The final gentleman

Chapter 210 Zed’s Past

On the way back to school, Yi Chen's thoughts slowly shifted from the relics to the white-haired Lotson.

Since Lotson appears in Zion, it means that he has also undergone the same set of tests as Yi Chen, and must pass both physically and mentally.


Yi Chen's 'intuition' that he inherited during his lifetime was not wrong. He could feel that there was something wrong with Lotson, and it was a big problem.

I came to the Wilsman Teaching Building in the twin buildings of the college with doubts.

Just when Yi Chen was about to go to the underground laboratory to meet Professor Zeide, he was stopped by the security of the teaching building.

"Sorry, Hogni Zed is undergoing a joint evaluation by the college and the organizational review team. Zed's underground office is temporarily closed and entry is prohibited."

Yi Chen was shocked when he heard this, "Joint evaluation? Did Teacher Zed commit something?"

Yi Chen immediately associated the joint assessment with himself. Because his journey to the old world was delayed for too long, he was deemed "missing" by the organization.

After Zed learned about this, he didn't care about his imprisoned state and forced himself out of the city to go to the Holy Grail Mountain, which led to a direct conflict with the organization.

"That's not true. Zed's recent performance has been very good, and he has been highly praised by the principal and senior leaders of organizations outside the school for taking charge of the pathology course.

While wandering around campus a week ago, he quickly handled a student conflict that could have had serious or even fatal consequences.

The perpetrators were effectively suppressed, order was maintained at the scene, and no one was injured. Finally, all those involved in the conflict were handed over to the school for handling.

If this evaluation goes well, Zed will be allowed to leave school for a certain amount of time every week. "

"Oh...that's it! It's good."

Not long after the two of them chatted,

A black figure flashed over quickly and slapped Yi Chen hard on the back.

This palm directly lifted the whole person away, flew into the straight passage of the teaching building, rolled several times in a row, and hit the wall at the end.

The familiar sound of mummified corpses came:

"I knew you must be fine, kid. The feeling of the hand I slapped on your back just now is very special! Your body has become much harder than before, and it seems that something else has been added to it. It's a lot of gains!"

Yi Chen didn't say anything. He stood up and lowered his head: "Congratulations to Teacher Zed for getting the opportunity to do extra-school activities."

"It's only three hours a week. There's nothing to be happy about. It feels like a round trip is almost enough..." Although Zed said this, he forgot to restrain the smile on his lips.

The two "master and apprentice" returned to the familiar basement,

Zed didn't bother to ask Yi Chen what he had obtained, and dragged him directly to the fighting arena in the paradise. He could directly know the specific information through physical communication.


Bang~ As the needle-pricked iron chain was dragged to the ground, Zed's eager movements stopped, his face became extremely ugly, and he could even feel obvious fluctuations of killing intent.

"You...have been to a monastery?"


"Indeed, if you had really been to the monastery, you would not be able to come back here. Those guys have very strict control over the chains, and they cannot let you leave the monastery with the chains.

What's going on with the chains on your body? "

Yi Chen could tell from Zed's sudden change of mood and thick words that he must have had some interaction with the monastery.

After Yi Chen told the whole process of his journey to the old world,

Zed's mood slowly calmed down, and he even smiled excitedly.

"Didn't the three monks catch you back? Your patient friend is really powerful... It's a pity that you haven't broken through the limit yet. Otherwise, it would be better to unite with your friend and kill the monk directly. ”

"Have Teacher Zed ever fought against those monks?"

"Not only have we fought, I have also been to the monastery myself. My [eye] was lost there. Every loss must be gained. The reason why my body can freely control and taste pain is precisely due to the The special suffering of that time.”

"What! You've been to the monastery."

"It's just a shameful thing. In order to protect Bailey and the others, they were captured by these monks in the depths of the Gray Realm. I don't want to mention the specific details. In short, it is a very bad memory."

At this point, Zed poked his brain with his finger.

“My sometimes uncontrollable mental state is precisely because of the special experience during that time.

However, there is one thing I am quite proud of. As far as I know, there are many humans or patients like me who were taken to monasteries and reformed with chain-related illnesses. Only a handful of people could survive and become one of them.

And I not only withstood the infusion of iron chains and survived, but I also became the only "escape" in the monastery.

In order not to be tracked by these monks, I removed all the iron chains implanted in my body while I was still alive. It was the process of removing the iron chains that made me realize the true meaning of "pain".

This kind of perception is different from the monastery, it is something unique to me.

A monk who found me by chance was cut into pieces by me on the spot, and he finally returned here through the nearest passage.

One day I will go back and settle the score with them. "

Yi Chen was immediately confused by what Zed said. He gradually understood the reason why the organization and the academy did not execute Zed, but instead imprisoned him and listed him as a "special combat force".

"You pulled out the chains from your body on your own, and you're still realizing the true meaning of pain?"

Zed took a step forward and reached out to touch the iron chain on Yi Chen's arm, "You must never imitate me and behave like this. Even now, I don't want to do it a second time...and I can feel it, you The chains in the body are different.

Your method of union is different from the 'burying', 'reshaping', etc. in the monastery.

The acupuncture chain should first be combined with your original plant symptoms, and then directly replaced by the plant's pre-embedded structure system.

And the physical characteristics you learned from me can also control such an iron chain system very well.

When you break through the limit, you should be able to cut off the connection between the iron chain and the monastery. Then even if you go to the old world, you don't have to worry about them locating and chasing you.

[Iron Chain] is a good thing, otherwise those guys from the monastery wouldn't have a place in the old world.

Not to mention that you still have higher-level needle-shaped iron chains inside your body. "

"Huh? Are there different levels of chains?"

"I don't know the specific classification. I have seen all kinds of weird iron chains. I have only seen needle-shaped iron chains like this on a guy whose status is obviously higher than that of ordinary monks.

Make good use of this thing, maybe you can get a completely different physique than mine.

From now on, we masters and disciples can definitely join forces to uproot the monastery from the old world! Don't waste time, start practicing quickly... I haven't experienced the pain of being beaten with an iron chain for a long time, let me miss it. "

Zed directly took off his upper body clothes and fucked Yi Chen.

The paradise is filled with whippings, collisions and all kinds of weird laughter.

Four hours passed.

Zed put his clothes on his shoulders, walked to the freezer, took out two bottles of carbonated drinks, and threw one towards the slowly rotating fan.

Snapped! Hanging on the fan, Yi Chen, who was exhausted, caught it.

During the break,

Yi Chen talked about a topic that always cared about him.

"Teacher Zed, is there a possibility that the gentleman is deeply affected by the disease or the disease, but Zion's existing quarantine methods cannot detect it?"

“It’s very unlikely, but it’s possible.

The gentleman's body has not undergone any changes, and is even exactly the same as before. Only consciousness is perfectly invaded and inherits all memories.

how? Do you notice someone isn't quite right?

If you are sure, you can submit the person's information to the organization, and an investigation will begin directly. "

"okay, I get it."

First update on Sunday. I just finished writing about Journey to the Old World, and I’m going to sort out the plot a little bit. I haven’t been able to comment recently. I was so panicked when I couldn’t see any book reviews!

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