The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 334 You should have guessed it (8K please subscribe~)

It is still very difficult for Uchiha Madara to figure out who deceived him, or even deceived his entire family.

Regardless of whether you know the plot or not, it is not an easy matter to figure it out.

Without knowing the plot, judging from the time dimension, the deceiver is probably already dead.

After all, this stone tablet has a very long history. No one knows and no one can be sure when it was modified.

It is no exaggeration to say that this is an unsolvable mystery, because the Uchiha clan has a history of thousands of years.

And knowing the plot, Xia Yan really didn't think he could get this guy Hei Jue.

This kid Hei Jue is really too stubborn, and he is also very good at using human nature to hide himself.

How proud Uchiha Madara is, he is so confident, so confident that he thinks he can control everything even if he dies.

Therefore, it is still impossible for this guy to doubt the "individual that condenses his own will" that he created himself.

Relying on this identity, Hei Jue can completely hide himself safely. As long as Hei Jue doesn't go too far, there is basically no possibility of being exposed!

To put it bluntly, unless Uchiha Madara realizes that there is something wrong with Black Zetsu, no one knows where this matter will go.

"The worst thing is just like in the original work, let's chat and have your heart ripped out by the hackers."

Xia Yan stood in front of the golden reincarnation eye, and his eyes had turned azure at this time.

Perhaps as his eyes continued to improve, he could feel the majesty of the reincarnation eye in front of him more and more. He also seemed to be able to detect the existence of a figure through this reincarnation eye.

This figure is extremely ethereal, and also extremely chilling, because the power contained in this figure is really terrifying!

Xia Yan can probably guess who the owner of this figure is. If there is no accident, this is the guy from Hamura Otsutsuki.

In the original work, after Naruto and Hinata arrived inside the moon, Hinata did see her ancestors and the soul state of Hamura Otsutsuki.

And this matter is something that Xia Yan has been avoiding but cannot truly forget.

Because this means that the Immortal of Six Paths and his brother may not be dead at all!

In fact, judging from the original work, these two people may not really be dead. If they were really dead, would they still have such powerful power and appear in the form of souls to send cheats to Naruto and Sasuke?

Obviously this is an unrealistic thing. People are dead and still have the power of yin and yang escape. Who can believe this situation?

Anyway, Xia Yan still can't believe this kind of thing, so the only explanation is that they are not dead at all, they are just alive in a different way and observing the entire ninja world!

Death is actually not a strange thing to other lives.

But for an existence like Otsutsuki, especially knowing the existence of Wedge, Natsuhiko's definition of Otsutsuki's death has really changed dramatically.

Natsuhiko had to use all his strength, even exhausted his chakra, to defeat the careless and arrogant Otsutsuki Ura Shiki.

Even after defeating him, he still had to be cautious to see if he would leave something like a 'wedge' for himself.

As the six brothers who existed thousands of years ago and sealed his mother, Xia Yan didn't know what their power was, but it would be really difficult for them to die.

"So they have actually been alive and silently watching the entire ninja world, but what is their purpose?"

Xia Yan really doesn't know what the purpose of these two brothers is.

Could it be that he was just waiting for Indra and Asura to grow up, and then to reach peace again and seal his mother?

Obviously Xia Yan doesn't think their purpose is that simple. Can't those who can send power out re-strengthen the seal themselves?

Especially the old man Six Paths Immortal finally took back his power. Xia Yan would be the first to admit that he was not good.

Xia Yan felt that they must have their own purpose, but unfortunately, without more information, Xia Yan could not know more.

Xia Yan is a person who is good at analyzing intelligence, but he doesn't have enough intelligence to take advantage of it.

And Xia Yan is also very restrained. Even if he is curious, he will not think too much without knowing enough information.

After all, Xia Yan himself is strictly a stowaway, and he must be cautious about some things.

Especially when it comes to guys like the Sage of Six Paths, he has to be extremely careful.

Shaking his head slightly, Xia Yan put his hand on the reincarnation eye. At the same time, his whole body was covered by the blue chakra of his pure eye.

In an instant, the chakra of the pure eye resonated with the chakra of the reincarnated eye.

In this resonance, Xia Yan could feel the power of this reincarnated eye more clearly, and at the same time, he seemed to be able to see the figure in white more clearly!

This figure is so ethereal, yet so real.

