The Fifth Point Guard

Chapter 245 Eighteen Martial Arts (Part 1)

Jefferson pulled Shen Tong and ran to the auditorium on the sidelines together.

This is Toronto's home court, so Shen Tong and Jefferson didn't cause much disturbance when they came to the sidelines. It was just that the audience who didn't know the surroundings looked at them in surprise, and then they were attracted by Carter's dunk during the warm-up, and applauded. Call.

That's good. Shen Tong, who was forcibly dragged here, didn't want to attract everyone's attention, especially the media reporters.

Although this beautiful woman is Jefferson's netizen, if she is photographed and reported, I will have to explain it to Avril for a long time.


Jefferson cleared his throat, and said to the girl in a gentlemanly manner: "Vagaa, hello, I'm poco."

The girl named Vagaa showed a sweet smile and said, "Richard, please call me by my real name. My name is Maya."

Jefferson immediately leaned into Shen Tong's ear and said, "Look, what a conservative girl, I didn't know her name was Maya until now."

Shen Tong sneered, gave Jefferson a blank look, and replied, "Yes, luckily this time, otherwise you would have called him 'Damn'."

Jefferson curled his lips and turned to Maya, smiling broadly.

"Maya, thank you for coming to the scene to support me. I will perform well in a while."

Maya did not answer Jefferson, but turned her gaze to Shentong and asked Shentong, "Hello, are you Shentong?"

Shen Tong was a little taken aback, and nodded in a daze, thinking how does this guy know my name?

Looking at Jefferson, the guy's expression was a little unnatural.

Just when the atmosphere was a little awkward, suddenly a little beauty jumped out from Maya's side, and looked up and down Shentong with her big eyes.

Maya smiled and hugged the little beauty who looked only in her teens, and said, "Didn't you clamor to come to see Shentong on the spot every day? This servant is right in front of you. Do you have anything to say to him?"

The little beauty bit her lips timidly, then seemed to muster up her courage, and looked at Shen Tong with a bright smile on her face.

At that moment, the peacock can spread its tail, and a hundred flowers compete with each other.

"Shen, my name is Nina, I like you very much, I hope you and Sister Avril will be together well, come on!"

After finishing speaking, Nina shyly hid behind Maya.


Unexpectedly, among the female fans who confessed to themselves would be underage

Maya looked at Jefferson and said, "Richard, thank you for helping me fulfill Nina's wish. Now Alexander will be very happy."


Who is he?

Maya and Nina, what's going on?

Before Shen Tong could ask, Jefferson spoke first.

"Maya, shouldn't this just be about the two of us? Who is this little girl named Nina, and who is Alexander?"

Shen Tong looked at Jefferson's bald head, which seemed to be emitting a green light under the light.

Maya said calmly: "Alexander is my boyfriend, we are very affectionate, and Nina is Alexander's younger sister, that is, my younger sister, maybe because she is also Canadian, she listened to Avril Lavigne's song last year. She became her fan, and then she also fell in love with Shentong, maybe because she is also an athlete. Later, this little girl was gradually attracted by Shentong's skills, and she liked Shentong even more than Avril, oh, yes, Nina is a rhythmic gymnast. Then you invited me to watch the game, and I brought Nina too, just to meet Shentong on the spot."

I see.

Shen Tong looked at Jefferson with sympathy in his eyes.

This time Jefferson was even worse, being directly used as a tool for others to chase stars.

More importantly, the one who used him was her boyfriend's younger sister.

The relationship is a bit messy, but Shentong no longer wants to deal with it.

When he returned to the bench, Shen Tong patted Jefferson on the shoulder, and encouraged Jefferson: "There is no grass in the end of the world, brother, I take your matter to heart."

Before playing, the basketball god space refreshed a new main task.


Main Quest: Eighteen Kinds of Martial Arts

Mission description: Due to your outstanding performance, "Terminator" Peterson is eager to prove himself by defeating you on the court. His hard training this summer was not in vain. In the confrontation with Artest, his strength and defensive skills have been greatly improved compared to last season. What you will face is a top defensive player in the league. With 12 points of energy, 18 kinds of martial arts were used to break through the opponent's encirclement and break the shackles of defense.

Task requirements: get 20+ when facing Peterson

Mainline Reward: Broken Tathagata Ring (Purple Epic)

Task status: pending


From the mission description, Shen Tong knew the opponent in this game, Morris Peterson.

As a left-hander, in addition to impressive three-pointers, his defense has also won the approval of others.

Unlike defensive leaders like Bruce Bowen, Peterson's defensive moves are minimal.

But he has a diligent defensive attitude, his height, size and footsteps are not inferior to the top swingmen in the league. His defense like jellyfish can often make the opponent's top offensive players spend more energy than usual to achieve Close offensive effect.

Peterson's lateral movement speed is excellent, and he belongs to the league's top ten players in the ability to draw opponents' offensive fouls.

Vince Carter wore a headband in this game, blew on both palms before going on the court, and then made a gesture with Peterson, touched the floor, raised his fingers, and walked onto the court with his head held high.

At that moment, Carter's eyes were full of murderous intent.

1 win and 3 losses?


Carter is under tremendous pressure. Facing the New Jersey Nets, the hottest team in the league today, Carter wants to complete self-salvation and team transition.

There is no better solution than beating the Nets.

Responding to doubts and reversing the decline depends on the present!

Mutombo had the upper hand on a jump ball with Davis.

Kidd controls the ball from the outside and constantly directs his teammates to move.

Compared with Kidd, the defensive Alston is obviously one size smaller.

Although the physique is not as good as Kidd, Alston has been harassing Kidd non-stop, hindering the opponent's dribbling and organization.

This is the style on the street court. No matter who you are facing, you must fight high and never back down.

Shen Tong crossed the bottom line and ran out under the cover of his teammates.

Kidd sent a Polish pass to the ground, and Peterson, who appeared like a ghost, broke the ball cleanly.

Over there Vince Carter has already galloped across the half, and Peterson immediately made a long pass.

Carter took three steps directly after receiving the ball, took off from the free throw line with one foot, and dunked the ball into the basket!

Kidd made a pass error at the beginning?

Really quite rare.

Alston licked his hands, touched the soles of his shoes again, bent down, and prepared for the next defense.

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