The Ferocious Taoist Couple Was Also Reborn!

Chapter 552 Meet the mother-in-law


It was drizzling.

On the rain pavilion, a brown bird moved its wings to clean up the raindrops on its head.

Then shake the whole body and sway the rain.

It was raining at this time.

Lu Shui felt a little uncomfortable.

Yes, he is the bird.

As a bird, eavesdropping is indeed convenient, but the environment is not very friendly.

Unless you fly to the pavilion to avoid the rain, but it is easy to disturb these two people.

However, now he knows.

The reason why Daozong split was the ancestor's proposal.

His old man is coming to the end of his life, so he has to come.

"The younger generation has observed Taoism for a long time, and occasionally let the boys in the family collect some information." In the pavilion, Lu Ba looked at Jianxiu and said:

"A lot of things have happened in Dao Sect over the years.

Some of the leading seniors almost fell.

The remaining seniors and some others survived, but they all suffered from unmentionable illnesses.

It's hard to say how many years it will last.

With the emergence of a new generation of Daozong, there are some differences.

The battle between sword repair and Taoism gradually began.

In the past, Daozong could accept hundreds of schools and prosper together.

But now, Daozong has lost too much, too much.

With the senior here, he can naturally suppress everything, but what if the senior passes away? "

Lu Ba just looked at Senior Jianxiu.

The other party was also silent.

After a long time, he looked at Lu Ba and said:

"How can you be sure that there will not be someone who can lead Daozong to a new life?"

Lu Ba smiled and said:

"This person has already appeared, and"

Looking at the other party's doubts, Lu Ba continued:

"And this person is right in front of your eyes."

Jianxiu was a little surprised, but he didn't speak, but stretched out a finger and pointed directly at Lu Ba.

This finger contains the Dao and the sword intent.

This means that the non-strong cannot accept it.

Lu Ba just smiled slightly, and also pointed out.

At this moment, the surrounding raindrops seemed to pause.

Then finger touch.


The raindrops were directly smashed by the force.

Lu Shui shook his whole body again, but felt uncomfortable.

These two people started to fight after chatting well.

And the ancestors are so narcissistic.

When he was in Liuhuo Secondary School, he must inherit from his ancestors.

"Senior, do you still have doubts?" Lu Ba withdrew his hand and asked softly.

"How old are you this year?" Senior Sword Cultivator asked.

Lu Ba smiled and said:

"Based on normal life, this year is one hundred and twenty-four."

"This..." Senior Sword Cultivator was stunned.

There is such a terrifying existence here?

"Don't be too surprised, it's just that I have realized the truth of the Dao. In fact, I am just an ordinary person." Lu Ba said softly.

"Who are you?" Senior Sword Cultivator was a little confused.

This person always feels that there is a different origin.

"Who knows." Lu Ba replied with a smile.

Then he looked serious and asked something serious:

"What's the old man thinking?

My life is about to come to an end, so it is impossible for me to lead Daozong.

Besides me, no one can lead Daozong anymore.

At least not yet. "

"Then." Senior Sword Cultivator sighed:

"Let's separate.

Now apart, there is still friendship.

Over time, they may turn against each other.

Just, how to separate and who will separate? "

"The Dao sect occupies the word of Tao, so let the sword repairer leave." Lu Ba looked at the hesitant senior sword repairer and continued:

"Let the sword cultivator stand on his own, and his name is the source of the sword, Jian Yi.

This is what senior Jian Yi means to sword cultivators. "

"Famous Sword One?" Senior Jianxiu looked at Lu Ba in disbelief, but soon he agreed:

"Okay, the sword cultivator will be assigned."

The name of Jianyi is more important than Daozong, at least for their sword cultivators, this is the real name.

"However, Senior Mo Yunzi left an extra inheritance, which needs to be dealt with." At this time, the small fish tank was taken over by Senior Sword Cultivator:

"Here is the inheritance of Mo Yunzi's predecessors. If the sword cultivator is separated, this cannot be taken with him."

Lu Shui saw a fish the size of a goldfish in the fish tank.

But this fish was clearly extraordinary.


Lu Ba took the fish tank and said:

"The Taoist sect has the inheritance of Mo Yunzi's predecessors, and this inheritance is obviously given to those who are destined.


