The Fifth Point Guard

Chapter 266: 02 Quickly Hit the Whirlwind (Part 1)

If it were placed last season, the Golden State Warriors would definitely be a team that can take advantage of others.

But since the start of this season, the Warriors have achieved an excellent record of 5 wins and 1 loss. Who can deny that this year's Warriors will not become last year's Nets?

Last year, the Nets jumped from the bottom team in the East to the champion of the East and reached the finals. This real example has changed the mentality of many teams in the league.

Don't think that you can't do it, we can do what others can do!

So this year's season has just started, and a melee situation has been formed in which the strong team is not strong and the weak team is not weak.

Last year's top three in the Western Conference, the Lakers, Kings, and Spurs, except for the Spurs who still occupy the top three, the Lakers are currently ranked fifth in the Western Conference, and the Kings are only seventh in the Western Conference.

The Eastern Conference is even more chaotic. The Celtics, Pistons, Pacers, Raptors, and 76ers have the same record, ranking 2-6 respectively.

After the Lakers have won three consecutive championships, the situation of separatism has officially arrived!

Before this game, Shentong received a new task from the basketball god space.


Main task: Bi Hao Heng, I have never lost

Mission description: Only I am the most swaying, no one is more handsome than me! On the court, no one can be more arrogant than me, even if he is a general! In this game, you will face off against the boss of the Wildcats to a showdown. Get rid of the past self and go to the new shore!

Task requirements: perform better than Arenas and lead the team to victory

Main line reward: upgrade badge (advanced)

Task status: pending


There are no props, only tasks.

From the mission statement, the requirements are very clear.

That's right!

And Arenas on the court showdown.

When the Arizona Wildcats, Arenas is a veritable boss of the team.

Even in the NBA, Shentong's performance has increased exponentially, but in the hearts of Wildcat players, Arenas is still the strongest guy.

It's just that everyone's opportunities are different.

In the hearts of Richard Jefferson and Loren Woods, assuming Arenas is standing next to Kidd, perhaps the progress will be faster and stronger than Shentong!

Amid the enthusiastic cheers of the fans, the starting players of both sides stood on the field and prepared to start.

Nets starting: Mutombo, Martin, Jefferson, Shentong, Kidd.

Warriors starting: Dampier, Murphy, Jamison, Richardson, Arenas.

With the sound of the whistle, the eyes of Shentong, Jefferson and Arenas all changed.

Although Shen Tong and Arenas regarded each other as their biggest competitors in this game, in fact Jefferson also planned to participate in this three-horse race (P is the P of PK).

In the Arizona Wildcats, Jefferson was the team's second child.

Later, when he came to the Nets, he thought he was the leader of the Wildcat duo, but he became the second child again.

Now facing the situation of the three kingdoms, Jefferson, whose power is equivalent to "Cherridge", intends to challenge Wei and Shu!

Who said that the second child of ten thousand years can't stand up?

Jefferson set himself a goal to beat the Warriors and get more points than Shentong and Arenas.

Who would have thought that a simple regular season would have such an undercurrent.

With the whistle of the referee, the ball was thrown into the air.

"Self-proclaimed second center in the Western Conference" Dampier had no choice but to face "former Eastern Conference No. 1 center" Dikembe Mutombo, watching helplessly as the opponent easily moved the ball away.

The Nets attacked first.

Kidd dribbles to the three-point line and meets Arenas' defense.

Compared with Kidd, who is relatively tall, the robust Arenas has no disadvantage in strength confrontation.

The bottom plate is thick, resists Kidd, and is always looking for opportunities to steal the ball, which puts a lot of pressure on Kidd.

This is not the kind of deterrence that an ordinary second grader can bring.

Kidd broke through and handed the ball to Martin. The Nets still started with the familiar "stir-fried chicken"!

Martin lived up to expectations, received the air in the eyes of everyone, and dunked successfully against Dampier and Murphy.

Facing such a second-rate insider, Martin was simply inhumane to bully.

Just as Martin patted his chest to celebrate, the Warriors over there had already sent the ball quickly and started to attack.

Arenas advanced very fast, but Kidd's defense is not vegetarian.

The two entangled and came to the three-point line, and Arenas made a horizontal shot without looking at anyone.

After Murphy caught the ball, there was no one in front of him!

Raise your hand and shoot.

The ball hits firmly.

The 2.11-meter Murphy himself has good shooting skills. He has thrown more than 45% of his shots since the start of the game, and as a left-handed player, his offense is even more difficult to guard against.

It wasn't until Murphy scored a goal and was about to run back that Martin hurriedly ran back from the frontcourt.

The assistant coach Brett who was standing on the sidelines looked at the time. It took only 5 seconds for the Warriors' attack from the opening to the goal!

Kidd continued to control the rhythm.

The Nets players run, and Richardson, who has excellent physical fitness, clings to Shentong at the beginning, hardly giving him any room to run.

According to the tactics, Shentong should have used Martin's bottom line to cover the left corner, but due to Richardson's hot pursuit, Shentong could not get rid of the opponent to form an open space.

Kidd immediately instructed to change tactics.

Jefferson cut laterally, caught the ball near the free-throw line, turned around and shot.

The ball hits the inside behind the rim.

Although the scoring is not as exaggerated as Shentong, Jefferson can be regarded as a very efficient scoring player in the Nets. In addition, he is only in the second grade, and he has already been included in the list of key training targets for the Nets.

After the goal, Jefferson was just about to brag to Arenas when he found that the Warriors quickly served again.

Jefferson was surprised: "No way, why is the rhythm so fast?!"

In Jefferson's amazed seconds, the Warriors were past halftime.

Arenas faced Kidd, made a large crossover, evaded the defense and went straight to the inside.

Getting stronger physically didn't slow down Arenas' speed in any way.

Facing Mutombo and Martin, and Shentong and Jefferson who were defending on both sides, Arenas jumped in the air with a flick of his wrist, and the ball moved horizontally to the bottom corner of the court.

Jamison caught the ball, made a three-pointer from the baseline, and the ball went through the net.

The ball was played quite simply and directly. The whole attack was the same as before, and the attack was completed only through the hands of two players.

And this attack only took 8 seconds.

Brett immediately stepped forward and came to Scott's side and said, "Byron, the Warriors are playing very fast, and neither attack lasted more than 9 seconds."

Scott observed it too, and nodded.

This season, the Warriors were able to achieve a record of 5 wins and 1 loss, which naturally attracted the attention of the Nets coaching staff before the game.

It's just that I didn't expect that the Warriors, who seem to have just sped up the pace, are so efficient on the court.

Shen Tong felt something was wrong.

In his impression, the Warriors' fast-paced whirlwind should have achieved something in the 2006-07 season when Nelson took over the Warriors.

The Warriors beat the Dallas Mavericks that year.


The Warriors in this time and space actually advanced the Kuaishou whirlwind to 2002!

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