"That's exactly what happened, above."

Xia Yan knelt down in front of the elder and spoke in a calm and gentle voice.

The situation was just as he imagined. After he returned to the area where he lived, he was called over without even returning to his home.

For an ANBU, being out on a mission for more than half a month, this situation can only mean one thing.

That is, the task he performed this time was very important, and the level of difficulty was also very high.

The elder of the Senju clan is named Senju Shoma. When he was young, he studied with Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama.

It is even said that after Senju Tobirama was planning to establish the ANBU, he also entered the ANBU and stayed for a long time.

Xia Yan didn't know if these things were true, but whether they were true or false, he only knew that this elder was indeed extremely concerned about the movements of the Anbu.

In addition, his hatred for Sarutobi Hiruzen is also very strong.

After Xia Yan was called over, he honestly explained the details of this operation in "relative detail".

It can be said that apart from the fact that he personally killed Nanmu and the true identity of Xie, he did not reveal it.

The others, whether they were Lizard Maru or the Third Kazekage's puppets, as well as the inspections they received after returning to the village, were all told to Senju Shoma.

His words made Senju Xiangzhen frown, and now Senju Xiangzhen was a little confused and confused.

He was very happy and excited, because the gains Xia Yan gained from this series of actions were really unimaginable.

A psychic beast that is comparable to the Kage level, and can even fight back and forth with the mysterious puppet master who controls what is suspected to be the third generation Kazekage puppet.

In the past, when the Thousand Hands Clan was at its peak, he probably wouldn't have cared so much about such an existence.

But can the current Senju Clan be compared with the past?

The psychic beast that Xia Yan obtained can be said to have greatly enhanced the strength of the Thousand Hands clan. How could he not feel happy and excited about this?

However, after Natsuhiko returned, he was investigated, and the reason for the investigation was Kusunoki's death. Even Senju Shoma had nothing to say in such a situation.

It's just that such an investigation made him very unhappy, because according to Xia Yan, it was actually the kid from the mountain clan who did it himself.

Yamanaka Haiichi is a brat in the eyes of Senju Shoma, but even if he is a brat, he must admit it.

This kid has proved everything by becoming the leader of the Mountain Clan, and the secret skills of the Mountain Clan are very terrifying.

However, Senju Shoma also knows some things very well. After all, he also worked in ANBU when he was young. If the rules had not changed, the problem would not be serious.

What's more, the ANBU didn't have no one to take care of him. He never asked Xia Yan to explain some of the tasks he had completed, and he never asked about the unfinished things.

Strictly speaking, although it was a violation, it was not serious, otherwise he would not have sent Xia Yan to the ANBU foolishly. Wouldn't this be a self-inflicted trap?

And Senju Shoma didn't think that Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't know the details of Natsuhiko.

Although Senju Xiangzhen is confused sometimes, he is always clear-headed about some things.

Anyway, he has never concealed his disgust for Sarutobi Hiruzen, and the tribesmen who agree with his ideas have long been dispersed, even if Xia Yan doesn't know much about it.

Natsu Yan didn't know that the investigation that he was worried about at first was actually nothing in Senju Xiangma's eyes.

"I understand." After thinking for a long time, Senju Xiangzhen finally nodded and said: "This time your performance is very good, I am proud of you."

"Thank you for the compliment, elder." Xia Yan lowered his head slightly, his voice still warm: "Without the cultivation of my family, I wouldn't be where I am today."

"I hope what I heard is the truth, Xia Yan." What was a little surprising was that Senju Xiangzhen sighed slightly. He looked at Xia Yan seriously: "I know, I have always known that you actually don't want to go to Anbu at all, right? ?"

"It's been so many years, elder." Xia Yan shook his head gently, as if he didn't care about Senju Xiangzhen's words at all: "And I have adapted to the life of ANBU now, and everything is fine."

Senju Xiangzhen didn't reply. He just looked at Xia Yan quietly, while Xia Yan still kept smiling and looked at him sincerely.

When he first joined ANBU, Xia Yan did have a lot of resentment in his heart. Even now, he still feels that ANBU is not a place for people.

Maybe he will see some changes in the future, but at least not now.

Senju Xiangzhen's opening his mouth like this was, in some sense, a lowering of his stance, and it was also an affirmation of Xia Yan.

This made Xia Yan feel a little emotional. Strength is indeed the most important expression of the right to speak.

If he has strength, even the current actual leader of the Thousand Hands Clan will change his attitude towards him.

Although Senju Shoma is old-fashioned, he is not a fool after all. After the Senju clan became lonely, even the family members did not recognize his identity.

But at this time, he reunited a group of people, and based on these people, he tried his best to revive the family.

Although Xia Yan didn't know where these people were, he still admired Senju Xiangma very much, not to mention that he had been raised by him since he was a child.

"I hope it's as you said." After a long time, Qianju Xiangzhen sighed slightly: "In the future, if you have any information you need, or what techniques you want to learn, you can come to me. As long as your situation qualified."

"Thank you, elder." Xia Yan couldn't help but smile even brighter when he heard the news: "I will not let down the elder's love."

"Go back." Qianju Xiangzhen waved his hand: "You just came back from the hospital, so I asked you to come over. I think you are tired now, so go ahead."

"Yes, elder." Xia Yan nodded, and then stood up directly.

Weiwei bowed to Senju Xiangzhen. Xia Yan always paid attention to such etiquette. After doing this, he slowly turned around and left.

But when Xia Yan walked to the gate, Senju Xiangzhen suddenly spoke again: "Xia Yan, there is something I hope you will remember."

"Elder, please speak." Xia Yan was a little confused, but he was still patient.

"Always remember..." Senju Xiangzhen's tone became extremely serious and firm: "You are a member of the Senju clan!"

"..." Xia Yan was stunned for a moment, but at this moment he understood what Senju Xiangzhen meant.

Senju Xiang was really worried, worried about the people he had trained because of the gap in his decision back then.

But it's obvious that Senju Xiang really thinks too much.

Xia Yan himself knew very well that if he had not used to go to ANBU, even with his current strength, where would there be a guy like Lizard Maru?

Besides, it was only by going to ANBU that he escaped the real meat grinder.

Xia Yan would never dare to improvise on the battlefield of the third war.

"Of course I know."

Thinking of this, Xia Yan's expression became serious.

"I am a member of the Thousand Hands Clan, forever..."


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