"Time flies so fast."

Sitting in the Hokage's office, Natsuhiko looked at the prosperous scene of Konoha outside the window, and he couldn't help but smile.

Time passes much faster than people imagine. Before you know it, time has quietly come to Konoha for sixty years.

The sixtieth year of Konoha, this is a very special day for Natsuhiko, because he knows very well that this is the time when the story in the original work really begins!

Although the storyline of this world has been horribly destroyed by him, Xia Yan no longer cares so much.

Five years ago on the moon, Xia Yan learned the true truth of the ninja world, and upgraded his pure eyes to the second stage. It can be said that he has no enemies in the entire ninja world.

Neither Uchiha Madara's resurrection in his complete state nor Senju Hashirama could have any impact on him.

His current state is such that he can put some hairspray on his head, then reach out and wipe it back, fly in mid-air and shout "I will stand above the clouds"!

His strength has completely surpassed the ninja world by so much. Perhaps the only real threat to Natsuhiko is Uchiha Madara absorbing the divine tree state, which will make Natsuhiko afraid, right?

But now Uchiha Madara has no chance to absorb the sacred tree. After this guy knew that he was deceived, he no longer carried out the infinite Tsukuyomi plan.

And what makes Xia Yan very interesting is that this arrogant guy actually has a slightly coquettish side.

He quietly found Xia Yan and told him all the plans he had made, which surprised Xia Yan.

According to Natsuhiko's idea, shouldn't this guy tell Senju Hashirama quietly?

However, Xia Yan reacted quickly, and he immediately knew where this guy was struggling.

I'm afraid he felt that what he did was too stupid, and he was embarrassed to tell Senju Hashirama what he had done, right?

After thinking about it, Xia Yan felt that this idea should be the most reliable. The special relationship between him and Senju Hashira did make him reluctant to say some things.

Even though he is arrogant and will never deny his mistakes, he is not willing to do anything that is too embarrassing for everyone to know.

Uchiha Madara, who confessed, temporarily gained Natsuhiko's trust, but even if he trusted him and with Senju Hashirama's lobbying, Natsuhiko agreed to help him resurrect.

But when it comes to the Akatsuki organization and his Samsara Eye, Xia Yan has not made any concessions yet!

Natsuhiko's decision was really hard for Uchiha Madara to understand, but Natsuhiko was not an unreasonable person. He told the reason why he did this very directly.

"I need them to collect the tailed beast chakra, although for me, my current strength can completely do everything I want to do.

But there are many things that I cannot do with my own ideas, and the people in the Akatsuki organization are very good people who can do some things. "

Uchiha Madara really didn't understand Natsuhiko's explanation. In his opinion, Natsuhiko had such power that he could take whatever he wanted from the entire ninja world.

After all, he had never been a Hokage, and it was impossible for him to know Xia Yan's system mission, but Xia Yan's next words made him understand a little bit.

"In fact, there is another purpose, that is, I plan to rely on the Akatsuki organization's wanton behavior in the ninja world to make them the public enemy of the ninja world.

If their strength is strong enough, then they will definitely make the entire ninja world - except Konoha - feel fear.

Under such fear, as long as we express our willingness to deal with them together, the ninja world can also unite.

We cannot rely on Otsutsuki's threat alone. We can deal with one or two people, but once there are more people, there is no way we can deal with it.

Ninjas still need to rely on themselves. Although one-on-one ability is not enough, what if we rely on the power of everyone and the power of the ninja world except us?

And the united ninja world can be regarded as a different kind of peace. After all, the division of the ninja world is because everyone is hostile to each other.

But if the ninja world has a common enemy, do you think the ninja world will still hate each other, and there will continue to be internal strife and wars? "

Natsuhiko's explanation immediately made Uchiha Madara understand a lot.

Although they can no longer rely on force to forcibly unify the entire ninja world, they can't rely on other methods to integrate!

The main reason why there are conflicts within the ninja world is that the interests between each other are unbalanced, and the upper limit of development is restricted due to various reasons.

