The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 57: Perceiving the Differences of Ninjas

Xia Yan's expression remained calm, and he looked indifferently at the only middle-aged man in front of him who still had fighting ability.

This guy's anger has completely reached its peak now. His fists have been clenched tightly, and Xia Yan can clearly see the feeling of grief and indignation.

But Xia Yan didn't care. He never had the habit of being soft when facing enemies, especially when facing an enemy that was obviously going to attack him.

"But you still need to pay a little attention to this guy. It's obvious that this guy also has good perception capabilities."

Xia Yan was actually guessing from the beginning whether this guy had sentience, but now he was completely sure of it.

No wonder I could feel someone probing them before, but it was so cryptic.

No wonder this guy was able to detect the situation as soon as he took action. No wonder he could detect something was wrong with the shadow clone just now. This was entirely because of this guy's perception.

But having perception is not a big deal, powerful perception can be used to assist in combat.

But the actual effect of ordinary perception is to detect intelligence.

For example, Nozomi from Hidden Cloud Village, and Uzumaki Koso, the orphan of the Uzumaki clan, are both typical intelligence-sensing ninjas.

The combat perception ninja pushes the perception to the limit and brings this perception into the battle.

To be honest, there are too few such people. The only one Xia Yan knows about is his ancestor Senju Tojama.

Senju Tobirama is a man with strong political skills, and his strength should not be underestimated.

It can be said that it was his single-handed transformation that brought Konoha to the top, and Sarutobi Hiruzen just inherited his legacy.

Although his strength is not as good as his brother Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara who can challenge the ninja world alone.

But he was the one who single-handedly killed Uchiha Izuna with his own strength!

Uchiha Izuna is the younger brother of Uchiha Madara, and he is also a person with the Mangekyō Sharingan.

That kind of ultimate insight and ninjutsu replication ability, and even the weird eye technique, can be said to be extremely restrained to deal with a person like Senju Tobirama who mainly focuses on jutsu and taijutsu.

But Senju Tobirama was able to defeat him. In addition to this guy's solid foundation and endless methods, he also relied on his extreme perception to detect the dynamics of Uchiha Izuna's moves.

In the end, he succeeded in a sneak attack with the help of Flying Thunder God, and Uchiha Izuna died.

When it comes to developing his perception, Xia Yan plans to imitate his ancestor who deceived the entire clan.

Although the effect is very average, it is definitely no match for the Byakugan for long-range detection, and it is definitely no match for the Sharingan for insight detection.

But not being an opponent doesn't mean that you can't do it. There is a lot of room for growth in perception.

"go to hell!"

Just as Natsuhiko was thinking and recovering the chakra he had consumed, the middle-aged jonin couldn't bear it anymore.

Perhaps it was the wailing of the companion who could not survive, or the companion who died tragically in Xia Yan's hands, or the bones exposed by the explosion.

All of this irritated his nerves, and he couldn't control his emotions at all, so he decisively chose to take action.

I saw him holding a kunai, his speed suddenly exploded, and he stabbed Xia Yan hard.

Faced with such an attack, Xia Yan ducked and avoided this guy's thrust.

Then he turned around and a kunai appeared in his left hand, stabbing steadily towards the guy's ribs.

At the same time, his right leg forced the guy's left knee, and his right hand clenched his fist, aiming at the guy's throat from bottom to top.

A set of movements was performed smoothly, and in the blink of an eye he had already guessed this guy's offensive intention.

This middle-aged ninja really didn't expect the guy in front of him to react so quickly, but he was also very calm, and his years of fighting gave him a good sense of combat.

Chakra burst out silently in his body. The moment Natsuhiko kunai stabbed this guy, white smoke began to fill crazily, and then his body turned into a piece of wood.

At this moment, this guy appeared behind Xia Yan like a ghost, and the kunai in his hand stabbed Xia Yan in the back of the head without any hesitation.

"Oops, it's this trick again!"

When the middle-aged ninja stabbed Natsu Yan's body with a kunai, his expression suddenly changed, because at this moment he clearly felt that the 'Natsu Yan' in front of him had already changed into a clone state!

The most terrible thing is that the turbulent chakra is telling him that this clone is probably going to explode again like the previous one!

He almost tried his best to perform a teleportation technique at the moment of the explosion, which allowed him to avoid the huge explosion range.

However, at this time, Natsuhiko was clinging to him like a ghost. The blue one had obvious water escape properties, but it also carried extremely compressed chakra and stabbed him fiercely with kunai!

The middle-aged ninja, who had just forcibly performed the teleportation technique and was still a little stiff, could not react at all for a while.

But after all, he was also a jounin-level ninja. When facing Natsuhiko, he almost made the most correct choice - he faced him directly, and at the same time, a kunai appeared in his hand!

"Want to trade your life for a life?"

Xia Yan noticed his movements immediately, but Xia Yan was not a vegetarian.

Although Xia Yan hates this gambling-like method, he doesn't think that he in immortal mode will be afraid of this kind of move!


The weapon in his hand pierced the middle-aged Jōnin's chest without any hesitation, and under Xia Yan's control, he perfectly avoided this guy's vitals.

He still had questions to ask, so how could he just choose to kill him?

At the same time, facing the kunai that was coming straight at him, Xia Yan suddenly stretched out his left hand and blocked it directly with his hand.

Then his head paused for a moment to prevent the kunai that had pierced his palm from stabbing his head.

"You have no chance." Xia Yan didn't seem to care at all that his hand was pierced. He still looked at the middle-aged jounin indifferently: "It seems that I won this life-or-death battle. "

"Hmph..." The middle-aged ninja snorted, his voice trembling a little, and the severe pain made it difficult for him to speak.

"Don't worry, you won't die yet, I avoided your vital points."

Xia Yan said nonchalantly, and took his left hand off the kunai.

Drops of blood quickly dripped from his hands to the ground, but the dripping speed was visible to the naked eye and began to slow down.

Xia Yan's body recovery speed is very fast, even if it cannot be compared with his chakra recovery speed, it is still much faster than the average person.

That's why he dared to pick up the kunai directly without worrying about his own injuries.

"What on earth do you want to do!" The middle-aged ninja couldn't help but gritted his teeth and asked after hearing Xia Yan's words. He already felt that Xia Yan had other purposes.

"It's very simple." Natsuhiko said calmly: "Because I need to know the location of Shouzaki Gonzu's grave, or in other words, where is the scroll of his psychic beast..."


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