeds.

Not worth the risk without enough benefit.

"The three elders think the most terrifying battle in the cultivation world, which one should it be?" Jian Qi didn't think for a moment before he spoke directly.

Before coming up, he thought about it, and he was roughly prepared.

So he didn't need to think for a long time before he could give a sufficiently shocking answer.

"The most terrifying battle?" The seemingly ordinary middle-aged man gave the answer without much thought:

"A few days ago, the day when manna fell from the sky.

The battle centered on the Lu family. "

"Indeed, for countless years, there has never been a single battle that surpassed that one." The young man in red agreed.

"Then what do you want to say next?" The bald head continued to ask.

"During that battle, who did the three elders think was the most eye-catching, and what level did they belong to?" Jian Qi looked at the three above the pillar and asked.

This question made the three of them silent for a moment.

They are thinking.

"If I have to say it, there should be three people who are the most outstanding." The bald man spoke first:

"One, the mainstream fire of the Shaozong of the Hidden Sky Sect, who alone suppresses the changes in the sky, fears the heaven and the earth, which has never been seen in eternity.

Second, the purple-clothed goddess of the Celestial Nvzong stands in the sky, surpassing the heaven and the earth, shocking people's hearts.

Three, the great elder of the Lu family may be a bit unfamiliar to you, but his strength is unmatched by anyone in the cultivation world.

The first two have surpassed the legend, and the elder of the Lu family is a legend.

Satisfied with this answer?

Anyone else have an opinion? "

The young man in red, like an ordinary middle-aged man, shook his head.

Didn't have any comments.

This is a fact.

Then the three looked at Jianqi, wanting to see Jianqi's opinion.

If you can come up, you are naturally qualified to communicate.

"What the elder said is true, so I also want to tell the three elders one thing." Jian Qi looked up at the three elders of Jian Yifeng, and said seriously:

"The person who gave the reward for the question is the one that the elders said, the powerful man who has made the world fear and has never been seen in ancient times, the young master of the hidden sky sect, Liu Huo.

All questions about Tao are not a problem for him. "

Hearing this sentence, the three of them were all shocked.

Flowing fire.

A very mysterious fire.

"Is it true?"

"It's absolutely true."

"The drawing." The young man in red said immediately:

"This matter has been contracted by this seat.

The main reason is that the initiator of this matter is Liu Huo, who is kind to me, Jian Yifeng.

We, Jian Yifeng, are not the ones who don't reciprocate their kindness. "

"Shut up, you, I want it, and no one will take it from me." The bald head stood up straight away.

It seemed that he would beat anyone who dared to rob him.

"Then let's fight, whoever wins will take over." The seemingly ordinary middle-aged man followed suit and stood up.

The young man in red began to emit red light, as if he was about to fight at any moment.

Sword rises: "."

It seems that the reputation of Fellow Daoist Dongfang is greater than expected.

Jian Yifeng was fine, as for the three major forces, the three elders never mentioned it.

I don't care anymore.

But there are some things he needs to clarify.

"Don't worry, the three elders. According to the requirements, you can ask questions as long as you participate."

Hearing what Jian Qi said, the three were taken aback.

"Does it mean that we can ask questions after we build a whole sect?" asked the young man in red.

"There should be an upper limit, but whether it is one person or three people, there is no precise answer.

However, there can be many altars, as long as they are successfully used in the end. "Jianqi explained in detail.

It is definitely impossible to ask an altar and a sect.

You don't have to think about it.

"Don't worry about it, just build one by yourself, anyway, we have many mountains." The bald head looked around and said:

"Let those old guys who are closed to death come out.

Why are you still closed.

Waiting to die?

ask directly. "

"What if Liuhuo can only give a general answer?" The seemingly ordinary middle-aged man asked.

"Can those old guys come out after a while?" The bald head asked back.

Then no one spoke.

"Execute." Finally, the young man in red looked at Jianqi and said:

"Give us the blueprint formation."

At this point, Jian Qi breathed a sigh of relief.