But at the end of the day, ninjas in the ninja world are still humans.

Once an enemy appears outside that does not belong to the human category, and the purpose of these people is to destroy the world, then humans must unite to resist.

Such a union can achieve an even distribution of benefits to a certain extent, and such a union can also eliminate hatred between each other.

After all, if everyone does not give up their prejudices and deal with external invasions with the same hatred and hatred, then their fate can be seen.

“When we are completely united, we will carry out cultural and spiritual propaganda from within to weaken the influence of other villages.

In this way, even if there are no external enemies and all ninjas believe that they are a family, will there still be war? "

Cultural propaganda has always been something Xia Yan attaches great importance to. As a time traveler, he knows very well how terrible this kind of cultural propaganda is.

And as a member of the Chinese nation, Xia Yan naturally knows what the meaning of cultural assimilation is.

Xia Yan has actually started to do this, and those small country ninja villages are the targets of his experiments.

Facts have proved that he did quite well, although because it was the first time to do this, various problems would arise.

But overall everything went smoothly, and they also accumulated a lot of experience in previous operations.

After so many years of training and action, Natsuhiko believes that even if Konoha is now asked to carry out cultural invasion and propaganda to other villages in the entire ninja world, Konoha can still do it.

Uchiha Madara was persuaded by Natsuhiko in this way, and he did not worry about his reincarnation eye for the time being.

However, he also secretly observed the situation of Nagato and the others. To his surprise, he found that Nagato seemed to completely trust Natsu Yan. Even the Land of Rain was in Natsu Yan's hands.

This made Uchiha Madara feel a little funny, but no matter how funny it was, how close Nagato was to Natsuhiko.

He will definitely take back the eyes that belong to him. No one can change this, and Xia Yan fully supports his idea.

“After all, sometimes it’s better for people to recognize themselves, so just leave it to him for the time being, and then tell him the truth when things are sorted out later.

At least it will be easier for him to accept it. After all, the ninja world will be peaceful by then..."


Peace in the ninja world has always been the common pursuit of all the characters in Hokage.

Regardless of whether they are good or evil in the original work, no matter what they do, their common goal is this from beginning to end, and it has never changed.

And for many of them, if they can bring peace to the ninja world, they are willing to pay it with their lives.

The boy Nagato is actually such a person. In the original book, after he gained faith, he was willing to give up his life to save everyone in Konoha, and gave his hope to Naruto.

Natsuhiko doesn't intend to kill him now, he just intends to return this guy Nagato to his original owner.

Although Xia Yan guessed that he, who had thought that he was the successor of the Six Paths Immortal all his life, suddenly learned that the Samsara Eye did not belong to him, it might be a big blow to him.

But it is also true that the blow is huge. This guy Nagato needs to recognize himself again.

"But he should accept it. After all, the Kingdom of Rain has been transformed by me, and Yahiko has also come back to life. This can be considered a kind of compensation."

Yahiko has been brought back to life by Natsuhiko. Although Natsuhiko completely uses him as a tool to control Yahiko, he does have his own value.

And for Xia Yan now, the cost of resurrecting a person is too low. With the two skills of Reincarnation in the Dirty Land and Reincarnation in the Past, it is really not difficult for Xia Yan to resurrect a person.

Especially since he also has the immortality of Hidan, and Orochimaru is constantly improving and researching, it can be said that the cost has become lower.

Even though Xia Yan's eyes didn't have any ability to revive, it was really not necessary for him.

Since getting this resurrection plan, Xia Yan has resurrected a total of six people.

They are Hatake Soshige, Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama, Nohara Rin, Yahiko and Uzumaki Mito.

It seems that he has resurrected more people, but in fact he has been very restrained.

And he decided that he would not use this technique casually in the future unless necessary.

But he will still give Uchiha Madara a chance. After all, he promised Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara.

It is true that Uchiha Madara has not chosen to be completely resurrected for the time being. According to him, his eyes are still in the hands of others and he cannot exert his greatest power at all.

