The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 34 Captain (please collect the new book and recommend it~)

An extremely secluded basement?

A person who weirdly wants to attack ANBU, and who also makes Natsuhiko, a senior ANBU, extremely afraid of him?

Do you even need to be extra cautious and cautious when reporting on yourself?

Seeing these contents, Namikaze Minato's expression changed a little. He naturally knew who those people were.

There are not many people in Konoha who are so unscrupulous, but there is an organization that is deeply rooted in Konoha and can do all this!

They do things without any bottom line or scruples. Their existence is the darkest part of Konoha, but they are also the most important part of Konoha.

They are the roots, the roots of Konoha!

Darker than ANBU, and more bloody than ANBU, they are the roots of Konoha that make the entire Konoha extremely afraid!

Only they dared to stop the ANBU as if they were afraid, and seemed to want to take action.

"It's just, isn't this too unprofessional? Wait..."

Namikaze Minato suddenly thought of a secret operation done by Nebe, a secret operation so secret that even he, the Hokage, could not know the specific operation.

After that operation, it seemed that Danzo was the only one who came back, and then the roots seemed to begin to absorb a large number of new people.

Could it be that that incident caused huge damage to the roots and had to be rebuilt?

If so, it seems understandable why these guys behave so unprofessionally.

If Anbu wants to take action, he will not use chakra to lock the opponent, and he will not easily conflict with Anbu.

After thinking about all this, Namikaze Minato's expression did not improve at all, but instead became even more ugly.

That extremely hidden basement would cause these unprofessional root ninjas to be alert and even take action. So what exactly is down there?

"Human experiments..."

Namikaze Minato suddenly remembered something, and that was some rumors about Orochimaru in the village before he became Hokage.

Moreover, Namikaze Minato once learned from a casual chat with Nara Shikaku that Danzo supported Orochimaru 100% when he met to select Hokage in the Land of Fire.

However, this matter was suppressed by the Sandaime Hokage. The reason seemed to be that Orochimaru had undue ambitions. Does this mean human experimentation?

Is the Sandaime-sama aware of this matter?

And, are Nebe and Orochimaru still doing this?

Thinking of this, Namikaze Minato became more and more interested in the so-called basement.

He was very confused as to what was inside. Could it really be as he thought, that it was an illegal human body laboratory that was deeply hidden in Konoha?

"This matter needs to be clarified, even if it is very troublesome, it must be clarified!"

Namikaze Minato secretly made up his mind. Although doing so may cause great trouble, as Hokage he must have his own responsibilities.

"Besides this incident, Xia Yan really gave me a surprise..."

Putting down the scroll in his hand, Namikaze Minato looked at Kakashi who was still half-kneeling on the ground.

When Kakashi came over today, he noticed a big change in this kid's mental outlook.

At first, he didn't understand what was going on, but after reading this scroll, especially in the second half when Kakashi and Natsuhiko went to the Heroes Cemetery together, he seemed to understand it completely.

"Failure is the main theme of life? It sounds extremely pessimistic, but if you understand its meaning carefully, you will realize how optimistic and uplifting its core is."

Indeed, when he first saw Natsuhiko and Kakashi say this, Namikaze Minato couldn't help but shake his head.

However, when he read it all, he realized that Natsuhiko was actually comforting Kakashi in this way.

And Namikaze Minato also had to admit one thing, that is, what Natsuhiko said was very reasonable. This child was really very intellectual and very gentle.

"Also, does this child seem to be planning to learn sealing techniques?"

Namikaze Minato was silently thinking about something. He already had some ideas. He felt that he might be able to meet this young ANBU.

Whether it's out of gratitude or for some other purpose.

Thinking of this, Namikaze Minato raised his head and looked at Kakashi: "It seems that I still need to thank Natsuhiko, right, Kakashi?"

"Hokage-sama..." Kakashi lowered his head lower.

"Okay, you can go down." Namikaze Minato waved his hand casually: "Today is your day off. Go and have a good rest. After your day off, bring Natsu Yan to see me."

"Yes, Hokage-sama." Kakashi nodded seriously.

His teacher's desire to see Natsuhiko didn't seem to exceed Kakashi's expectations, because Natsuhiko knew a lot of things, and I'm afraid his teacher wanted to know about it too.

In addition, Kakashi could also see that his teacher did not intend to let certain things be revealed, otherwise he would not have said something like 'Thank you Natsuhiko'.

Obviously, this is an excuse.

Standing up obediently, Kakashi turned and left the Hokage's office.

For him, what needs to be reported today has been completely completed. As for what will happen next, Kakashi is not sure, but he doesn't take it too seriously.

"But now, it's better to go talk to the captain."

Kakashi thought to himself, and then he simply ran towards Natsuhiko's residence.

As Natsuhiko is his captain, Kakashi will naturally get to know him. What's more interesting is that Akai and the others seem to be familiar with Natsuhiko.

Whether it was his personality or where he lived, Akai knew it very well, except that he didn't know what he did.

This made Kakashi understand that Natsuhiko's gentle personality seemed to be the same everywhere.

But he was also a little confused, why would a gentle person like Natsuhiko choose to come to ANBU?

Obviously, in his opinion, Anbu was not a suitable place for Natsuhiko. Even though Kakashi had only been here not long ago, he also learned a lot about Anbu.

While thinking this in his mind, he quickly ran to Xia Yan's house. To his disappointment, Xia Yan didn't seem to be at home.

However, according to the neighbor's reminder, Kakashi knew that this guy went out very early, and he seemed to have gone to a nearby training ground.

After getting this information, Kakashi quickly headed towards the training without stopping.

"It seems that the captain is still a very self-disciplined person."

People who do not forget to continue practicing while taking a break are indeed worthy of respect.

Kakashi now seems to understand why Natsuhiko, a guy who was mediocre in school, is so terrifying now!

Having seen Natsuhiko's speed, he knew very well that he was probably no match against Natsuhiko who was going all out, even if he had the Sharingan.

It's one thing to be able to see Xia Yan's actions, but it's another thing to be able to follow them.

It didn't take long for Kakashi to arrive at the training ground and soon found Natsuhiko at the innermost side of the training ground.

He didn't think too much, maybe because of his trust in Xia Yan, he walked up directly and shouted:

"team leader....."


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