The final gentleman

Chapter 1089 Chaotic Colors

[The turned-over lesion - Abyss Zero]

On the bottom stage,

"Mobius" has a height that can penetrate the plane, but when such a high-rise is rooted in the bottom stage, it is completely wrapped by the abyss.

Because the surface area of ​​the high-rise is too large, it is always under the full pressure of the abyss.

The larger the area, the stronger the suppression.

Obviously, the [Abyss Zero] formed by the whole lesion world and the abyss turning over together is William's special means to target the first disaster.

However, the actual effect did not meet expectations,

"Bottom of the high-rise"

Squeak~The automatic door opens.

A sound of leather shoes stepping on the ground, a sound of tentacles or nails scratching the ground, the two alternately carry a strange figure slowly out.

The person who came is Reuben himself,

Even if he has not completely walked out of the "hall", he can roughly see the outline of his body, an outline that makes the plague masters feel uneasy, an outline that does not belong to the current universe, and an outline that does not apply to any rules.

Walking out of the high-rise building,

walking down the stairs in front of the door,

standing on the stage prepared by William for him, for the first time showing in public the form of half a foot stepping out of the limit of the universe.

"Right half body (normal)", the white robe wrapped the relatively thin and burned body, and half of the face was blocked by mosaics.

"Left half body (chaos)", the completely chaotic flesh can be divided into two parts: "visible" and "imperceptible".

1. "Visible": a ball of colorful fantasy mud, and various mutant internal organs and whiskers are pierced through the mud.

Fingers, toes, hair, ribs and other sharp and slender structures are piled up randomly below to facilitate "standing". After all, the other half of the body is still human, and needs to maintain a standing posture at ordinary times. When it is completely transcended, it will no longer be constrained by these things.

2. "Imperceptible": beyond the capture of existing perception means, vision can only occasionally capture some blurred fantasy colors that fall within the visible light wavelength range, as if there is some color surrounding the left half of the body.

Such colors are not fixed, but fluctuate in a wide range and flow.

However, there is always a ray of color surrounding Reuben's head, forming a halo structure that symbolizes "transcendence".


The reason why Reuben's posture makes any viewer feel uncomfortable is because of these colors, which seem to inherit Reuben's original grid characteristics.

Any bystander who sees the colors will peek into thousands of messy images from them, and gradually peek into their own past from these graphics, especially some memories of suffering, danger, and fear.

These memories will ferment under the nourishment of "chaos" and breed some non-existent terrible memories.

Invisibly, the label of chaos is attached to the souls of all viewers.

This caused the plague masters who were spectators in the abyss to all show uneasy expressions. Although they can resist it through different means, they still cannot completely eliminate it.

In their eyes, Reuben's level has surpassed everything. No matter how well this performance is arranged, there is no chance of winning.

Even the Duke, who has a great vision, can't see any chance of winning, and can only relieve psychological pressure by swallowing snacks.

"William, how are you going to win?"


Reuben came to the stage and looked directly at William in front of him.

The direct gaze here is also a little different.

In addition to the gaze of the right eye, a large number of eyeballs also appeared between the rotten flesh and the phantom colors of the left half of the body, staring together, giving multiple suppressions.

"Specially targeting my stage? It's interesting. I didn't plan to use the high-rise building at first. After all, I am no longer on the same level as you.

Since you specially created this abyss to contain the high-rise building, I'm sorry... I can only end this farce in advance."

Reuben spread his normal right palm upwards.

The living and chaotic high-rise building began to turbulent.

With the blessing of the chaotic attribute, the high-rise building can be transformed at will, and the most basic enlargement and reduction are naturally not a problem, and even basic physics can be directly ignored.


The activated building keeps shrinking,

from the height that can penetrate the plane, it becomes only the size of a toy and just falls into Reuben's palm.

What's even more exaggerated is that Reuben actually opened his mouth and swallowed the tall building in one gulp.


The moment the tall building entered his stomach,

the "ring mark" of Mobius appeared directly on Reuben's forehead,

an indescribable and indescribable breath was released, and even William, who had always maintained a calm attitude, took a step back, and cold sweat oozes out of his cheeks, and his clown makeup was ruined.

Reuben's completely chaotic left half of his body actually gradually expressed some of the attributes from the "tall building", forming a geometric and regular black surface and a miniature version of the dense windows on the surface, as if you can still see the Mobius employees working inside through the windows.

The "Lighthouse Mental Hospital" slowly stood up on his shoulder, replacing the originally chaotic left face.

The light shot out from between the pupils, quickly scanning all the people on the scene.

The imperceptible phantom part became more intense under the illumination of the lighthouse, which was extremely terrifying.

Perhaps due to the combination of the tower, Reuben's personal perception was fully enhanced, and he even penetrated this airtight abyss and sensed a breath that once threatened him, a breath that could cut off everything and taste everything.

He suddenly turned his head and looked in one direction.

"Oh, I didn't expect Hannibal to use the same form he used to deal with me. So, has he already started fighting with Yi Chen? That's amazing.

However, William's rebellion is worth reorganizing my thoughts.

Can the incident that happened in the amusement park be regarded as your performance, taking the opportunity to let Mr. Yi gain my trust?

Is Mr. Yi also one of the rebels? He would have come here to meet with you, William, to deal with me together?"

William, who was sweating profusely, tried his best to smile, "Oh, you guessed it all."

"It's a pity that if Hannibal took this posture, Yi Chen would definitely die. Otherwise, I still look forward to the two of you joining forces to How far can it go. "

William took the opportunity to get close to his face and showed a wicked smile, "Is NO.2 really that powerful? How about we make a bet and bet 1/3 of our souls.

How about betting that Mr. Yi can come to this stage? "

"Only the weak will gamble. "

"Oh~ Lao Da, although you have been promoted to a higher level, you are still not confident enough. Is it related to your tragic personality? Hahaha~ You are really timid. "

Facing William's provocation,

An invisible phantom flashed,

William's body was directly cut into two parts and began to become chaotic. One by one, the digitized tentacles grew rapidly between the flesh, and when William was about to be completely disassembled.

Some trigger in William's body was activated.

Malignant tumors collided wildly until the flesh swelled into a giant balloon,


A large number of ribbons similar to intestines exploded on the stage, indicating that the performance began.

At the same time, an oversized screen was raised, and the video tape connected to the backstage began to play, and the logo of [Smiling Black Hole] appeared on the screen.

William, riding a children's bicycle, appears in the frame,

pedaling forward in a clumsy and incongruous way, approaching the camera until his entire face is in the frame.

"I want to play a Game."

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