The final gentleman

Chapter 1051 Chain of Suspicion

After this duel, Yi Chen's doubts were finally resolved, and he understood why the ninth disaster was named Immortal and why William was so concerned about this matter.

The fundamental reason why zombies appear to be as weak as ordinary people but still reach "disaster level" is that they have an infection that transcends the rules.

You can make a simple comparison,

The fourth disaster - Garp's "conceptual rigidity" has been evaluated by Beacon Mental Hospital to reach A level. Anyone who kills Garp, as long as there is the concept of 'seam' in his body, even if it is just the illusory slit of thinking, the memory picture Every crack will lead to Gap's perfect rebirth.

Only primitive creatures like Yi Chen, who can completely shut down their minds and rely entirely on killer instinct, can deal with it.

The conceptual rigidity of zombies is even higher, reaching the highest detection value [S], or it is equal to or even exceeding the highest rating limit of Beacon Mental Hospital for this attribute.

As long as there are 'individuals' existing within the world and within the plane, such as humans, apes, dogs, insects, etc., even the dead controlled by Yi Chen, and even plants may be included.

Once the zombie body is completely killed and all the virus clusters in the body are completely wiped out, the "concept of infection" will escape and randomly affect an individual or a group of individuals, forcibly overturning the "zombie" consciousness. Write it down.

As long as there are individuals, this process must take place.

In other words, it is impossible for zombies to die before the Great Annihilation is over.

This is the ultimate [immortality], and this is why it can become a disaster. Yi Chen even suspected that the zombie's previous immortality was not so strong, but as he began to restrain himself, became a vegetarian, and began to become a Buddhist, this immortal characteristic actually improved.

After tonight's discussion, the relationship between the two has become closer.

When the two walked out of the crew base together, the zombie pointed at the damp alleyway beside the gate.

"Uh~ (I'm sleeping here, Mr. Yi, please go back to the hotel)"

Zombies are different from other disasters. Not only do they not have shops like theaters, barber shops, dumpling shops, or amusement parks, they don't even have the most basic [home].

He wandered around unconsciously almost every day. When he regained consciousness, he would eat some fruits and vegetables, or hang out in the video store and watch old movies with the boss. When he was sleepy, he would just find a place to sleep standing up.

He didn't have any money anyway, and no one dared to cause trouble for him.

"I want to ask you something." Yi Chen saw that the relationship was almost close, so he also found the right time to interject into the topic.


"As [evil], your lowest pursuit should be the "Great Annihilation". Even your immortality is directly related to the Great Annihilation. The destruction and reset of the entire plane is the meaning of your birth.

Neither the actions of the First Disaster nor my thoughts point to the Great Annihilation. What are your real thoughts? If what I'm proposing makes you uncomfortable, feel free to say so. "

"Well~ (The original meaning of my existence was indeed to welcome the "Great Annihilation", just like the manager, but as I started to become a vegetarian, curbed my nature, and my desire for the doomsday became weaker, I suddenly felt emptiness and meaninglessness .

But this empty state did not last long, because I accidentally walked into the cinema and found the so-called [interest].

Mr. Yi's recent role in "Halloween" aroused my interest in movies again. It is the best slasher movie I have ever seen.

Being able to personally participate in it was like a dream, and it even gave me a strong desire to live and do something.

Although the future that Mr. Yi wants is not a great annihilation, it will not be a complete dictatorship like the first disaster. It is a future where everyone develops together. I can continue to pursue my own interests and participate in it. This is my choice.

However... there is indeed something that doesn't make sense here.

It wasn’t me, it was the manager.

Why would a "Annihilation Sect" with a firm mind like him agree with your plan? Mr. Yi, you should think about it carefully.

The manager is what I am most afraid of. His hotel can completely block me, so I only dare to talk to you quietly here. You must not tell the manager.

In my opinion, he may just want to use your power to kill the first disaster, and then annihilate everything by his own means.

Anyway, be careful manager)”


"Uh. (Good night, Mr. Yi)"

This conversation actually made Yi Chen have some doubts about the hotel. Since the hotel has always provided help behind the scenes, it can be regarded as a refuge for Yi Chen, a non-evil outsider, in the evil city, saving a lot of trouble.

The manager even helped at some critical moments and accepted the gym’s personal suggestions.

In Yi Chen's eyes, the manager's malice is limited to laziness, but he himself is a standard gentleman.

But the statement given by the zombie is completely possible.

Just when my thoughts are a little confused,

"Sir, do you need a balloon?"

The clown with colorful balloons tied in his hand collided with him head-on, but Yi Chen didn't sense William's arrival at all.

"You have been secretly paying attention and even interfered with my contact with zombies. William, since you are so worried, why don't you just pretend to be me."

"That zombie is very clever and regards you as his idol. Although I am confident that I can play you well, it is difficult to disguise the murderous obsession.

I also want to rest, but I still have to take time to pay attention to this zombie.

Even I am not entirely sure what he is thinking in his heart. After all, his current state has completely deviated from the zombie prototype.

It's possible that he has the same 'acting' talent as me. His apparent innocence, vegetarianism, liking to watch movies, regarding Yi Chen as his idol, and the cooperation he has reached with us may all be disguised.

When the time is right, he will unite with the First Disaster to kill us all.

I have to stand on the night guard now, watching this zombie all night long, and if I catch him making any small moves, I will immediately find a way to 'erase' him.

Disaster is the ultimate form of malice, a major force that overpowers the gods and will eventually bring annihilation to the entire plane. Does this zombie seem too innocent from this perspective?

Yi Chen, there is no problem with your win over, but you must not let down your guard against him, just like you want to tear apart my disguise as an actor. Our plan must be foolproof.

Anyway, watch out for zombies. "

After the clown selling balloons gave Yi Chen a white balloon, he left with funny steps and stayed in a corner to monitor the zombies all night long.

Yi Chen, who was holding a balloon, had just stepped into the hotel door.


The white balloon exploded due to the temperature difference between inside and outside, and three tickets dropped at the same time.

It says "Smiling Black Hole Amusement Park Admission Ticket" in balloon font.

"What else does William want to do..."

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