And the incomplete self cannot fully exert its own strength, so it is better to wait and retract the eyes before choosing a complete resurrection.

Xia Yan did not reject his idea, and it was not a big deal to him.

Uchiha Madara's problem was solved, which made Xia Yan feel more at ease.

Although he inexplicably eliminated the super boss in the original work, Xia Yan didn't think it was a big deal.

Anyway, in Xia Yan's opinion, the rebellion in the ninja world is still supported by Obito, so there will basically be no problems.

Moreover, reducing the risk index of rebellion in the ninja world can be considered a meritorious deed.

As for Obito's future, Natsuhiko isn't worried at all.

Considering his abilities, Xia Yan didn't mind saving this kid. No matter how extreme he had done, Xia Yan could just stuff him into the ANBU.

In the original work, Orochimaru and Kabuto were fine. Although Obito was the mastermind, Natsuhiko protected him quietly, so no one would know.

Even if someone knew, he wouldn't dare to say anything, and he might not say anything either. After all, he was the Hokage of Konoha Village!

"But let's talk about Obito's matters later. For now, it's better to deal with the things that need to be dealt with first."

Leaning on the chair, Xia Yan stretched hard. He did still have some things to deal with, and this problem was not a simple matter.

Because this guy Namikaze Minato has now recovered after thirteen years of training, and he will return to Konoha today!

When Natsuhiko injected life into Namikaze Minato, he deliberately tampered with it so that he could not recover at once.

This gave Xia Yan plenty of time and cover to accomplish what he needed to accomplish.

And Natsuhiko has completely achieved everything he wanted to achieve. The position of the Fifth Hokage of Konoha Village is his greatest achievement.

To be honest, Natsu Yan was actually very grateful to Namikaze Minato, even though Natsu Yan had tricked him back then, and his purpose of saving him was not simple.

But no matter what, Namikaze Minato really gave Natsuhiko a huge help.

In fact, Xia Yan himself knew that it was absolutely impossible for him to be so precise when he moved his hands and feet.

Recuperating in a place like Mt. Myoboku, Namikaze Minato's recovery speed would definitely not be slow.

But he never chose to come back, which to some extent was keeping his original promise.

But now that he is back, it is impossible for him to pose even the slightest threat to Xia Yan, and Xia Yan also knows that he has absolutely no intention of doing so.

The purpose of his coming back is actually very simple, that is, the little guy Naruto is about to graduate now.

Naruto's graduation was a big event for Natsuhiko, and it was an even bigger event for him. This was his son's first step towards the ninja world, and it was impossible for him not to care.

Now that Naruto is about to become a ninja, he will no longer be protected by Konoha as before, so he is no longer willing to continue squatting in Mt. Miaomu.

As the fourth generation Hokage, Natsuhiko must make appropriate arrangements for his return.

However, the specific arrangements will depend on Natsuhiko's meeting with Namikaze Minato later.

In fact, Natsuhiko is more inclined to arrange for Namikaze Minato to go to the ANBU. After all, Natsuhiko once answered that Kakashi would let him out, so letting Namikaze Minato go to the ANBU is the most appropriate choice.

However, it is not known how Namikaze Minato views this matter, in case the Fourth Hokage plans to lead Naruto and the others as a mission ninja himself.

Then Natsuhiko must have a headache, not because of Namikaze Minato's actions, but because of who to choose as the ANBU minister.


Just when Xia Yan was worried about this matter, Qiong opened the door of the office and walked in.

"The Yondaime Hokage and his wife are already here."


"Yondaime-sama, long time no see."

Sitting at the desk, Natsuhiko looked at Namikaze Minato and Kushina with a smile. This time, it was only the two of them, and Naruto did not come with him.

At this time, both of them had smiles on their faces, but Natsuhiko could see that Namikaze Minato's smile seemed a little stiff.

Natsuhiko just thought about it for a moment and roughly knew what Namikaze Minato's current mood was like.

