The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 519 On the eve of the wedding, the three major forces went to the Lu family

"Speaking of which, there is very little news about Young Master Lu. Many people at this wedding can't hide their shame, or they came here because the Lu family is relatively good?"

"Probably, it can't be because of Young Master Lu, right? If it wasn't the Lu family, who would come?"

"Oh?" A sudden voice sounded behind the two of them.

Then they were suddenly put on their shoulders, and then a head of silver-white hair protruded from between them.

"What did you say about Young Master Lu just now?" Li Qianchi hooked his shoulders and put his back on the two of them, laughing:

"No one came for Young Master Lu?

I was invited by Young Master Lu.

Am I too weak, or are you too strong, causing you to have such thoughts? "

As soon as the voice came out, a berserk aura appeared around these two people.

The breath of the eighth-level questioning swept over.

The two were directly suppressed and couldn't move.

There was a look of horror in his eyes.

They couldn't comprehend what a terrifying existence this person was.

For a while, they didn't even have the ability to speak, and their hearts were full of fear.

"You can eat indiscriminately, but you can't talk indiscriminately.

Young Master Lu is not something you can arrange, it is my idol.

Let me hear that kind of talk again. Li Qianchi bared his teeth and said:

"I'll treat you to a snack.

understand? "

"Understood, understood!"

The two used all their strength to say two words.

Only then did Li Qianchi let go of his hand, and at the same time withdrew his breath of strength.

Then disappeared on the other side of the street.

And those two people collapsed directly to the ground.


"It's too much." On the other side of the street, He Yuye said.

"It's not too much, it's for our young suzerain.

When the young suzerain sees it one day, it will also show my loyalty. " Li Qianchi said.

"The young master is not here."

"It's not because the young suzerain is not here, so I won't say anything.

It should be to protect the young suzerain at all times, waiting to be discovered. "

"I think you are causing trouble for the young suzerain."

"It's not impossible, but there are many people here, and there are also many powerful ones.

I can smell danger, when will those two people arrive? "

Only when there were many people did they become bolder.


The live broadcast of eating excrement leads to the young suzerain.

"Tomorrow, there are many people who can participate in the Hidden Sky Sect." He Yuye said.

The Lu family has a lot of cooperation with Yintianzong.

Therefore, the Lu family gave invitations, and many people from Yintianzong could come.

"You said you were going to sit at the table at the Young Sovereign's wedding?" Li Qianchi asked curiously:

"Which table should we sit at?

According to the invitation from the young suzerain, is he sitting at the table invited by the young suzerain? "

"Do you want to sit at the same table with the person invited by the Young Sect Master, or with something else?" Moxiu He Yuye asked.

She had actually thought about this question, but she didn't have an answer.

The consequences of choosing the wrong one can be serious.

"I think it's better to find a place to sit by yourself, those two who hugged their thighs have already learned their lesson.

Still don't get close, I'm worried about being educated by others. Li Qianchi touched his nose and said:

"I smell danger.

The person invited by the young suzerain is definitely not something we can afford.

Although there are weak ones, there must be many strong ones. "

Mo Xiuhe Yuye nodded, and then said:

"No, you can invite them to eat your snacks."


That should be dead, right?


Suddenly a little girl fell in front of them.

"Isn't this the little girl from the noodle shop?

Why have you sneaked out many times, but haven't lost it yet? Li Qianchi was a little shocked, and then continued:

"Are you a peerless genius, playing stupid?"

"You have been poisoned by the young master." He Yuye helped the little girl up and said.

"Clothes, clothes, brother's clothes." The little girl said excitedly to He Yuye holding a coin.

"Let's go, send this little girl back, there should be a free extra serving of beef." Li Qianchi led the way.

Qiuyun Town Station.

A little girl rides a big dog down the street.

She looked around, excited.

It's like going out for the first time.

This is Dabai Xiaobai, the invitation was given to her by Master.

I specially came to attend the wedding on behalf of the teacher.

"There should be nothing wrong, Dabai, let's go.

Time to go in and eat. "Xiaobai patted Dabai's head and said.

Wait for Dabai Xiaobai to go in.

