The final gentleman

Chapter 244 Mirror Flowers and Moon in the Water

Vice-President Evatt was resurrected as a dead person. The first important order he received was to go to the Sunshine Hotel to find the special gentleman who could absorb death and bring him back, dead or alive.

But now, the dumplings that had been fed to my mouth just ran away.

If he returns empty-handed, he will be punished, and he may even be deprived of his identity and die completely.

"No! There is no way this guy can escape from under my nose!"

The vice-dean no longer worried about energy consumption. He put his hands on the ground and spread all the "surgical threads" in his body outward, trying to trace Yi Chen's escape.

In his opinion, the delay was only two seconds, and Yi Chen would never be able to escape from the shooting range.

The radiation range of the surgical line reached three kilometers, and the tactile feedback was maximized. This process consumed about 50% of Avatt's energy, but in the end nothing was detected.

"Wait! Is it possible that he didn't run away at all?"

The vice-president retracted all the surgical threads into his body and glanced at the cemetery sarcophagus occupying the hall.

"During this guy's fight with me, the evil eyeball behind him was just "summoning the sarcophagus" the whole time. It was obviously intentional.

Deliberately spreading sarcophagi throughout the hall? even……"

The deputy dean stamped his feet violently, bang! There was actually soft soil under the broken floor, and there was also a corpse-like smell.

“Sure enough, it seems like summoning the sarcophagus, but actually the geological structure of the stone statue cemetery has been relocated.

Due to the characteristics of the cemetery land, rapid transfer between different sarcophagi can be achieved... They must still be hiding in a certain sarcophagus.

There are two purposes for doing this.

One is to fake a successful escape so that I can chase him out of the hotel and even go to the cemetery to search for him. Then they will have enough time to escape and evacuate directly from the hotel.

The second is to strive for a chance to breathe. That kind of state is not something that the human body can endure for a long time. The body has long been unable to bear the continuous battle.

Now I just need to slowly find you. "

Thinking of this, the surgical thread struck the sarcophagus beside him again, like opening a blind box, and still only an eyeless corpse slid out.

"It's so hard... It's worthy of the sarcophagus built by Rubeus. The hardness and sealing properties are first-rate. If I don't pry open the lid of the coffin, I can't directly tell whether there are living things hidden inside. I can only tell them one by one. Slowly opened the lid.

Fortunately, the dwarf ran away early. If he were here, things would be very troublesome. "

The vice president changed the form of blind box opening,

Instead of cutting, surgical thread is penetrated along the coffin lid and the lid is removed from the inside.

One, two, three...

More and more blind boxes were opened, and corpses with their eyes removed were randomly thrown on the ground.

There are hundreds of sarcophagi. During the long process of opening the blind box, due to the repeated doing of the same things, coupled with the previous high-intensity dodging and the full release of surgical lines, it is inevitable that there will be some numbness in the mind.

I even shook my head several times during the process.

"The last ten, nine, eight..."

With only the last few sarcophagi remaining, the vice-chancellor's attention heightened again.

The final remaining sarcophagus is located just at the hotel entrance.

An almost sickly death smile broke out on his face, and he strode away. This time, I no longer pry open the coffin lid, but use all my strength to pull the strings off!


Due to excessive exertion, dark and foul-smelling blood seeped out from his fingertips and dripped along thin lines.

The body fragments of the young man in a suit were also scattered among the chopped coffins. Even if the head was cut open, the unwilling expression before death could still be seen.

It was Yi Chen,

Due to hiding in the sarcophagus for too long, the "Dead Man's Makeup" has been lifted, and this slash is absolutely fatal.

The vice president breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this scene.

"Finally dead! I didn't expect that a gentleman who had not yet broken through his limits could delay me for such a long time. From now on, I will have to spend more time training my body and learn more enemy-killing techniques.

The eyeball creature doesn't seem to be here. Did it escape in advance with the help of its special connection with the cemetery? It doesn't matter, this guy is the only one the adults need anyway. "

In case,

Vice-dean Evat knelt down and began to sew up the young man's flesh, bringing the complete body back for better communication.

Just when he was suturing the young man's head, a sense of dissonance suddenly hit him... Even though the corpse looked exactly the same as Yi Chen, he suddenly felt something was wrong.


