The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 68 Trump Card (Please collect the new book and recommend it~)

Faced with such an offensive, Xia Yan still remained calm enough.

He knew very well that if he was not calm enough during the battle, he might be the one sleeping underground.

With a slight turn, Xia Yan skillfully dodged the Iron Spear of the Third Wind Shadow Puppet behind him.

Then he formed a seal with one hand, and at the moment Fei Liuhu's huge tail thorn was about to hit him, chakra suddenly burst out from his body.


Huge smoke spread in the forest, and Xie's eyes were a little incomprehensible.

He suddenly discovered that the guy he was going to deal with had a ridiculously fast reaction speed and seemed to have a good command of basic ninjutsu.

Looking at the piece of wood that was penetrated by his tail stinger, Scorpion threw it away at will. The moment he was about to hit him, the guy directly used the substitute technique to avoid the blow.

And he also noticed that the speed of this white-haired kid seemed to be a bit ridiculously fast.

Xia Yan didn't know what Xie was thinking. Hidden in the tree with the help of smoke, he took a deep breath, and then his hands began to form seals quickly.

Facing Scorpion, even if Scorpion is just a cat-catching-a-mouse mentality, what he has at his disposal is still somewhat limited.

He suddenly felt that Kakashi was really a disaster. Before Kakashi entered his team, where had he ever encountered such a terrifying opponent?

After five or six years, the most troublesome thing is just the elite jounin level as judged by the system.

But on their first mission since he joined, they encountered Kakuzu.

Although Xia Yan also received some benefits in subsequent missions, such as Lizard Maru.

But as soon as he got the benefit, he turned around and met Scorpion. Xia Yan was really overwhelmed by such a disaster attribute.

However, it is not Xia Yan's style to blame everyone. He has already felt three ANBU coming towards them.

If there are no accidents, these three people should be the ones who make the choice to Confuse Scorpion.

But when they found out that Xie didn't chase after him, they took the initiative to come over to support him.

This approach is in line with Xia Yan's expectations.

What the captain did before made Xia Yan feel a little chilled, even if there was nothing wrong with the decision he made.

But when he met someone as narrow-minded as Xia Yan, his choice was completely wrong.

Going home does not mean returning to Konoha. Natsuhiko will tell him what the consequences will be if he offends a small-minded person when he is in danger.

"Immortal Technique·Water Release·Water Dragon Bite Explosion!"

With the burst of Xia Yan's chakra, the ground suddenly exploded in this place where there was no water source at all, and a huge vortex of water rushed out from the ground crazily.

Xie frowned slightly, and then he jumped lightly to avoid these water pillars.

However, these water columns rotated and flew into the air, and then gathered into a huge water dragon, roaring and rushing towards the location of the scorpion again.

Scorpion had to react when he saw this. He felt that the strength of this boy's chakra seemed to be too high.

"Magnetic Escape·Sand Iron Wall!"

Xie controlled the third-generation Feng Ying puppet and used the fluttering sand iron to quickly create a solid wall to resist Xia Yan's water escape.

And in order to prevent Xia Yan from escaping, he also divided some iron sand and quietly flew to Xia Yan's side, ready to attach to him at any time.

Xia Yan and the others ran away separately, but Xie was not worried at all because he was already prepared when he summoned the third generation Kazekage puppet.

Although he wanted to try out his power, so he summoned the puppet of the Third Kazekage, but he didn't want this matter to be exposed so early.

Of course, even if Scorpion was exposed, he didn't care that much. He was already mentally prepared when he chose to attack the Third Kazekage.

And he himself was also very interested. What would it be like when the people in Sand Hidden Village knew that the shadow they were looking for had actually been made into a puppet?

I'm afraid that for Luo Sha, she was extremely happy, but for her grandmother Chiyo, it was an unimaginable blow, right?

The huge water dragon hit the sand iron wall hard. With the blessing of the magical chakra, this water dragon even caused cracks in the sand iron wall!

Then it opened directly, and the huge water dragon slammed into the scorpion.

This time, Natsuhiko did not skimp on chakra. Although the magnetic shield of the Third Kazekage was powerful, magic was no joke.

After doing all this, Xia Yan immediately turned back to find Nanmu. He would not let this guy stay here, even if it was a corpse.

What's more, those Anbu have already come after him, and Xia Yan can't let anything slip up at this time.


However, just as he started to move, his body suddenly stiffened slightly, and the next moment he turned sideways to avoid the Qianbon that suddenly shot out from the ground.

Just as he regained his footing, Xia Yan found that the puppet of the Third Kazekage had already rushed in front of him.

The huge triangular pyramid was floating beside it, and then it slammed into Xia Yan under its control.

Magnetic Release·Sand Iron Triangular Pyramid, this is one of the famous ninjutsu of the Third Kazekage, and now it has become the killing tool of Scorpion!

Xia Yan quickly turned back to avoid this attack, but he had no time to move at all, and the countless thousands of fine sand condensed came towards him again.

Faced with such an offensive, Xia Yan gritted his teeth, and in mid-air he forced a teleportation technique to the side, which allowed him to avoid those terrifying Qianben.

But Xia Yan also paid a price for this. His body was a little stiff, and the strain-like pain also appeared in his body.

"It seems there is really no other way."

The performance of any jutsu has a price, whether it is ordinary ninjutsu, taijutsu, or forbidden jutsu.

Xia Yan's forced teleportation technique, no matter how good he is and how good his basic abilities are, it is impossible for it to have no negative effects at all.

Forcibly using it like this will only cause some muscle strain, which is already an incredible sign that Xia Yan has mastered this technique.

Taking a deep breath, watching the puppets controlled by Scorpion and the Third Kazekage reappear and approach, the chakra in Xia Yan's body began to gather rapidly.

Nanmu watched Xia Yan's battle, and he also sighed, because he found that the strength of this Nightingale was really beyond imagination.

Even in his prime, he might not have been able to do better than him.

The most important thing is that this Nightingale seems to be only thirteen or fourteen years old, which also shows that this child is a genius.

The genius died in this place, and Nanmu felt extremely sad in his heart.

But he knew better that such a fall was probably unavoidable. From the moment Xia Yan came here, in his opinion, the outcome was already doomed.

"It's a pity, he shouldn't have come."

Kusunoki sighed and looked at Xia Yan, who started to surge with chakra and bit his fingers frantically to form seals. He was a little curious, did Xia Yan have any other methods?

Soon, when Xia Yan completed the seal, he slapped it hard with his right hand, and a curse seal immediately appeared on the ground.

"Psychic art, come out, Lizard Maru!"


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