The final gentleman

Chapter 183 Canteen

open the door,

The high-end dormitory that the two of them were assigned to was actually located at a fork in the road, and it was also a three-way intersection.

There are no signs, no reference objects, and no one knows the specific location. If you go in the wrong direction, you may waste a long time. If you fail to reach the canteen within fifteen minutes, you will be sent to the sewers to clean.


However, Yi Chen was extremely familiar with the dark gray, cold, closed passage structure in front of him. He could even recall his running through the passages when he closed his eyes.

All the forks, all the stairways and shortcuts have been reviewed in my brain no less than a hundred times.

"If the Duke completely refers to my memory and doesn't make too many changes to the route, I can directly find the entrance to the cafeteria... Even if the route is slightly changed, as long as the overall layout remains the same, it will be no problem.

Come with me. "

Yi Chen led the way and Yue Hen followed closely.

The closer you get to the cafeteria, the more people move between the passages. The other orphans were different from the two in that they all carried more or less 'props or equipment' with them.

All these things were purchased from the canteen.

It is impossible for anyone to earn a hundred points in an orphanage without spending a penny. Only with investment can you earn more points. The canteen in the orphanage is considered a harbor of hope in the eyes of most people.

When walking through the last fork in the road, I finally saw an arrow sign at the intersection, which suddenly read "Internal Canteen", which inevitably brought back uneasy memories in Yi Chen's mind.

Outside the corridor corresponds to the huge ring hall.

All orphans under the age of eighteen queue up in a ring here, and after passing a simple verification, they can enter the fully enclosed, flat cylindrical canteen area.

Yi Chen and the others followed the queue. When they came to the entrance of the cafeteria, the examiner with bright red lips was the postman.

"You two are indeed here, and judging from your neat clothes, you must have been assigned to a good room, right? You still have the same rules before enjoying the first meal in the orphanage, come on."

He took off his tall hat, took out two normal-sized dice, and handed them to the two of them.

Such behavior led Yi Chen to guess that this 'postman' was not from the orphanage, but an important connector arranged by the Duke to be responsible for the order and progress of the gambling game.

"Just throw it on the tablecloth. It needs to be rotated at least five times. You are not allowed to intentionally manipulate the result."

The dice are rolled.

This time the two of them voted the same number, looking at the same number [4] on the tablecloth.

The two of them also looked at each other with a slightly helpless look. This kind of points exceeding the middle value also means that the lunch meal may not be so easy to swallow, and may even be dangerous.

"Wait a moment, the cafeteria is being rearranged according to the points you throw, and I would like to give you an additional reminder.

1. Remember that meals must be eaten cleanly without any waste.

2. Any form of fighting is prohibited in the canteen. Once a conflict occurs, it will be regarded as a violation. If food is destroyed during the conflict, the most serious punishment will be imposed.

That's it~ You can go in. "

As soon as you step into the cafeteria, you can smell a biological scent.

This smell is indescribable and is commonly found in newborn delivery rooms, sheep pens that breed beyond a certain number, or special indulgence group areas.

For Yi Chen, this smell is all too familiar.

It was the smell of the black umbilical cord in his body, but the smell here was not as pure as the umbilical cord, but mixed with other things, diverse and manic.

The dim canteen area is all set up as single seats, one and a half meters apart.

According to the order of queuing, Yi Chen and Yue Hen sat in seats 57 and 58 respectively.

After all the orphans who arrived within the stipulated time were seated, the staff began to serve the food. They were all wearing full-proof leather jackets and masks.

He is more like a handler of biochemical incidents than a canteen employee.

Metal dinner plates were brought to the table one after another. The plates were covered with cylindrical metal lids, about half a meter high.

The special presentation and the staff's attire gave everyone a very bad feeling.

While the food was being served, the chef's voice came from the back kitchen.

"Everyone, please don't be anxious. You need to wait until everyone has served their food, and then we will open the metal cover together under my instructions. Then I will introduce the specific "eating method" in detail.

If anyone reveals it in advance and disrupts the order of the canteen, I have the right to take you directly into the kitchen to use as ingredients for tomorrow. "

The orphans who can sit here are all veterans, with their hands on their knees.

Only Lorian gently placed his fingers on the cylindrical dinner cover, feeling the rhythm of life inside. It was a brand-new life that he had never seen before, thin but full of vitality.

Yuehen also showed a sick smile, seeming to be quite satisfied with this kind of food.

As the plates, knives and forks were placed in front of everyone, and the napkins were folded into the collars, the chef's voice came again: "Now please open the lid and witness the bio-protein meal I prepared for you today."

The cylindrical dining cover is opened upward.

A living egg, one level larger than an ostrich egg, with a height of 30cm and a width of 20cm, is 'rooted' between the dinner plates, keeping it upright.

The whole body is dark in color, and its surface is covered with regular dark green blood vessels.

The eggs exude the aura of fertility and will beat slightly every three seconds.

The top was slightly cracked in the shape of six mottlings, and it felt like the things inside were about to hatch out at any time.

"This live egg was cultured in a biological laboratory. Eating it directly will have a very good effect on improving your physical fitness and recovering from injuries. However, you must pay attention to the following points when eating it:

1. It must be cut along the veins on the surface of the egg body without deviation and other veins must not be replaced.

2. The internal egg membrane must not be touched during cutting, only the egg skin needs to be eaten.

3. Eating needs to be completed within 30 minutes.

Violation of any of the above points will cause the eggs to hatch and the larvae inside to attack you.

If you dare to fight against the larvae, it means violating the canteen's rules against fighting. Even if you kill the larvae, you will be punished.

If you want to get the best quality nutrients, you have to pay the corresponding price.

Start your eating, kids! Now is the time when you are growing up, and this food can strengthen your young body. "

Some people really can't stand it when faced with such an egg body.

Lorian was very interested in this novel and vibrant food, and immediately picked up a table knife to cut it. He was born in a clinic and has super surgical knife skills.

Easily cut off a piece of egg skin and chew it in your mouth with a fork!


The moment the juice burst into his mouth, Lorian's eyes widened and he immediately gave Yi Chen a thumbs up.

Naturally, Yi Chen was not to be outdone. He analyzed the surface veins through vision, and the optimal cutting route was planned.

Just when the two started to compete over food.

A young man at the table behind him vomited because he couldn't bear the fishy smell. After vomiting several times, his concentration seriously dropped and his palms trembled.

Accidentally, the table knife in his hand cut into the area other than the veins.

Ah~ A monster-like scream came from the egg body, as if it had cut into the flesh and blood of the life inside.


The huge egg exploded directly, and a reptile larvae, covered in milky white liquid with its back exposed, flew out directly. The strange thing was that this reptile actually had a human face.

He lay directly on the boy's face and got into his mouth.

Kaka~ The next second, this person's head began to split.

Just like on Halloween, when you cut open the head of a severely infested pumpkin, weird insect-like tentacles, appendages and various tiny eyeballs immediately burst out from the inside.

Not only that,

The boy's entire body also began to change, turning into an indescribable flesh-and-blood monster.

Several eyes had locked onto Yi Chen and Yue Hen in front of him.

I recommend a good supernatural novel, written by a scholar: "The Strange Player" - this is a weird and strange game, and it is also a continuation of the real world. Until normal becomes abnormal and abnormal becomes normal.

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