The final gentleman

Chapter 285 Special training for acquaintances

The meeting is over,

Halfway through, Yi Chen turned into an alley and changed back to his original appearance. He was not in a hurry and did not report the problem of the raw meat farm to the organization.

In Yi Chen's view, since Nightmare deliberately leaked this information, even if he reported it to the superiors, it would have little impact on Nightmare.

The raw meat farm may have been controlled for dozens of days, and the meat implanted with "ideas" has already been circulated in the city, and most of it has even been eaten by people.

Moreover, since Nightmare can control this meat raw material factory, it must have penetrated into other grassroots levels.

Once the report is made, not only will it not have much effect, but it will panic people and destroy the stability that Zion should have. The best thing is to maintain the status quo and find a solution to the problem before the nightmare completely breaks out.

In addition to the game plan given by the other party,

We need to look for another more proactive plan, and the [Nightmare Staircase] designed by Reagan is a good starting point.

Yi Chen doesn't need to worry about this. With Reagan's personal ability and the assistance of the entire power station, he will definitely be able to get a good nightmare infiltration plan.

"What I need to do most now is take care of myself. If the game that Nightmare wants to play is related to "idea implantation", I have to carry out special training corresponding to it during this time.

Kim's brain tumor can also have an impact on an individual's mind, so bring her along. 』

Yi Chen returned to the downstairs of the apartment and was about to go upstairs.

A finger reached out from behind and lightly touched his shoulder.

"William, I thought you had gone back to school, why did you come here again? I can't make meat today~ I used up all the imitation meat last night, and I haven't had time to buy it yet."

"Huh? Didn't you get up early and go out to buy imitation meat?"

"No~ And I didn't get up early to go out, but I went out early last night.

William, do you remember the two imps we met on the corridor yesterday? Last night, his head was cut off and hung at the door to spy on us.

I looked for a weak sense and tried to investigate the controller behind it, which took a lot of time. "

"did you find it?"

Jin did not answer directly, but put his hands behind his back and walked around Yi Chen with light steps.

He leaned forward and put the mask to his ears, whispering:

“William, how about we run away in advance?

The methods used by the other party may be able to affect individuals invisibly. Although the nightmare does not seem to have completely exploded, many people within Zion have been affected.

The parasitic thing in everyone's body may not be an actual pathogen, but something ethereal that can directly affect the brain.

When the nightmare really starts to take hold, all the weak people kept in Zion's captivity will be alienated, and then there will be real trouble. "

Yi Chen was a little surprised. He didn't expect Jin to come to such a conclusion on his own.

"Jin, actually I can also achieve similar mental invasion and possession.

I thought about it all night, preparing to use the same method to deal with the nightmare. During this period, I also needed your power. Can you stay with me until the last moment before considering leaving? "

"William, why do you look so motivated? Do you have some information that I don't know about?"

"No, really not~" Yi Chen waved his hand quickly, "I am just simply interested in nightmares and want to see what the source of nightmares is."

"Okay~ For your sake, I will stay a little longer. Mainly, I personally don't like this kind of illusory, incorporeal enemy. There is no fun in killing and making meat."

"Not necessarily. Once Reagan creates a stable nightmare ladder and reaches a sufficient nightmare depth, he may be able to encounter some very interesting and real powerful enemies.

However, can you accompany me to do something before that? "


【Gethsemane-Prophet's House】

Mr. Yuri, who was designing new parts in the creative workshop, accidentally scratched the drawing in his hand, and felt a sense of uneasiness in his heart.

Call the maid and push him downstairs to check the situation.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he arrived in the lobby, there was a knock on the front door.

When I opened the door, I saw two uninvited guests standing at the door. Especially the young man in front made a "hypocritical" bow.

When Yuri saw the appearance of the two of them clearly, his scalp went numb.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Yuri! Can I discuss something with you?"

Yuri, who was imprisoned in a wheelchair, immediately asked the maid to help him remove the gag and blindfold, and stared at the two of them with murderous eyes, but Yi Chen and Jin did not take a step back even if their eyes were bleeding.

"Tell me, what's the matter? If it's about mechanical design, we can discuss it. I'm not free for other things."

"Can we go to the underground arena again?"

As soon as he heard this, the veins on both sides of Yuli's cheeks suddenly popped up, and various Tibetan words accumulated in his throat, almost gushing out like a tide.

You must know that the loss of the maid caused by the two last time has not been fully recovered yet.

For this reason, Yuri did not hesitate to lose face and find a loan to purchase a batch of raw materials to supplement the total number of maids.

"Ahem! Although I have many maids here, the rules are the rules! There is no need to discuss this matter."

"No... we are not going down this time for killing training, but because we want to carry out "thinking training" corresponding to the nightmare incident. If the maid is injured during the journey, I will compensate the original price. "

Yuri was a little curious about Yi Chen's words, "Nightmare...thinking training? I did hear from Deslin yesterday that you had a good nightmare exploration at the power station. What do you want to do?"

“I want to use maids as subjects for mental training, and try to implant ideas into their brains, or enslave them.

If you could do that, you might be able to use the same method to combat the effects of nightmares. "

Yuri couldn't help laughing when he heard this.

Due to the removal of the gag restriction, the laughter coming from his mouth directly caused everyone's eardrums to tear and blood to pour out.

"Haha~ You actually want to change the mind and enslave my maid, what a big statement!

Did you know that the brains of these maids have been modified as killing cores? The reason why they can move and monitor every corner of Zion for me is precisely because their brains can receive the breath of killing.

And it is a killing aura that is unique to me.

I enjoy absolute control here, and it is impossible for them to be influenced in their thinking, let alone enslaved. "

"How about we give it a try, what if we can do it?"

"Tch~ If you can really do it, the enslaved maids will be given away for free without any compensation at all."

Just when Yuri said these words, he suddenly froze, feeling as if he had been tricked.

"Okay, thank you Mr. Yuri!"

Yi Chen and Jin stepped into the familiar prophet's house with excitement. As they walked towards the familiar basement, they were stopped by Yuri:

"Hey~ Since it's just a mental training, there's no need to go to the arena. My maid will take you to the meditation room. It's a special scene where I usually monitor Zion. It's more suitable for mental training."

After that, a maid with mechanical legs led the two of them along the spiral staircase to the upper area.

When the two of them were completely gone, Yuri's expression changed and he released the seal on his legs and feet and stood up straight.

At this moment, he seemed to be engaging in an unprecedented decisive battle, looking at the personal maid with extremely terrifying eyes.

"Immediately conduct a maid screening, select the maids with the most complex brain structures, the highest concentration of killings, and the best senses, and then assign them to them! These two little guys are really ungrateful."

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