"You'd better ask yourself this time."

Jiu said to the sword in front of him.

Jian Qi looked at the only true god in the world, and didn't speak for a while.

He chose silence.

"Why don't you talk?"

Jiu tilted his head and looked at Jianqi.

"I don't know what to ask." Jian Qi replied softly.

He has no problem.

Everyone has tons of questions, but he only has questions about his sister.

Others have no doubts.

Ke Jiu didn't let him ask, so he naturally needed to think silently.

"For example, your future achievements." Jiu said.

Jianqi shook his head and said softly:

"I want to go step by step, not know the answer and go.

In this way there are no shackles.

How far the future is at my feet. "


Jiu clapped and nodded:

"Then do you want to ask a very common question?

For example, when you walk out of the door, do you step with your left foot or your right foot first. "

Sword rises: "."

The Dark Goddess looked at Jiu with respect.

"You and Liuhuo." The Goddess of Darkness wants to ask what is the relationship between Jiu and Liuhuo.

"I was forced to come here by him, but no matter what relationship I have with him, I cannot participate in the contest between you." Jiu said with a smile.

"What should we do to make the True God wake up early?" the Dark Goddess asked softly.

"After a while, auspicious clouds will appear in the heaven and earth, and there will be clouds all over the world.

Go and collect the colorful clouds.

Ace wakes up in a few months. " Jiu said.

The Dark Goddess looked at Jiu in surprise.

Although it sounded unbelievable, she did not believe it.

"Do you think this is a good thing?" Jiu asked looking at the Dark Goddess.

"Isn't it?" No matter what the Dark Goddess thought, this was a good thing.

"At that time, you pass a word to Aisi, if you continue to sleep, you may be able to avoid disaster.

If you wake up.

Then the catastrophe comes, if you can't get over it, you may die. " Jiu said.

The dark goddess lowered her eyebrows.

This future is already manifested.

This is something they all know, but none of them fear.

Nobody stopped walking.

This is their choice. If they fall on the road, they will not be able to win.

"Is Liuhuo really the number one god?" The dark goddess tried to ask.

"What?" Jiu Si thought about it, then nodded and said:


"Are you accepting the third family member?" The Dark Goddess felt that it might be disrespectful, and immediately said:

"Or a servant of God."

She also asked before...

Jiu came to the dark goddess, held her face and said:

"I love this world, I love all creatures, and naturally I love you too."

The Goddess of Darkness lowered her head, with some joy in her heart.

She really wanted to follow Jiu.

The undead are Jiu's guardians, and Liu Huo and the true god are the relatives of the gods.

She also wants to be related.

But Nine had fallen, and she knew it was impossible.

God of War and Core Fire Ancient Buddha also received similar answers.

What they asked was how to make Regal and Buddha wake up early.

Not a word about the fire.

After all, there is only one problem.

Still should ask the most important.

The auspicious cloud is the answer they got, but they don't know where the auspicious cloud came from and when it will come.

Anyway, just wait quietly.


"I want to know where the snacks are hidden so that my mother won't find them."

Arlene asked the true god very simple questions.

God is helping with ideas.

It's just that Yalin has always denied it.

"How can we be better with Sister Mu Xue." Ya Yue looked at Jiu and asked.

Jiu blinked and said:

"It's the same as Xiao Zha Zha, it's fine if you don't have a root."

Yayue: "???"

"The relationship between you and your sister is actually very good, it's just that you are shy." Jiu reminded, and then said:

"Do you want to ask about your marriage?

I can tell you. "

"I'd better find it myself," Yayue said.

"The real one, sometimes you can't hide.

Will be happy in the future. " Jiu said.

"My future?" Ya Yue asked curiously.

"Of course not, you won't even let me see.

This is my blessing. " Jiu said with a smile.

"Thank you." Ya Yue bowed her head and said thanks.

"Liuhuo is so strong?" The second elder looked at Jiu with a little surprise.

Jiu naturally told the second elder what he said to the first elder.

It is said that Liuhuo is so powerful that no one can keep up with it.

"Yes, Liuhuo is very strong." Jiu nodded and said.

"Where's the goddess in purple? Aren't they at the same level?" The second elder was a little puzzled.

