The final gentleman

Chapter 135 Principal

The academy's [test] is somewhat different, or the test for each new gentleman is different.

It's not that I want to test how strong a person is. After all, the issue of "personal strength" can be directly detected through gentleman's clothing.

Some students rely on their innate talents and certain basic attributes to reach very high values ​​before entering school.

Some students may be acquired types and need a lot of training or opportunities to slowly reveal their unique abilities and extraordinary side.

Therefore, the theme of the college test is - [Inner Potential].

The test can effectively evaluate whether the new gentleman has the value to continue to be cultivated.

Testing methods are diverse and completely confidential,

The hospital also prohibits teachers or gentlemen who have taken the test from disclosing it to the public, otherwise they will be severely punished or even held accountable.

According to Professor Chamberson, the test will be very interesting and can even help Yi Chen's personal improvement.

The test venue is arranged in one of the twin buildings - the Swan School where "Gentlemanship" is taught publicly.

Since Yi Chen didn't sleep much all night, in order to ensure his mental state during the test, Zed asked him to catch up on his sleep quickly.

Zed took out two hours of outing time every week,

Stepping on the time point of the test,

Not caring about his status as a tutor at all, he directly carried the sleeping Yi Chen (tied to his back with a hemp rope), quickly climbed across the suspension bridge connecting the twin buildings, and arrived at the Swan Academy on the opposite side.

The school looks more like a large church.

Built of white stone, its facade has a distinct Gothic style.

Whether it is the load-bearing columns or the gabled walls between the load-bearing columns, or the shape of the window frames and the main entrance, they all present a triangular pattern, which strengthens the "mountain structure" and gives people the impression of soaring into the sky.

The gate is composed of multiple layers of arches and pilasters, each layer of which is recessed and introduced deeply.

A beautiful and pure white swan sculpture is carved on the top of the door structure, symbolizing the elegant character of a gentleman.

past the gate,

There is a large double-layer space inside the school.

There are long wooden desks on both sides that are shared by many people. Each desk can accommodate eight students.

There is a long empty passage in the center of the school, connecting the gate and the podium at the end, paved with white veined marble, which is the teacher's "lemon".

During class, the teacher will wander back and forth here, randomly selecting students to demonstrate gentlemanly postures and movements with him, and correcting each student's details.

All students studying at O'Farrostick College will have a unified open class for gentlemen here every Monday morning. The Swan Academy is not open to the public at other times.

Today is different.

Except for the new gentleman Yi Chen, the gentlemen from the two previous generations are all gathered today for the 'annual test', a total of 40 people.

When Zed arrived here carrying the sleeping Yi Chen on his back, he immediately attracted the attention of everyone present.

Don't talk about other people,

Even Professor Chamberson frowned slightly when he saw this scene.

Many teachers in the hospital were either afraid or uneasy when they saw Zed, and some even looked at him with disdain.

Zed hurriedly explained, "I'm so sorry~ This kid completely forgot about the test and went crazy in my paradise all night. Now I am temporarily catching up on sleep to let him recover a little, so as not to affect the results of the test.

It's all my fault that the special training schedule couldn't be adjusted in time. "

Zed's friendly attitude surprised everyone.

However, Professor Chamberson, standing in the front row, immediately scolded him harshly:

"Zed, today's annual test will be conducted by the principal himself. If such rude behavior is seen by the principal, it may deprive you of some of the freedoms you have now."

Zeide scratched his blindfold helplessly, showing a very aggrieved and honest look, and prepared to use some kind of joint technique to forcefully wake up Yi Chen.

at this time,

A gentle female voice gradually penetrated the school from the outside and surrounded everyone's ears.

"It doesn't matter, let him have a good rest~ I will put his test later. If the body and mind are too tired, it will indeed affect the test results."

As the sound penetrates,

Uh-huh! A beam of black light dotted with bright light particles descended from the outside sky and penetrated the central top of the Swan Academy.

Under the penetrating effect of the light beam, the stone structure on the top of the school slowly became void and transparent, no longer solid.

follow closely,

A pair of plump and vivid jet-black wings carried a white-haired woman with a perfect figure and a slightly fleshy figure across the roof and landed in the center of the school.

Its face wears an exquisite "crying mask". The mask is black as a whole, and the teardrops dotted in the corners of the eyes give off a starry color.

A black skirt-like robe with dark gold trim and multiple ribbons floating around the body.

This robe has a very high leather content, is full of activity and is constantly swimming.

The tighter clothing structure also perfectly highlights the perfect figure of the upper body.

The slender and slightly fleshy legs flickered between the floating robes,

[Mystery], [Bright Night Sky], [Motherhood]

This is the first impression she brings to everyone.

The current principal of O'Falostik College and the connector of the bright starry night, Deslyn Valdivia.

All the gentlemen present, including honorary professors like Chamberson, or special agents like Zed, who had been imprisoned for a long time and had almost lost contact with reality, bowed their heads.

The main people who once suppressed Zed include Principal Deslin, and thinking about it now still gives Zed a headache.

Little Putao hid in Yi Chen's body immediately, not daring to show up at all.

Yi Chen, who was sleeping, felt such a strange smell, coming from the rapid movement of plants under his skin, that woke him up.

When his vision gradually became clearer, his eyes had automatically locked on the source of the breath.

between the fields of view,

A tearful black mask was staring at him, and Yi Chen was so frightened that he quickly climbed off Zed's back, straightened his body and behaved like a gentleman.

No introduction was needed at all. Through rapid environmental information collection, Yi Chen immediately deduced in his brain that the woman in front of him was the famous principal.


The principal wearing a crying mask seemed to smile at Yi Chen after seeing him adapt quickly, and then turned to face the front.

Mai walked in the center with long legs and preached, telling the rules of this test.

The teachers and students gathered here immediately dispersed on both sides and took their seats one after another.

“I am responsible for this annual test.

At that time, you will "contact" me in sequence. After contact, your spirit will be led to a special thinking space.

This space is supported by my spirit and created by your spirit.

You will face your weakest side in it, which is your current lowest [basic attribute], except for luck.

[Physique] The weakest gentleman may fall into a mental space where boulders are piled up, and need to push all the boulders away to find the mental exit.

[Coordination] The weakest gentleman may end up in an archery field, and all the surrounding archers will shoot at you. You need to dodge the arrows and find the only breakthrough.

In short, each student's test will be different for you, as will your method of completing the test.

As long as you wake up normally within three minutes, you pass the test.

If someone can wake up within one minute, they will also get a small gift from me. I hope there will be such students.

If you're ready, let's get started..."

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