Xu Fang also walked out of the station with his wife and children.

"Wow, there are a lot of people here, father and mother, let's go and have a look around?" Xu Xiaohong cried happily.

She seldom goes out, and she didn't dare to cause trouble to her parents before.

But now it is different, her illness is cured.

You can be a little bit willful.

"Okay, but before dark, we have to go to Lu's house to talk.

See how they arrange it in the future. "Xu Fang looked at his daughter with doting eyes.

"You can't follow the child too much." Yanru frowned and said.

The outside world is so big, and there are many dangers.

So you have to teach your kids well.

Otherwise, you will suffer in the future.

However, the family of three still went nearby to show their children a different world.

The road to the future is long, and children cannot be trapped in deserted mountains.

After all, it is to contact the outside world.


They do not have this condition.

Only now is this qualification.

And everything was naturally given by those two people.


"Ha, is this Qiuyun Town?"

Moxiu Xuechen walked out of the station, looked around, and said with some disdain:

"It looks much worse than Nancheng."

"Senior, this is not a city for ordinary people after all." Chu Yu said from the side, then looked at Shi Ming next to him and said:

"Senior, I think it's better for me not to follow you."

At this time, Nanchuan, Daozong Patriarch, Demon Cultivator Xuechen, and Chuyu.

The four surrounded Shi Ming in the middle.

Shi Ming felt the most uncomfortable.

"Seniors, I can hide away by myself." Shi Ming couldn't believe it.

In the past, it was too late for others to avoid him.

With De Hatsue and the others, he planned to hide further away.

Don't give them any trouble.


Who would have thought that after seeing him, the three of them immediately surrounded him.

They were all very surprised.

Occasionally, I would say: Oh, it actually fluctuated my avenue.

Otherwise, someone will seriously say: even the entry level may not be able to resist.

Then some people will say: Once this kind of physique enters the Tao, it will be shocking.

But he found that these people were not affected by his bad luck.

And he wasn't unlucky either.

The only unlucky one was Chu Yu who was pulled over.

His nose was already bruised and his face was swollen.

So Hatsue always wanted to leave here.

He is a disciple of Baihua Valley and a first-class daddy in the cultivation world.


He will also be in pain.

He regretted it, regretted that he shouldn't be with Shi Ming.

Hurt no one but him.

So why him?

According to what Moxiu Xuechen said, it's neither Taoist nor Jian Yifeng, who else could it be if it wasn't you?

For a moment he thought it made sense, because Shi Ming, his senior sister, was immune to bad luck.

Moxiu Xuechen looked at the mark, but didn't say a word.

The other two also read it, but didn't say a word.

Chu Yu thinks, these three don't understand, right?

Did not dare to speak out.

Can't afford it.

"Don't worry, we are all respectable people, and we won't do anything to you.

It was the first time I saw this kind of physique and felt a little special.

See to what extent it can be affected. " Moxiu Xuechen said.

"Senior, why should I stay here?" Chu Yu asked.

"Otherwise, how can we be sure whether his physique has taken effect?" Moxiu Xuechen looked at Chu Yu and said.

Hatsune: "."

"Senior, we've arrived. You should be on a different path from us. We're going to find a friend."

When they came to Qiuyun Town, the direction of their activities was already different.

So it will be safer.

Chu Yu would have come here early, but unfortunately the journey has been delayed until now.

"Let's wait for a while, see and see, the strongest person in the cultivation world today." Moxiu Xuechen said while looking at the front.

Hearing this sentence, Chu Yu and the others were a little surprised.

Jian Qi and the others on one side were also puzzled.

Fairy Qianyin was also a little worried.

But she was very surprised, how could Junior Brother Shi Ming know these heaven's favored children?

Jian Yifeng's sword rises and falls, Daozong Yu Nirvana, Daozong shocked the sea.

What's even more frightening is that those three people seem to be seniors.

For a moment, she felt that she was a disciple of Qiujing Palace?

How could the disciples of Qiujing Palace attend the wedding with Daozong and Jian Yifeng disciples?

As for the red-haired senior, it was even more surprising to see the strongest person in the current cultivation world.

