The final gentleman

Chapter 180 Dice

The school bus drove all night along streets with no end in sight, and a total of 37 orphans (22 boys and 15 girls) were picked up on the bus.

Yi Chen leaned against the window, looking at the similar buildings that kept passing by without feeling sleepy. The thought of returning to the orphanage in this form made him so excited that he couldn't sleep at all.

The night passed,

The postman's voice echoed through the loudspeaker in the school bus, as if a needle had been inserted into the ear, and some orphans who had fallen asleep were forcibly awakened.

"First of all, congratulations on standing out from the many "children's bodies", including some of you who are about to turn ten years old. We have a rule here that if you reach the age of ten and have not escaped the shackles of your original family, you will be classified as a failure and be digested within the family.

Next, you will go to the important area [Orphanage]. Due to the secrecy of the path, you need to take a short sleep. "

The postman took out a gas mask from the hat room, put it on himself, and then pressed a green button.

Hiss~ A strong green aura overflowed from all areas and quickly filled the entire carriage. All the orphans, including Yuehen, fell asleep within a few seconds.

Everyone knows that this is a necessary process and is not dangerous, and this hypnotic gas will help the individual reach a deep sleep state and quickly restore the tiredness of leaving home.

One minute passed,

When the gas concentration reached an extremely high value, the postman checked the car through the rearview mirror, only to find that the boy in the last row by the window still had his eyes open and looked out the window.

Even though his eyeballs were bloodshot and turned green due to inhaling this hypnotic breath, he still didn't fall asleep.

"You seem to have an unusual obsession with the [Orphanage], but if you don't sleep, your condition will be worse than others, and the goals you want to achieve will also be affected."

Yi Chen responded calmly:

"I just can't sleep. If it is clearly stated here that memorizing driving routes is not allowed, you can come over and knock me out."

The postman waved his hand and continued driving, "No need~ Anyway, I'm just a part-time worker and I work according to the rules. Since the sleeping gas is useless to you, there's nothing I can do about it, right?"

Sit tight, I'm about to turn onto the main road. "

Suddenly, the postman turned the steering wheel hard, causing the car to turn 90° and hit a residential house head-on. Violent tremors and gravel and bricks flew across the window...

A brand new road appeared in front of us, as if we were driving into the no man's land of the west.

After driving for two full hours on a road full of forks in no-man’s land,

A huge prison-like building with high black hexagonal walls appeared in view. Although the specifications became more exaggerated, the external structure was exactly the same as in memory.

A larger warning sign was also erected on the roadside.

There are four types of signs printed on them - [Biological Hazard Sign], [High Voltage Danger Sign] and [Beware of Explosion Sign], as well as a new type of sign with a skull smashed with a stick.

Below these logos are printed a small series of inconspicuous letters.

【Black Mountain Orphanage】-Orphanage in Black Mountain

When it was confirmed that the orphanage was similar to the one in his memory, Yi Chen also showed a satisfied smile. The sleepiness blocked by obsession instantly flooded into his brain, and he leaned against the car window and fell into a deep sleep.

Old World-Surface

The Duke, who had already eaten two bags of snacks, whistled, and a mysterious arm from the darkness of the castle handed out an oversized goblet filled with red soda, with ice cubes the size of a human head added to it.

Gulu gulu~

The Duke drank more than ten liters of soda in one gulp.

belch! A huge burp came out of his mouth, causing the fat all over his body to tremble.

The desert sand was directly blasted with columnar dents hundreds of meters long.

"It's so comfortable. I didn't expect to enter the core gambling game so quickly. Let me see your luck and strength."

The Duke patted his mountainous belly, and the casino in his body also changed accordingly.

The golden chess pieces representing Yi Chen and Yue Hen move to the center of the chessboard, and at the same time, the first [dice roll] is required.

As Yi Chen fell asleep in the school bus.

Its consciousness was led to a special dream area, where Yuehen, its companion, was also here.

dark space,

The two of them still maintained the figures of children during the gambling game,

As Yi Chen fell asleep and came here, something seemed to be falling vertically from the sky, aiming at the heads of the two of them.