"Let's put it this way." Jiu thought for a while and said:

"For us, Flowing Fire is as strong as the Purple Clothed Goddess.

But if you stand in the position of the goddess in purple, you can't see how strong Liuhuo can be.

The power is unmatched, and the realm is bizarre. "

The second elder was silent, feeling nothing.

Because in her opinion, the strongest is the Great Elder.

And the great elder is actually still in the ranks of the avenue.

There is still a thousand years away from the legendary realm.

Nine's existence can be said to be unparalleled in the world.

But the purple-clothed goddess will be stronger, but for the purple-clothed goddess, the fire is even more exaggerated.

This is completely out of awareness.

Finally, she gave up thinking about it.

Instead, he asked about the origin of the Lu family:

"The Lu family has a special origin?"

"The origin of the Lu family is after the ancient times ended.

The family built their new house on the top of the mountain in Lu's house, and then began to manage their own area.

Live a stable life in the realm of comprehension.

Each generation of older generations must watch the new generation grow up, and each generation must see the birth of a baby before they can rest in peace.

After that, the Lu family appeared.

It began to take root in the cultivation world. " Jiu said.

The second elder frowned, she probably knew this too.

The Lu family has ancestral precepts, which must be passed down from generation to generation.

Whether the Lu family has descendants is more important than their lives.

"Is that all? What about the heaven and earth pattern?" the second elder asked.

"The pattern of heaven and earth is inherited from the ancestors." Jiu said.

"Where did it come from?" the second elder asked.

"The people who built the house picked it up from the ground.

They don't know what it is.

But it must be a good thing to know.

Since then, it has become the ancestral exercise of the Lu family.

Although no one knows whether it is a practice or not.

But the facts have proved that it is indeed a great skill, and the practitioners are so powerful that they are in a mess. " Jiu looked at the second elder and said.

"If you say it, you don't say it." The second elder said.

"Then do you know what the one who picked up the Heaven and Earth Formation is called?

Do you know how long he lived?

Do you know how strong he is?

Don't you know? " Jiu looked at the second elder and asked.

Facing Jiu's question, the Second Elder thought for a moment, and finally shook his head.

She really doesn't know.

"Qi's God's Domain has a book, which records who built the house, and even records everything about him.

When were you born, when you got married, when you had children.

It has been brilliant, it has not fallen, and it has been ordinary.

It also records when he will die at the end.

At that time you will find that his life is a legend.

I just chose a foolish path that I thought I had a clear conscience. "Jiu was still a little angry when she said it.

"Can I find that book?" the Second Elder asked.

When Jiu occasionally talks about unworthy people, he will show anger.

But whether she was really angry or not, she could tell at a glance.

"Yes, just look for it when you have time." Jiu said directly.

"As the only true god in the world, you seem to be very kind to the Lu family." Before Jiu could speak, the second elder retorted directly:

"You are good to everyone, but I still feel that you are better to us than others."

Jiu stared at the second elder and said in surprise:

"When did you learn my unique authority? Start reading my mind?"

"." The second elder ignored Jiu, turned and left.

If you can't ask Liuhuo questions if you stay here, then there is no point in staying here.

Ask Jiu, she can ask whatever she wants.

Mu Xue entered the numerology space and saw Liuhuo's numerology real body.



The sky is piercing through, isn't it uncomfortable to hold your breath?

At this moment, she felt her burning gaze drop.

That's why Mu Xue lowered her eyebrows and said softly:

"Master Liuhuo, I have a question to ask you."

"You ask." The voice of Liuhuo sounded.

"Master Liuhuo like this, I have a husband, I want to ask her if she likes me." Mu Xue said weakly with lowered eyebrows.

"I like it." Liu Huo replied.

"Then does he love me?"


"Then will he think the clothes I'm wearing today look good?"

Mu Xue said and turned around.

Today she didn't wear a skirt, but a sweater and trousers.

"It will look good." Liu Huo still answered.

Without the slightest hesitation.

"Master Liuhuo, I want to know if he loves me."

"Most definitely."

"Then why did he bite me? Can't he bite his shoulder?" Mu Xue's voice was weak and she looked very aggrieved.