I'm afraid Namikaze Minato's mood is very complicated now. The seat where Natsuhiko is sitting once belonged to him.

But even though he had the title of Hokage, he didn't have much power as Hokage at all. At that time, there were four people standing behind him.

It is not an exaggeration to say that those four people are the four giants of Konoha. They firmly control the core power of Konoha and almost make Namikaze Minato become their puppets to give orders.

Namikaze Minato really didn't like days like this, and although he was very happy to be Hokage during those days, such experiences would remain in his mind for the rest of his life.

Looking back at Xia Yan now, he doesn't have any worries in this regard at all. All the rights of Konoha are in his hands.

He can mobilize all resources to accomplish everything he wants to do. Everyone under him also knows that he is the only Hokage and will only cooperate with his policies.

Being able to understand government orders can be said to be what a Hokage desires most.

Namikaze Minato had never enjoyed such treatment back then, so it was only natural for him to envy Natsuhiko.

However, Namikaze Minato's reaction speed was still very fast. He immediately came back to his senses and nodded to Natsuhiko with a smile.

"Long time no see, Lord Godaime Hokage."

"Just call me Xia Yan."

Natsuhiko smiled and shook his head. He still had a good impression of Namikaze Minato. In any case, Namikaze Minato also helped him back then.

Xia Yan is still a grateful person. Although his moral bottom line has always been erratic, at least he still has it.

"Then don't call me Yondaime-sama, just call me Minato."

Namikaze Minato nodded slightly, and then he spoke.

"I have been reading newspapers these years, and I know that Konoha has developed very well under your leadership. Congratulations to you, Xia Yan, you are an excellent Hokage.

I also want to congratulate myself. Although I failed very much as Hokage, at least I chose an excellent successor for Konoha. "

Namikaze Minato was very particular about his words. He didn't say anything about successor, but used the word successor.

It was obvious that he was telling Xia Yan that he did not regard Xia Yan as his junior, but as a complete peer or even someone he needed to look up to seriously.

He was also telling Xia Yan that he had no idea about Naruto because he was already a thing of the past.

Natsuhiko was really surprised. He hadn't seen Namikaze Minato for so many years, and he didn't expect him to be more smooth than when he was Hokage.

Faced with his statement, Xia Yan could only smile and nodded, and then he directly entered the whole body.

"Then I'll be disrespectful, Minato, what are your thoughts on coming back this time?"

Xia Yan sat up straight, and then he knocked on the table lightly. Qiong, who was sitting next to him, nodded, and then she started recording.

Namikaze Minato naturally saw this scene. Although he had been at Mt. Myoboku, he also learned a lot about the current situation in Konoha through newspapers and Kakashi.

For example, in terms of government affairs, Xia Yan deliberately divided many departments, and he was very clear about it.

The division of these departments has clarified the clear responsibilities of each unit and department, which has made Konoha's administrative operation more efficient.

And in order to allow the administrative staff of various departments to work better, Xia Yan also specially opened a brand-new department such as the 'Secretary Department'.

The secretaries in the secretarial department are responsible for coordinating and cooperating with administrative staff at all levels, which is another thing that greatly improves work efficiency.

Even Kakashi is also equipped with two secretaries, so he is very clear about the difference between the personal secretary and the permanent secretary.

To be honest, he really admired Xia Yan's imagination. Setting up this department was something he had never thought of.

Not to mention Xia Yan's subsequent series of policies, it was something he couldn't even imagine.

The girl from the Uchiha clan in front of her is one of the highest secretaries in the Konoha Secretariat. She is Natsuhiko's personal secretary, and the power she holds in her hands is also very great.

The record she left here is actually a daily measure that can prove the words and deeds of Lord Hokage.

It is obvious that Xia Yan is a person who is afraid of trouble. To some extent, such records can help Xia Yan make important testimony on some issues that can be discussed against him.

Of course, even if there are records of non-discussable things, they cannot be taken out.

"I don't know what you think."

