Shi Ming was shocked.

He retreated far away, to the opposite side of the altar.

His bad luck has been getting stronger and stronger recently, as if there is nothing to suppress it, it keeps increasing.

Even the head teacher would fall down in front of him, let alone the others.

On the avenue, as long as he appeared, everyone would respectfully back away.

Who dares to say a bad word about him?

Who dares to strengthen the territory?

He just stays where he is practicing, and then others will help him out.

Bring those who provoke him to physics education.

Behind him stood the entire sect of senior brothers and sisters.

No one dared to bully him anymore, and no one dared to scold him casually.

Talk bad things behind your back.

Shi Ming is the face of Qiujing Palace, and when hostile forces come to demonstrate, Shi Ming will take the lead to receive them.

In the end, they were polite and hoped that the person would be replaced by another person.

So he knows how terrible his bad luck is.

Even the position of guarding the senior sister, he moved far away, for fear of affecting it.

Now that the senior sister suddenly appeared beside him, how could he not be worried?

In case of injury is added injury.

"Master, Senior Sister, why are you here?" Shi Ming asked.

He hadn't talked to his senior sister for a long time, so he didn't know what to say for a while.

Although I have chatted on the mobile phone, how can typing be the same as speaking?

Qianyin lowered her eyebrows and put the stone away, and said softly:

"I heard that the younger brother is building an altar here, come and have a look."

She was more concerned about Shi Ming's sudden departure, especially since the residence had moved a little during this time, she wondered if the junior brother wanted to leave already.

No longer guarding her because of guilt.

one person.

She is not used to it.

But for a while, she didn't know how to express it, and she didn't know her specific thoughts.


She felt that without her junior brother around, it would be boring to be alone.

In the past, she could feel at ease when she practiced, but later her junior brother broke into her world, and she doesn't like to leave now.

So when I saw my junior brother was away for a few days, I was a little concerned, even though I said I would go out for a while.

But what if he won't go back?

Maybe after a month, she will receive a message from her senior sister to take care of her?

Still come and have a look, more at ease.

"Senior sister, if you are curious about the altar, I can send it to you, but you can't get close here." Shi Ming said anxiously.

To be close to that is to make yourself guilty.

Everyone in the entire sect is avoiding him, how can anyone come here specially?

will hurt.

Qianyin moved a stone over, sat by the altar, and said softly:

"I just want to help my junior brother. It's boring to be alone in the room."

"But senior sister is injured." Shi Ming didn't dare to approach Qianyin, he lowered his head and said:

"And people who are close to me will be unlucky, which is a kind of harm to senior sister."

He has no choice with this physique.

If he had an ordinary physique from the beginning, maybe he wouldn't know Senior Sister Haiyan, let alone get close to Senior Sister Qianyin.

He will be one of the ordinary disciples.

I can have the present day thanks to my physique.

But is it bad?


This kind of life course is extremely rare and quite exciting, but he is destined to end in tragedy.

No one will come near him, no one will accompany him.

He is a person who is hated, and has never changed for decades.

The senior sister was very kind to him, but he didn't want to hurt the senior sister.

"My injury is not as serious as my brother thought, and" Qianyin turned to look at Shi Ming who was bowing his head, and said:

"Junior, have you ever heard of a rune, a rune that can resist bad luck?"

Hearing this sentence, Shi Ming was a little surprised. He looked up, only to see that his senior sister was also looking at him, which made him dodge his senior sister's gaze uncomfortably:

"Why, how could there be such a rune?"

"Yes." Qianyin still looked at Shi Ming, her voice was firm:

"I met a senior, she surpassed my cognition, she gave me... gave me this rune.


At this point, Fairy Qianyin hesitated, but soon her firm voice sounded again:

"I know that junior brother may not believe it, and I don't know if the rune is useful or not.


Can you let me stay here to help my junior brother, let me try to see if the runes are useful? "

Shi Ming looked at Senior Sister Qianyin in disbelief. He opened his mouth, as if he couldn't make a sound. It took a while for him to make a normal sound:

"Senior sister, are you serious?"