Those people are qualified to see such an existence, so?

She looked at the people around her.

Whether it's Daozong Yu Nirvana, or Jian Yifeng and Jianluo.

All surprised.

It seems that facing the cultivation world is the strongest, everyone is the same.

But her upcoming level five cultivation base is actually the highest on the scene?

It's just that she knows that these people can go a long way.

Jian Qi was also very surprised at this time, he didn't know who the senior said he was referring to as the strongest in the cultivation world.

It shouldn't be a fire.

Jinghai and the others were also puzzled.

And just when they were wondering.

Suddenly, they felt that the surrounding space was replaced by blood red.

It was like being in an endless sea of ​​blood.

Nan Chuan and Dao Zong Patriarch also looked at Moxiu Xuechen in surprise.

And just when they were surprised.

At the end of the sea of ​​blood, there is a ray of light walking against the sea of ​​blood.

Like a sword intent, piercing everything.

Everyone looked at the light in surprise.

Soon they saw a figure in the middle of the light, as if walking.

He came this way against everything.

As if one person can defy the whole world.

This inexplicable shock made Nan Chuan and Dao Zong Patriarch feel the deepest.

This is the strongest in the cultivation world.

Powerful and incomparable.

But this sea of ​​blood is equally terrifying. This is the strength of this seemingly cynical man.

Totally surpassed them.

They were even more shocked when they picked up the sword.

The figure walking against everything made them unforgettable.

Dao Zong Yu Nie felt that this moment was bleak.

What arrogance, what empty heart.

In front of these, there is nothing.

Moxiu Xuechen looked ahead, watching the light approaching step by step.

"Jian Yi?" Moxiu Xuechen's face sank, and then he said:

"No, it's completely different from Jianyi, but it's as powerful as Jianyi."

"Junior, Lu Family, Lu Wuwei." The light stayed in front of Moxiu Xuechen, and a soft voice came out.

"Hmph." Demon cultivator Xuechen said disdainfully:

"In another one or two thousand years, I won't be able to say anything to you as a senior, right?


Moxiu Xuechen stretched out his hand and said:

"Are you lonely?

Give me the elixir to fully recover, and then make some holes in you.

It is not so easy to be promoted to the highest level by practicing quietly.

With me here, you can go much faster, and you can become enlightened even faster.

I have touched that realm. "

Hatsune: "."

I feel that this senior is shameless.

But when the boss is talking, it's better for him to keep quiet.

"I will help Senior." The calm voice of the Great Elder continued:

"But it's time for the Lu family to hold their wedding, and other things have to be pushed aside."

At this time, the invisible figure seemed to be looking at Nan Chuan and said to Dao Zong Patriarch:

"Long time no see, two."

"If possible, I would like to challenge you." Nan Chuan looked at the light and said.

"Little brother." Moxiu Xuechen patted Nanchuan on the shoulder and said:

"I advise you to challenge me.

Do you know the five great sword cultivators of Taoism?

Each of those five is much stronger than you, but they are only worthy of being Jianyi's apprentice.

Do you understand me?

Let me abuse you, you may be happier, because I will release water.

But Jianxiu won't. "

Nanchuan: "."

Chu Yu, Shi Ming: "."

At this time, Daozong Patriarch followed and said:

"My Taoist sect has a deep relationship with the Lu family, so it's only natural to come to the wedding."

It is good that the threshold of the gate is not high.

Everything is easy to say.

Hearing this, Dao Zong Yu Nirvana, Dao Zong appeared in surprise, only to find that Dao Zong was in front of the Lu family.

so weak.

The Great Elder nodded slightly, then looked to the side of the sword and said:

"Lu Shui's friend?"

"Yes, Young Master Lu once helped us." Jian Qi said immediately.

Unsurpassed swordsmanship.

He could feel that this was the one who stood in front of Supreme Sword Dao and said that tomorrow he would be Supreme Sword Dao.

This is his future goal.

The strongest in the cultivation world.

"Holding the sword of invincibility means nothing.

To recognize your heart, don't forget your original intention. "The voice belonging to the great elder came out.