Namikaze Minato was thinking, but he answered Natsuhiko very seriously.

"It depends on the Hokage-sama's arrangements. I don't have any problems."

"Then, how about I let you take over Kakashi's class and become the head of the ANBU?"

When Xia Yan heard what this guy said, he naturally didn't mean anything polite.

Letting the former Hokage become the Minister of ANBU is actually something that seems very dangerous.

And with Natsuhiko's experience, I'm afraid future Hokages may not put ambitious people in the position of ANBU minister.

However, Natsuhiko is not worried at all, because his influence on the Anbu is beyond imagination, and his control over the entire Konoha is not something ordinary people can believe.

It can be said that his battle with Otsutsuki Ura Shiki five years ago made everyone in Konoha sincerely recognize and respect him extremely.

In the eyes of all the residents of Konoha, Natsuhiko at this time is no worse than Senju Hashirama, and even stronger than Senju Hashirama!

The title of God of the Ninja World has become more and more intense for him. Although Xia Yan has never admitted such a statement, he has never actively denied it.

"Anbu chief?"

Namikaze Minato couldn't help but look a little weird when he heard Natsuhiko's statement.

"Xia Yanjun, are you kidding?"

"Do you think I'm joking?"

Faced with Namikaze Minato's doubts, Natsuhiko was very straightforward.

"I won't joke about this kind of thing, so don't worry, after all, I can trust Minato's professional ethics.

Besides, you have also cooperated with ANBU on missions, so the process is not unfamiliar, and as the Fourth Hokage, I believe in your abilities.

Minato, aren't you willing to try this new challenge? "

Natsuhiko's words were very serious, and after Minato Namikaze thought seriously for a moment, he finally nodded in embarrassment.

After all, he was not a person who would refuse, but he was a little curious himself, so he asked.

"Then what if I go to ANBU, what will Kakashi do? He is now the minister of ANBU."

"Kakashi naturally has his own plans."

Speaking of this question, Xia Yan couldn't help but smile. He knocked on the table lightly and asked slowly.

"What do you think about letting him be the leading Jonin for this boy Naruto?"


Letting Kakashi become the leading jounin of Naruto and the others is an approach that brings the wheel of history back to the whole.

To be honest, Xia Yan didn't know the effect of this, but this did not prevent him from making some interesting attempts.

As the seventh team of Destiny in the original work, Natsuhiko is really curious about what kind of sparks will arise between Kakashi and Naruto now.

Especially the current Naruto is not the Naruto in the original work, and the kid Sasuke is not the orphan in the original work either.

Now that this guy's parents are here, and he also has a brother who loves him, his life can be described as happy.

Under such circumstances, Xia Yan is really looking forward to what kind of changes Class 7 will have - of course, he has no intention of letting Sakura stay in Class 7.

The main reason why Sakura in the original work can appear in Class 7, such a special class, is the role of fusion and lubrication.

After all, Naruto likes Sakura, and Sakura likes Sasuke. She can make good use of this characteristic to turn this extremely special and divided team into an actual whole.

But now the situation is completely different. To put it bluntly, it would be the same with or without her!

As for who to insert into this team, it is indeed a problem, but Xia Yan is really not worried about this problem.

Whether it is Hinata or the now grown-up Uzumaki Uzumaki who was brought back by Natsuhiko many years ago, they are a much better choice than her.

Namikaze Minato was really moved when he heard Natsuhiko's proposal and asked his disciples to teach his son, although the seniority seemed a bit chaotic.

But his disciple is completely trustworthy, and his son will definitely not have any problems with him.

"Then I'll leave this matter to Xia Yanjun."

"Don't worry, I have arrangements."

After sending Minato Namikaze and his wife away with a smile, Natsuhiko had accomplished something.

Kakashi, this kid, may have been fed up with being under the ANBU for a long time. After all, he seemed a little reluctant when he was asked to join the ANBU many years ago.

Now that he is released, his dream can be considered fulfilled.

