The final gentleman

Chapter 237 Facing Death

The head was cut off quickly and smoothly, sliding horizontally on the surface of the neck,

The head fell without any flipping and fell steadily between the legs...


The sound was like a whole piece of tofu being slapped to the ground.

This was the first time since Yi Chen traveled to this world that he watched his companions die in front of him, but he was powerless to do anything.


A murmur escaped from his lips.

This time, the call of his name could not get any response. Even though there was no blood splashed on Yi Chen, his vision filtered out the colors, leaving only black and white.

Looking through Barry's strong body that still stood, looking at the head that fell to the ground from between his legs, Yi Chen froze on the spot, with no intention of running away.

In other words, when the toes and nose are cut off,

Yi Chen was absolutely sure that the vice president had never boasted about his abilities. It was impossible to escape as long as he was in the hotel, let alone to the Sunshine Hospital a few streets away.

The opponent's range, accuracy, and destructive power are far superior to yours. All existing methods cannot help you escape, let alone defeat the opponent.

【Death situation】

Phew~ Yi Chen took a deep breath.

He walked around to Barry, squatted down in front of his fallen head, and closed his eyelids behind him.

Yi Chen also put away the exposed chains and needles, put the axes and firearms back into the suitcase, and even changed the coat used for combat into a decent suit.

Adjusting his tie with one hand,

Carrying a suitcase in one hand, he walked towards Vice Dean Aiwat.

Although Yi Chen's behavior was indeed harmless to humans and animals, Vice Dean Aiwat had no intention of letting down his guard.

He had cheated on the elevator once before, and he had also seen the pain in Yi Chen's body that originated from the old world. He was still very wary personally.

Considering that Yi Chen might suddenly pounce and destroy the boat, he had given up the idea of ​​capturing him alive.

Lift up with one hand!

The surgical thread that bounced off the ground strangled Yi Chen's neck and hung him together with the other deceased people in the hall.

In case,

After confirming that the hanging was stable, Avatt switched to the "sensory line" and implanted a cross-shaped death symbol deep into Yi Chen's consciousness.

Faced with such an absolute dead situation, Yi Chen just accepted it calmly.

Since death is certain, it is better to face death head on.

As the extremely clear symbol of death is imaged in the brain, the irresistible "death epidemic" quickly invades every corner of the brain.

In an instant, the originally uncomfortable hanging state became extremely comfortable, and he even refused to take the initiative to escape from the coil.

"Is this what it feels like?" No wonder infected individuals rush to commit suicide, just like a traveler who has been walking in the desert without drinking water for several days and sees an oasis. It is impossible not to drink water.

Having said that, I don’t resist death either. [Death] This thing has been with me for a long time, and it is the key to my escape from the orphanage and becoming an independent adult. 』

At this time, the plague has invaded the hippocampus area of ​​​​the brain, which manages memory. Some kind of invisible pathogen will achieve complete "infect-transcription" in the hippocampus area.

This process is the key to the subsequent construction of the deceased. Before this process is completed, the death epidemic will even maintain the survival of the individual to ensure the active operation of the brain tissue.

All the memories of the individual are copied through infection transcription and taken away together with the 'last breath'.


As the death epidemic transcribed memories, some deep dark memories were unearthed.

The 'darkness' here means literally, wisps of black liquid flowing out from the core of the hippocampus and interacting with the death plague.

outside world.

Yi Chen was in a hanging state, and his consciousness gradually dimmed.

Wait until your eyes are completely black...

Ding ding ding!

The rapid and noisy alarm clock sounds like crazy,

It stimulated Yi Chen's teenage body, which was only twelve years old, and he was ejected from the bed and sat up. In just ten seconds, he put on a sweatshirt, jeans and sneakers.

When your right hand reaches out from the cuff, you also turn off the alarm clock.

It has been two full years since he escaped from [Orphanage in Black Mountain].