"There is a lot of meat, and the taste is good." Liuhuo replied subconsciously.

"Ah?" Mu Xue looked at Liu Huo with a puzzled expression.

"Maybe the shoulders are more obvious and easy to see." Liu Huo replied again.

"Then" Mu Xue lowered her head, moved her feet and said:

"Master Liuhuo, do you think he is a puppy who still bites people?"

Lu Shui: "."

"Maybe an eye for an eye."

"Master Liuhuo is biased."


Mu Xue didn't care about this, but changed the question:

"I have another question, Lord Liuhuo, you said that my husband failed to divorce, will he come to ask me to divorce again in the next few days?"

"No" paused, Lu Shui immediately changed his words:

"You may be too sensitive, if there are mountains and seas in your husband's heart, you are the mountains and seas.

If there is a world, you are the world.

Even if his heart is narrow and there is only one figure, you must be this figure.

How can these be returned? "

"Hmph, Mr. Liuhuo changed the concept secretly. Mountains and seas are mountains and seas, and the world is the world. That's not me." Mu Xue turned her head, with a slight smile in her eyes.

"The mountains and seas are far and wide, and there are fireworks in the world. It's not Ms. Mu, but it's all Ms. Mu." Liuhuo's voice sounded again.

Hearing this sentence, Mu Xue stomped her feet a few times.

Then he stretched out his hand and said:

"Then give you a hug."

Lu Shui appeared in front of Mu Xue in an instant, and then held Mu Xue in his arms.

At this moment, Mu Xue hugged Lu Shui tightly, and said softly:

"I'm going to bite you, Young Master Lu.

If you are not convinced, you can bite back tonight.

Hum hum! "

Lu Shui: "."

Did the tooth god use him to grind his teeth?

Let's secretly help her pull out her teeth tonight.

As the problem started, the spirit stones and electronic equipment in the troubled ancient city were disappearing rapidly.

The sea monsters all started making wishes directly.

Because electronic equipment is needed, there is no need to enter the numerology space.

It can be delivered directly by connecting to.

At this moment, the entire Kraken cheered.

Everyone was very excited, they finally got what they wanted.

I have been waiting for a long time.

"Things will get in the water. Be careful and see if there is a signal."

"I have a signal, I can use it."

"I can take pictures of this too."

"I can play games."

"What is the game?"

"I don't know, that's what I said."

"It looks amazing."

"Yeah yeah."

"I made a wish to cheat and he refused to give it to me, which caused me to be dragged inside, which scared me to death."

"Then are you going to hang out?"

"There is only one true god in heaven and earth, let me play the game and experience the feeling of cheating."

"Where to hang?"

"She didn't tell me how."


Everyone is cheering.

But one person frowned.

The Siren Queen saw Liu Huo, and also saw the only true God in the world.

She asked the question she had always wanted to ask.

She wanted to know if Sister Chao was still alive, and if so, where would she be?

She asked the first question and got the answer.

Sister Chao is indeed still alive.

then she asked where

Questions run out.


regret but too late.

After begging for a long time, Jiu didn't tell her.

She remembered that her family was created by Jiu, so she never opened a back door.

Now she wants to die.

Then she lay down and died of sleep like this.

Punish yourself for asking the wrong question.

"Where will sister Chao be? Why don't you come back?"

"If I don't come back, how can I lie down until I die?"


Go to sleep first.

Pure Land also cheered here, they got a lot of spirit stones, elixir, and elixir.

Finally, there are more resources.

There is no shortage of them, but who cares more?

Mu Ran asked both Ming and Zhong questions.

However, there seems to be no good answer.

Today, Nayoshige intends to leave.

"You want to go back to Netherland?" Mu Ran was a little surprised.

"Yes, I'm going back." Ming Yuzhong said in a deep voice:

"Where do I belong after all, where the road of invincibility will be paved, and where the legend will be passed on."

"Speak human." Mu Ran asked.

"The true god said, my way to advance is not in the pure land.

If it is not in the Pure Land, it must be in the Underworld.

If you don't go back, you won't be able to advance. " Ming and Zhong said.

