The final gentleman

Chapter 273 Private Transaction

No matter Yi Chen or Jin,

There is a very unconventional feeling when Yuri fights. In layman's terms, it feels like one's underwear has been seen through.

"Prediction of Killing"

Any murderous attack by Yi Chen and Jin will be detected in advance. No matter how fast, no matter how wide the coverage, no matter how perfect the coordinated offensive is, the rhythm of the entire battle is in Yuri's hands.

A very important point,

The battle with Yuri was not rough, not like the butcher evaluation given outside.

Yi Chen, who is used to observing others, sees it especially clearly.

In his eyes, even though Yuri's back was always glowing with blood, and every move carried an almost physical killing spirit, his whole person appeared to be very delicate, and he belonged to the true "chief surgeon".

It's so delicate that every time you cut someone, it feels like you're playing a piano, and every time you cut into the flesh, it's cut in a layered manner.

Not only did Yi Chen feel no pain or discomfort when he was massacred by Yuri, he actually wanted to do it a few more times until his body couldn't bear it anymore before turning on the dead makeup.


The chain dragged the lower body not far away and connected it into a whole body.

Yi Chen sat against the wall and looked at Yuri in the center of the field.

Not like a butcher at all, more like a musician. The butcher knife propped on the ground was like a bright red cello, which had just completed a perfect performance.

"That's it for today. You two have almost reached your limit. My body, which has not been active for a long time, is completely relaxed. If I go any further, it will be too much.

Now come and talk to me alone. Which of you comes first? "

Just when Yi Chen was about to stand up,

The red lotus not far away gradually opened up, and the amputated Jin actually recovered as before. Except for a few tumor particles the size of table tennis balls still present on the body surface, there was no abnormality.

It has to be said that the pathological attribute of cancer combined with the profession of gold itself achieves the effect of 1+1\u003e2, and its regenerative properties are simply terrifying.

Jin walked over first and had a face-to-face interaction with Yuri for a while.

Even though his seven holes were bleeding, he was still smiling, and he rarely thanked anyone. He seemed to have found his recent training direction, and seemed to have gained a new way to control killing.

When he turned around and walked back, he reached out and patted Yi Chen's shoulder gently, "Go quickly."

Yi Chen dragged his body, which was still aching, and felt trapped in the mire of murderous intent as soon as he stood in front of Yuri.

The other party's voice was conveyed to Yi Chen's mind alone through his murderous intent:

"No wonder Deslin was so sure that you would not be directly parasitized by nightmares before at Swan Academy.

Now it seems that there is no problem with her judgment. The dead substances existing in the brain can completely eliminate the entry of other pathogens into the brain.

If this level of death cannot prevent the nightmare factor, then not many gentlemen in Zion can handle it, and the city will be destroyed sooner or later.

No wonder Desline values ​​you so much. In the battle just now, the throwing skills you showed were the same star magic as hers, right? "

"Yes, I haven't started systematic learning yet. I just stay on the throwing and recalling skills."

"Your control over your abilities and your body is unparalleled among the younger generation. But your growth rate is too fast, which has caused you to ignore a very important thing.

Even if you have talent, this thing will take time and a lot of money to hone.

That is "skill".

The gift I will give you is the right to use the arena, once but indefinitely. The maids will be provided in unlimited quantities until you understand the so-called fighting skills and feel that the quality of killing has changed before leaving.

Your brain should be able to understand what I mean by [quality], right? "

"I can probably understand...the only thing I don't understand is why Mr. Yuri would..."

"Want to help you so generously?

You are only half a Gethsemane, not even half. Judging from Desline's attitude, she completely wants to take you as her own. Once you graduate from the academy, she may promote you as a special teacher.

As a person from Gethsemane, I really shouldn’t pay attention to you.

The reason is simple... Zion is about to end. As a member of the organization, I try my best to provide some growth assistance to talented little guys like you, which can be regarded as repaying the organization. "

"Prophet Yuri, did you predict anything in advance?"