In this illusion that seemed both true and false, Xia Yan took a deep breath, then he abandoned these distracting thoughts and began to concentrate on the matter in front of him.

Under his control, the chakra of the Tsangyan Eye began to flow into his body rapidly, and then continued to converge towards his eyes.

His eyes have already completed an evolution, or there is no problem with fetal movement.

Now that his eyes have reached their limit again, he now needs the power of the reincarnated eye to help him break through this limit and allow him to reach a new realm!

The power of the reincarnated eye continues to gather, and Xia Yan's eyes continue to undergo transformation.

The huge reincarnated eye is constantly releasing its power like the sun, while the pure eye is frantically absorbing such power.


I don't know how long it took, but Xia Yan felt that his eyes began to undergo incredible changes.

Along with such changes, Xia Yan felt that the power in his eyes began to grow stronger, and his eyes also began to undergo an indescribable transformation.

"Bang Dong..."

Suddenly, Xia Yan seemed to hear the beating sound of his own eyes.

"Bang Dong..."

In this wonderful beating sound, his eyes seemed to have broken a layer of membrane, and with every beat of such beating sound, his eyes seemed to become stronger!

"Bang Dong..."

Finally, this kind of jumping began to become slower and slower, and Xia Yan's eyes said that there was more and more power brewing.


When this power was completely saturated, Xia Yan clearly felt that his eyes had reached a new height at this moment!

Terrible power flowed in his eyes, and he could feel his strength increasing.

A blue stream of light rushed to the sky, and the terrifying Chakra belonging to the Pure Eye spread crazily throughout the entire moon!

That kind of destructive power made Xia Yan involuntarily intoxicated. He knew very well that his power had been greatly improved compared to before.

Although such a power overflow may cause some unpredictable consequences, Xia Yan has no intention of paying attention to it at this time.

After he felt the huge increase in strength, his expression slowly turned from intoxication to solemnity.

Because in his eyes, the white figure became clearer and clearer, and it even came to him!


"That power just now was Senju Natsuhiko?"

In the outer area of ​​Hamura Temple, Uchiha Madara frowned and looked at the closed door in the deepest part of the temple.

Just now, he clearly felt an incredible power burst out in an instant.

He felt that even at his peak, he might not be able to resist such an aura of power!

‘Is this the power of Senju Natsuhiko, or the power he gained from this promotion? ’

Uchiha Madara thought silently. In fact, he already had his own answer, but such power was really too scary.

Although he also knew that this power might not reach the level of the dead Otsutsuki Ura Shiki, but even so it was beyond imagination.

After all, Otsutsuki Ura Shiki is a sibling of the Six Paths Sage. Even if this guy is killed because of his own problems, he cannot deny the power of this guy.

But the improvement at this time is really scary. You must know that this guy can kill Otsutsuki Ura Shiki with his previous strength.

Although there are Otsutsukiura-shiki's own problems, if Natsuhiko does not have sufficient technical and tactical skills and rich practical experience.

Why should he defeat Otsutsukiura Shiki? Why should he kill Otsutsukiura Shiki, who can be called a god?

Therefore, Xia Yan's improvement cannot only be based on the improvement of strength, but should also be based on the improvement of his comprehensive ability!

Having sufficiently proficient technical and tactical skills and rich practical experience, coupled with the strength he now possesses, this is the most terrifying thing.

"It should be Xia Yan, right? This chakra and this power, his pure eyes have been completely improved."

Senju Hashirama felt it for a while, then said directly and affirmatively, and it could be seen that he was very happy now.

"This time Xia Yan is promoted, then the future will be brighter for us!

Madara, you have to work hard too! "


When Madara Uchiha heard this, he couldn't help but snorted, and then he didn't bother to pay attention to this guy Senju Hashirama.

Come on, why should you come on like this?

That Senju Natsuhiko didn't help him resurrect at all, so what could he use to cheer him up?

Even if he is not resurrected, it is nothing to give him a better body so that he can exert better power, but the problem is that he does not even have this condition!

To be honest, Uchiha Madara is really depressed right now, even though he knows that these problems will take time to solve.

But seeing his former friends and the people he once hated most still alive made him very unhappy.

Shaking his head slightly, Uchiha Madara forced himself not to think about these things that made him unhappy.

Now that Natsuhiko has gained the power he wanted, after a period of adaptation, this guy may also choose to return to the ninja world.

