The final gentleman

Chapter 271 Invitation

"Kim, should that mechanical maid be here?"

"This is normal. Mr. Yuri's maids can be found in every corner of Gethsemane, even in Zion... Did you just find out? But that's right, generally the maids in Zion are covered in perfect human skins. , it doesn’t look like it’s mechanical.

The maids of Gethsemane tend to be relatively secretive, and it is indeed rare to stand directly outside like this. "

"Could the prophet Yuri be from Gethsemane?"

"Yes, he is a special prophet born under the training of executioners like Gethsemane. He is also the only prophet produced here and certified by the organization since the founding of Gethsemane.

Privately we call him the "Butcher Prophet". "

"Butcher? I had the honor to meet Prophet Yuri before. His whole body was covered with bandages, and even his face was wearing a restraint. He relied on a mechanical maid to move and deliver conversations.

Is he strong? "

“I don’t know if it’s strong or not, and I haven’t had a head-to-head fight with him.

I just heard from Instructor Bailey that because of Yuri's command, no matter what Gethsemane did, as long as it did not cause social unrest, the higher-ups would generally not get involved.

He must be a very strong guy, but it's a pity that gentlemen like us can't see this prophet at all. Others seem to be busy every day. "

"Well, let's go see Instructor Bailey first."

The gaze from the mechanical maid disappeared until she took the elevator to the underground area of ​​Gethsemane.

As soon as he stepped into Instructor Bailey's office, Yi Chen brought up the topic of the mechanical maid.

Instructor Bailey, who was polishing someone else's fingernails with her black stockings hanging on the table, looked puzzled, "You said Yuri's maid was watching you the whole time in the orchard...Did anything happen between you two?"

Just when Yi Chen was about to talk about the prophetic meeting between the Swan Schools,

Boom! There was a knock on the door.

Bailey raised her glasses, as if she had sensed who was coming to the door.

"Come in!"

The door opens,

A half-human, half-machine blonde maid stood at the door. Her upper body was humanoid, and her lower body was completely mechanical. She even had sharp knife-like soles.

"Master Yuri specially asked me to come over and invite William Behrens to his residence."

"What's matter?"

Yi Chen immediately asked back. He had a good impression of the prophets, but he was wary of the prophet Yuri.

The image of Yuri made Yi Chen feel something was wrong from the first time he met him. During the prophet meeting, Yuri also mentioned performing a craniotomy on him.

"Mr. didn't tell me the specifics. He just asked me to tell you something. If you are willing to meet, he will give you some special benefits that the academy can't give you. For you who have just broken through your limits, there will be a lot of benefits. Big help.”

Just as Yi Chen was thinking about it, Jin on the side suddenly interjected, "Can I go there together?"

"Hold on."

The mechanical maid put two index fingers on her temples and contacted the master through some means, "Jin Almeida, I am allowed to go with you, but you must follow the master's rules when you get there. If there are any violations, the master will punish you." Kick him out of his room immediately.”


After staying in Gethsemane for so long, Jin had heard of the name of the Butcher Prophet but had never had the chance. He did not expect that there would be unexpected gains in kidnapping Yi Chen back today.

Just when Jin was about to pull Yi Chen over, instructor Bailey dodged and stood in front of the two of them.

"They still have some unfinished business with me. I will personally take them to see Mr. Yuri later."

"Okay~ Then I'll trouble you, Instructor Bailey. By the way, the master also asked me to give William a message alone."

The maid came to Yi Chen on sharp knife feet and put her realistic and plump lips to Yi Chen's earlobe: "Don't tell anyone about the [Prophet Gathering] and nightmare-related things for the time being."


After saying that, the maid stepped on the knife and left.


After the door closed, Bailey pulled the two of them back to the desk, "It seems that William, you and Prophet Yuri have something special? You really have met somewhere, right?"

The reason why this maid came to your door is probably because you are not allowed to tell me the specific reason, right? "


"In this case, it's hard for me to ask, after all, Yuri's status in Gethsemane is higher than mine.

