The final gentleman

Chapter 208 Decryption

Unlike the "black umbilical cord" obtained from Leni Histra, the umbilical cord is recognized and integrated into the body as soon as it is touched, and related attributes can be detected through gentleman's clothing.

The "lunatic box" in front of you,

If it weren't for the product information engraved in the gold box, there would be no way to read any information at all, and it would even be impossible to tell whether this thing is a relic.

When I reached out and touched it, I felt a soft yet hard biomass sensation on my fingertips, as if I was touching the back of a thin girl's hand.

Hiss~ A silk thread originating from the gentleman's skin poked out from between the sleeves, trying to touch and deconstruct the information of the Rubik's Cube, buzz!

A force field was released, and when the silk thread was flicked away, even Yi Chen's right hand was shattered to pieces, and all five fingers were broken.

The Rubik's Cube is like an independent living body, bouncing back to the golden box through reaction force.

" seems that we can only perform normal decryption."

Banglang~The iron chain connects and the umbilical cord nourishes.

The finger bones were quickly repaired and connected, and he could hold the Rubik's Cube in his hand again.

Yi Chen didn't flip it over randomly as soon as he came up, but [observed].

"Little grapes, deep integration. 』

"Is it necessary to have a deep union from the very beginning? Fine. 』

Little Putao swam towards the brain area with a standard diving movement, and a mouth with eyeballs sprouted at the front of the brain, greatly enhancing the visual effects.

Filters out all environmental substances except the Rubik's Cube, with a concentration level of 100%.

Examining the sulcus circuits on each side, Yi Chen was able to accurately memorize these circuit patterns in his mind because his intelligence had reached its limit.

When the six-sided circuit patterns are observed and memorized, these patterns are spontaneously combined in the brain to form a larger and more complete maze map.

A "conscious connection" was formed between Yi Chen and the Madman's Box, accompanied by a weak sense of pulling.

Yi Chen tried to relax slowly, untie all the defenses in his mind, and let go with this pulling feeling.

In the blink of an eye, he was already standing at the beginning of a giant maze.

It's like a maze made of brains with walls rising to the sky. It's impossible to cheat here.

"The six-sided pattern actually hides such a huge maze of consciousness. If I can walk to the center or get out of the maze... does it mean that I have completed the deciphering and deciphering of the Rubik's Cube?

[Maze] I'm quite good at this kind of thing. "

Yi Chen has a special decryption course at the orphanage, which includes maze-type thinking training. Moreover, the orphanage itself can be regarded as a kind of sealed maze. Yi Chen has long understood the key points of crossing the maze through escaping again and again.

Half an hour passed,

Yi Chen had reached a deep enough area and even had a premonition that he was about to pass the level.

When I stood at a fork in the road and determined the correct direction, a 'woman' suddenly walked out of the corner of the correct road.

The reason why she is called 'woman' is because she is wearing a long white dress and has an obviously feminine figure.

There is no head structure,

There is a super brain on her neck, about one and a half meters in diameter. She even needs to hold it with both hands to maintain balance when walking.

The brain seemed to be suffering from some kind of inflammation, with the whole body turning yellow, and yellow slurry occasionally spurting out from the top, which was hot, corrosive, but nutritious.

In the process of staggering, yellow slurry overflowed all over the ground.

Intuition told Yi Chen that he must not come into contact with this woman, even if he attacks with an iron chain... because the woman is most likely an independent individual derived from the maze, and is also part of the maze itself.

If she is killed, the real Rubik's Cube may be destroyed.

Since the woman blocked the correct maze passage in front of her, so she couldn't get close and attack, so she had to find a way to get around her.


Yi Chen immediately constructed a maze circuit diagram in the nearby area in his brain, and when he was sure that the woman would always follow him, he started to take a detour, and successfully passed the woman around behind him.

The following maze exploration encountered similar individuals again,

Even two or three appear one after another. If you can't figure out the correct detour route at the first time, you will be completely in a deadlock.

Keep taking detours, and sometimes you even need to go back to the maze node half an hour ago to completely bypass all the guys holding their heads.