If you want to come to Jian Yifeng, you can accomplish a lot.

As for the final use, they don't know.

But the target should be the three stars that suddenly appeared at night.

That was the only change recently.

There is nothing ordinary about what Fellow Daoist Dongfang does.

"That's right." At this moment, the young man in red suddenly asked the sword:

"Did you ask the question too?"

"Yes." Jian Qi nodded:

"Holding the Invincible Sword is the harvest at that time."

"Does this matter require a secret operation?" The middle-aged man asked.

"It should be." Jian Qi said.

He wasn't really sure, but Ben would be destroyed.

Then secret operations are naturally necessary.

Otherwise, it is really possible to fight with the three major forces.

When everything was in place, the top management of Jianyi Peak started to look for a suitable mountain.

Build an altar.

For those with weak cultivation, one question is really not that important.

Perhaps the pill is more important.

But for them with high cultivation, a problem is equal to an opportunity.

Can meet but not ask for.

"I'm done here, it's hard to say about Chu Yu and Qiao Gan's side."

Jian Qi shook his head.

Relatively speaking, he is the easiest.

It's not his own problem, the main reason is that Jian Yifeng is not afraid of the three major forces.

They are not afraid of battle.



It's almost noon.

Lu Shui closed the book, it was almost time to go back.

Bring Mu Xue a snack.

Mu Xue should get up earlier today, after all, she slept a lot last night.

Furthermore, it is not normal to wake up late every day, and it must be known.

Especially his mother.

Whenever she saw Mu Xue getting up late, she would guess wildly.

Also make a guess.

It's so annoying.

Lu Shui touched his body, and there were actually seven teeth marks on his body.

There is power flowing on it, as long as he wants, he can summon the tooth god.

Find a good day and call once.

I don't know whether to make a wish or not.

Some wishing creatures are difficult to communicate with. I hope his tooth god will be the kind who communicates well.

Lu Shui was just going to buy some snacks.

Zhenwu suddenly came over.

"Master, there is news."

This is the first sentence Zhenwu came to say.

"What news?" Lu Shui asked.

This sentence has no beginning and no end.

"Li Qianchi found it, just wait for the young master to pass." After finishing speaking, Zhenwu added:

"The dog found it."

Lu Shui nodded slightly. Speaking of Gouzi, he thought of Gouzi in Midu.

Dogs back then were not what they are now.

Still very shy.

When they see someone stealing something, they will remind them, and they can help the weak.

Still very obedient, can't speak yet.


I always feel that I have mixed up with the society and become a hooligan.

"Lead the way." Lu Shui got up and said.

Deal with it in the past, and then go back, it won't take too long.

"I met you in the park, young master, follow me." Zhenwu led the way.

"By the way, this is the list to be contacted at present." Lu Zhenwu handed Lu Shui a list.

The main reason is to let Lu Shui see if there is any problem.

After receiving the list, Lu Shui looked at it.

There are many names.

The first name is Qiao Gan.



Lu Shui didn't pay attention, and then saw Chu Yu, Jian Qi, Shi Ming, Miao Tong, and Ye Xin.

Each of these people has a corresponding force.

Qiao Family, Hundred Flowers Valley, Jianyi Peak, Qiujing Palace, Hehuan Sect.

Ye Xin corresponds to the other shore.

It's barely strong.

Afterwards, Lu Shui also saw the names of Ming Yuzhong and Pure Land Princess Muran.

Corresponding to the pure land.

Hades seems to have given up.

"Daozong is also among them?" Lu Shui was a little surprised.

The corresponding person is Jing Hai.

Lu Shui has met this person several times.

He is also a well-informed person.

"Yes, but we haven't contacted yet." Zhenwu immediately said:

"Because he doesn't know Liuhuo's identity, so he needs to ask the young master."

Just when Lu Shui was about to speak, suddenly there was a divine power coming towards him, it was Jiu's.

Then he received a sentence:

"Yes, I told him."

Lu Shui: "."

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