Qianyin stretched out her hand, and the rune suddenly appeared in her hand, at this moment her voice came out, with gentleness:

"Junior help me try the effect of the runes, and I will help my junior build an altar.

How are you? "

"Senior sister, aren't you afraid?" Shi Ming looked at Senior Sister Qianyin.

It feels like the senior sister is playing with her life.

Fairy Qianyin looked at Shi Ming, then lowered her eyebrows and said softly:

"In this world, there may not be a safer place than being around my junior."

Shi Ming was stunned for a moment.

He is obviously the most dangerous person, and it is all because of him that Senior Sister is today.

Otherwise, the senior sister has already been promoted, and perhaps she is already pursuing a higher realm.



Albizia sect.

In an antique house.

At this time, two people were sitting at the table, one with a smile in his eyes, and the other with a slightly pale face.

These two are naturally Miao Tong and Ming Yu Qingyi.

At this moment, Miao Tong looked at Ming Yu Qingyi beside him, hesitant to speak.

"What do you think?" Ming Yuqingyi looked at Miao Tong and asked.

On the way back, that's it.

It seems that there is a lot to say, but just can't say it.

"Isn't it easy for the suzerain to talk?" Miao Tong said:

"I asked Zhenwu, and he said that there might be a surplus of altars now, so we don't allow the suzerain to agree, but it's really nothing."

"No." Ming Yuqingyi looked at Miaotong and said seriously:

"That person said to give you a ray of heaven, but the quality of the breath was not clearly stated.

So you have to do your best. "

"Actually, I think it's better to ask a question." Miao Tongtong looked at his Taoist companion and said:

"Maybe you have the possibility to advance?"

"I don't want to advance for the time being." Ming Yuqingyi said softly:

"You advance fast enough, I won't get stuck.

No matter what you say, you need a ray of weather first. "

Miao Tong is actually very puzzled, many people have problems or spirit stones.

At first, his Taoist partner was also happy, and he could ask a question.

But suddenly the other side changed his mind.

You can't give them the problem, you can only give a ray of weather.

Miao Tong wanted to talk about the price, but

His Taoist partner went crazy.

Say what you want, and I will do my best to complete it.

In order to make the scale large enough, she directly asked to see the Sovereign.

Otherwise, with her status, it would be enough for many people to participate.

In short, the problem suddenly increased a lot of difficulty, but he was the only one who resisted it.

He can't say anything either.

Many things can be discussed, but this one is not negotiable.

Miao Tong naturally had no choice but to accept it.

But he was curious whether the Sovereign was a man or a woman.

"I'm going to see the suzerain later?" Miao Tong asked.

"Well, let's go together." Ming Yuqingyi nodded.

Naturally go together, she is married, and she has to let the suzerain know.

"The suzerain," Miao Tong hesitated for a moment, and mustered up his courage to say:

"Sovereign, is he a man or a woman?"

Ming Yuqingyi looked at Miao Tong curiously and said:

"Didn't I tell you?

She can be a woman or a man.

However, she usually appears as a woman.

But the suzerain neither likes men nor women. "

Miao Tong: "."

what is this?

So is it male or female?



Mu family.

Lu Shui looked at the sky and felt that the power of the bright moon was constantly pressing down.

And the people from the Mu family seem to have found out.

"The movement is a bit outrageous, and it seems that there will be some gains."

Lu Shui thought to himself.

Then he came to the old man's residence.

The high-altitude distortion has indeed been discovered, but it is only a prototype, and the impact is not too great.

When seeing the old man, Lu Shui found that the old man had a painful face and a light shining on his arm.

"This is fatal."

Lu Shui said why it would have such a big impact. It turned out that the old man was holding on and wanted to open the passage.

This is not the limit, he is not worried about problems.

Do you trust your son-in-law so much?

The old man is really nice.

It has never been discovered in the previous life.

"Master Lu?" Mu Ze saw Lu Shui at this moment, and he said in cold sweat:

"How do I stop this?"

Lu Shui: "."

It turns out that the old man doesn't know how to stop?