And when the time comes, he will definitely go back with him, and once he goes back this time, I'm afraid he will also usher in his own new life, right?

Although his new life deviated greatly from what he had planned, he had achieved his goal anyway.

However, Uchiha Madara was still a little hesitant in his heart, because there were some things that he had not fully explained yet.

Although he didn't care about explaining certain things clearly, he did care about how he was being deceived.

Telling Senju Hashirama their arrangements in the human world is to some extent equivalent to admitting how stupid they were in the first place!

Even though Uchiha Madara has actually realized and admitted the stupid things he did, the problem is that Senju Hashirama and the others don't know much about it.

At least they didn't know that they had created an agent to cause chaos in the ninja world, and they didn't know that they had given the Rinnegan to a boy from the Uzumaki clan.

But if he really doesn't say a word about this matter, then it's hard to say that there will be some estrangement by then.

After thinking about it, Uchiha Madara felt that it was better to get to the bottom of this matter with the Fifth Hokage.

Although for him, he prefers to believe Senju Hashirama, his old friend for many years.

But judging from the current situation, it seems that the person who can more effectively avoid unnecessary embarrassment is the fifth generation Hokage.

"After talking to this guy, I have an explanation. This will make it easier for me to get my eyes back in the future and save me the need for further explanations."

Uchiha Madara silently thought to himself that it was not a big deal for him to make a mistake, and it was not difficult for him to admit his mistakes.

But this does not prevent him from seeking some more calm and convenient ways to solve the problem without falling into passivity.

Thinking of this, Uchiha Madara has basically come to a conclusion. It's not like he can't see that among the 'three Hokages', Natsuhiko is the one who really makes the decision.

"But why hasn't this kid come out yet?"

Feeling the chakra that was still turbulent, Uchiha Madara frowned slightly. He found that the Senju Natsuhiko seemed to have made no movement after evolving.

The terrifying chakra was still rippling all over the sky, and the suffocating feeling oppressed him all the time.

To be honest, this feeling is very bad. Even if Uchiha Madara is in the state of reincarnation, he cannot bear such oppression.

Shaking his head slightly, Uchiha Madara didn't bother to think about this problem. After all, he noticed that neither Senju Hashirama nor Senju Tobirama seemed to care.

But what they didn't know was that Xia Yan felt like he had seen a ghost at this time...


Looking at the white figure that had come to him like a ghost, Xia Yan's body seemed to be a little stiff.

His pure eye did see this shadow before, but he always thought that this shadow was just the reflection of the past in the reincarnation eye.

Or maybe it was the mark left in this eye by its true owner, so he didn't take it too seriously.

But at this moment, he realized that he seemed to be wrong. This was no shadow, no mark or reflection. This was simply a soul with consciousness!

Xia Yan could clearly see the emotion of thought in his white eyes, and could feel the power he radiated.

If this thing can also be called a phantom, then are the phantoms in this world too powerful?

To be honest, Xia Yan is very confused now. He doesn't know what the meaning of this guy's appearance at this time is.

He is not from the Hyuga clan, and it is not the first time he has come here. Normally, he should have shown up long ago.

Is it because his pure eye evolution saw him that he had to appear in front of him?

"You look like you have a lot of questions, kid."

Just when Xia Yan was extremely confused, a clear voice suddenly sounded in Xia Yan's mind.

"You are wondering why I appeared, and you are also wondering about my current state, right?"

Xia Yan opened his mouth slightly, and then closed his mouth.

Indeed, he is really confused now, wondering about this guy's current situation, and also wondering about his own current situation.

At this time, Xia Yan seemed to be in a golden space. Xia Yan had no memory of where this place was.

Xia Yan guessed whether he was in some consciousness space, or in the energy space of that damn reincarnation eye.

But none of this is conclusive. Of course, this is not the most critical thing. The most critical thing is that Xia Yan has no idea how he got in!

This method of quietly transferring his position and even his own consciousness was what frightened Xia Yan the most.

Especially now, he seems to be unable to feel the power of his body at all. This is the first time Xia Yan has encountered this situation.

"Actually, you don't need to be confused or worried. I just want to chat with you, kid."

The white-clothed figure in front of him smiled, his figure moved slightly, and the next moment his whole person became clear.

At this moment, Xia Yan also saw everything around him clearly. The place where he was was a golden space.

There was nothing in this pale golden space, but Xia Yan surprisingly felt that there seemed to be everything in it.

