Name: Natsuhiko Senju

Sex: Male

Birthday: March 24, Year 37 of the Konoha Calendar

Level: Jounin (Chongnin)

Bloodline Development Degree: Elementary (Secret Technique of Thousand Hands)

Seeds: Jonin Chakra Seeds (64% maturity), Intermediate Senjutsu Seeds (90% maturity), Advanced Earth Release Seeds (77% maturity), Advanced Water Seeds Escape Seed (77% maturity)

Fruit: primary sealed fruit

Mission: Become the real BOSS in the ninja world (the only one)

Looking at the yellow fruit in his hand and looking at the panel presented in his eyes, Xia Yan was naturally extremely happy.

After more than a month of condensation, the sealed fruits have finally come to fruition.

Not only the seeds of the sealing type were born, but even his intermediate immortal mode had grown to 90% stage.

Xia Yan remembered that the last time he looked at it, it was about 85%.

And now that it has grown to 90%, how can this make him unhappy?

The time required to plant intermediate seeds is much longer than that of primary seeds. Coupled with Xia Yan's weird chakra distribution, such planting time becomes even slower.

But the dawn of harvest is just around the corner, and even if we still have to wait, it’s not a big deal.

Since he only had so much chakra anyway, he had already gotten used to it.

God knows if his chakra requirements will increase after he improves his sage mode to an intermediate level.

"But why is my Jonin's chakra capacity still so slow?"

There is the joy of harvest, but also the frustration of taking too long.

The jounin's chakra-rich seeds still look like that to this day.

If it hadn't actually grown, Xia Yan would have doubted whether his own seed had been sown by him.

Shaking his head helplessly, Xia Yan quickly recovered himself.

Although his current chakra is not much, it is enough, not to mention that for him at this stage, the most important thing is not necessarily the amount of chakra.

"What I need most now is the sealing technique. Only with the sealing technique can I be qualified to continue learning the Flying Thunder God."

Looking at the fruit in his hand, Xia Yan didn't hesitate at all and stuffed it directly into his mouth.

The seeds that condense the vitality and essence extracted from the trees, and the fruits grown through Natsuhiko's own chakra, the taste is really hard to describe.

It tastes terrible, this was the first reaction in Xia Yan's mind.

Even though he has eaten countless fruits over the years, he still has an indescribable feeling every time he eats the fruit.

For a moment, Xia Yan wondered if he was eating a Devil Fruit, otherwise it wouldn't be so unpalatable.

However, the effect of this fruit is beyond words. When Xia Yan completely digested the fruit, a wonderful power began to bloom in his body.

A touch of yellow power appeared throughout his body. This yellow power was intertwined with his blue chakra, and slowly they began to merge with each other.

In an instant, a strange aura appeared in Xia Yan's body, and he slowly closed his eyes.

As these two forces merged, a lot of information appeared in his mind.

This information also began to quickly integrate into his brain and became his own thing.

When the strange aura on Xia Yan's body began to slowly dissipate, the strength in his body also began to calm down.

At the same time, the sealing technique, which was originally difficult and impossible to use completely, seemed to become easier.

Things that he didn't understand at all seemed to become extremely clear and clear to him at this moment.

At this moment, he seemed to understand where he had made a mistake, and he also felt that he could easily perform these techniques.

Xia Yan has experienced this feeling many times, but it still makes him feel particularly comfortable every time he experiences it.

This is a sign of completely mastering a power, and this is the guarantee for him to continue to become stronger!

When the breath completely stopped and the chakra in Xia Yan's body completely calmed down, he slowly opened his eyes.

"Except for the unusually bad taste, everything else is perfect."

Xia Yan clenched his fists and was very satisfied with this improvement.

Raising his hands slightly, he completed a complicated seal in an instant.

Only blue chakra emerged in his hand, and then his right hand quickly printed on the floor.

"Ninja Technique·Three Talents Seal."

The floor came into contact with his chakra, and a series of tadpole-like mantras began to emerge, and then they quickly came together to form a strange mantra.

In this curse seal, there is a faint trace of Xia Yan's chakra.

The Sancai Seal is the simplest and most basic sealing technique that Xia Yan has found in the sealing technique scrolls. Many storage scrolls are actually improved by relying on this sealing technique.

Before that, Xia Yan couldn't even use this sealing technique normally.

Because although this sealing technique is simple, it also contains many complex things.

The basic things are often the most important and troublesome things.

But now, Xia Yan can deploy it very easily, and the effect of his seal seems to have been refined thousands of times without any problems.

Although his sealing speed seemed a little slow, it could not conceal the perfection of Xia Yan's sealing technique after completing it.

"Exerting speed requires continuous practice, and its use in actual combat also needs to be continuously strengthened, but there is no need to be too anxious."

Looking at the sealing seal on the ground, Xia Yan couldn't help but nodded secretly.

Indeed, there is no need to be too anxious now. Although he understands and can fly the Thunder God's curse seal, he has not yet tried it himself.

He planned to design his own curse seal based on Minato's experience after meeting Namikaze Minato.

After he designed his own Flying Thunder God Curse Seal, he was working hard to train his concentration speed and improve his efficiency in actual combat.

"Besides, we have to meet with Bo Fengshui tomorrow, so it's better to rest early."

With this thought in mind, Xia Yan casually formed a seal, and the Sancai seal he had originally carved on the ground began to collapse instantly.

The black tadpole-like spells quickly dispersed and disappeared completely in front of Xia Yan in just a few breaths.

The existence of the system is really amazing. It is obviously Xia Yan's first time to use the sealing technique, but he can do it so freely, which makes him feel even better.

He is now very much looking forward to what the meeting with Namikaze Minato will be like tomorrow...


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