The final gentleman

Chapter 224 Hotel

"What a blessing. I directly inherited the ownership of the Stone Statue Cemetery when I came here. Even if important things are moved away, there will inevitably be some things left behind that cannot be transferred.

Little Putao, you are not lucky enough to have [6], right? "

Little Grape didn’t answer,

Instead, a sinister and terrifying breath came out of its mouth. It jumped on its knees and flipped in the air for three and a half weeks. Its black hair grew wildly, and it quickly transformed into some kind of humanoid creature.

Black robes, withered limbs, and a bunch of eyes under the hood.

This is the first "corpse transformation" of Little Grape, and the form shown corresponds to the first awakened corpse - the eyeball collector Gemhar.

When he saw this form, Knight Barry was so frightened that he took three steps back. Born in a knight family, he could clearly feel the evil aura on the opponent.

The multiple eyeballs under Little Grape's hood squeezed each other and made a sound, "William, leave this cemetery to me. You can go back and rest~"

"Can you do it alone? You might be targeted by death, little Putao."

“Didn’t the manager just stay here alone before? I’m fine with that.

There are still many corpses here that have not had their souls removed. I can temporarily resurrect them through witchcraft, and then they will no longer be alone. "

"Okay, let's dig out the remaining value of the stone statue cemetery as much as possible~ Once the situation becomes serious, I will come over and take you away as soon as possible."

"Come on, hurry up, don't delay my work~"

After being driven away by Little Putao, he naturally went to the hotel to rest.

On the way, Barry could be vaguely heard muttering something under his bucket helmet.

"Hey, Barry, what are you talking about?"

Seeing Yi Chen's inquiry, Barry slowly expanded his voice, "Rupert Landrick, the famous soul stone sculptor! He actually abandoned the stone statue cemetery that he had been running for a long time and chose to run away... and the organization also informed him in advance The leaders here sent a notice asking them to prepare to abandon the city.

Wow~ Why do I feel like I am about to die? "

"Barry, if you want to leave now, it's still too late. Dean Dis and the others are still in the hospital. You should go over and explain the situation and someone will escort you out of the city."

"I, Barry Besarius, am a knight by no means, and I implement the spirit of chivalry passed down from my family. Since I have decided to stay here, I will never leave until the disease related to death is found and eradicated."

"Don't be too harsh. If we find out that the thing behind the death is something we can't fight against, we still have to run."

Barry put his hand along the slit of the bucket helmet and scratched his beard, "That's right."

【Sunshine Hotel】

Because it is located next to the Sunshine Hospital and was built by gentlemen, it has the same name as the hospital. It is considered the largest hotel in Levenholm.

The red bricks and white tiles are in line with the modern style, and there are three electric-driven elevators inside to quickly reach each floor.

The price is naturally not low. Gentlemen arriving for the first time can enjoy three days of free stay and a permanent half-price discount.

With the outbreak of death incidents, the hotel has become a concentration camp for gentlemen. A large number of gentlemen who have not exceeded their limits are concentrated here. Some local wealthy people also come here at their own expense. There have been no deaths in the hotel so far.

When the attendant at the door saw the sun badges on Yi Chen and the two of them, they immediately arranged for them to go to a superior guest room, located on the top floor (19th floor).

Click~ The door opened, and a circle of light yellow light came into the eyes.

A special ring-shaped light strip hangs from the top of the room, like a sun. This kind of unique lighting is quite rare in this world and era. Even in Zion, the most common ones are only tungsten filament lamps or kerosene. lamp.

A large bed, a row of brown leather sofas, and a fireplace built into the middle wall.

It is equipped with a very atmospheric balcony. If the fog density can be thinned, you can have a panoramic view of the entire city.

"William, you sleep on the big bed, and I'll sleep on the sofa!" Barry knew very well that he hadn't played his role yet, and he was really embarrassed to sleep on the bed.

"Can your body sleep on the sofa? It will be troublesome if the sofa is crushed later."

