The final gentleman

Chapter 290 Plan

"It's not like you at all to show your inner emotions directly on your face, William.

And this is the main city of you humans. There should be many strong people in it, right? Now that you've escaped, there shouldn't be anything to worry about, right? "

"If it were really that simple, I wouldn't be "gazing at the moon" anymore... Lorien, it seems like you're just a projection? "

"Yes, my true body is drifting on the ocean thousands of kilometers away from here, following the "path" pointed out to me by the Duke.

Although I'd love to come over and see for myself what kind of trouble you're in, it's really hard to escape under the gaze of the sea. "

Lorian's body appears to be sitting by the tree, but it is actually just a human body projection formed by the moonlight.

Although it was realistic, Yi Chen could tell the authenticity at a glance, and could also feel that most of the other person's thoughts were not focused on this.

"Well~ William, have you made a breakthrough? The smell of your head is completely different from before... Come here, stand under the moonlight and let me take a look."

As Yi Chen approached the roadside tree where Lorian was, he walked into the moonlight like a spotlight.

For a moment, Lorian, who was supposed to be just a projection, actually turned into a real form.

Come closer with your face,

Waning Yue's left eye and Full Moon's right eye were almost touching the side of Yi Chen's head, looking through the scalp and skull to directly peer into the black brain inside.

"It's so beautiful~ It's a pity that I can't have a more detailed "deep feeling" now. Judging from current observations, William, your pathogenic structure is so beautiful that it is astonishing.

By the way, you should be able to solve a lot of problems easily now, right? Tell me what happened to make you so panicked. "

Both stand leaning on the same strong tree trunk,

Yi Chen, who was in a black suit, had his hands in his pockets, and Lorian, who was in a hospital gown, had his hands on his chest. Their shoulders were touching, and the moonlight just enveloped them.

As Yi Chen told the whole incident about the nightmare and the circumstances of his own nightmare,

A drop of silver saliva dripped from the corner of Lorian's mouth, and he even diverted part of his attention away from the subject, showing a keen interest in the nightmare incident.

Even when I heard the nightmare girl Catherine proposed to play a game, I wanted to return from the sea to participate in the nightmare event.

But in the end, reason defeated impulse. After all, he was almost reaching the end of the "path".

"It's really interesting that there is such a [disease]. The most common thoughts are implanted in nightmares. It is impossible to detect and difficult to eradicate. It is really an interesting disease system.

I have been outside for so long and have been to a large number of human cities and disease strongholds, but I have never encountered such a disease.

It's a pity that I can't participate directly. I can only share this memory with me without reservation when we meet next time.


Your organization is also very interesting. It actually uses the brains of executed prisoners as 'carriers' to participate. Could my good friend Dr. Mycroft of Twilight Clinic be involved? "

"There may be. I don't know the details. I have officially withdrawn from the nightmare project."

"William, I can help you~ But if you encounter Dr. Mycroft's consciousness projection in the nightmare, you will also need your help to kill him, and you must enter the lunar state to kill him.

I will check it carefully when we meet again.

How much time do you have left? "

"One day, I need to go back before tomorrow evening at the latest."

"It's very short~ I don't know if you can make it."

Yi Chen was a little confused, "Isn't your body unable to catch up? How else can I help?"

"The moon is everywhere, even if my body is not there, you can still bask in its glow... If you feel that bathing is not enough, you can also take the initiative to plunder some of the glow.

Remember when you and your friends first came to Twilight Clinic?

The first generation of moon people who were affected by the double moon, except for the little mouse you killed and the theater owner who was temporarily fused by me, escaped a lot.

As the first generation, and they are the moongoers who are influenced by my complete body, they can continue to grow under the moonlight and absorb nutrients, and there is a certain connection between them. "

"you mean……"

“Take out your ax made of rat, take off the rat core at the end and swallow it.

In this way, you can follow the induction to find the location of other moon people, see if there are any that are relatively close, and find them and return in more than a day. "

Yi Chen took out the silver hand ax that had accompanied him throughout his growth and resolved many crises - "Moon of Massacre"

The rat structure at the end of the ax handle is the core of the ax and is indivisible.

Once it is forcibly removed, this perfectly forged weapon will be completely useless.

Click! The mouse made of Yue Jing's disease nuclei was cut off directly by Yi Chen.

Although it has a crystal structure, it becomes softer and softer under the current moonlight, as if it is holding a real mouse in its hands.

Put it into your mouth under Lorian's gaze, close your eyes and feel the crystal being digested.

When I open my eyes again,

The moon hidden behind the dense fog and clouds actually came to the eyes on its own. If you look closely, you can see that the moon is more like a living thing. Under the craters on its surface, you can see biological blood vessels and even vertebral structures.

Stare at the moon and feel the first generation of moon people who are just around the corner.

"Buzz! There is one...two Moonmen at a moderate distance. Time may be running out."

When Yi Chen completely determined his position, his thoughts returned.

He was the only one left under the moonlight spotlight, and Lorian was nowhere to be seen.

No longer hesitate,

The black epileptic brain between Yi Chen's skull began to issue commands to the muscle cells throughout his body.

The core information of "long-term running" is transmitted to each core muscle, and the brain tissue contained in the muscle begins to analyze the command, and then changes the shape of the muscle, and even makes some muscles attached to the bones, temporarily changing the body structure.

The back is curved,

The arms are thickened and supported on the ground,

Through the comprehensive adjustment of the physical body, the body is actually transformed into a four-legged running shape.

Gentlemen's clothing also caters to the changes in the body. The original black suit actually has thin threads growing out, imitating animal fur and covering every part of the body, and even adding flesh pad structures to the hands and feet.

It made Yi Chen look like a black beast, and his right arm still maintained the modified structure of the metal armor.


He rushed into the forest and sprinted towards the nearest Moon Citizen target at the shortest distance between the two points.

During the run, the clothing also helped Yi Chen breathe together, effectively replenishing the oxygen needed by cells throughout the body.

This speed is even faster than Zion's carriage.

Little Putao said while providing a panoramic view on the way.

"William... the more lunar pathogens you absorb, the more likely you are to be assimilated by Lorian in the future. According to him, he was experiencing some kind of "path" between the oceans.

Once this path is achieved, Lorian is likely to break through open source and reach the next more terrifying level.

At that time, if he wants to occupy and combine with you and turn you into his second personality, it will be basically impossible to resist. 』

"Hmm...I'll think about it." But in this situation, if I don't think of a way, I will completely become a nightmare puppet. In contrast, I would rather combine moonlight.

Lorian still has a chance to slowly coordinate, and may be able to find the best answer that does not require a combination.

Do you agree? Little grapes.

And these first generation Moon People may be fully grown, and their grapes may suit your taste. 』

"Stop talking, remember to bring them all to me when the time comes. 』

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