Daozong also couldn't keep such a giant as Kun.


Lu Ba directly waved his hand and threw the fish tank out, but the moment he threw it out, the space door opened.

It is an endless sea.

"Remember, hide better and don't provoke people you shouldn't." Lu Ba said to Kun.

Kun blinked, as if he understood.

"You don't seem to have any psychological burden." Senior Jian Xiu watched the space gate disappear and said.

It was said to Lu Ba.

Lu Ba chuckled lightly:

"It's because the burden of the senior is too heavy, the entire Taoist sect has exhausted you.

There is no successor, and his own situation is not good.

That's why I tied my hands and feet. "

"I'm getting old." Senior Sword Cultivator shook his head and said.

"No, I'm old.

This year should be my last year.

Soon, I will die. "Lu Ba looked at the sky and said.

Lu Shui lowered his eyebrows and was 124 years old.

In other words, the ancestors have already entered the city of mist, and everything is done, and now they can only wait for the end of their lives.

Qi should have arranged it too.

Currently, Qi is still asleep.

Qi will not wake up until Ba dies.


But Seven to Eight's son is no stranger to him, he often brought him with him when he was young.

It's just that from now on, Ba's son will take care of Qi.

With a sigh, Lu Shui followed Lu Ba.

After a while, Lu Shui came to the place where Lu lived again.

It's very different here, some houses have been built, and some formations have been added.

When Lu was here, there was no need for formations here.

It shouldn't be necessary when Lu Ba is around, but.

Lu Ba is leaving.

All that was left was his son.

It seems that his son is also married and has children.

Lu Shui stood on the branch outside.

He is waiting, waiting for the limit of his ancestors.

It's this year.

Lu Shui has been waiting here for a long time, about half a year.

At this moment, he felt it.

Lu Ba is about to come to the end of his life.

Lu Shui fell to the ground, and then he transformed into a figure.

Fortunately, he was not kicked out.

It seems that if no one finds him, his degree of freedom will be higher.

Then he came to the hall and knocked lightly on the door.


The door was open.

There were two people sitting in it.

One is Lu Ba with gray temples, and the other is the younger Dongfang Linger.

They are also spirited.

It's just that there is not much life left.

Today is their limit.

When Lu Ba saw Lu Shui, there was some doubt in his eyes:

"Your Excellency?"

"Do you regret it?" Lu Shui came to the hall, stood aside and asked:

"You, who could have pursued the highest, chose to be an ordinary person all your life."

"You are." Lu Ba was a little excited at this moment.

Dongfang Ling'er immediately supported him, afraid of being too excited, he didn't come up in one breath.

Only then did Lu Ba sit down, and then said:

"Do you know the pattern of heaven and earth?

The moment we recover our memory, it loses its luster.

It was also at that moment that I knew what the Heaven and Earth Formation was.

Only then did I understand what my father had done.

Only then did I think of my mother, and I knew Miss Xiaoqi.

I do have some regrets in my life.

But also very fulfilling.

How about the highest?

That's not my way. "

"Do you have any wishes?" Lu Shui asked.

Lu Ba looked at Lu Shui and said softly:

"I wonder, father did so much.

Finally he

Are you waiting for that person?

Does that hope really exist?

Can anyone really understand the pattern of heaven and earth? "

Lu Shui looked at Lu Ba, his strength began to extend, and then a voice came out:

"My surname is Lu, and I live in this place.

One day I got the skill passed down from my ancestors, its name is Heaven and Earth Formation.

One morning, I understood the patterns, understood the changes of the heaven and the earth, and mastered the power of the heaven and the earth.

After several twists and turns, I found the entrance to the Lost City.

Everyone's expectations were met. "

The moment Lu Ba heard these words, tears filled his eyes with excitement.

Dongfang Linger also looked at Lu Shui in surprise, and then asked the question she really wanted to ask:

"Then you also inherited our talent of beautiful writing?

Is there more of mine, or more of Lu Ba's? "

"Yes, do you inherit my calligraphy?" Lu Ba asked immediately.

Lu Shui: "."

Two ancestors, let's go on the road with peace of mind.

After a while.

Lu Shui looked at the two people snuggling together.

They were not very happy to go.

Although there is a smile on the corner of his mouth, he is obsessed with calligraphy.