Just a little reminder before the two of you go over, try your best to comply with Yuri's request and don't make him angry. This guy sealed himself away because he was extremely emotionally unstable. "

"Huh? Did he seal himself?"

"Yes, Yuri's prophetic ability comes from the "killing instinct". He was once the gentleman with the highest desire to kill here, and he could even explode the detection equipment.

When he was punished for planting trees in an orchard, he even cut down all the fruit trees and seriously injured a security guard.

Subsequently, he was completely immersed in killing, and when he was performing extreme breakthroughs outside, he actually integrated himself with the killing. On the contrary, he became aware of himself. Although he was immersed in killing, he would not be controlled by it.

It can even predict killings that are different from other prophets through fluctuations in killing intent.

In order to suppress his killing instinct, he forced himself to learn mechanics and built a mechanical system driven by killing intent.

It can not only consume his killing intent, but also control a special mechanical army. In order to reduce the possibility of making mistakes, he uses layers of means to seal himself.

On weekdays, he monitors the dark side of Gethsemane and even Zion through his mechanical army.

Any criminals who want to kill in Zion will have their murderous intentions caught in advance by Yuri, thus predicting the murder.

The long-term stability of Zion is inseparable from Mr. Uri's prediction of killing. "

"What about his strength?"

"Principal Desline is very mysterious and I won't discuss it. Excluding Desline, Yuri should be considered the most powerful and the most dangerous among all the prophets.

But you can rest assured that even if it is dangerous, nothing will be done to you two. "

This explanation made Jin beside him completely excited, and he kept pulling Yi Chen's arm and turning it outward.

"Okay~ Don't wait too long, I'll take you there right now."

【Gethsemane-Deep Underground】

It's like a maze-like underground structure, walking along a unique and hidden road.

Located between the walls of the deepest passage, metal maid faces protrude.

When someone approaches, these faces will open their eyes and watch the visitor the entire time.

at the same time,

Click! The deepest secret door opened, and the person who came to greet him was the Blade-Footed Maid.

"Thank you, instructor Bailey, for showing me the way. I won't send you back. Please come in, two young men."

Bailey stopped moving forward and watched the two young men walk into the [Prophet Room] that was constantly overflowing with the aura of killing.

"You two, please come with me, Mr. Yuri has opened a special place for you.

According to the information collected by the master, both of them are absolute geniuses in the organization.

Comparing your personal information with the number of years you have joined the organization, you can get the [potential value], which can rank in the top five within a hundred years.

But the master does not believe the information given in the gentleman's hall, especially William, your information is very vague, and the master wants to get more precise data. "

Under the guidance of the maid,

The two of them went deeper into the prophet's house, which was like a mechanical workshop, and then continued down the hidden stairs.


One foot stepped on some blood mixture,

The two were taken to an underground arena filled with the smell of killing and stained with blood.

There were two half-human maids fighting on the field, and it ended when one of them had his head penetrated by a stabbing sword.

Yuri, known as the Butcher Prophet, was still in a wheelchair, pushing towards the two of them with the help of the maid.

This time the voice will no longer be conveyed by the maid,

Instead, the maid carefully took out Yuri's gag, and a dark red breath visible to the naked eye came out of his mouth.

The exhaled gas even automatically formed a sharp knife shape, constantly cutting the mechanical maid next to him, causing sparks to fly.

"Welcome to my [Slaughterhouse]. This is the first time I invite young people like you here... However, according to my killing observations, you should like it here very much."

When Yi Chen and Jin heard this magnetic male voice, their ear holes immediately overflowed with blood.

"As the maid who greeted you said, I want to test your true level. If you can survive my slaughterhouse, I will give you a 'slaughter reward' that cannot be given by other organizations.

You only have one chance, are you willing to participate? "

"Okay!" Jin couldn't wait to agree.

Although Yi Chen did not answer,

In fact, when he first set foot in the prophet's house, the throbbing in his heart spread out. He was not averse to killing, and even liked this feeling.

This kind of scene is perfect for honing open source skills and adapting to newly transformed clothing.

"Very good! If you can really pass, I will have a chat with you alone."

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