Moved wrong.

"As soon as the thought moves, it will stop by itself.

If it reaches the limit, it's useless for seniors to hold on. " Lu Shui said.

He left an emergency mechanism, which will be triggered in the end.

For example, if the influence is too great, or if it will harm the father-in-law.

Neither limit is currently triggered, so the channel has been building.

Almost done now.

"It feels like it's going to work." Mu Ze said with a painful face:

"Will it be a problem to continue?"

Lu Shui looked up and saw that the distortion was getting bigger and bigger, but it would take some time to really affect here:

"At most one more hour."

An hour is very long.

"Okay, let me persevere." Mu Ze said.

What else can Lu Shui say?

He could only sit on one side, and began to look at the pattern of the heaven and earth, and by the way, use the power of heaven and earth to stabilize the surrounding space and prevent it from being affected by the power of the moon clan.

Other places will not be affected. This is the end of the passage, and there will always be some influence of breath.

With him, there will be no problems and no emergency mechanisms will be triggered.


The ancestral land of the Mu family.

Mu Yuan looked at the glowing origin stone and felt the changes in the sky.

He sighed inwardly.

Great changes have taken place in the world of comprehension, and their Mu family is also not stable.

The Genesis Stone has had frequent problems recently, and no matter how you look at it, it has a huge relationship with the changes in the world.

"The changes outside seem to be getting more and more serious." Mu Jiang walked in and said.

At this time, the origin stone also has abnormal changes, and it is not necessary to know that the external changes are related to the origin stone.

"Where's Mu Ze?" Mu Yuan asked.

The Origin Stone is in charge of Mu Ze, and Mu Ze knows a lot.

There is an existence opposite the Origin Stone, and Mu Ze told them about it.

Now this existence seems to be calling them.

And they can't answer.

"It seems to stabilize the realm." Mu Jiang thought for a while and said:

"I saw that his cultivation base was indeed a little unstable yesterday."

Mu Yuan sighed and said:

"Let's go and see the changes outside first, but many people have come to the Lu family, so they should have noticed this change.

Don't know what they will think. "

"Well, I just received the news." Mu Jiang said with a strange expression on his face:

"They seem to want to build a space stabilization formation above Mu's house to prevent accidents from happening, which will affect Young Master Lu's acceptance of the marriage."

Mu Yuan: "."

Can't understand the Lu family.

Really don't regard resources as resources at all, and the people who want to be mobilized are by no means weak.

The face of the Lu family is really outrageous.

Maybe there are such people in the Lu family, and it's because their Mu family's vision is too narrow.

"Wait and see what's going on with Mu Ze. Maybe he can know a thing or two about what's going on here." Mu Yuan said.

Then he left the ancestral land.

The origin stone, they really don't know enough.

There is no way to start.

If you act casually, it is easy to offend the existence opposite the Origin Stone. This existence is not good or bad for the Mu family.

Unfortunately, they do not have the right to choose.


Remnant rainbow sunset.

Lu Shui closed the book, looked at the father-in-law whose expression had stabilized, and released the power of heaven and earth by the way.

Someone outside is approaching.

He used the power of heaven and earth to keep those people out.

You can't let those two people in at this time.

For the time being, he cannot be separated from here.

Let those two come in after he leaves.

But he seems to be inseparable for the time being.

Now that Yue's channel is open, the father-in-law is about to be pulled in, and then he must prepare for Yue and Ming to try to connect.

Need to be busy with a lot of things.

At this time, Mu Ze was indeed pulled into a space, and there was also a door in front of him, but this time the door did not have the same brilliance as before.

Be ordinary.

"Who are you?" A voice suddenly came from the door.

It's a female voice.

"Junior Mu Ze." Mu Ze immediately lowered his head and said.

"Who sent you here?" The voice continued to come from behind the door.

"People from the Lu family." Mu Ze didn't say Lu Shui's name, just in case.

"Lu Shui?" Yue's voice sounded.

"Yes." Mu Ze breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that it is indeed the month in Lu Shuikou.