Lu Shui can only say that his mother's calligraphy is good.

The two are a little more comfortable.

"If they know that their mother's surname is Dongfang, they will be happy and uncomfortable."

Shaking his head, Lu Shui turned and left.

Lu Ba told him that his life was complete.

Don't worry about his short life.

Because this is his most wonderful and happiest life.

Ask for nothing else.

Lu Shui left the hall.

There was the sound of a teacup breaking.

"Father, Mother"

"Don't scare me."


Lu Shui returned to the Midu Passage.

The era of Lu Ba has passed, and many things should happen later.

But Lu Shui didn't care anymore.

Because from this moment on, it is the era that their Lu family has gone through.

During this period of time, no strong people appeared, and there were not many situations.

To Lu Shui, there was no mystery at all.


It was time to get where he wanted to go.

It's time to gamble on your luck.

It must be there, so that he can do something, otherwise Mu Xue will care about it for a long, long time.

At this time, his strength began to extend in the passage, and some preparations were needed.

He has tried it before, so as long as it doesn't affect the final result, don't act rashly.

won't be kicked out.

Lu Shui walked all the way forward, kept walking, kept walking.

He walked for a long time without seeing the new vortex.


Lu Shui was a little puzzled.

Don't give up, keep going.

After a long time he finally saw the vortex.

Seeing this vortex, Lu Shui heaved a sigh of relief, but could this vortex send him where he wanted to go?

He wasn't sure either.

But the means to stay.

He stayed.

Soon thunder roared.

He seemed to hear a cry.

"Go away."

The loud and angry voice reached Lu Shui's ears.

At this moment he found himself in a room.

Power begins to cover the perimeter.

His gaze was a little strange.

Soon he discovered that he had turned into a cat.

Then what I saw was a woman who was about to give birth, and a man who was vigilant around her.

It's my husband.

Finally here.

Lu Shui was a little happy, but also sad.

He discovered that it was not a normal delivery.

Yes. Forced to give birth.

"That's why I was born in Dongfang's family and Mu Xue was born here?"

At this moment, Lu Shui felt as if a breath descended from the sky.

It seems to be telling the people below that God has a feeling, and the baby is unknown, and disaster will come and destroy it.

It floods into other people's minds very clearly.

At this moment, the old man who was still vigilant was stunned, even the woman who gave birth was a little unbelievable.

And at this moment, thunder came from the sky.

The moment he felt the thunder, Mu Ze reacted, and he immediately stretched out his hand to protect his wife.

"No, stop."

Muze yelled.

Block directly in front of Thunder.


The thunder continued to rage, passed through Mu Ze, and came to the woman.

Severe pain appeared in the woman.

At this time, she held Mu Ze's hand and concentrated all her strength on the child, as if she was protecting her unborn child.

She looked at Mu Ze and spoke with difficulty. :

"Again, hold on for a while."

Mu Ze looked at his wife with remorse in his eyes, and he tried his best to defend against Thunder.

But it is difficult to prevent.

After a while, the thunder disappeared, and the woman began to feel weak, but there was a look of joy on her face.

"Boy, baby."

She was born.

Soon a tiny baby was placed beside her.

"It's okay." She saw the child whispering.

The voice is extremely weak.

"It'll be okay, it'll be okay.

Surely nothing will happen. "Mu Ze muttered to himself, constantly applying healing techniques to his wife.

He panicked.

Because it has no effect at all.

Why would it not work?


The woman looked at Mu Ze with a smile on her face, as if saying, it's all right, it's all right.

Her breath is dying.

Seeing this scene, Lu Shui directly used his strength.

He can't change the ending here, but he can do something.

At this moment, everything seemed to stop, and Lu Shui turned into his original self, standing not far from the woman.

But at this time, the woman seemed to have lost her soul and floated up.

She saw Lu Shui.

"Who are you?" The woman looked at Lu Shui and her husband who had paused, feeling a little astonished.

"My name is Lu Shui, yes." Lu Shui paused, looked at the baby's position and said:

"It's the daughter in your arms, the future husband.

Sorry, I can't save you. "

The woman looked at Lu Shui in shock, but soon, she smiled and said:

"My name is Tang Lingzhi. If what you said is correct, I should be your mother-in-law."