Such a strange feeling made Xia Yan very surprised, but the surprise did not last long.

When he saw the man in white wave his hand casually and a table appeared in front of him, he was sure of a lot of things.

"This pale golden space is full of special energy. This guy directly converts the energy into what he needs."

Xia Yan thought silently, this approach was indeed a bit shocking, but Xia Yan knew that it was probably not impossible!

The essence of all things is actually just energy, but this energy is expressed and conveyed to people through constant forms.

The guy in front of him, or rather the guy Otsutsuki Hamura, simply used energy to change it into something that people can normally accept.

Xia Yan could see what was going on, but he couldn't understand how he did it!

This is the ultimate manipulation of power, and the ultimate perception of power.

Xia Yan couldn't imagine how difficult it would be to achieve this step. Anyway, he didn't dare to imagine it, at least for now.

"sit down."

Otsutsuki Hamura was the first to sit down. He tapped the table lightly with his hand, and soon a coffee table appeared with his movement.

He poured two cups of tea gently, then looked at Xia Yan with a smile and spoke slowly.

"You don't have to wonder so much. The place you are now is a power space formed by the reincarnation eye.

This place is isolated from the outside world, and only consciousness, or more accurately the soul, can enter here. "

Having said this, Otsutsuki Hamura paused slightly. He looked at Xia Yan, who still didn't move at all, and chuckled softly.

"As for who I am, I think you already have the answer, don't you?"

"Oh, yes."

Xia Yan nodded slightly, then he simply walked to the table and sat down slowly.

Although he still didn't know how he was dragged into this place by this guy, Xia Yan seemed to feel that this guy had no ill intentions.

This feeling is very strange, but it does appear in Xia Yan's heart.

However, this feeling immediately aroused Xia Yan's vigilance. The more such inexplicable feelings of kindness appeared, the more Xia Yan had to be more vigilant.

This inexplicable feeling that came to my mind was either real or someone had tampered with it.

Facing a guy like Hamura Otsutsuki, Natsuhiko really can't be too vigilant.

"If I'm not mistaken, you should be the younger brother of the legendary Sage of Six Paths and the real owner of this temple, Otsutsuki Hamura, right?"

"I haven't heard this name for a long time. It's really nostalgic."

Otsutsuki Hamura nodded slightly, then he picked up the tea cup in his hand and took a sip. It took him a long time before he spoke slowly.

"I can feel that you are very wary of me, and speaking of it, I am also very curious as to why you are like this.

After all, strictly speaking, I should be the one who should be on serious alert, because the blood in your body has mutated.

You have transformed from Asura's bloodline into Otsutsuki's bloodline. I have never understood how you did it.

Not only that, you also inexplicably gained the power of the Byakugan, and transformed it into a special kind of eye, somewhat similar to the reincarnated eye.

I have to say that all of this is wonderful, even your existence is extremely wonderful. "

Otsutsuki Hamura still kept smiling. He looked at Xia Yan quietly, and then he drank a cup of tea again.

Xia Yan broke into cold sweat after hearing this. He really didn't expect that he would be completely seen through by this guy. This feeling was very bad.

However, Xia Yan remained calm. He looked at Otsutsuki Hamura calmly and then asked as if he didn't care.

"Oh, how wonderful I am, I am just a descendant of the Thousand Hands Clan."

"Is he really just a descendant of the Senju clan?"

Otsutsuki Hamura put down the tea cup in his hand, and the words he said the next moment made Xia Yan's body stiffen.

"Well, that's not wrong. After all, the body does belong to the Thousand Hands clan.

But what about your soul? "


Xia Yan had speculated a long time ago, wondering whether a time traveler like himself would be discovered?

He thought for a long time, and finally the answer he got was if he met a guy who was always paying attention to the development of the ninja world and whose strength was beyond imagination.

Then the fact that he is a time traveler is likely to be discovered!

And the people he expected from the beginning were the two Sage Brothers of Six Paths.

Even though Xia Yan was indeed avoiding some questions from beginning to end, he really couldn't forget the fact that these two people might still be alive.

And now Otsutsuki Hamura's words have been clearly told to Xia Yan. Yes, they know the situation of Xia Yan, an outsider!

To be honest, one of my biggest secrets was seen through so easily, and it was even possible that I was being watched all the time.

