The Fifth Point Guard

Chapter 613 The sun rises in the east, I am the only one who is undefeated (2.3k)

Shentong grabbed the rebound from the crowd, which was breathtaking.

Nash even froze in place.

To be honest, he has never seen such a high bounce even in the Phoenix Suns.

Stoudemire is already the most capable jumper he has ever seen, but the height of Shentong's rebound just now was obviously half as high as Stoudemire's arm!

Barkley praised: "Look at Shen's bounce. It's absolutely unique in Asia. To be honest, even Michael Jordan probably can't jump so high. Look at his calves. They're so angry and so special." Lei Xi can give it a try!"

After Shentong grabbed the ball and landed on the ground, he didn't pause, kicked his legs directly and launched a fast break, instantly leaving Marion behind him.

When a gust of wind passed by Nash, the Son of the Wind suddenly woke up.

Bell, who had clashed with Shentong on the court, was the only player to retreat to the Suns' half.

Seeing Shentong rushing towards him, Bell was determined to stop the ball.

After being humiliated by STO last season, Bell practiced hard during the offseason in order to be able to establish himself as the Suns' starting shooting guard.

Come on, Shentong, I will definitely stop you.


The Suns' rim is going to shake.

Then there was a "pop" sound.

Bell was knocked to the ground.

Shentong hung on the basket with one hand, and the referee's whistle also sounded at the same time.

"No. 19, blocking foul!"

At this time, Marion ran over and pulled Bell up from the floor with both hands.

Patted Bell's butt and said, "Don't worry, man."

But how could Bell not care?

Shentong's bounce in front of him just now was like a soaring cannon, full of firepower and impossible to defend!

Unexpectedly, after practicing hard all summer, the gap between myself and Shentong became even wider.

Taking advantage of the gap between Shentong's serve, Nash called everyone together.

"The opponents are the Cleveland Cavaliers and STO, so we must be very alert." Nash warned seriously.

Shentong made a steady free throw.

Stoudemire made a strong attack under the basket. He originally wanted to push away Big Z and dunk under the basket, but was destroyed by Big Z's slap.

Although the referee called a foul, Big Z's toughness was enough to make Stoudemire fearful.

Smith said: "Charles, have you noticed that although the overall age of this Cavaliers team is relatively young, their style of play has gradually become more mature, and everyone is full of confidence on the court. Even Big Z has changed." Gotta toughen up.”

Barkley laughed and continued: "Yes, Kenny, I have watched him play before. For almost six or seven seasons, he has been a representative player with a soft style of play. He is far from Yao Ming, who is also over 2.20 meters tall." , but to be honest (his expression turned serious) Big Z seems to have become more and more tough on the court since last season. When he faced Shaquille O'Neal, he once ended up bleeding, but then When he met the big shark, he didn't flinch at all, but became more brave. We can't compare one person's moment with others, but at least with Big Z's current state, he has improved a lot compared to the previous seasons."

Just as the two commentators were communicating, an explosive scene occurred on the field.

The Cavaliers stole the ball and launched a counterattack, and Wagner took the ball and ran all the way to the frontcourt.

At this moment, Marion of the Suns is under the basket.

Instead of taking the shot himself, Wagner threw the ball toward the basket.

"This ball seems to be passed high." Barkley blurted out.

Marion also felt that the ball was too high, so he didn't even jump. He just watched the basketball and waited for it to fly out of the court.

Who knows!

Shen Tong seemed to have wings on his back, like a god descending from the sky and falling from the sky!

He caught Wagner's pass in the air with one hand, and with a diving posture, he went directly from top to bottom and slammed the ball into the basket.

The action of holding the ball and hitting the basket made the ball streak over the court like a meteor.

"Wow!" Smith exclaimed.

Buckley opened his mouth wide and was speechless for a long time.

The audience cheered and applauded like thunder.

Dubov, who was sitting in the VIP seat, even jumped up from his seat, clapping his hands and cheering for STO like a girl on the sidelines of the court.

Marion pursed his lips, shook his head, walked to the basket, and silently picked up the ball.

Beside Shentong. These stars who have shined on countless nights will also be eclipsed.

"I saw something, man." Barkley's flying soul finally came back and said, "That ball was too high."

Smith also smiled and said: "Have you seen the Suns bench? Marcus Banks and Jaylen Rose are sitting together. Banks' eyebrows almost flew out of his head. His expression was simply unbelievable. But Rose on the side looked calm, and when he saw Banks' surprised expression, he showed disdain, as if to say, this kid has never seen the world, but I have seen him score 83 points in a single game. "

After the first quarter, the Cavaliers, playing at home, led the Suns by 7 points 32-25.

STO scored 12 points in the first quarter and ignited the court with two very exciting dunks.

In the second quarter, both sides began to use three-pointers as regular weapons.

On the Suns side, Nash assisted Bell, Diaw and Marion to hit three-pointers. He also hit two three-pointers before the end of the half.

However, not only did the Cavaliers not fall behind in three-pointers, they also lined up a team of musketeers to attack the Suns' basket in turn.

Marshall, JR Smith, James, Wagner

STO immediately responded with two three-pointers after Nash hit two three-pointers.

In addition, the combination of Hardaway and Millsap defeated the Suns' bench.

At the end of the first half, the score was 66-52, and the point difference widened to 14 points.

When he saw STO unstoppable on the court in the second half, D'Antoni looked at Jaylen Rose.

This guy is a veteran in the team and has a lot of experience in defense. He once made Bell and Marion make a lot of fools of themselves in training games.

When Rose saw D'Antoni looking at him, he immediately turned his head and stared at the court with blank eyes, as if he didn't see D'Antoni's sharp gaze.

Please don't see me, don't see me.

Seeing Rose's cowering look, D'Antoni shook his head, pointed to James Jones on the bench and said: "James, you will come on for Raja Bell later, control the fouls, try to stay close to STO, don't give up." Space for him to shoot.”

In the second half of the fourth quarter, Stoudemire's dunk was very domineering, but it was more like a kind of catharsis.

The main players of the Cavaliers have already gone off to rest.

The point difference is 24 points.

D'Antoni also replaced all the main players after Stoudemire's dunk.

The Suns surrendered early.

The final score was settled at 122-102, and the Cavaliers defeated the Suns at home with a 20-point advantage.

In this game, the Suns tried multiple players to defend Shentong in turns, but none of them had any effect.

Neither Bell, Marion, Jones, or Diaw can limit STO's scoring.

Shentong scored 50 points, 7 rebounds, 5 assists, 3 steals and 1 block. Shentong's performance was perfect.

After the game, D'Antoni scratched his forehead and said in an interview with the media: "What else can we do? STO is such a superstar. We have tried all methods to restrict him, but it is useless, man, you don't know. I have only seen this kind of dominated terror from the Bulls where Michael played. They are really amazing. We will sum up this game well. There are 82 games in the regular season, and we must look forward."

And Shentong, who still scored 50 points against four different Suns players, gave eight words when being interviewed by reporters.

"When the sun rises in the east, I am the only one who is undefeated."

I had an acute gastroenteritis attack yesterday. I had vomiting and diarrhea. I was about to collapse. Today I took a day off to rest at home. I had diarrhea eight or nine times in two days. I got better after taking Changyanin tablets, but my overall condition is still the same. not too good. I will update 2,000 words today, and I will update more when I feel better.

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