"You can call me Yue, you can't stay here for long." Yue's voice sounded.

By the time Mu Ze reacted, he had already returned to the yard.

"Have you seen the moon?"

Lu Shui's voice reached his ears, he looked up at Lu Shui, and nodded slightly:

"I saw it, but I couldn't communicate with them for too long."

Putting away the pattern of heaven and earth, Lu Shui stood up:

"It's normal, your strength is not enough, and your strength level is not good enough.

It only relies on the blood of the Mu family who has some connection with them, and no one else can see them. "

After a pause, Lu Shui said again:

"Let's go and find the Origin Stone.

By the way, when we go out later, we will meet Patriarch Mu, explain roughly, don't let them follow.

My strength will escort you and make you extraordinary. "

Said that the figure of Lushui began to disappear:

"I will watch in the dark and remember that my temperament is better."

With the blessing of his power of heaven and earth, even ordinary people will show extraordinary.

But the person involved is humble, and the power of heaven and earth cannot make him show his greatness.

I hope my father-in-law will not shame the power of heaven and earth.

Mu Ze watched Lu Shui disappear in place, and couldn't detect Lu Shui's trace for a while.

But he knew that Lu Shui was nearby, and he could feel Lu Shui's power.

There is a heavy force around him, mysterious and unpredictable, difficult to peep.

But at this moment, power was gathering around him, and after a while, he also understood what Lu Shui said.

It turned out that the eldest brother and the second sister couldn't get in outside, no wonder he was asked to explain.

Now that he was going to the ancestral land, he must not let others follow him.


Mu Yuan and Mu Jiang stood outside the courtyard where Mu Yuan was, they looked at the courtyard and frowned.

They came here just now to see what's going on with Mu Ze's body, and then inform him about the situation in his ancestral land.


When they came, they were affected by the mysterious power, and they couldn't enter Mu Ze's courtyard at all. No matter what method they tried, it didn't work at all.

Arrays and spells have no effect at all in front of the power in the yard.

Moreover, the distortion in the sky disappeared, but in Mu Ze's courtyard, there seemed to be a distortion.

"There's something wrong here with Mu Ze." Mu Yuan's deep voice came out.

"I sent word to go in, but nothing came of it." Mu Jiang's face was also covered with haze.

They have some bad guesses.

This is definitely not Mu Ze's power, and Mu Ze has the most contact with the ancestral land.

There is a powerful presence on the opposite side.

Now a powerful and mysterious force appeared in Mu Ze's residence, and they couldn't do without thinking about it.

But at this moment, the mysterious power began to shrink.

Mu Yuan and Mu Jiang immediately became vigilant, now they feel that they can enter Mu Ze's yard, but

I dare not enter for a while.

"Someone came out." Mu Yuan said suddenly.

At this time, Mu Jiang also saw that there was a figure coming from the courtyard, and if he was not mistaken, the mysterious power covered that person.

There is a feeling of a beast coming out of a hole.

This made Mu Yuan and Mu Jiang a little nervous.

Because they don't know what will come out, although it seems that the person is Mu Ze, but no one knows whether Mu Ze is safe or not.

After all, Mu Ze doesn't have such terrifying power.

Yes, it was Mu Ze who came out at this time.

He took a heavy step, and each step had a dull sound, as if it weighed a thousand catties.

Like a person walking, carrying a mountain on his shoulders.

Mu Ze approached Mu Yuan and Mu Jiang step by step.

But at this moment, what Mu Yuan saw in his eyes was a man dragging his body, and there was power surging around him, as if distorting the space.

Weird and unpredictable, bottomless.

Like a moving abyss.


Mu Yuan and Mu Jiang were a little afraid, it was definitely the strong man from the opposite side of the Origin Stone.

They hesitated for a while, whether to withdraw, but is it useful? If the other party wants to deal with them, they will do it just now.

As Mu Ze got closer, they felt more and more pressure, as if the mountain was about to crush them and crush them.

This kind of heaviness made them a little unbearable.

Soon Mu Ze came to them, and they didn't dare to speak for a while.

