The final gentleman

Chapter 163 The Truth

Ten minutes before going to bed,

Lying on the slate bed, Yi Chen let his clothes switch to sleeping bag mode, covering his whole body without exposing any gaps.

Once a threat approaches, gentlemen's clothing will provide physical stimulation.

A sleeping bag shape like this can only be achieved with a skin content like Yichen's (20%).

According to Professor Chamberson's introduction in his spare time, as the leather content increases, the clothing can even switch to an attack form, shoot out bandages or thin threads to wrap around the opponent, and even cut through the hardened and sharp gentleman's leather.

When the skin content reaches more than 50%,

If the 'synchronization rate' between the individual and the clothing is high enough, it can even induce a deeper skin bond, inspiring an old-world posture that matches the individual.

Of course, as the skin content increases, various problems will arise, and the double-edged sword problem must be considered.

Wrapped in the sleeping bag, Yi Chen seemed to have returned to his childhood. He felt as comfortable as being wrapped in swaddling clothes, and his highly nervous spirit quickly relaxed.

It even feels like the umbilical cord in the body wants to drill out of the belly button, imitating the situation of mother and fetus.

This sense of comfort also allowed Yi Chen to calm down and sort out his thinking information. Although everything in the monastery looked normal, and even the details in the corners were perfectly drawn, there were still some inconsistencies.

It seems that people have lived here before, but in fact, many areas have no traces of life left.

It's more like a temporary monastery disguised as an ancient monastery by making it old and retro... Of course, it cannot be ruled out that the emergence of the gray domain will completely wipe out the traces of life here.

In the sleeping bag room, Yi Chen asked Xiao Putao a key question.

"If the monastery we are currently in is still made up of illusions, and even our current deep visual combination can't tell the clues, little Putao, can you break the illusion?" 』

"Yes...but it can only be broken a little bit, and it needs an opportunity." 』

"How to do it? 』

"Destroy the important media of the illusion, or use large-scale explosions like gold to forcibly shake the foundation of the illusion. In this way, the illusion will be weakened, and even obvious weak areas will appear.

At that time, I only need to output the maximum power of mental shock to temporarily break the illusion.

Since the opponent is completely superior to us on the spiritual level, if we cannot kill the opponent within a fixed time, we will still be trapped in the illusion again. 』

"A temporary break is considered a break... Let's see how tonight goes. The rest of the time, I sleep for half the night and you sleep for the second half. 』

"good. 』

In the first half of the night when Yi Chen fell asleep, a piece of yellow cloth seeped into the crack of the door that was obviously sealed by plants.


This piece of cloth had no intention of invading or approaching. It seemed to just come in to confirm that Yi Chen was still in the room, without any strange behavior or escape.

Or maybe the "sleeping bag" wrapped around the body exudes a strong ancient atmosphere.


The yellow cloth just lingered at the crack of the door for a while and then was put away.

Not long after the cloth strip disappeared, the armpit of the sleeping bag suit slowly opened its mouth, and the eyes between the teeth were looking at the crack of the door.

【Next day】

The sleeping bag was switched to clothing, and Yi Chen, who was full of energy, started from the slate bed.

Dang dang dang~ Tap your head lightly with your fingers, causing the little grape sleeping in the skull to wake up too.

Little Putao didn't dare to neglect, and immediately took a cold bath with Lenghu saliva, clearing away sleepiness and feeling refreshed.

Perhaps feeling the chill in his skull, Yi Chen also made a request: "Little Putao, help me cleanse my brain." 』

"Are you sure, it's very cold here~ But your brain is much hotter than that of ordinary people. A little washing will really help with what you are going to do next. Let me wash it for you slowly." 』

Little Putao didn't hesitate to spray the cold saliva on Yi Chen's brain.

Instead, he sticks out his slightly hairy tongue, licks the surface of the brain inch by inch, and slowly discharges saliva only through the tip of the tongue.

As the licking continued, Yi Chen's entire skull was gradually filled with cold air.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, Yi Chen neither felt pain nor had any neurological reaction. Instead, he enjoyed the process extremely... He could clearly feel that his brain was getting clearer, and some unsmooth thinking channels were being opened up step by step.

Just as the cold lake washes away the stains on the little grapes,

Such licking also removes all the 'dirt' accumulated in the brain.

Unknowingly, Yi Chen sat cross-legged and entered meditation.

The book emblem located on the back of the head also emits a faint fluorescence, and the book begins to turn as the brain hook squirms.

Little Grape naturally paid attention to this. It didn't dare to neglect and licked the inside and outside of the brain seriously.

Unfortunately, there was no qualitative change in the end, and the emblem of the book he read returned to its original state.