"This has nothing to do with my prediction, it's just pure intuition. The accelerated aging of the First Gentleman, the significant reduction in tissue skin production, the deaths in Levenholm City, and the nightmare threat that is still hidden in the dark.

The concatenation of signs makes it difficult for me to have expectations for the future, or rather, I never had expectations.

Okay, let’s not talk about this for now~ Anyway, with the level of you two, you can protect yourself even if something happens. "

Yuri suddenly stretched out his hand, cut open Yi Chen's self-sewed clothing with his nails, and gently touched the muscles inside with his fingers.

“Although your skills are not good enough, your control over your body is very good, especially when you are taking a blow.

If I guess correctly, although the instructor on your student file says Chamberson, it should be that guy who actually trained you... who was forcibly guaranteed by Deslin and was not executed by the organization [Hogney] .Zed]. "


"No wonder they are so similar, and no wonder you, as an outsider, were invited to Gethsemane by Bailey. How about we make a deal?"

"What deal?"

"Zed's physical body has always been one of the best in my heart, and I fully agree with keeping this person. I have longed to physically analyze him countless times to perfect my slave mold.

But this guy won't come to my place honestly, and it's even more impossible to rob him.

Your body is almost close to his. If you are willing to let me analyze and deconstruct it and help complete the new maid mold, as compensation I will teach you some "skills" to help you kill the enemy faster.

I could tell from the first time we met at Swan Academy that you love killing... you even once carried out a wanton massacre. "

With Yuri speaking such direct words, or the carnage that comes from face-to-face communication seeping in,

A small section of Yi Chen's brain was blocked, and the memory images that had not been unlocked were suddenly pulled out.

In a dilapidated area,

There were corpses everywhere, both weird and human mixed in,

Yi Chen, who was wearing death makeup, was completely bathed in blood.


The self-tremors in his epileptic brain forcibly dispelled this memory, pulling Yi Chen out of a disharmonious picture.

"Okay." Yi Chen, who came back to his senses, nodded and replied, "When will it start?"

"Let's start from the moment you step out of the arena~ Don't worry! You have just made a breakthrough and need enough actual combat to stabilize your body.

Although the nightmare incident is not a trivial matter, it will take opportunity and time for it to fully explode. As long as the First Gentleman is not dead yet, the situation can still be stabilized according to his connection with Lechang.

Just do your thing in peace. "

Finally, Yuri walked his fingers in a full circle along Yi Chen's abdominal muscles, licked his lips slightly, then sat back in his wheelchair and returned to the sealed state.

The arena is entirely for the use of two people. When tired, they can go to the cubicle to rest and sleep. Three meals a day are also provided.


Yuri, who is only good at predicting killings, once again miscalculated one thing.

He thought that the two of them could stay down there for a week at most.

But as time goes by, the sound of metal banging from the ground can be heard every day, and it has never decreased.

Until the tenth day,

The personal maid conveyed information to Yuri: "Master, the number of maids has dropped below the limit. If this continues, it will affect our overall monitoring of Zion, and we may even need to recruit many maids to come back to practice with them."

"These two guys!"

Yuri, who was drawing a design, crushed the compass in his hand.

"Are they still killing people down there?"

"No~ I just returned to the lounge. I will probably take a nap and then continue tomorrow. They seem to be completely immersed in it and have no intention of leaving."

"When they wake up tomorrow, notify me immediately! I will go down and drive them away myself!"

【Arena Lounge】

In fact, it is a small area similar to a stadium locker room, with a bench in the middle and an attached bathroom that only provides cold water.

Jin was used to sleeping naked, but due to nightmare restrictions, he had to open his clothes, spread one foot out, and put the other foot on the bench, and fell asleep soundly.

Yi Chen sat aside, staring at Jin, but actually reviewing today's exercise in his brain, his body twitched slightly, and some kind of qualitative change was taking shape.

The clothes occasionally glowed with a hint of yellow under the night light.

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