"I only weigh over 500 pounds, and this armor just weighs over a thousand, so it shouldn't be broken, right?"

Yi Chen was too lazy to talk nonsense and walked up to Barry and raised his big elbow, "Hurry up and take a shower. Go to bed early and get up early. We will go to another area to investigate early tomorrow morning."


After Barry walked into the bathroom,

Yi Chen took his armor directly and had to say that it was really heavy.

"Huh? I thought the skin was used as a connecting carrier, and the armor was glued on top... I didn't expect that the armor itself was also leather, a kind of [hard leather] with a high hardness and a color similar to metal.

Sure enough, there are many kinds of leather materials produced by leather farms, and human gentlemen use only one type that is suitable for cutting and making clothes, and is more in line with our own aesthetics. "

After a while,

Barry, who was tall and muscular, walked out of the bathroom.

"Barry, you have a nice body..."

Yi Chen slapped him directly on the belly, bang! As the fat ripples spread out between the belly, the super large abdominal muscles hidden underneath are also revealed.

A large amount of hair is connected to the navel and chest, which is a typical European barbarian.

Then Yi Chen took off his clothes, and this time it was Barry's turn to be surprised.

"Wairui! What kind of muscles are you... Muscles can grow in places like this, and they can be segmented into multiple layers. Are you still a human?"

No wonder the first time I fight you, the feeling of attack is always weird, and all attacks can be mostly unloaded. "

"It's not easy to get this kind of body. I almost got killed. We'll talk to you next time. I'm going to take a shower first."

Yi Chen turned around and walked into the bathroom, closing the door and locking it.

In the process of bending his neck to wash his hair, Yi Chen accidentally caught a glimpse of the water drops falling on the ground, which seemed to be abnormal. They were having some kind of interaction with each other. They were not carried away by the water flow but were pieced together with each other.

vaguely forming the shape of a cross,

"This is!"

Yi Chen crushed the water droplets with his kick and everything returned to normal.

After rinsing, when Yi Chen, wrapped in a bath towel, came to the sink, the mist on the mirror actually revealed a faint shape of a cross.

Yi Chen instinctively struck out with a palm! Pingxin~The mirror is shattered.

Barry, who heard the sound, broke open the door and asked, "William, what's going on?"

"Death seems to be coming."

"Did symbols appear?"

"Well, since I was alone during the bath, there were signs of symbols appearing twice in a row.

However, I also discovered the problem, which means that the death [symbol] cannot be formed directly, but there is a formation process. As long as you can remove your vision or interrupt in the middle, everything will be fine. "

"Okay~ By the way, why didn't I meet you when I was taking a shower?"

"Maybe because Barry you didn't provoke the other party directly, I said something in the old lady's ear before, and maybe it actually reached the ears of the mastermind behind the scenes.

This kind of guy who likes to hide in the dark is often narrow-minded and cannot listen to a word that slanders him. "

Barry didn't know this yet. At that time, he only saw Yi Chen suddenly approaching the old lady and then packing her up in a woven bag.

"What did you say to others?"

When Yi Chen said the mocking words at that time, Barry, who had just taken a shower, was sweating again.

"William, are you really not afraid of death?"

"What's there to be afraid of~ I've died several times, go to sleep."

Yi Chen patted Barry on the back, and then quickly fell onto the sofa.

After sensing Yi Chen as the owner, the gentleman's clothes hanging at the end of the sofa immediately swam over and dressed quickly. At the same time, it also evolved into a skin-friendly mode to assist sleep.

Barry was stunned for a moment. He thought that what Yi Chen said about "dead a few times" was referring to that kind of life-or-death moment.

late at night.

Boom~ The thorny thunder flashed across the window.

Then raindrops as big as peas hit the windows crazily,

Yi Chen, who had received some external stimulation, opened his eyes slightly. In his vision, which was somewhat blurred due to sleepiness, he saw a figure standing at the window sill...

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