"Big Brother, Second Sister." Mu Ze's voice came out, but it was a little low and uncomfortable:

"Why are you here?"

This sudden cry made Mu Jiang Muyuan stunned, and the mountain seemed to disappear all of a sudden.

It is to scare oneself.

"What's going on with you now?" Mu Yuan asked.

Although I don't know what happened, but something great must have happened to Mu Ze.

They really felt that kind of power.

And it also blocked them from entering the yard, and I could feel it at this time.

Power gathered around Mu Ze.

"I can already talk to the Origin Stone, and I have also found the other half of the Origin Stone, and now I am trying to spy on what's behind it." Mu Ze's voice was a little low:

"But don't worry, there is a limit, if something goes wrong, I will stop it as soon as possible.

It will never endanger the Mu family.

If we don't understand this kind of thing, maybe we won't be able to sleep. "

Mu Yuan frowned, then looked at Mu Ze and said:

"Are you going to the ancestral land now?"

Mu Ze nodded:


"Go alone?" Mu Jiang also asked.

Mu Ze still nodded and did not speak.

It was true that he was the only one going to the Mu family, but there was only one other person in the Lu family.

Others can no longer enter.

In the end, Mu Yuan and Mu Jiang had no choice but to agree, and watched Mu Ze go to the ancestral land.

In just a moment, they saw Mu Ze disappear from their eyes.

"There are really many secrets in Mu Ze." Mu Yuan said with a sigh.

"Indeed, especially since he brought Mu Xue back." Mu Jiang also sighed:

"Mu Xue was brought back by him, but he never mentioned what happened.

Her temperament changed drastically, but within a few months, she brought back the marriage with the Lu family.

It is completely impossible to know the reason.

Looking back now, it feels weird.

We don't have the slightest contact with the Lu family, but the marriage is indeed so smooth.

The same is true recently, he has also understood the origin stone that his ancestors could not understand for generations.

It looks like there are many secrets behind it. "

"Forget it." Mu Yuan shook his head and said:

"As long as there is no harm to the Mu family.

Mu Ze still has a sense of proportion in this regard.

However, it is still necessary to be vigilant around to prevent accidents from happening. "

Then the two began to secretly take precautions to ensure that nothing out of hand would happen.

The ancestral land of the Mu family.

"Senior's acting skills are good."

Lu Shui walked behind Mu Ze and said.

Although the father-in-law is a little weak, but his steps are heavy, it is not necessary.

It's just to match the heaviness of the power of heaven and earth, so that the power has weight.

Otherwise, it is like rootless duckweed, whose weight cannot be seen.

"Young Master Lu was joking. In front of Young Master Lu, it's all child's play." Mu Ze said modestly.

Who is Lu Shui?

The Lu family is useless.

Either outsiders think so, or the Lu family themselves think so.

He acted for more than ten years, how could he compare with Lu Shui?

One day, one place.

Lu Shui is acting in life, he is just a theater.

The little witch sees the big witch.

"What will Master Lu do next?"

At this time, they have come to the origin stone.

"Try to let Yue and Ming communicate first.

Seniors just put their hands on the Origin Stone. "Lu Shui said softly.

He didn't know what would happen, so the power of heaven and earth was directly used by him to cover the origin stone.

"I'm starting." Mu Ze put his hand on the Origin Stone and began to try to connect the two parties.

After Lu Shui nodded, Mu Ze's power began to connect two channels:

"I'm going to connect the channel for you."

Mu Ze was speaking to Ming and Yue.

After both parties agree, everything begins.

The two channels that cannot be connected begin to contact and connect at this moment.

It seems to be connecting from two completely different existences.

And when the two channels touch together the moment.

The power that affects the world begins to emerge.

The sky and the earth are surging, and everything is shaking.

boom! ! !

An invisible roar erupted between heaven and earth.

Everything has been impacted by the unknown, as if something is impacting the present world.

A crack appeared in an unknown place in the world, and things that were not in the world began to enter the world.


I feel so sleepy every day, I need a girlfriend to help me code, but I think you are still single, alas!

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