The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 103 I am the Hokage of Konoha! (Please subscribe~)


With the sword falling, Natsu Yan struck the air, and Namikaze Minato in front of him had already disappeared without a trace.

However, Natsuhiko didn't show any expression. He slowly put away his ninja sword and looked to the side. Namikaze Minato was standing on a big tree looking at Natsuhiko.

There was a bit of relief in his eyes, but also a bit of disbelief.

Naturally, he was pleased because Xia Yan's use of the Flying Thunder God had reached a very good level, and when Xia Yan learned this technique, part of it was his own credit.

Watching others integrate what they teach and show good results.

Namikaze Minato was naturally very happy with such an achievement, and he was also very gratified.

What made him feel incredible was that Xia Yan's proficiency with the Flying Thunder God was beyond his imagination.

Namikaze Minato already knew when Natsuhiko left a mark on him.

But just because he knew it, he felt incredible.

That was the moment after he left a mark on Xia Yan, when Xia Yan, a boy, attacked him and came into contact with him!

He did dodge that punch, but Xia Yan did hit him with that punch.

They fought for a long time, and after Xia Yan turned on the immortal mode, they actually came into contact with each other only a handful of times.

Because both of them reacted too quickly and protected themselves too well.

Namikaze Minato could easily seize this opportunity entirely because his use of the Flying Thunder God had reached an extreme level.

In the original book, when Kakashi used the Chidori for the first time in actual combat, he easily accomplished this - saving Kakashi and leaving an instant mark on the enemy.

But how long has Xia Yan been exposed to the Flying Thunder God?

How long did it take for him to learn to fly the Thunder God?

Namikaze Minato witnessed Natsuhiko learn the sealing technique with his own eyes, and saw him use the Flying Thunder God technique for the first time.

At that time, Xia Yan faced a very strong opponent, but at that time his opponent was a guy who specialized in physical arts, so Xia Yan had plenty of time to prepare.

However, today, Xia Yan didn't have much time to prepare at all, because they themselves didn't know when they would be able to truly catch each other.

But at such a critical moment, Natsuhiko seized the opportunity and left little room for Namikaze Minato, who was extremely good at the flying thunder god technique, to notice.

It seems that this can no longer be explained by talent alone, but Bo Feng Shuimen can only think that it is due to talent.

Otherwise, if he really couldn't find any other excuse, could someone help him practice?

Or should I say, can this kid directly master any technique he has been exposed to?

Shaking his head, Namikaze Minato felt that his thoughts were getting more and more outrageous. Even if the Sage of Six Paths was alive, he might not be able to do it, right?

"It's really amazing." Namikaze Minato looked at Natsu Yan who was not far away, and said in amazement: "I never expected that Natsu Yan-kun has mastered the Flying Thunder God Technique to this extent."

"Without the guidance of Hokage-sama, I wouldn't be where I am now." Xia Yan bowed slightly with great respect.

When it came to the question of Flying Thunder God, he was sincere. If Minato Namikaze hadn't personally taught him, he wouldn't have made such rapid progress.

Of course, Xia Yan knew that the person he should be most grateful for was his plug-in, but plug-ins were not human beings and did not have that much thought.

The most important thing is that his plug-in has no ability to communicate with himself.

"This is your own talent. I didn't help you much."

Namikaze Minato put down the kunai in his hand. He could feel the sincerity in Natsuhiko's tone, and a smile appeared on his lips.

Seeing Minato Namikaze's actions, Natsuhiko simply put away his ninja sword. It was obvious that Minato Namikaze did not intend to continue fighting with him.

In fact, it was enough to fight to this level. Xia Yan also learned about his strengths and weaknesses through this battle.

His overall strength is very strong, but there is still a big gap compared with the real strong ones.

Don't look at the fact that Xia Yan once played tricks on Kakuzu and then ran back from Xia's hands.

But he knew very well that neither of them had any intention of seriously fighting him. The most important thing was that they didn't know his intelligence at all.

The collection of intelligence has always been extremely important to ninjas. According to the ninja's defense capabilities, once you know the opponent's intelligence, you can grasp the opponent's weaknesses.

So even if you are weaker than him, you can still kill the opponent after some planning.

Natsuhiko was thinking not once, but if Jiraiya went to challenge Nagato for a duel, he would know Nagato's Rinnegan ability.

So does he have a good chance to kill the traitor and end the tradition of killing masters in the Naruto world?