This feeling made Xia Yan extremely disgusted, and also made Xia Yan feel a little scared from the bottom of his heart.

To put it bluntly, this world is the world of the Six Paths Sage, and their influence on the entire ninja world is unimaginable.

For an outsider like me to enter this world, the risks are also unimaginable.

However, Xia Yan still forced himself to stay calm, because he knew very well that it would be of no use if he panicked now.

He didn't know how much the younger brother of the Immortal of Six Paths in front of him knew, and he also didn't know how much the Immortal of Six Paths knew.

For example, where he comes from, the mysterious system in his body, etc., can these people see it?

Of course, the most critical point is that I have been in this world for so many years and have changed so much, causing so many unpredictable futures.

But the two of them seemed to have been watching without actually doing anything, such as eliminating threats.

So does this mean that they actually have some strong external skills?

However, this idea only popped up in Xia Yan's mind and was rejected by himself. If they are weak, then there are still truly strong people in the ninja world?

So Xia Yan actually prefers another idea, that is, they are actually too lazy to care about themselves, and even...

"Maybe they are letting me go on purpose to see how much of a change I can make to the ninja world?"

Suddenly, Xia Yan suddenly thought of an idea that was not very reliable, but it made him think it was very possible!

Xia Yan, who has read the original work, knows that the time rules of the ninja world are actually too simple.

In other words, ‘you travel to the past, and what you do can affect the future’.

Rather than 'You have traveled to the past, the past is your future, and everything you do will create a new time branch'!

Naruto's team traveled back through the timeline and met his father, Minato Namikaze, which confirmed this.

Even though Namikaze Minato sealed the memories of all of them, the nature of such behavior can be regarded as affecting the future.

But in fact, the future has not been affected, and everything will remain as usual.

Unless there is a big change like Orochimaru stopped studying ninjutsu, started studying mechanical technology, and then created a steel nine-tailed Naruto.

This will probably lead to a new branch line in the ninja world and take everything on an unusual path.

Such a situation does not occur in the current ninja world, so without Xia Yan, I am afraid that it will still move forward according to the most original route.

The power of time is not as difficult to master as imagined, at least for guys like Otsutsuki Hagoromo and Otsutsuki Hamura.

Therefore, they have used the power of time to see the future and understand countless possible future directions. It is not impossible!

As soon as this idea appeared, Xia Yan's mind started to come alive.

If this is the case, it is very likely that his appearance will cause an unpredictable future for the ninja world, but it is predictable for them.

And maybe this future will be a good thing for them?

It seems that this is the only explanation that can explain why they have never done anything to me, and even allowed themselves to do whatever they want in the ninja world, right?

"Indeed, I am an outsider. Although I didn't want to come here according to my own will, I came here because of some accidents."

After Xia Yan thought this through, he first sighed slightly, and then he said tentatively.

"But since you know that I am an outsider, why don't you do something, like send me back?"

"You want to say why you haven't eliminated this uncertain factor?"

Otsutsuki Hamura looked at Xia Yan with a half-smile, and finally he shook his head gently.

“Why should I do this, or why should we do this?

You have a deep fear of us, which I didn't expect. After all, strictly speaking, this is the first time we have met.

But it doesn’t matter. In fact, I can tell you that we have seen everything you have done over the years.

We don't know where you come from. Of course, that's not important. What's important is what your appearance can bring. "

Having said this, Otsutsuki Hamura paused slightly, then he picked up the tea cup and took another sip.

Suddenly, a scent of tea spread throughout the space, even though Xia Yan knew that this scent was probably just an illusion that naturally occurred in his mind.

But I have to say that this feeling is really too real, and this method is so inspiring.

In addition, what Otsutsuki Hamura said also made Xia Yan's heart beat slightly, because Xia Yan felt that he seemed to have guessed it right.

But he didn't make a sound, but looked at Otsutsuki Hamura quietly, waiting for what Otsutsuki Hamura said.

"Actually, you can try to guess and guess what we think."

Otsutsuki Hamura did not give an answer immediately. He looked at Xia Yan with a smile, and then slowly put down the tea cup in his hand.

"As ninjas, you have long since evolved your own set of analytical abilities.

You are an excellent ninja, and I believe your ability in this area will definitely not be bad. "

Having said this, Otsutsuki Hamura paused slightly, and then he spoke meaningfully.

"Actually, you should have guessed it, right?"


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