Mu Ran: "..., haven't you thought about the world of self-cultivation?"

"Don't you think Netherland is safer?" Mingyu Zhong asked.

Mu Ran: "."

Well, so did she.

Said famous and heavy, then walked away.

Seeing Ming and Zhong leaving, Mu Ran hesitated and asked:

"Will you come to the Pure Land again?"

Ming and Zhong turned their heads to look at Mu Ran, and said seriously:

"Although I am not in the Pure Land, the Pure Land still has my legend."

After finishing speaking, Ming and Zhong resolutely drove away.

He is going to start a new chapter of legend.

If Mu Ranken took him for a space transfer, he might be able to open it faster.

Now we can only hurry.


Li Qianchi looked up to the sky and laughed loudly:

"Finally let me know who the traitors are. This time I will let them take on the task and let them experience my fear of seeing the young suzerain."

"They are working for the young suzerain, and they may have the protection of the young suzerain." Mo Xiuhe Yuye said.

"Let them take on the task, they didn't fight the tasker in the end, and they can still ask the young suzerain to help them?

Forget it. "Li Qianchi said confidently:

"I have discussed the countermeasures with the true god, and this time it will be safe.

If it fails this time."

He Yuye watched but didn't speak.

Li Qianchi thought for a moment, then said:

"I treat you to a snack."

Moxiuhe Yuye: "...heh."

"You asked about the suzerain? What did Zhenshen Jiu say?" Li Qianchi asked curiously.

"It's almost the same as before, the suzerain is always there, but when he retires, he doesn't care about us.

The capital of fog cannot trap the suzerain. "He Yuye said softly.

Did not get too direct news.

"Jiu said that the suzerain won't allow it, and it won't do us any good to say it.

A few suzerains are enough now. "He Yuye said.

Li Qianchi nodded, expressing his understanding that the Suzerain had indeed not appeared for many years.

Too long too long.

"Did you ask the Young Sovereign about the invitation?" Li Qianchi asked.

"Isn't it just a question?" He Yuye asked curiously.

"Don't you feel it?" Li Qianchi looked at He Yuye and said:

"Jiu is very talkative, so I asked her by the way, and she said that she knew it in a few days."


What's the difference between this and no question?

In a few days, the young suzerain will be married.

With the question down.

Countless people started to back out.

Chonggu received a large number of spirit stones one by one.

And those one hundred people also got the answer.

The transaction was successful.

This time, they made a small profit and finally got out of the financial crisis.

In the future, we can develop with peace of mind and continue to accumulate huge resources.

Just don't run to Lujialang.

Don't worry about anything else.

No matter who it is, we must take their three points into account.

No one dares to rob them at will, and there is no fear in robbing them.

I'm afraid that the Lu family will come to snatch it.

Everyone's tone is outrageous, half at every turn, why not grab it?

Well, they're just grabbing.

At this time, the Goddess of Darkness, God of War, and Miaozun Ancient Buddha all retreated.

The three of them glanced at each other and disappeared in place without saying anything.

They will go back and tell what they have seen and heard.

extremely important to them.

Disaster in the ancient city.

Lu Shui fell from the sky.

He patted his chest.

It hurts a bit, but luckily it's over.

He landed on the ground and looked at the location of the piled spirit stones behind, there were still some left.

Then there was no attention.

Finally paid for everything.

There are many people who ask questions, and there are even more people who ask random questions.

Fortunately, Jiu was caught, otherwise

What a headache.

Can't these people ask questions about cultivation? It was he who overestimated these people.

They are too superficial, is the relationship between a man and a woman so important?

Is getting married and having children so important?

Well, it's important.

But this kind of thing, asking others can really get the answer?

Or do you have an idea in your mind and just want to get approval?

If you don't get approval, you will go your own way and prove yourself right.

"Are the tooth god's teeth pointed?"

Lu Shui touched his body and felt that when he gritted his teeth, it didn't hurt.

Lu Shui, who was standing at the fence, saw the setting sun, and the day was coming to an end.

"Anything to do tonight?"

Lu Shui was thinking.

After thinking about it, there is nothing to do.

Go to the tooth god?