After thinking about it, Xia Yan felt that Jiraiya had a great chance. After all, his clone could beat that guy Ci Xian to the point where he couldn't even lift his head.

In the end, Otsutsuki Ishiki had to be resurrected on Ci Xian's body, resulting in him having a very short lifespan after he survived.

Namikaze Minato knew some information about Natsuhiko, and his overall strength was stronger than him, plus he took the initiative to reveal the Sage Mode.

Under such circumstances, Namikaze Minato was of course preparing for the battle seriously, and it was definitely enough for Natsuhiko to fight to this point.

"And it's not the right time to continue fighting now."

Putting away his Ninja sword, Xia Yan took a look around. The bumpy ground and the broken branches everywhere suggested that people from ANBU would be coming soon.

Although Natsuhiko himself was an Anbu and Namikaze Minato was still Hokage, they didn't want these things to be noticed by everyone.

"It's very late, let's call it a night." Namikaze Minato nodded lightly to Natsuhiko: "Although I can't do anything, I also hope that you can really become the captain."

"I also hope this matter can succeed." Xia Yan showed a gentle smile again: "Although it is a pity, I respect the decision of Lord Hokage."

Namikaze Minato couldn't help but sigh slightly when he heard these words, his smile began to shrink, and his eyes became slightly serious.

It's just that this seriousness disappeared not long after, followed by a look of helplessness and a wry smile.

"I'm afraid, Xia Yanjun still blames me for not making a decision directly, right?"

Namikaze Minato said softly, his eyes looking at the silver moon in the sky, and his thoughts were pulled away at this moment.

“Actually, I know that I can get you this position with my tough attitude.

After all, I also know that I am too cautious in doing things and follow the so-called rules too much.

This approach is understandable in normal times and is an excellent quality.

It's just that at another time, such an approach would be a great harm to him and those who follow him. "

Natsuhiko almost broke into a cold sweat when he heard this, because Hiruzen Sarutobi had said similar words himself. This was his evaluation of Namikaze Minato!

But Natsuhiko still remained calm and collected, even though he was indeed a little panicked now, but panicking at this time would definitely lead to big problems, so it was better to see what Namikaze Minato had to say.

"It's just that Anbu are Konoha's Anbu."

Namikaze Minato withdrew his gaze and looked at Natsuhiko seriously.

"It's not mine, nor does it belong to the Third Hokage.

The duty of the ANBU is to protect Konoha, and the captain is an important member of the ANBU!

I don't want an unqualified person to sit in a position he doesn't deserve.

Although this idea is very pedantic, I always remember that I am a ninja of Konoha and I am the Hokage of Konoha! "


"The Hokage of Konoha?"

Natsu Yan was lying on the bed, looking at the bright moon in the sky, and couldn't help but think of what Namikaze Minato said before.

Very ordinary, but also very shocking.

If you have to evaluate it, Xia Yan can say that this is a great ideal, but it is also somewhat naive.

Is it really possible in this world to prevent inappropriate people from sitting where they shouldn’t?

Xia Yan shook his head. He personally felt that it was not reliable. He had read a lot of interesting information in his previous life.

For example, in countries in Europe and the United States, many people who sit in important positions are simply the result of interest exchange and compromise.

Some even put him in a certain important position just to cover up their mistakes or to deal with this guy.

Xia Yan has heard a classic joke, that is, a person who is good at agriculture is placed in a position to control diplomacy instead of using his expertise.

Just because if you let him do what he is good at, it is very likely that he will discover a lot of problems that he should not have, which will lead to a series of major troubles.

But leave him in a place like diplomacy where he doesn't know how, and he won't discover these problems.

And this person is not good at this profession, so he will naturally make mistakes.

Once he makes a mistake, the methods used to deal with him can become more flexible.

You can show your magnanimity in unimportant situations and gain the person's loyalty by forgiving.

And when the problem is serious, you can also choose to throw him out and let him be blamed for it.

"However, the only one who has such an idea and does it is probably Namikaze Minato."

Xia Yan shook his head and stopped thinking about these issues.

It didn't matter that Namikaze Minato had just come to power and his thinking hadn't completely changed yet.

Whether he really plans to do this all the time is not something he needs to consider now.

There was one more thing he needed to do, and that was to prepare some information for Hiruzen Sarutobi about his relationship with Namikaze Minato.