"Yes, I have seen your spiritual position." Lu Shui said.

"You don't need to be so polite. Although we haven't met, I should be easy to get along with." Tang Lingzhi looked at Lu Shui and said.

"I'm sorry." Lu Shui bowed his head apologetically:

"Actually, with my strength, there is some possibility of saving you.

But I should have been born a year earlier than Mu Xue. If I reversed the time to that time, there might be no Mu Xue.

The numerology of unborn children is superimposed, I dare not bet.

Also unwilling to gamble. "

Tang Lingzhi looked at Lu Shui and said happily:

"You like Xiao Xueer very much?"

"I like it very much." Lu Shui nodded, looked at his mother-in-law and continued:

"From the first moment I saw her, I fell in love with her.

Loved it for countless years and never changed. "

"Is she beautiful when she grows up?" Tang Lingzhi asked.

"Very beautiful, no one is more beautiful than her." Lu Shui said.

"I" Tang Lingzhi looked at Lu Shui and made a request that might be too much:

"Can I see her growing up?"

Mu family.


Aunt Tang took Mu Xue and the others to pick the spirit fruit.

But when picking, Mu Xue suddenly stopped.

Tears welled up in her eyes.

The unspeakable sadness in my heart began to erupt.

"Mu Xue, what's wrong with you?" Aunt Tang found out that Mu Xue was abnormal.

And it's not normal.

Why did Mu Xue suddenly cry?

She had heard Yalin say it once before, but seeing that Mu Xue hadn't changed, she didn't pay much attention.

Maybe Arlene was wrong.

But this time she saw it with her own eyes, and she was a little at a loss.

Why is Mu Xue crying?

"Aunt Tang, I, I want to go out for a while." Mu Xue said and flew into the sky.

She needs to find Lu Shui.

She felt that she had to go there.

It must pass.

The source of the sadness came from there. She needed to see for herself what exactly Lu Shui saw.

For a moment, Aunt Tang watched Mu Xue's body burst into purple light and disappeared into the sky.

This was the first time she was really sure that Mu Xue was the goddess in purple.

For the first time, I saw Mu Xue's power.

But what happened?

Has Master Lu had an accident?

or something else?

Aunt Tang didn't know, but something important must have happened, otherwise Mu Xue wouldn't be like this.

Her tears couldn't stop flowing, as if she had encountered the saddest thing in her life.

"Mother, I picked a big one and gave it to my sister." Yalin came over with the water cloud beast on her back, but she didn't see her sister:

"Mother, where's my sister?"

"My sister has something to go out and will be back soon.

Let's sleep with my mother tonight. "Aunt Tang patted Yalin's head and said.

"Then I'll hide the fruit and give it to my sister when the time comes." Yalin said.

Aunt Tang didn't say anything, just looked at the sky.

Hope it's nothing serious.

It was difficult for her to understand that level.

The capital of fog.

"There has been no response for several days, is there any problem?" the ancestor of Chonggu asked.

The calm before the storm.

They naturally also know.

These people are also panicked here.

They all understand how it exists inside, and the few people who are outside will be wiped out if they are a little careless.

"This is the capital of mist, normally you can't enter it, so go and feel it.

In case there is any gain.

There will be no chance to come in next time. " Moxiu Xuechen said.

"There is really nothing to worry about. We should perish, and we can't escape." Jian Chuan said.

"Someone is coming." Dao Zong Patriarch looked up.

At this time, there was indeed a light coming here.

high speed.

It is a purple light.

"Purple Clothed Goddess?" The ancestor of Chonggu was a little surprised.

This must be the goddess in purple, right?

"Why is she here?" Ning Xia frowned.

She knew who the goddess in purple was, but why did she come suddenly?

"I don't know, was there an accident inside?" The second elder turned to look at Jiu.

If so, it's dangerous.

Liuhuo, the purple-clothed goddess, they all belong to their family.

"Don't worry, just

Something happened. " Jiu said softly.

She can't help with this kind of thing.


Purple light rushed directly into the vortex.

Nothing dares to block this light.

"Will it be dangerous?" the second elder asked.

"Safer than we are now," Nine said.

"Are we in danger now?" Moxiu Xuechen asked.

"No, so it's safer for them inside." Nine shrugged.

Second Elder: "."