Hey~ Just when Little Putao sighed.

When Yi Chen woke up from his meditation room, his eyes were shining and he was extremely excited.

"Little grape!" I can feel that [intelligence] is about to reach its true limit... As long as I use my brain power in actual combat, I will hit the limit barrier.

Your saliva is so useful! 』

Little Putao changed his expression of sighing and placed his hands on his hips, "I have thought carefully about this. I have put the lake water on you layer by layer, and also massaged my tongue to increase the penetration efficiency. Otherwise, there would be no such effect."

If you want to thank me, hurry up and get me some delicious grapes. 』

After a brief exchange,

Feeling the refreshing feeling in his brain, Yi Chen picked up his suitcase and headed to the main hall.

In front of the statue covered with yellow cloth, the watchers seemed to have been waiting for a long time.

"It's a pity that your teammates still haven't found this place. Maybe they are fighting against the sick, or they are trapped in the pupil environment and cannot extricate themselves.

Now you need to make a choice,

Is to leave here to find their traces,

Or go through the passage alone and go to the old world to find relics.

I need to remind you that once you choose to leave, you are giving up the opportunity to go to the old world. After you find your teammates, you can go down the mountain directly. "

Yi Chen's answer was very firm, "Everyone has spent too much effort on this relic incident... I believe they will come here sooner or later, and I decided to wait for them on the other side of the old world."

"A very wise decision~ Then, please step on the statue and go up, with your body and the [channel] of the statue's head at the same level.

Once I remove the cloth cover, your body will be slowly sucked into the channel.

Relax throughout the entire process and don’t feel any rejection or tension! "


Yi Chen did not climb up the statue;

Whoosh! Instead, he shot out roots from his right hand to connect to the dome of the main hall, slowly lifting his body slightly higher than the head of the statue... Regarding this error, the monitor did not say much.

"Hopefully you find what you're looking for on the other side."

After talking,

The monitor removed the cloth cover, and the disgusting flesh-like channel on the statue's face was revealed again, with bursts of adsorption force overflowing from it.

Yi Chen also closed his eyes and followed the suction force to move his body closer.

When we are about to come into contact with the face of the statue...

His left hand instantly took out a sawn-off shotgun from his waist, which was already loaded.


The most powerful deer bullets were scattered, and the gentleman in yellow who was unable to react in time was directly blown into pieces.

Immediately afterwards,

Yi Chen straightened his right arm and spread his fingers.

With the help of the characteristics of Lorian's right body, a moon seal appeared in the palm of his hand... Buzz! The ax between the suitcases immediately sensed it and flew towards it on its own.


While holding the ax handle, the ax head has switched to the full moon state by itself.

The moment the shotgun blasted the 'Monitor' to pieces, the ax fell from the air.

Like a moon waterfall, it cuts the statue along the center line.

At the same time, a large number of moonlight rats began to bite the stone surface of the statue. Under the solid stone skin were actually squirming eyeballs, which exploded one after another under the bite of the moonlight rats.

Continuous screams echoed in the monastery,

The opportunity has come!

"Little grape!"

Yi Chen shouted.

The black flesh ball was already standing on top of his head, with his hands on his hips, exposing his eyeballs to the maximum extent possible!

"Psychic Shock"

The ability from the giant eye at the bottom of the lake hits the dome... Buzz!

Like ripples swaying in the center of the dome, the false monastery disintegrated from the top, the stone layers fell off in pieces, and the terrifying "true side" was revealed.

"Are all the pilgrims' eyes focused here... No wonder such a realistic scene can be created!"

It's not a monastery at all, but a [closed eye chamber] formed by countless eyeballs.

The eyeballs are no more than one centimeter apart from each other, and are completely sealed together with flesh and blood.

Because Yi Chen destroyed important ritual statues and broke through the surface of the illusion, the surfaces of these eyeballs overflowed with bloodshot eyes and glared angrily.

Through such multiple and all-round gazes,

They penetrated Yi Chen's gentleman's clothes and flesh, trying to clearly see Yi Chen's weaknesses and body structure as a living creature, and even directly affected his brain.

But as they try to see deeper.


The visual field of these eyeballs suddenly changed,

They were clearly spying on Yi Chen's internal structure, but they suddenly switched to an unknown ward.

The eyeball group is only concentrated at the door of the ward, unable to spread inward and occupy this special space. It is also unable to see through the silver-haired young man sitting on the hospital bed with his back to them.

When these eyeballs try to see further into this mysterious young man,

The other party suddenly turned his head and stared at the door with his crescent eyes:

"Have you seen enough? Get out!"

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