In fact, there is not much to choose from these materials, because Xia Yan has already thought about it.

That was to block all further in-depth communication between himself and Namikaze Minato.

If there was no such thing tonight, maybe he would consider showing his value in front of Sarutobi Hiruzen and reveal some of the in-depth exchanges between him and Namikaze Minato.

But now, he decided to show his relationship with Namikaze Minato in front of Sarutobi Hiruzen, which was similar to the relationship between master and disciple.

So in terms of materials, Natsuhiko had to block out a lot of things, but for the rest he could give Sarutobi Hiruzen truthfully.

Anyway, that's not critical information, it's nothing more than Namikaze Minato teaching him the sealing technique.

In addition, in order to make Sarutobi Hiruzen impeccable, he also planned to hand over some of his insights about Flying Thunder God.

“However, my flying thunder god technique is not something that normal people can learn.

After all, this is the most complete and original version of Flying Thunder God that the system helped me learn. "

Xia Yan thought funnyly, he really expected Hiruzen Sarutobi to take the complete information he gave him and find someone to try it out.

If someone really learns it, then Xia Yan can only say that Thousand Hands Tobijian has been reincarnated.


The next morning, Xia Yan got up early.

However, he did not go to his brigade tribe, but stayed at home and quickly finished writing what he wanted to prepare.

He doesn't have to rush to report today because he has to submit some information about himself to the headquarters.

By the way, he can also take this opportunity to give the things he prepared to Sarutobi Hiruzen.

The information he had to prepare was actually very simple. The only troublesome thing was his experience with the Flying Thunder God.

He really planned to hand it over in its entirety, but after thinking about it, he felt that it would be better if he deleted it a little bit.

Anyway, Xia Yan doesn't think that he has come up with a complete picture and others can learn from it.

If that's the case, I'm afraid Sarutobi Hiruzen and the others won't be able to tell if I delete some of them, so why should I go to the trouble of writing it in such detail?

After everything was ready, he set off and went directly to the ANBU headquarters.

In order to facilitate tasks and facilitate the management of each brigade, each brigade is stationed in a different location.

Those who remain at the headquarters are basically reserve personnel, as well as other administrative and intelligence departments.

However, each one is also very close to the headquarters. Once there is an important meeting or task, you can feel it immediately.

Wearing a mask and lowering his head, Xia Yan quietly walked inside. Many ANBU members here noticed him along the way, and some people also came forward to check.

However, Natsuhiko was originally an authentic Anbu, so he naturally had a pass and identity certificate.

It didn't take much effort for him to enter the core area of ​​the ANBU, and all the way to the minister's office under surveillance.

Regarding such surveillance, Xia Yan naturally knew that this was normal, and strictly speaking, such surveillance was nothing.

Because from the moment Xia Yan stepped into the minister's office, he felt more eyes watching him.

"Is it you, Nightingale?" Takumi Murashima was in the office. He recognized Xia Yan's identity with just a glance: "Come to hand in a report?"

"Yes, in addition to my own report, I also have a report, and I hope that the Minister can forward it to the Hokage for me."

Natsuhiko bowed slightly, then he placed one report on the table and handed the other report to Murashima Takumi.

"Thank you, Minister."

A report to Hokage-sama?

Murashima Takumi stared at Natsuhiko, then lowered his head without looking and continued to deal with his own affairs.

He had no intention of taking over the documents submitted by Xia Yan.

This approach made Xia Yan frown slightly. He didn't know what this guy meant.

Are you putting on airs to deliberately make things difficult?

Or maybe Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't tell him and he didn't believe him at all?

"Of course you should hand in the documents that need to be handed over to Hokage-sama yourself."

Murashima Takumi said slowly without raising his head. His voice was calm and cold, as chilling as ice.

"I have no orders to submit documents for you, so I would never do such a thing, do you understand?"

"Mr. Minister, what I mean is to hand this document to the Third Hokage." Xia Yan frowned slightly, and he spoke again.

"Didn't I express myself clearly enough?"

Murashima Takumi raised his head this time, and he looked at Xia Yan with a cold expression.

“Then let me say it again, I hope Captain Nightingale can remember it.

I didn't receive the order, I won't deliver it for you! "

If you don't receive an order, won't you do it?

Natsuhiko looked at Murashima Takumi, his eyes became more and more strange, and he suddenly discovered that there was something wrong with Murashima Takumi.

Is this guy really so rigid?


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