The final gentleman

Chapter 1094: A Heinous Sin

Hannibal temporarily unhooked the shackles on his hands, keeping the anklets and wearing the prison uniform. He took out the disposable gloves from the waistband of his trousers and put them on himself. He gently stroked the cracks in the prison that were cut open, and put the black stained gloves on his hands. Put your fingers of water into your mouth.

It's like eating some high-quality honey, and it's not enough.

"Hiss~ Such strong, original malice that has not been pieced together or reshaped... The evil that grows in a person's body can actually reach this level.

Even if the presence of parasites reduces the quality of the food, it may be acceptable.

I didn’t expect that even if it reaches this level, it can still surprise me. It seems that my vision is too narrow. You are not the fish on the chopping board, but something higher level.

Let me see what you want to do and how much surprise you can give me. "

Hannibal stepped out of the shelter, breathing in the long-lost air, and the skin all over his body squirmed.

If Ruben comes here, he will find that Hannibal at this time is already different from what he was back then. Being voluntarily sealed in the lowest level of the Seven Heavens all these years is not just for leisure and enjoying solitude.

Hannibal has been consolidating his status as the "apex predator".

Smelling Yi Chen's scent again, he jumped to the top of the seventh-level heaven.

The archangels and many seraphs stationed here were slaughtered in an instant, without any chance to breathe.

But Yi Chen is not here, but has gone to other divine realms.

Hannibal skillfully walked into the teleportation room of the Temple of Heaven. There were three teleportation gates with suspended three-dimensional images, corresponding to:

[Avalon - Hometown of Heroes], most of the gods are currently gathered here and are jointly isolating the impact of the zombie virus.

[Scale of Life and Death], a divine realm full of yellow sand and the dead, looks very much like a place where Yi Chen would go.

[Ultimate Bliss Realm and Three Pure Heavens], needless to introduce too much, Jin Lung Tianzun’s Cave Heaven Paradise is located here. It is also the divine realm with the most independent gods and the largest area among the four major divine realms.

If it were other pursuers, they might still hesitate.

But Hannibal is different. Any individual labeled by him will never be able to tear it off, and he can determine the smell and location of the food with a little sniff.

Enter the last door,


Hannibal was transported to a certain temple,

There are no Vajra protectors who should be guarding here, only a few Buddha statues standing on both sides.

When Hannibal came here, he immediately smelled the smell that belonged to Yi Chen, and at the same time, he also smelled the smell of blood floating in the air.

Walk out of the temple,

The [Ultimate Bliss and Three Pure Heavens] that should have been clear skies are currently being suppressed by dark clouds, and majestic rain of blood overflows from the depths of the clouds like sweat penetrating the skin.


Hannibal tapped his feet lightly on the ground and easily jumped thousands of meters to the top of a certain pagoda.

Looking down from a high position,

The entire Paradise is littered with corpses, and even the heads of the Buddha are scattered in bunches.

The divinity carried the blood and evaporated quickly, eventually splashing down in the form of blood rain. Even though there were many gods who survived in the Paradise, they all chose to hide in the depths of the temple, their eyes full of fear.

Hannibal determined from the mark that the target was still not in the Paradise, but between the adjacent mountains, the largest and highest cave in Paradise.

Multiple consecutive big jumps are approaching the range of [Sanqingtian], and the situation here is even worse.

Everywhere he went there was carnage,

Those who stayed behind in the sect were all beheaded.

Seeing this, Hannibal couldn't help but sigh, "The killing efficiency of this kind is much higher than that of the previous tenth plague! It should be a range of indiscriminate killing with killing intent. If what everyone is pursuing is still the Great Annihilation, you must be The most dazzling existence.

That's fine. If you commit such a heinous crime, your meat quality will be improved by another level. "

Hannibal soon landed on the top of the largest mountain,

It is also the area with the densest blood rain.

This is the treasured land of the "White Jade Dan Yuan Shen Xin Tian Zun", which is currently in ruins and ruins.

Hundreds of Taoist temples collapsed, thousands of disciples were beheaded, and the screams that should have been made were silenced among the heads.

The scattered pages of the scriptures flowed among the rain of blood and converged at a collapsed bell. There was an entrance to the mountain hidden underneath.

Just when Hannibal came to the confluence and raised the giant bell with his own hands.

Plop! A strong heartbeat came from the lower end, even making his hair sway with the surrounding weeds.

Just when he was distracted by this,

A divinity mixed with morbidity fled from the back mountain carrying a golden aura. It was very fast and had no real form.

Hannibal did not pursue him, after all, the current man was his main target.

Going deeper along the cave, the wet mountain walls are constantly seeping with blood, and it has even accumulated to a certain height, gradually covering Hannibal's calves.

Soon we arrived at the deepest part of the cave, where there were many secret rooms for retreat.

Normally, only those who have reached a sufficient level in cultivation or have made great contributions are qualified to retreat here, but Yi Chen's aura comes from the deepest place.

A 100-meter-long gate carved from white jade stands in front of you, but it is not blocked by a barrier. You can easily push it open with a little force.

However, Hannibal didn't like to make such low-level creature actions.

As he approached, the gate made of divine white jade was cut into small cubes and collapsed completely. However, the scene inside stunned Hannibal, the first generation killer and the man at the top of the food chain.

The pupils on the metal mask were wide open, as if he saw the top ingredients he had never seen before.

Gold, red and black,

Three different auras gathered in the movement,

The golden lung qi surrounded this space in a linear shape, as if helping to maintain a certain order, as if weaving something.

The red blood qi represented the ultimate killing intent, and captured Hannibal's arrival at the first time. There was no need for Yi Chen's subjective thoughts at all. The killing intent carried the blood on the ground and condensed thousands of blades to slash at Hannibal.

The black death qi was unexpectedly mild, intertwined with the golden lung qi, and even mixed with a few strands of white, as if some kind of fusion was taking place.

The flower of evil has bloomed, but according to Yi Chen's instinctive judgment, it is still not enough to kill Hannibal. He needs to go to a higher level.

Yi Chen's body was suspended in the air of this secret room.

The chest and abdomen were completely cut open, showing the perfect internal structure.

The golden lungs covered with black lines were rising and falling with his breathing, acting as the center to coordinate the perfect combination and death acceptance of other external organs, burying them together in the Dead Sea.

Or the pink kidneys like dead babies,

Or the liver with a dragon shadow,

Or the spleen like a soul,

And the white jade heart embedded in the center of the Dead Sea, which was being soaked by black water.

With the golden lungs as a prerequisite, or with the guidance of a certain master, Yi Chen accepted all the five internal organs with the broken Dead Sea.

Constructing the perfect body that Tianzun once talked about is also the ultimate goal of Yi Chen's trip.

Since his "upper limit" is not enough to deal with Hannibal, then find a way to increase this "upper limit", which is the only way now.

Yi Chen, who committed such a heinous crime, has long been prepared to atone for his sins.

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