Yi Chen's brain gradually started to smoke during this process, but he always remained focused.

I don’t know how much time has passed, and I don’t know how many strange beings spraying brain fluid have been avoided.

Finally arriving at the center of the maze, the individual brains following behind stopped moving, holding their heads and melting into the maze wall.

at the center,

The [Insanity Box], which is exactly the same as reality, is placed on the central exhibition stand.

When Yi Chen stepped forward and reached out to touch it, a sharp blade engraved with ancient patterns popped out from inside the Rubik's Cube and penetrated his palm.

This pain also brought Yi Chen's consciousness out of the maze and back to reality.

In a claustrophobic basement,

The palm of Yi Chen's body was also penetrated by a sharp blade.

Not a drop of blood is wasted, all is absorbed by the Rubik's Cube along the lines on the surface of the blade, and you can even see an obvious sucking behavior. It seems that some kind of recognition ceremony is going on to recognize Yi Chen as the new owner.


Without any external force, the Rubik's Cube begins to deform itself.

Just when Yi Chen thought that all the decryption work had been completed, the deformation of the "Insane Man's Box" finally settled into a long vertebral body with a strange structure, thin in the middle and wide at both ends.

The detection of Gentleman's Skin will still trigger a force field effect and the relic information cannot be obtained.

"Is the maze of consciousness just the first level of decryption?"

Yi Chen continued to observe, but this time he didn't need to be very careful.

The surface of the vertebral structure no longer has any sulcus circuits, but is covered with extremely strong biomass steel bars, with an obvious gap in the middle.

When Yi Chen tried to hold both ends of the vertebral body,

Uh-huh! Spikes sprout from the ends on both sides and pierce the back of the hand for a blood test!

If the holder is not Yi Chen, the blood test will fail. The Rubik's Cube will release a powerful force field that will shatter the holder's arm. If it cannot break free, it will self-destruct within a few seconds.

This means that the subsequent decryption process can only be completed independently by Yi Chen.

"Structural changes, identity verification. If my guess is correct, this three-attribute relic corresponds to three different types of decryption.

The first level of consciousness maze corresponds to intelligence, and I have successfully passed it.

The current second level corresponds to the physique and requires sheer force to fold it... give it a try. "

Although Yi Chen's physique has reached 5+, it is still a short distance away from the real limit.

No matter whether it is reinforced with iron chains or various forms of borrowing force, it is impossible to break the rectangular structure of the Rubik's Cube. It can even be clearly felt that it can be bent with just a little force.

"The setting of this thing is really clever. It has to reach the [limit] before it can be broken, and it also needs to be bent at a certain length to switch it to the next form."

In desperation, I had to put away the rectangular Rubik's Cube.

Just when Yi Chen was thinking about how to store the vertebral rod, the gold box actually adapted to the new structure of the Rubik's Cube and immediately formed a storage space with the corresponding structure.

After finishing everything, I felt a sense of hunger in my stomach.

Moreover, due to overuse of the brain, a stream of sticky cerebral blood flowed out from between the nostrils, urging the body to provide related nutrients.

Looking at the time, I saw that I had been in the basement for two days and two nights.

"Hurry up and find something to eat. I'll probably faint from hunger in another hour."

Putting on his coat and lowering the brim of his hat, Yi Chen quickly walked out of the store.

As he quickly searched for a nearby shop that looked like a restaurant, a figure suddenly flashed past him, and even slightly rubbed against Yi Chen's arm.


Yi Chen frowned slightly and turned to see who was so rude.

A white-haired young man walking in a hurry was reflected in the field of vision, which looked quite familiar.

Suddenly I remembered a gentleman of the same age I had met, who was a member of another team heading to the Holy Grail Mountain.

Iscalion Lotson, who belongs to the Magician Association, was the one who suggested that everyone introduce themselves at the dinner table. Yi Chen was deeply impressed by his white hair and cheerful personality, and the other person seemed to be proficient in it. Ancient magic.

The team led by Bai Mao chose the more difficult [Sepsis] route.

"This guy's state is a bit strange..."

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