The Fifth Point Guard

Chapter 289 Your uncle will always be your uncle (second update)

"Wow, the old man is going to show his power, why don't you hurry up and hand him the ball." Mike's teammate said in a mocking tone.

"Hey, old man, what are you sure you want to do?" Drew's teammate asked.

"That's right, give me the ball, I'm going to beat them!" Drew's tone was very firm.

So, the ball holder passed the ball to Drew.

A player named Joseph of Team Mike reluctantly stood in front of Drew.

"Hey, old man, to be honest, I don't want to guard against you, I hope you don't make fun of yourself." Joseph warned.

"Still take care of yourself!"

After Drew finished speaking, he immediately broke through with the ball and ran past Joseph's left.

However, the man passed, but the ball did not pass.

At the moment of the breakthrough, Drew seemed to slip his hand, and the ball failed to dribble, but directly hit the defensive Joseph, who was quickly hugged by his eyes.


Some fans who were full of expectations on the sidelines made regretful voices.

Some of Drew's teammates shook their heads helplessly, while others had meaningful smiles on their faces.

"Hey old man, let me teach you how to play."

Joseph, who got the ball, dribbled for a three-pointer, and then walked towards Drew.

In front of Drew, Joseph showed off his dribbling skills.

Back and forth step down dribble, cross step, left and right fake body breakthrough, etc., it is simply so beautiful.

Drew reacted clumsily and was tricked again and again.

In the end, Joseph used a crotch-piercing movement to hang Drew in place, and then easily broke through and made a layup.

After scoring the goal, Joseph, Mike and others clapped hands with triumphant expressions.

"Old man, are you still here?"

"Wait a moment."

After speaking, Drew started the court warm-up.

Three circles to the left and three circles to the right, neck twisting, buttocks twisting, shaking hands, shaking feet

"Isn't it too late to move your body again at this time?"

Joseph's sarcasm caused laughter again.

After about 30 seconds.

"Okay, let's get started."

After Drew sent the ball to his teammates, he immediately opened his hands for the ball.

Originally, Drew's teammates didn't want to give him the ball, but because of his age and his determination to get the ball, this group of respectful and sensible guys still handed the ball to Drew.

"Come on, old man, what do you want to do with me this time, or take the initiative to hand the ball to me?" Joseph chattered endlessly, with a flirtatious expression, and he didn't even put on a defensive move.

"Young man, don't be careless. It's meaningless to break through a defense like yours."

As soon as the words fell, Drew shot from outside the three-point line.

"It seems that you are giving up (giving up)"

Before the abandonment was over, Drew's shot passed through the net hollowly.

Immediately there was loud applause from the sidelines.

Even Drew's teammates were so surprised that they even forgot to applaud for a while.

When they reacted, the other three team members immediately stepped forward to give Drew a high-five.

"How is it? I said earlier that I hope you cheer up."

Facing Drew's response, Joseph felt that he was being played.

In the next round, Joseph planned to play with the irritating old man.

Fancy Xiu'er dribbled again.

However, this time, before Joseph could play a few tricks in front of Drew, Uncle Drew made a sudden move, slapped the ball off Joseph's hand, and quickly dribbled the ball beyond the three-point line.

Joseph: "."

Drew's performance began to attract Mike's attention.

Although Joseph is not a master on this court, he is enough to deal with ordinary wild players. He did not expect that this defense and attack seemed to be no match for the old man named Drew at all.

There must be something quirky about it!

Drew kept stepping down and dribbling, flashing past Joseph's claws.

Facing Joseph's fierce steal, Drew's face seemed calm and confident.

Drew's relaxed and comfortable dribbling made the fans on the side of the court raise their hands one after another, cheering for the old man.

Joseph's face flushed red.

Taking advantage of the opponent's unstable footing when defending, Drew suddenly accelerated and passed Joseph.

This time not only the people passed, but also the ball passed.

Facing Drew's breakthrough, the players of Mike's team even forgot to defend, quietly watching Drew easily complete the layup.

The score was rewritten to 3-4 (three-pointers count as 2).

After scoring the goal, Drew bowed and bowed to the support of the fans on the sidelines.

Whistles and cheers came and went.

"Joseph, if I were you, I must get back to this place, be serious, and do my best!" Mike said to Joseph.

In Mike's mind, the main reason why Joseph made such a fool of himself just now was that his attitude was not correct and he was too relaxed, which led to being used by his opponent to make a fool of himself.

Joseph nodded.

The ball is exchanged after a goal is scored.

The teammate passed the ball to Joseph, and under Mike's signal, he opened up the space and gave Joseph a single.

The fans at the scene stood up from the bench to watch the game, and many new spectators joined in.

Joseph's specialty is a sharp change of direction and a breakthrough layup.

Facing Drew's defense, Joseph had already figured out his tactics.

Since he is an old man, his movements must be slow, so the tactic is actually very simple, and he can get rid of Drew's defense through running and speed.

Thinking of this, Joseph dribbled the ball twice under the step, then broke through and accelerated, and rushed to Drew's side.

In the blink of an eye, Joseph was half a body ahead of Drew.

"What?" Joseph, who succeeded in one blow, was full of disdain, "Sure enough, as long as I'm serious, this old guy."

The pride in his heart didn't last long, and Joseph suddenly felt empty-handed.

The ball was stolen by Drew!

"Now it's our turn to attack."

Facing Drew with the ball, Joseph, who entered the defensive role, couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva.

At this moment, he really tensed up.

This old man is definitely not an ordinary person.

Drew started, and Joseph followed up with all his strength, or took a step slower.

Drew, who almost passed the defender in one step, rushed to the basket.

Mike, who was closely watching Drew's movements, immediately rushed to the basket and blocked Drew's layup.

Facing Mike's block, Drew lightly hooked his hand backwards in the air and threw the ball from the other side of the basket.

Dodging Drew's defense, the ball deftly hit the board and hit.


Amidst the excited shouts of the audience, Drew showed a smug expression on his face.

The other four old people sitting on the sidelines also began to cheer their old friends with hoarse voices.

"Damn it!" Mike spat and said to the people around him, "Everyone cheer up for me and defend with all my strength, absolutely don't let him score any more goals!"

Just when the players of Mike's team were ready to defend with twelve points, Drew suddenly made a shot two steps away from the three-point line.

"Impossible, such a long distance."

"What a beautiful shooting position."

With a trace of anticipation and nervousness, Mike watched the ball thrown from Drew's hands draw a wonderful parabola in the air, and then fell into the basket accurately!


6-4, the Drew team completed a go-ahead and won the victory.

Drew, who hit a super long three-pointer, raised his hands to accept the worship of the audience and teammates.

Mike looked at the silver-haired Drew in surprise.

"Who the hell is this guy?"

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