If you look closely, you will see that they are two golden dice (six sides) that are larger than the human body.

Yi Chen instinctively rolled back,

Yuehen used a superb displacement technique. There was no obvious movement, but his body teleported backwards for a distance, just enough to avoid the dice.


The heavy golden dice fell in front of the two of them, and the Duke's voice came from the dream space.

It's just that this voice comes from the gambling consciousness in the Duke's body, which is deep and cold, and not at all as 'amiable' as when communicating with the outside world.

§ To start the gambling game, please throw the golden dice into the air at a height of at least [five meters] and rotate it for at least three times. You are not allowed to use your abilities to intentionally pull the dice. Once it is deemed as cheating by me, the gamble will be deemed a failure and you will be fined 10 times.

The difficulty of your next opening will be determined based on the size of the points. The greater the points, the higher the difficulty. If you throw [Double 6], you will directly enter "Disaster Mode"

let's start! §

"Is it really a bet?"

Yi Chen tried to pick up the seemingly heavy golden dice. When he held it in his hands, he realized that the dice had become as light as foam and could be thrown to a height of five meters with ease.

"William, you vote first."


Lifting his calves to squat and using his whole body to exert force, Yi Chen directly threw the dice to a height of more than ten meters.

After falling and impacting, it rebounded, followed by several rotations, and finally settled...


A drop of cold sweat slid down Yi Chen's cheek, which meant that even if Yuehen cast the minimum point of 1, the overall difficulty would be above average.

Looking at Yue Hen not far away with some embarrassment, "My luck... depends on you."

But Yuehen didn't care, what he wanted was [high difficulty].

The outcome of this bet has no direct bearing on his own interests, he is just an enthusiastic participant. If we can use this to figure out the difficulty fluctuations of the gambling game, especially the upper limit of the highest difficulty, it will be of great significance to Yuehen.

After all, the "Moonlight Sword" he was interested in was priceless. He didn't know how long it would take just to earn points through trading. Gambling must be the fastest way.

Yuehen raised his head slightly,

A layer of moonlight barrier dragged the dice and ran up into the sky, no more, no less, exactly five meters high.

There was no too violent collision when the dice fell, and it fell flat after a slight rotation - [3].

A decent number,

Yi Chen took a deep breath, at least he didn't get another [6], otherwise he would have to face a disaster difficulty that exceeded the gambling itself at the beginning, which would not be a good thing for the subsequent orphanage operation.

§The total number of points [9] corresponds to a difficult start, I wish you good luck§

Snapped! The dealer flapped his huge palm made of flesh and blood,

The dream was shattered instantly like a mirror.

Consciousness returns to the body.

In a public bathroom that was constantly oozing with cold air (-68°C), a total of 22 teenagers with their clothes stripped off were piled in the middle of the bathroom like a pile of corpses.

Yi Chen immediately felt the extreme cold when he woke up. Although the plants in his body helped resist it, they could only delay the complete freezing of his body.

The other orphans also woke up at the same time,

The piled mountain of meat quickly disintegrated into independent individual units. Everyone was quickly looking around, reviewing and analyzing the current situation in the bathroom, snatching the time to survive from the hands of the extremely cold god of death.

There are a total of ten "shower points" here.

In everyone's opinion, these shower points are their hope for survival. If there is no hot water, they will definitely freeze to death here.

Under the urging of the extreme cold, many orphans rushed to the nearest shower point to seize the opportunity... But Yi Chen and Lorian had no intention of competing and slowed down their movements.

With ten faucets turned on.


The screams one after another immediately echoed through the closed bathroom.

Not all of these shower points are used to save lives. Four of the nozzles drop cold water, which freezes immediately when it falls on the body, accelerating the freezing of the body.

The other four nozzles dropped boiling concentrated acid with a huge flow rate, which instantly swallowed up the young man below. The screams only lasted less than three seconds.

The only shower points that normally release warm water are [two places].

The eyes of the survivors all moved...

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