To be honest, there are indeed many pure ninjas like Kakashi in Natsuhiko's social circle.

But there really aren't that many ninjas who hold as much power as him but don't have much interest.

"Qiong, please contact Kakashi and tell him the result."

Although he was thinking about these messy things, Xia Yan quickly arranged for Qiong to inform Kakashi about the matter.

"Yes, Hokage-sama."

Qiong smiled and nodded, then she quickly turned around and walked out.

For a moment, the entire office became quiet again, and Xia Yan stretched involuntarily.

After dealing with Namikaze Minato's affairs, Natsuhiko had completely completed the basic layout of Konoha's interior.

All that's left is to wait for time to advance and for some necessary things to happen.

"According to the intelligence, Nagato and the others may start trying to attack the tailed beasts."

Since Yahiko's resurrection, Nagato has completely surrendered to Natsuhiko, but he did so as the 'Controller of the Rain Country'.

The main reason for making such a choice is that Obito has come to the Land of Rain!

Obito's actions in the Kingdom of Water are over. His plan can be considered a success, but it can also be considered a failure.

The reason for his success is that he has really messed up the entire Kirigakure Village in these years, and almost all the blood step families have been severely harmed by him.

To this day, the blood-step family in Kirigakure Village is still like a nightmare, making countless people hate and fear them.

But he also failed. Even without Qing's Byakugan, his flaws were still discovered.

But unfortunately, he was discovered a little too late, and the damage suffered by Kirigakure Village was already irreversible.

Obito, who failed to leave the Kingdom of Water, naturally came to the Kingdom of Rain. This guy was also dumbfounded by the changes in the Kingdom of Rain.

Because he never expected that Nagato would actually cooperate with Konoha!

However, Nagato's attitude towards this kind of thing is extremely calm. According to him, it is——

'The actions of the Akatsuki organization require money, and Konoha's actions are to help the Rain Country develop its own ability, so it will naturally get enough money.

In this case, why can't they cooperate with Konoha and use Konoha's money to finally deal with Konoha? ’

This statement left Obito speechless, and in the end he could only compromise on this matter.

However, after Obito learned about the current development of the Akatsuki organization, he also made a decision, which was to let Nagato carry out the capture of tailed beasts!

Nagato has already informed Natsu Yan about this matter, and Natsu Yan's advice to Nagato is to do it with confidence.

Xia Yan really wouldn't refuse this kind of thing. Although time has been moved inexplicably, isn't it more interesting this way?

"Furthermore, after five years, what I gained from Otsutsuki Ura Shiki will soon bear fruit, right?"

Xia Yan leaned lazily on the chair, and the sun shone on him through the window.

He closed his eyes slightly, and when he opened them again, his faceplate had appeared on his retinas.

Name: Natsuhiko Senju

Sex: Male

Birthday: March 24, Year 34 of the Konoha Calendar

Level: Shadow level (system judgment without using any ability) (chakra reserves are abnormally large)

Pupil Technique: Clean Eyes (Second Stage) (Development Degree: 90%)

Bloodline development degree: advanced (thousand-hand secret technique, intermediate yang escape secret technique), blood stain elimination (unnamed), second blood stain elimination (unnamed), advanced corpse bone veins, intermediate yin escape secret technique, yin and yang escape (can be accompanied by yin) Elevated by the improvement of Dun and Yang Dun)

Jinchūriki: Nine-Tails (Two-Tails, Three-Tails, Six-Tails, Eight-Tails) (Advanced)

Seeds: Original Power Seed (98%), Ultimate Byakugan Power (99%)

Fruit: Advanced Fire Release Fruit (10), Advanced Water Release Fruit (10), Advanced Earth Release Fruit (10), Advanced Thunder Release Fruit (10), Advanced Wind Release Fruit (10)

Mission: Become the real big BOSS (the only one) in the ninja world (97% progress), Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki (optional) (already have nine tails, eight tails, six tails, and three tails, and the progress of mutual integration is 5%) 10. The overall integration progress is not activated)


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