"Thank you senior for your guidance." Jian Qi thanked.

Then the Great Elder turned his attention to Moxiu Xuechen and the other three:

"Thank you all for coming."

Nanchuan and the others bowed their heads in response.

Then the light began to disappear into the sea of ​​blood, as if retreating.


The sea of ​​blood disappeared.

Hatsue and the others returned to the station.

And the people around the station felt an inexplicable sense of coercion.

Some people who wanted to say something at first were speechless for a while.

It feels like Qiuyun town is easy to meet strong people everywhere.



Mu family.

Mu Xue looked at the furnished room, and then took a photo for Lu Shui:

"Master Lu, when we get married, come and stay for two days.

Add joy to the room. "

Soon Mu Xue received the news.

"Will Miss Mu summon tooth god believers?"

"Huh." Mu Xue made a small expression, and then continued to send messages:

"No, Young Master Lu should wait for the wedding night to summon the tooth god."

Mu Xue put away her phone with a smug expression on her face.

Of course, more is happy.

Finally, she was going to marry Lu Shui.

Boom! !

Mu Xue immediately recovered her dignity and elegance.

Knocking on the door so gently, it must be Aunt Tang.

Chacha and the others are a little more noisy.


The door opened, and there was indeed Aunt Tang outside the door.

"Are you ready?" Aunt Tang asked.

Mu Xue nodded slightly, stepped aside, and motioned for Aunt Tang to come in:

"Well, it's set up."

Then wait for two days for Young Master Lu to pick him up.

There are two more days, that is, the third day, before Lu Shui can come to pick her up.

Today is the twelfth.

"It's beautiful." Aunt Tang came to Mu Xue's room, and it was a very festive arrangement.

There's a little red everywhere.

The things were prepared by Aunt Tang, but the arrangement was made by Mu Xue and several younger sisters.

Nothing went wrong.

"Are you happy marrying Young Master Lu?" Aunt Tang looked at Mu Xue and asked.

Mu Xue thought for a while, then nodded and said with a smile:

"Can't think of anything to be unhappy about."

"That's good." Aunt Tang also had a smile on her face.

"By the way, you said to take Ding Liang there, I told the wife of the head of the Lu family.

They agreed. Aunt Tang continued:

"But I heard that Young Master Lu doesn't have a maid."

"En." Mu Xue nodded and said:

"I know that letting Ding Liang go over is to let her take care of Bingfeng.

Ding Liang has always been watching.


Mu Xue smiled and continued:

"Ding Liang's fate is in Qiuyun Town."

"I see." Aunt Tang nodded slightly. Although Mu Xue was going to take Ding Liang there, she was surprised, but she didn't think too much about it.

Just talking about this, she also has other doubts:

"What about Yayue?"

"Aunt Tang will know about this in a few years." Mu Xue said softly.

Saying it out will easily affect Yayue.

"What about Yalin?" Aunt Tang asked again.

Hearing this question, Mu Xue smiled and said:

"It's been a while."

Aunt Tang: "."

It's also good to have a daughter to accompany them for a longer time, which is also considered a happy thing.

I hope I don't have to worry about getting married in the future.

"By the way, I want to ask your opinion on something." Aunt Tang hesitated for a while and said:

"Recently, your father and the others are busy with the affairs of the ancestral land, and I heard that there was a big accident there.

I don't know if it hurt your father. "

"Don't worry, Aunt Tang." Without waiting for Aunt Tang to say more, Mu Xue replied immediately:

"There won't be any problems, and my father won't be hurt in the slightest.

Nothing will happen to the Mu family. "

Hearing what Mu Xue said, Aunt Tang heaved a sigh of relief.

She knew little, and saw that Mu Ze was inside at every turn.

Make her very concerned.

He hesitated for a long time before asking.



The last day before the wedding.

Qiuyun Town is completely busy.

People from all directions began to gather in Qiuyun Town.

Among them were some members of the Mu family.

The guests hosted by Mu's family also began to arrive in Qiuyun Town on this day.

Or go to Lujia.

Lu Shui was reading a book, but his mother brought someone to his yard.

