The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 64 Immortal Magic (please collect the new book and recommend it~)

"What's wrong, Captain?"

In the forest, Kakashi watched Natsuhiko frowning and looking into the distance, and couldn't help but ask curiously.

"Someone is coming. They are being hunted. They are still some distance away from us."

Xia Yan said calmly, but his face looked a little weird.

Because he clearly sensed that many of those being hunted were actually chakras he was familiar with!

This also means one thing, the person being hunted is definitely someone he is familiar with.

Moreover, these chakras are obviously different from those of Xia Yan's old classmates. Xia Yan can basically determine that the owners of these chakras are probably members of the ANBU.

What made him feel weird was who dared to hunt down Konoha's ANBU in the Land of Fire?

Could it be that it was a crime scene in Kakuzu?


Suddenly, a strange chakra aura entered Xia Yan's range of perception.

The quality of this chakra is very high. This is not Kakuzu's chakra, but it is not inferior to Kakuzu at all!

A strong man with a high probability of being a Kage level, chasing down a group of ANBU?

Could it be that these guys attracted Feng Ying?

That's not right. Although Xia Yan has never met the Fourth Kazekage, he is at least a human being.

But now this chakra is a very, very special feeling.

This feeling made Xia Yan even feel that the owner of this chakra should not be a human!

From the time he discovered that he had sentience and developed it to now, Xia Yan has sensed countless things.

He can naturally distinguish the chakra characteristics of humans and the chakra characteristics of other creatures.

The life breath of this shadow-level powerhouse is very strange. Although he has human characteristics, he seems more like a puppet!

"The guy who looks like a puppet, could it be Chiyo?"

Xia Yan secretly thought that the escape route of these Anbu was obviously from the River Country.

On the other side of the River Country is the Wind Country.

If you think about it this way, it seems that the only shadow-level puppet master in the Kingdom of Wind so far is the old woman Chiyo.

Of course, there is another one, and that is Scorpion who actually started the Third Ninja War!

The reason why Sunagakure Village in the Land of Wind provoked the Third Ninja War was certainly not as simple as the disappearance of the third Kazekage.

The Kingdom of Wind is completely covered by wind and sand, and the geographical conditions are extremely bad. They have neither enough water sources nor rich mineral resources, and it is not a major transportation artery.

Therefore, in order to develop itself, Sand Hidden Village has only one choice - to expand outward.

The River Country is a good choice, but the River Country is located between the Fire Country and the Wind Country, which is an excellent buffer zone.

If Rasa wants to reach out to the River Kingdom on behalf of the Kingdom of Wind and let the influence of Sunagakure Village spread into it, he must go to war with Konoha!

Although the Ninja Village seems to be a military institution established on its own land under the control of the daimyo, in fact, the powerful Ninja Village is often the one who has the right to speak.

It can be seen that this guy Danzo once had a look that made even the great names of the Fire Country dare not let go.

Naturally, Luo Sha was not willing to be controlled by the daimyo, and there was another reason why he chose to go to war.

That is, Sunagakure Village has been weak for many years, because it has no way to be self-sufficient, and the economy is completely controlled by the daimyo.

In addition, because the Third Kazekage disappeared, he had the opportunity to come to power. His situation is actually somewhat similar to the current Namikaze Minato.

Except for the fact that there is no previous generation Kage standing over him, his team is basically zero.

Rasa, who is eager to prove himself, will naturally not miss this opportunity. In his opinion, White Fang's death and Tsunade's departure are proof of Konoha's weakness.

But this guy obviously thinks too much. Even if Konoha is weak, he really can't deal with it.

But one thing I have to say is that he seized this opportunity and successfully got Konoha into the quagmire of war.

It has developed so far that Konoha has truly entered a period of weakness.

And the person who provided this opportunity to Rasa was naturally the one who assassinated the Third Kazekage, the once proud Scorpion of Sunagakure Village!

"If it's really this guy, he'll be in big trouble."

Xia Yan frowned. In fact, he didn't want to care about this matter at all, but the direction in which the group of Anbu escaped was towards Shouzaki Castle.

And they are now in the forest outside Shouzaki City, not far away from the ANBU. If they ignore that, there will really be a big problem.

Even if they leave now, it probably won't even take a minute for the other party to catch up.

If he was fine by himself, he would probably turn around and run away, but taking Kakashi with him would ruin his character.

"Let's go." Xia Yan thought about this and his expression became firm: "Let's get there quickly, otherwise they may not be able to hold on for long."

"It seems that we are in big trouble." Kakashi did not refute.

He directly took out a Bing Liang Pill, pulled off his mask and stuffed it directly into his mouth, and then put the mask and mask together.

He had just been experimenting with ninjutsu, and although the consumption of chakra was not large, it was definitely not low.

If he doesn't supplement it properly, I'm afraid he won't be able to play a big role later.

Kakashi has never been a person who likes to be a drag, and he has always been very strict with himself.

The two of them were very fast, and in just a moment they were almost at the position of those guys.

But Xia Yan's face changed slightly, because the ANBU had been completely caught up, and the shadow-level strongman was about to start taking action.

"Kakashi, I'll go first." Xia Yan said quickly: "You should also speed up, the situation is very troublesome, you know?"

"I understand, Captain." Kakashi nodded immediately, and he also felt a strange chakra vibrating in the forest.

Xia Yan adjusted his breathing slightly, but the next moment his speed increased in vain, and his whole body rushed forward as if he turned into a bolt of lightning.

Kakashi had seen Natsuhiko's speed. Although he was not surprised by this situation, he couldn't help but sigh.

It's really too fast. It's so fast that it's hard to keep up.

He couldn't understand why Xia Yan was so fast. Could it be...

Is it to escape?

But Kakashi didn't dare to think nonsense. There was still huge trouble ahead, and it would be really bad if he was late.

Xia Yan flew all the way. He had turned on the immortal mode halfway, and his speed was unimaginable. He didn't dare to have any luck facing such an enemy.

In just a moment, he had arrived at the outskirts of the battlefield, and he immediately noticed the monster with a stooped figure that looked like it was lying on the ground.

"It's Scorpion!"

Xia Yan instantly recognized who this guy was, and at this moment Xia Yan launched his attack.

Countless poison-quenched Senbons were fired out like they were free, completely covering all the ANBU.

Xia Yan shook his head, and he immediately formed seals with his hands, and the chakra in his body began to surge crazily.

"Immortal Technique, Earth Escape, Earth Current Wall!"


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