While investigating his father, whom he had never met before, he killed an inhuman and terrifying woman on the 13th subway, and thus came across a mysterious organization, which was the same organization that his father belonged to during his lifetime.

From this, he learned that his father was not a murderer at all. The reason why he took the last train every night was simply to perform a "hunting mission" to hunt for those [weird things] that wandered among humans and were covered in perfect skins.

Because these weirdos have the status of normal people in society, they even start families.

As they are hunted, news of related disappearances will naturally appear.

these past two years.

Yi Chen has always maintained contact with the organization through special methods. He receives almost 1 to 3 tasks every month. Some tasks directly involve weird clearing operations, while some tasks are just simple human tracking and anomaly screening.

As long as the organization determines that the task has been completed, Yi Chen's personal account will receive a large amount of money, enough for his personal consumption, and even enough money to settle in a big city and live a high-quality life.

But he chose a suburb with low rental prices. His diet always followed the orphanage's weekly meal plan, and he took in vitamins and protein accurately.

Save all the extra money.

In the remaining time, various exercises will be carried out to ensure the healthy growth of the body. Yi Chen will not relax for a moment until the orphanage is eradicated.

Since he is currently only a "temporary worker", he can only passively accept tasks from the organization and cannot ask the organization for relevant information, so he has never asked the organization for news about the orphanage.

Today is a special day.

After two years of inspection, Yi Chen, who is only 12 years old, was accepted as a formal member by the organization with a task completion rate of 91.3%, and will report to a base of the organization.

There is one more important thing to do before he goes out - [put on makeup].

This is something that must be done every day. The corpse spots on the face and the most exaggerated bullet holes must be covered up with realistic enough "death makeup".

If someone sees it, it will definitely cause quite a commotion.

Over the past two years, Yi Chen's makeup skills have become extremely proficient. If he didn't work in an organization, he could apply for the job of an undertaker.

Everything is ready.

He put on a relatively heavy backpack, pulled the hood of his sweatshirt, and walked out of the urban village he rented.

Following the information on the note, I found a newspaper office at the corner of the street, bought a copy of Today's Storytelling from the boss, and got on the No. 107 bus at the platform not far away.

[The final stop is Lushan Mental Hospital. Welcome to take bus No. 107. I wish you a good day! Please pick up your belongings and get off the bus in an orderly manner】

Continue walking along the winding mountain road for a few hundred meters.

A fully enclosed mental hospital built against the mountain appeared in front of us. Its exaggerated door structure seemed to welcome the arrival of a giant mountain god.

Yi Chen came to the earth shrine beside the gate, tore off one of the pages from the story meeting and put it in a secret compartment.

The shrine moved away, revealing a secret passage leading directly to the main building of the mental hospital.

After continuing to walk through the secret passage for half an hour, Yi Chen walked out of a wall of bookcases.

A female doctor wearing round glasses and a white coat was sitting at her desk reviewing relevant documents, her silky black hair just hanging down on the table.

It is impossible to judge the specific age from his exquisite profile, and it is entirely possible that it fluctuates randomly within the range of 20-35.

The female doctor was the one who recruited Yi Chen at the subway station two years ago, and she was one of the "connectors" of the organization.

"There is a water glass and tea suitable for you on the table, just make it yourself."

Yi Chen didn't have the habit of drinking tea, but when he smelled the rotten smell of tea leaves, he got excited.

I quickly made myself a cup, gulu gulu~ I felt that my dry and ulcerated throat seemed to be reborn and became smooth, and there was even a feeling of being reborn.

I even made up my mind to ask about the origin of this tea and how to buy it.

The comfort coming from his throat made him pinch his neck.

This pinch feels like touching a surgical thread that tightly tightens the skin. It gives the illusion of being forced to hang. After concentrating, the feeling of hanging disappears.

I have rarely used this kind of dual-line narrative writing method before. I am afraid that it will be confusing when reading. I don’t know how you feel. You can give your feedback in the comment area.

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