At this moment, Mu Xue rushed into the vortex, crossed the river of time, and entered the island.

Without the slightest pause, she rushed into the maze.

She saw what Lu Shui left behind without any hesitation.

Start to go to where Lushui is.

Lu Shui looked at the mother-in-law in front of him, and he couldn't refuse her request.

"She will be here soon." Lu Shui said softly.

Tang Lingzhi was at a loss when he heard these words.

Tension with anticipation.

She smoothed her hair to look prettier.

After all, she is a grown up daughter.

Soon a purple light fell from the sky and landed directly beside Lu Shui.

Then a young girl appeared in the light.

Tang Lingzhi stared at the light, looking at the girl who suddenly appeared.

so beautiful.

Mu Xue fell beside Lu Shui, she looked at the scene and the people in front of her in disbelief.

In an instant she thought of who she had seen.

At this moment, her tears kept streaming down as if a bank had burst.

She looked at the beautiful woman in front of her, and the corners of her mouth trembled:

"Mother, mother?"

A mother's kiss directly brought Tang Lingzhi back to her senses and made her feel spoiled.

She floated to Mu Xue.

Wiping Mu Xue's tears with his hands, there was apology in his voice:

"I'm sorry, mother didn't get to watch you get married, and didn't get to grow up with you."

At this moment, Mu Xue didn't hold back, she hugged her mother and started crying.

This was the first time she saw her mother.

It was the first time I heard my mother's voice.

Tang Lingzhi patted Mu Xue on the back, smiled and said:

"Big girl.

Is it hard not to have a mother? "

"Bitter, very bitter.

Others have mothers, but I don't. " Mu Xue said.

Lu Shui stood aside and didn't speak, just watched quietly.

It took a long time for Mu Xue's mood to stabilize.

Tang Lingzhi looked at Mu Xue and Lu Shui carefully.

"Did Lu Shui chase you?" Tang Lingzhi asked Mu Xue after she had a general understanding of the situation.

"En." Mu Xue nodded and said:

"He treats me well every day and makes me happy.


I can't do without him. "

"Do you have a child? What's your name?" Tang Lingzhi asked curiously.

Hearing this question, Mu Xue lowered her head and said softly:

"It should be soon."

After finishing speaking, he kicked Lushui.

Lu Shui immediately said:

"I plan to have it soon, and there will be."

After chatting for a long time, a voice suddenly came from heaven and earth.

Everything seemed to break out of stillness.

"Mother seems to have no time, but." Tang Lingzhi looked at Mu Xue and Lu Shui and said:

"Could see you at the last minute.

Really happy.

I can still chat with my daughter for such a long time, and I can still know that you are doing well.

So the mother will be at ease. "

At this moment, Mu Xue's teardrops appeared again.

She looked at her mother with a lot of reluctance.

"Little Xueer, don't cry.

Niangqin is just an ordinary cultivator, and there is a period in life.

This full stop is perfect.

Mother has no regrets.

It's just that I can't let go of your father, and I don't know if I will abide by the agreement that I made. "

At this time Tang Lingzhi came to the original position.

She waved to Mu Xue and said:

"Mother will always love you."

Then to the landing waterway:

"Xiao Xueer will leave it to you."

"Okay, mother." Lu Shui said.


Tang Lingzhi returned to her body, and the world returned to normal.

At the same time, Tang Lingzhi rested her head on Mu Xue's forehead, smiling, losing her breath of life.


Mu Ze, who felt all this, found it hard to accept it all.

"For a moment, I hesitated for a moment, ahhh~"

There was a heart-piercing sound, followed by desperate cries.

The power began to run amok.

Mu Xue opened her mouth wide, shed tears, and wanted to run over.

It was only stopped by Lu Shui.

"Let me go over." Mu Xue wanted to go over.

Lu Shui refused to let him go because he couldn't get through.

"Wow ~ wow ~"

A loud voice came out.

The baby is crying.

At this moment, Mu Ze stopped shouting and calmed down his strength.

Mu Xue also stopped moving.

What was left was Mu Ze's crying, with despair in his voice.

Lu Shui didn't hesitate, and directly took Mu Xue back, leaving this lost city.

it's all over.

Cannot continue to stay.

Mu Xue will not be able to get out.

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