The Fifth Point Guard

Chapter 276 The Power of the Vocal Cords, the Big Windmill in Place (Part 1)

Popovich cannot call a timeout in such a short period of time in the same quarter, which does not conform to the prestige of Zhiduoxing.

He had no choice but to call Ginobili to his side and said: "Manu, I know you are a smart person, and I will replace you immediately. You must remember the tactics I arranged, and go up and convey them to your teammates. "

Honest Ginobili nodded.

3 minutes later.

Ginobili's eyes were glazed over, and Popovich kept talking into Manu's ear.

"Do you remember?"


Manu exhausted his brain cells and barely remembered Popovich's tactics.

What he couldn't predict was that his own thin hair volume started from this "passing on".

That is, since then, Popovich discovered the New World.

There is no need to call a timeout, and the effect of arranging tactics can also be achieved through substitutions.

It was also from that day that Ginobili's hair volume gradually decreased


The Spurs made a substitution.

Ginobili enters, Jackson exits.

In terms of tactical training, Ginobili, who has participated in many international competitions on behalf of Argentina, is obviously better.

He lived up to Popovich's trust.

Convey the coach's opinions to the teammates.

Duncan nodded, expressing his admiration for Ginobili's smart head, and couldn't help stroking the man's head.

Bowen touched it, Robinson touched it too

Ginobili, who came off the bench, stood beside Jefferson, and didn't notice the three thousand trouble threads on his head, and a few more fell off.

Shen Tong took the ball.

The audience immediately burst into warm cheers.

"Shen! Shin! Shin!"

The sound of neat slogans echoed in the stadium.

Just getting the ball sent the fans to a climax.

Shentong seems to be the real boss of New Jersey!

As if influenced by the audience, the Spurs players unconsciously stepped forward to double-team the much-watched Shentong.

Bruce Bowen and Manu Ginobili blocked Shentong from two directions.

Shentong didn't hit hard and passed the ball to Jefferson who stepped forward to respond.

Jefferson, who received the ball, just played the role of a transfer. While attracting Parker's defense, he immediately passed the ball to the outside.

Kidd received the ball at the top of the arc, raised his hand and dropped it, and hit an open three-pointer!

Although the Spurs arranged defensive tactics in a targeted manner, the Nets players once again found opportunities to shoot open shots.

Popovich frowned slightly.

It didn't take long for the Nets to resort to the same tactics again.

This time it was the cooperation of Shentong and Mutombo.

Uncle Mu blocked Bo Wen with his body, and Shen Tong ran back from the penalty area and made a long shot after receiving a pass from his teammate.

The feint directly shook Ginobili who was defending.

Shentong was not greedy for the ball and immediately gave the ball to Jefferson.

Jefferson is also unambiguous.

To pick up the ball is to go up and down with your hands, go up and down with your hands, and cut from outside the three-point line to the small penalty area.

A small projectile.

Get the ball into the basket.

Popovich: What a great switch!


Something doesn't seem right.

After the Spurs changed their defensive tactics, the Nets seemed to have changed again.

Use Shentong to score consecutive points to attract double-teaming defenses and then distribute the ball to the second organization point. Use the fast conduction ball to form a situation of playing more and playing less in a short time, and quickly complete the end.

This fast passing and cutting system can be understood as a Princeton system that plays more locally and plays less.

It's a variant of Princeton.

But the changes have been enough to overwhelm the Spurs.

The steady Spurs have never encountered such a variety of techniques and tactics.

Either it's the triangle offense, or it's Princeton, or it's blah

As a result, in just one quarter of the game, the Nets' tactics dazzled these players.

This puts a very severe test on the Spurs' on-the-spot adaptability.

Through the pick-and-roll of his teammates and his flexible running position, Shentong found an open shot at a 45° angle on the left.

There is no need to hesitate.

Shooting should be, not shooting is sad!

Shen Tong raised his hand and made a precise three-pointer.

The ball had just been released, except for Shen Tong who raised his shooting right hand, the other four members of the Nets raised their hands at the same time to celebrate the goal in advance!

The ball did not disappoint everyone's expectations, and got into the basket obediently.

One person shoots a three-pointer, and the four celebrate first.


Relying on Shentong's three-pointer, the Nets led the Spurs 55-45 in the first half by 10 points, ending the first half.

Popovich returned to the locker room with a livid face.

During the intermission, he had a lot to say to his disciples.

How to defend and switch flexibly in the face of offensive systems such as the triangle offense, Princeton, high pick-and-roll, pass-and-cut cooperation, this is what Popovich must do in just 15 minutes in the midfield.

Playing in the second half, the Spurs players looked dignified.

Apparently, Popovich lost his temper at halftime.

The fault is not with the coach, it is naturally with the soldiers.

Getting angry is of course useful, and the Spurs have made sufficient preparations in the second half.


The world is unpredictable.

As soon as the third quarter started, the Blue Nets started bombarding them!

Bombardment tactics, in layman's terms, are chasing and counterattacking.

No matter what method the opponent uses to end the offense, such as making a shot, not making a shot, being intercepted, being blocked, etc., they will advance to the frontcourt at the fastest speed and complete the end when the opponent's foothold is not stable.

The Warriors used this bombardment tactic in the last game.

When the Spurs were ready for a positional defense, they found themselves having to follow the Nets all over the court.

Duncan missed a shot, Martin grabbed the basket and handed it to Kidd immediately.

In the frontcourt, Shen Tong and Jefferson had already taken a step forward and ran forward.

To the surprise of the fans, Shen Tong, who was roaring while running, came last and started later than Jefferson, but ran ahead of Jefferson resolutely.

Stimulated by Shentong, Jefferson also roared.

Accompanied by howling shouts, the Wildcat duo plunged straight into each other's hinterland like two bolts of lightning.

Kidd's long pass found Shentong in front of him. Shentong came to the basket and threw the ball up without looking at anyone, and then slipped past the basket in a glider motion.

Behind him, Jefferson jumped high, caught the ball with one hand, and smashed it into the basket!


The picture was frozen again.

Compared with the similar scene last time, the person who assists and dunks has been swapped, but it is still wonderful.

This is not over yet, in the middle of the third quarter, Shentong even faced Duncan after a breakthrough, and staged a good show of leaping and dunking sideways.

Roaring loudly in the air, Shen Tong felt his whole body full of strength, turned sideways to avoid Duncan's block, and dunked the ball into the basket!

As if stimulated, in the next attack, Duncan even used a terrifying windmill on the spot!

The situation at the time was like this.

Manu Ginobi used a serpentine breakthrough to slip into the interior and break through to score the ball.

Duncan was unmarked after receiving the ball.

Maybe it's to vent the anger in my heart, or I want to learn from Shen Tong's roar to cheer up his teammates.

So before Duncan dunked, he swung his arms and made a big windmill!

Although he just stood there, Duncan's rare cracking roar still stopped everyone present.

All of a sudden, the dogs who were lying quietly in front of the TV jumped up from the floor at the same time, barking at the TV camera!

It's really a blockbuster if it doesn't make a sound.

After venting, Duncan tiptoed and dunked the ball into the basket.

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