The vice-dean immediately switched the lines in his hand to sensory lines and re-adjusted his brain.

With all the brain's senses reset,

The corpse he held in his hands began to change, gradually turning into a corpse inlaid with live eyes.

A cemetery corpse with the same shape, build and even hairstyle as William.

And there was a strange moon mark carved on the forehead of this corpse.

Because the sarcophagus was located right at the entrance of the hotel, a small opening was torn open in the thick black clouds, and a ray of moonlight penetrated and fell on the body.

Yi Chen used the properties of the moon marks in his body and combined with Little Putao's mental illusion to jointly perform "Mirror Flowers and Water Moon".

"How could I have fallen under an illusion!?"

Just when the vice-chancellor came to his senses, a cold touch came from his neck.


The silver light streaked across horizontally, and the head was thrown into the air.

Hiss~ The head in the air shoots out a large number of surgical threads at the broken neck, trying to connect to the headless body below.

Since there is no control of arms and fingers,

These surgical threads grown directly from the brain are relatively soft and do not even have the ability to cut. They can only be used for physical connection and head traction.

Just when he was about to connect to his body... Boom! Sarcophagus raised

The headless body was sealed inside and quickly buried.


The head fell to the ground alone, and the landing point was right in front of Barry Besarius's body, with the two heads facing each other.

In the previous battles, Yi Chen stayed as far away from Barry's body as possible, waiting for this moment.

Just when the vice president still wanted to rely on surgical thread to escape,

An iron chain struck, piercing the back of his head, and at the same time, endless pain was delivered... Various needles sprouted from his head, eyeballs, ears and even his mouth.

Yi Chen did not intentionally torture him. He also knew that the vice-dean did not become like this subjectively, but because he became a dead person and was forced to obey the orders of others.

"Deputy Dean Evat, rest in peace!"

The iron chain penetrates into the deepest part of the brain and exerts its most fundamental plant characteristics.

≮Central Taste≯

Streams of brain marrow carrying the "Breath of Death and Epidemic" were passed along the iron chain into Yi Chen's body.

The induction that had just reached [5] not long ago increased again, but it did not directly reach the limit, but [5+].

Perhaps because this is not the corpse of the vice-dean, but a temporary body pieced together by condensing rotten fish and dead rats through the "Death Plague\

,"However, Yi Chen got something better.

The "breath of death plague" in the vice-chancellor's body was a hundred times stronger than that of those dead gentlemen, and text reminders appeared directly between his retinas.

"Having absorbed a sufficient amount of "Breath of Death", the death characteristics of the individual have been increased, the "Dead Man's Makeup" can last longer, and the total amount of black liquid savings has been increased. 』

"Deaths are indeed interconnected...Finally done!"

Yi Chen could no longer hold on and fell heavily to the ground.

When the "Dead Man Makeup" is lifted, there is almost no intact part of the body.

Little Putao quickly helped Yi Chen up and gestured a thumbs up with his eyeball palms, "William, you are so brave! You can think of such a trick. What if the illusion doesn't work?"

"There is a high probability that it will work~ Because the vice-dean has a very clear psychological vulnerability, and he has shown his extreme dedication to me from the very first meeting.

Apparently he received an irreversible order and had to take me back. This must be related to my ability to absorb the death plague.

In this case, arrange hundreds of blind boxes and let him open the lids one by one to search...the more he searches, the more anxious he becomes. The more anxious he is, the more likely he is to have psychological loopholes. "

"In case he wasn't fooled..."

"That's because others are more skilled... How can you not take risks if you want to kill such a guy over the next level? Stop talking nonsense and take me out of here quickly. I have to recover."

Little Putao had Yi Chen on his back, stepped on the eyeball roller, and was about to slide out of the hotel.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

There were bursts of applause from the hotel door.

White-robed Lotson arrived together with old Mr. Hervoye, with identical deformed smiles on their faces.

"No wonder there is such a big noise in the hotel. It turns out to be you~ It's really amazing, beyond imagination! William You can actually kill the Transcendent with a human body. If this news reaches the organization, I'm afraid you will be directly Position yourself as a candidate for [First Gentleman].

Sure enough, you are the best container! "

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