"Moonlight Warning"

When the scarlet moonlight is refracted throughout the universe,

In less than three minutes, all the plague lords, remaining disasters from the past, and the group of gods have surrounded the crescent moon.

Perhaps it was the crescent barrier set up by Lorian, or some unknown shielding force field inside, but no one at the scene could penetrate it.

Moreover, the news about stargazers' "precognitive corruption" has spread, and no one dares to perceive it recklessly. Once affected by this unknown pollution, the consequences will be disastrous.

He could only stay outside and wait, waiting for Lorien, the ruler of the new moon, to give him information.

But after waiting for a long time, there was still no information coming out.

Continuing to wait like this is not an option. The Duke proposed that a special team will be temporarily formed on site to go deep into the moon and explore the internal situation.

Because the pollution incident has occurred and powerful outsiders are suspected to be present, this team needs to take great risks.

However, a powerful team capable of rapid penetration was quickly formed on site.

As the first Ascended, Reagan was the first to appear. He seemed to have sensed something in advance, otherwise he would not have taken such a big risk.

Also involved were Kim, Leni and the manager.

They seemed to have sensed something and took the initiative to carry out this dangerous task, moving deeper along the moon crater under the watchful eyes of everyone.

Although many people later wanted to participate, they were blocked. Four people are enough for now. If anything happens, the loss can be minimized.

【Yuekeng Tunnel】

"Did everyone... feel it?" Leni, who was walking at the end, said a little embarrassedly.

Reagan, who was at the front, responded, "Well, although there is no clear breath, the feeling at that moment should not be wrong."

The rest of the staff remained silent,

In everyone's minds, William's death is an established fact. After all, everyone is watching helplessly as William's concept is shattered from its roots.

But the feeling that just flashed through made everyone remember this name.

There were no obstacles in the Yuekeng tunnel, and everyone quickly arrived at the internal hospital.

The entire hospital is eerily quiet, and any perception that attempts to penetrate the hospital will disintegrate in an instant, or be interfered with and corrupted by a stronger brain.

Reagan said: "There is a high possibility that outsiders have arrived... I have never seen this feeling before. Manager, is your space permeable?"

The manager also showed a rare ugly expression, "The space here is completely locked. I can feel an obvious repulsive force in my hotel, as if it is filled with some kind of bubble-like substance, which is larger than the normal space." Higher dimensional special structures.

This is the first time I have seen this kind of bubble-like concentrated space.

I'll ask Garp if his cracks can penetrate it. "

The manager tried to contact Garp through the disaster intranet, but he could not be contacted. It seemed that Garp was no longer in the current universe.

The manager said calmly: "There is only one possibility. This guy Gap is already inside! Let's go. If we can't fight, even if we call more people, it won't help.

This unusual calm now may mean that something unknown to us is happening in the hospital. "

There is nothing wrong with the manager's words. If the intruder's level is much higher than the limit of the universe, then anyone's resistance is meaningless.

Just when everyone stepped into the hospital and tried to determine the location of the target,

Ha ha……

A faint laugh came from deep inside.

Everyone's expressions changed at the same time, and everyone shouted a name: big or small:


"No...it seems to be the laughter of two people. The other kind of laughter is very strange and dangerous."

Jin, who is the most sensitive to the flesh among the four, spied an extremely exaggerated doomsday scene just by hearing this unfamiliar laughter.

When she spied on Zion and all the creatures with lesions, the apocalyptic scene with their heads separated from their bodies and floating in the sky in the shape of a balloon frightened her into a cold sweat, and all the cancer cells were resisting.

But compared to this fear, she cared more about the fact that William was still alive.

"Yes... another kind of laughter seems to be taking over! But maybe William really is still alive."

Jin broke away from the team, chasing after the laughter with incredible speed between his calves.

“Let’s keep up, this situation doesn’t matter anymore.

The three Reagans immediately followed, looking for laughter, and soon found the hospital's [First Operating Room].

The "in-surgery" light keeps on,

Garp, who had been unable to be contacted before, was indeed here. He stretched out his hand to stop Jin and made a silent gesture.

Everyone present could feel that there was a powerful aura behind the door that they had never seen before. Even if the door was not opened, a head with the structure of a braised egg could appear in the brain.

A smiling face is painted on the smooth head, and tentacles float freely behind the head.

You can even vaguely see a tree and a throne buried deep under the tree.

The king of a certain universe may be among them,

After Jin received the information from Garp that William was still alive, he stopped being excited and followed the team to wait outside.

I don’t know how long it has been,

The lights of "In Operation" dimmed, which seemed to mean that something going on inside had ended.


The door lock opens.

Before Reagan and others entered the operating room,

The two young men with happy expressions and similar auras walked out together,

One of them is William who has ‘resurrected from the dead’.

Everyone cannot understand why William, who has clearly died, appears here intact, but when they see William with their own eyes and feel the same breath in William as the core of the lesion, they can probably guess the answer of resurrection.


William, who has already “transcended” and become the will of the lesion, and controls the entire universe, is now flattering, with his arm on the shoulder of another stranger, showing a rather good appearance.

This person’s clothing has changed, from the robe used for long-distance travel to a gray vest, matched with a white shirt and trousers,

a pair of exquisite frameless glasses on his face, which is more in line with the title of ‘teacher’ than William.

William immediately became excited when he saw the people in the passage.

"Reagan, Kim, Lainie and the manager! Come, let me introduce you to this 'external visitor' named [Valen Nicholas], who is a very powerful person.

Although he gives people a very dangerous feeling, any individual who tries to sense him may be 'contaminated by the alien demon', but he is not our enemy.

I have just confirmed the problem situation with Mr. Nicholas.

This is also the first time for him to cross the universe. He approached because he observed the disease phenomenon here. It happened that he came directly to the moon area through the dream connection between Lorian and their universe.

Now we are about to go to the core of the disease, take him to visit the disease system, and talk about the cooperation between our two universes.

If you want to go, you can come together."

"Hello, everyone."

Han Dong bowed politely, his eyes also fell on Lainie, looking at the half-goat shape, he couldn't help but think of an old friend.

Han Dong also noticed the special existence of Garp and the manager.

The visual screen of the magic eye did not see any attributes related to biological diseases.

What he saw was the condensation of human malice, an independent whole formed under the constraint of some high-dimensional projection. It was very strange. Such a form of existence had never been seen in S-01 or the Black Tower.

"A condensation of negative emotions? It can actually form such a stable, human-like concrete individual, and it does not cause subjective damage to the environment?"

William seized the opportunity of this topic and tightened his right hand on Han Dong's shoulder. "Mr. Nicholas seems to be very interested in [malice]. This is a long story. Let's talk slowly in the core room later.

The manager and Garp are both my good friends. I can ask them clearly about anything.

In addition, I also want to hear Mr. Nicholas's speculation about 'above'... After all, the essence of malice also comes from above."

"Oh? Let's go."

The two of them left the current passage with laughter, looking like they had known each other for more than ten years.

Everyone outside the operating room was still a little dazed and didn't react for a long time until Lorian came out with the help of the female doctor and then they followed him to the core of the lesion.

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