It was the courtyard where Mu Xue lived before.


Lu Shui was a little curious, why are you here, mother?

He did what he had to do yesterday.

Don't you need it today?

"Try on clothes to see if they fit." Dongfang Liyin said.

Lu Shui: "."

It fit, he knew it without trying.

Then he took the clothes and walked into the room.

Just wear it by yourself.

not difficult.

After a while, Dongfang Liyin saw his son walking out in a red suit.

"It's very festive." Dongfang Liyin said with a smile.

Is it ugly? Lu Shui felt offended by his mother.

"Son." Dongfang Liyin sat at the stone table, looked at Lu Shui with his chin in his hands, and said:

"Are you really married for the first time?

I see you are not nervous at all.

When your father married your mother, you were nervous. "

"Maybe Dad is timid." Lu Shui responded.

He is married twice.

"Your father is more courageous than you, and your father is not old." Dongfang Liyin added.

Then she stood up and said:

"Okay, mother is going to go with your father to welcome the guests for you.

Tomorrow is the wedding day.

Make no mistake. "

Lu Shui went in and took off his clothes, and handed them to his mother.

His mother was worried about ruining the clothes, so she didn't put them here for the time being.

How much trust in his son is this?

Lu Shui didn't care either.

Tomorrow is the day of marriage.

He doesn't need to care about anything, just wait for tomorrow and get married.

Lu Shui was waiting, and many people from the Lu family began to gather.

The Heavenly Maiden Sect, Sea Demon and others are coming here.

Sky secret building.

Weak water three thousand.

Insect Valley Patriarch.

Qiaoyun Zong Ningxia also left the residence with Hong Su.

This time she will participate.

As for You Miao and the others, no one stopped them.

The top forces in the comprehension world, first-rate forces rarely attend this wedding.

But the top experts are coming to the Lu family one by one.

At this time, the three ancient forces are also ready to rest.

After the day is over, take a full rest.

Where endless glaciers are located.

Darkness stretches out from here:

"I'm going."

The Dark Goddess left the temple and bid farewell to the two main gods.

She was going to watch the wedding so she could know how special the second son was.

Or be able to know other things.

I just don't know if I can come back alive.

Although it was a clone who left, it is hard to say whether the Lu family will make a move.

"Is there really no problem?" The Ice Sea Goddess asked.

"Jiu told me that the Lu family will not make a move today.

As long as there is no disturbance, the Lu family will remain calm.

The big marriage of the offspring is a big event for them.

They don't want problems, so as long as I can get in, it's not a big deal. " said the Dark Goddess.

But Ice Sea Goddess and the others couldn't be completely at ease.


Who knows if they'll make a move?

Doppelgängers may also lead to the fall of the main body.


"I'll go." God of War said:

"The Demon Cultivation Sect I belonged to previously had invitations.

Since the gods say there is no problem, then take a gamble.

Take a closer look at what's going on. "

Lord Taiyi lowered his eyebrows and remained silent.

Xianjun Ziwei didn't speak either.

"If you don't come back, you don't have to worry too much.

Walking on this road, who can be sure that he can go to the end? "God of War said.

"Is it really possible that Liuhuo is in the Lu family?" Immortal Taiyi tried to ask.

"No one knows, but what if we meet this time?" God of War said.

Then bid farewell to Immortal Taiyi and the others, and headed towards the Lu family.

Go see what happened to the second son, and see if you can find Liuhuo by the way.

If you can come back, you can come back, if you can't come back, you can't come back.

One more is not much, one less is not much.



Ancient Buddha You Luo came out.

He will visit the Lu family on behalf of Buddhism.

He didn't care if he would die, he just wanted to see it.

He didn't do any favors before, and there was no enmity with the Lu family.

But it was understandable that the Lu family wanted to kill him.

Naturally, he won't do it, and there is no need to do it.

Because, must die.

Since he must die, naturally he can't lose the face of Buddhism.

The Buddha mind and Buddha nature cannot be discarded.

south city.

Security room.

Uncle Security was eating instant noodles and had no intention of going out.

He didn't want to go out even when the sky was falling.

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