After confirming some things, Xia Yan's following days became extremely regular.

Since there was no vacation, he could only go on missions with Kakashi honestly.

But he was also lucky. None of his tasks during this period were difficult.

Basically, it means patrolling to see if there are spies or traitorous ninjas leaving the village, or to stop some guys pretending to be ninjas from other countries to attack Konoha.

It can be said that all this is very easy for Natsuhiko and Kakashi.

At least they didn't encounter any troublesome guys like Kakuzu or Yashamaru.

It's quite interesting to say that the first time the two of them teamed up, they met a Kage level like Kakuzu, and the second time they met an elite Jonin like Yashamaru.

And after these two times, the ones they encountered the most trouble with were just jounin.

Jonin is actually considered the elite of a village. Even in Konoha Village, there are not many ninjas. There are more than 200 people in total.

Of course, if the overall strength is taken into account, it may be more.

But no matter how many there are, it is still far behind the total population base of Konoha.

How many people are there in Konoha?

Counting ordinary residents, there are always more than 100,000 in total. With such a huge population base, even if the number of Jonin is doubled, it will still be pitifully small!

Probably because of the outstanding performance of the two of them, the captain was not in a hurry to ask Xia Yan to recruit newcomers.

The captain obviously knew what Xia Yan meant. After all, the training of ninjas was not a simple matter, especially for those who entered the ANBU, even if they were just backup members, they were even more precious.

Soon, more than a month passed like this.

Xia Yan and Kakashi's outstanding performance over the past month or so earned them a three-day holiday, which made Xia Yan very happy.

Although three days is not long, it is still an excellent time for Xia Yan to use.

And during the more than a month of carrying out the mission, he had basically read all the books on sealing that he could get his hands on, and even memorized them.

What he lacks is systematic teaching and guidance, allowing him to understand how to use the knowledge he has memorized to achieve the characteristics of the sealing technique.

"Start resting tomorrow and go visit the Yondaime Hokage tomorrow!"

After getting off work in the evening, Natsuhiko said hello to Kakashi and walked towards his residence alone. As he walked, he opened his own panel.

He was a little curious about what his current panel looked like.

But when he looked carefully, he was suddenly a little surprised, and his expression also became a little surprised.

Name: Natsuhiko Senju

Sex: Male

Birthday: March 24, Year 37 of the Konoha Calendar

Level: Jounin (Chongnin)

Bloodline Development Degree: Elementary (Secret Technique of Thousand Hands)

Seeds: Jonin chakra seeds (maturity of 60%), intermediate senjutsu seeds (maturity of 85%), advanced earth escape seeds (maturity of 71%), advanced water seeds Escape Seed (71% maturity)

Fruit: zero

Mission: Become the real BOSS in the ninja world (the only one)

"Has the maturity level of the intermediate fairy magic seeds become higher again?"

Xia Yan himself did not expect that it would turn out like this. Although his other seeds could not be said to be untouched at all, the one percent maturity progress of the Earth and Water Escapes still made him somewhat silent.

As for the chakra seeds, he didn't even want to take a second look at them.

If it weren't for the fact that the bloodline development was clearly marked with the 'Secret Technique of Thousand Hands', and that my cheap parents were 100% from the Thousand Hands clan, plus the sequelae left by committing suicide when I was a child.

He really doubted whether he was really a descendant of the Senju clan. Such progress in chakra growth was no longer as simple as being embarrassing.

"Hey, that's it, at least there's a surprise, right?"

Xia Yan sighed helplessly, and he didn't bother to think so much. Anyway, he had become accustomed to it after so many years.

Moreover, the Senjutsu Chakra seeds did give him a great surprise, although because they were only medium-level chakra, they were relatively easy to plant.

But after all, this was a surprise, because Xia Yan knew that once he mastered the intermediate immortal mode, based on his existing strength, he should be able to burst out with more powerful strength.

"If you include the art of Flying Thunder God..."

Xia Yan didn't dare to think about it anymore, because he had speculated whether he would directly become a 'film level' judged by the system.

The Kage level is definitely a qualitative leap. This is a rarer existence than the Jonin. Even in Konoha at its peak, there were only six Kages sitting together.

"Sarutobi Hiruzen, Shimura Danzo, Hatake Shoshige, Orochimaru, Tsunade and Jiraiya..."

This can be regarded as Konoha's peak period after the era of the twin gods, but this period has long passed.

But he soon shook his head. He felt that even if he learned the Flying Thunder God technique, his overall strength would not be at the Shadow level.

After all, he lacks chakra and is not suitable for long-term combat, and the Kage level does not have such a flaw at all.

However, in terms of overall strength, if he can reach the ‘quasi-film level’ judged by the system, there should be no problem.

"Actually, the division of ninja strength is not as clear as a system in this world.

The so-called genin can kill a jounin by using good tactics and stabbing with kunai. "

Wei Wei shook his head, and the system helped him make a judgment about his own strength, which also gave him a sufficient understanding of himself.

Moreover, even if the overall strength of the system judgment reaches the quasi-shadow level, at least it can be regarded as having the ability to save lives in this era.

Thinking of this, a smile appeared on Xia Yan's lips. He was really looking forward to the sealing technique and the flying thunder god technique more and more now.

Walking quickly towards his residence, Xia Yan did not forget to carefully hand a scroll in when passing by the elder's house.

After that, he kept lurking around until he was sure that the scroll was taken away by someone from the elder's house, then he slowly walked back to his hut.


After returning home, Xia Yan was surprised to find that his house had been cleaned, which made him a little baffled.

In his memory, he seemed to have never asked anyone to help clean his room.

Moreover, there is nothing in my room, so even if I clean it, there is nothing worth cleaning. Is it possible to sort out the cobwebs?

"Is there an enemy? Or something else?"

Xia Yan didn't understand it, but he checked the room very cautiously. Finally, he was 100% sure that someone just came over to help him clean up.

What the hell is going on?

Xia Yan rubbed his head. Could it be that his family was planning to find him a fiancée or something?

Large families often have a good benefit, that is, they arrange marriages.

Although Xia Yan is only fourteen years old now, there is no problem with getting engaged or anything like that.

Xia Yan's expression became strange when he thought of this. Could it be that he would really introduce Lianhua to him?

Shaking his head, Natsuhiko didn't bother to think too much. He planned to have a good night's rest and see Minato Namikaze tomorrow...


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