Tonight should not be suitable, they will discuss and ask questions.

Otherwise, he would want to fight back with fire.

Tooth God said the same.

Lu Shui sat aside, took out the pattern of heaven and earth, and began to think about the follow-up itinerary.

It's already December, and in more than ten days, it will be the wedding day.

He still has a long time.

"I will start sending invitations tomorrow, and it will be completed in two days at most."

As a seventh-level Taoist, he can open the space door at any time.

If you are in a hurry, he can send it in a day.

Unlike before, you need to take a car.

That would take a very long time.

So who should start?

Lu Shui thought about it carefully, and found that there were many people who needed to post.

Then come from time.

People from ancient times came first, and those with higher cultivation levels were ranked down.

How can I give it to Jiu?

No matter how you look at it, Jiu is ranked first.

She was right next to the second elder.

Think about it or forget it, tear it up.

Behind them are the people on the list of killing gods, the toothache fairy and Gouzi.

Some people are in the Lu family, so let's put them at the end.

After the invitation, it was Mingyue's business.

If you don't put this in the post-marriage, you have to go to Mu's house for a few days.

Go to Mu's house to divorce?

Lu Shui was moved.

One must know that at this time he is at the seventh level, as long as he has enough power of heaven and earth at the seventh level, he can suppress Mu Xue.


Just now Mu Xue asked this, he really went.

The consequences are serious.

Miss Mu can't afford it.

The big plan is in front of us, and it feels a pity to give up.

Or, spread the word, and then go to give gifts?

Let's reprimand the Mu family again for such outrageous rumors?

Feeling, not suitable.

The time is too close.

"Master, everything has been packed." Zhenwu Zhenling came behind Lu Shui and said.

They meet Nine again.


It might be a little bit hard afterwards.

Hearing what Zhenwu Zhenling said, Lu Shui nodded slightly, and then walked into the city.

"Let's go shopping."

After shopping, it's time to send the city for a ride.

So the matter about the undead has come to an end.

He doesn't know what will happen to the city in the future.

But it will definitely not be the same as before, randomly appearing in a certain place in the cultivation world, and then let people enter.

Finally disappeared.

Lu Shui walked to the street, which had been restored.

The complete street gives people the feeling that someone is always there.

And on the walls of the street, he saw murals.

The picture above shows the appearance of the previous night market, ancient style, modern equipment, and modern streets.

Really ruined the city.

But this is what the undead left behind, perhaps for them, that time was the happiest day in these years.

It is also the most relaxing day.

Crossing the street, they came to the square, where there are stone statues.

In the middle of the stone statue is Gu Li, and beside Gu Li sits a young girl who is the head of the heavenly girl.

She looked cautious in the statue, as if she was worried about being scolded at any time.

And behind the statue, there is a stone wall with all the undead people depicted on it.

This time at the front is the smiling Tiannv sect leader, who seems to be supported and blessed by all of them.

Walking past the wall, Lu Shui saw another painting behind it.

It is a picture of the undead tribe standing at the gate of the city, and on the opposite side of the city gate is the head of the heavenly girl standing on Kun.

At this time, the head of the heavenly girl was waving goodbye to the troubled ancient city.

It is a frozen picture, but it makes people feel that the picture is moving.

Lu Shui glanced at it, then walked to other places.

Walk through the garden, through the house, and through the hall.

Even went to the high altar.

The blood is still there.

When Lu Shui came here, he didn't stay any longer.

It's all over here.

"Let's go, send this city off."

Lu Shui's voice came out.

It was for Zhenwu Zhenling.

At this time, the true martial arts and true spirit naturally followed Lu Shui, and the distortion and chaos here had disappeared, so they could naturally come in.

Very magical place.

They were obviously a group of extremely powerful people, but they ended up like this in the end.

They don't understand these things, but they still feel a little lonely.

Then the three of them slowly lifted into the air.

Lu Shui looked at the huge city under his feet, and finally stretched out his palm to press it down.

At this moment, the sea water surged, and the ancient city of disaster began to submerge into the water.

Lu Shui just watched the ancient city disappear on the sea.

After that, the legend of the ancient city of disaster will be downplayed.

Bye now.

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