The final gentleman

Chapter 295 Contract and Transformation

On the floor tiles separated by black and white,

Catherine took out an oversized treasure box from nowhere, which was randomly filled with various forms of women's clothing, corresponding to different age groups and different styles.

"Look for it yourself~ But the clothes here are all for girls."


Yi Chen quickly selected a few pieces, cut them into fabrics, and used the sharp needles grown from his fingers to sew.

Although his tailoring skills are far inferior to those of Mr. Ivan, there is still no problem in making such simple clothes.

A black windbreaker that could cover the whole body was cut out on the spot and put on for herself.

Catherine also changed into a dress and short skirt.

She was currently raising her right foot, slowly pulling the black and white stockings to her thighs with both hands, and then putting on a pair of delicate leather shoes.

Yi Chen asked from the side: "You don't seem to be anxious at all? Do you really look down on the gentlemen in the organization?"

Catherine shook her head while tying a ponytail for herself.

"No, it's just because this is our domain.

No matter how powerful these guys are, they can't infiltrate here so quickly... And don't forget, the reason why they can enter the nightmare is with my permission.

If I don't let the nightmare connect with them, they can only lie in the tank filled with green liquid and have a joint dream. "

Yi Chen heard some clues from it, "Sure enough, have you even infiltrated the power station? You actually know exactly what happened when they fell asleep."

"Hehe~ I just controlled some of the lowest-level employees. But, as long as I successfully win this game, I can fully penetrate it."

"Is it really necessary to use despicable means to infiltrate?"

Catherine immediately made a face at Yi Chen, "Bah! You are really not lovable at all, just like those lunatics, living alone and rejecting everyone who comes close.

But, it can be regarded as being found according to the agreement, so I won’t be angry! Get ready to start our game now. "

Catherine suddenly opened her mouth wide, stretched her entire right hand into her body, and took out an ink-colored sugar cube dripping with thick liquid.

Occasionally, curved tentacle structures would appear on the surface of the sugar cube, giving the impression that it could lose control at any time. Catherine pinched it tightly with her thumb and index finger, completely restricting it.

Yi Chen could clearly feel the nightmare essence contained in this sugar cube, and the concentration was much higher than the nightmare tentacles he had eaten before.

"What game do you want to play?"

"The theme of the game is [Idea Implantation]. Our target is this group of gentlemen who are trying to penetrate the dream. In the end, we will judge who wins and who loses through the total score."

Yi Chen was not too surprised. He had already guessed that the game was related to the team carrying out nightmare infiltration.

"Don't worry~ Currently, you humans have arranged a total of six teams to infiltrate the nightmare we created.

But ~ only one of the teams is really interesting. They will be the protagonists of this game and the key to our victory.

As for the other five teams that make up the numbers, just think of it as a warm-up, so that William can get familiar with the "nightmare ability". "

"What's the meaning?"

Catherine shook the sugar cube she was suppressing in her hand with one hand, spread her fingers on her other hand and gently pressed her chest, and gave an explanation: "Since we are playing the game, it must be [fair], right? Since I am the creator of the nightmare, Naturally enjoy a lot of control over dreams and various innate advantages.

It would be very boring if I competed with you with such an advantage.

Now, I'm willing to share some of the nightmare rights with you, so that we can compete fairly.

As long as you swallow this sugar cube into your body, you can temporarily transform into a nightmare master like me, gain the authority to control dreams, and unlock nightmare-related abilities.

Combined with your crazy brain, dealing with this kind of ordinary team is completely easy to capture. "

"Do you want to take the opportunity to transform and control me? Once I swallow such a high concentration of nightmare substances, by the end of the game, I will have been completely transformed into a nightmare life like you, right?"

Catherine quickly waved her hand to reject, "No~ I will not resort to such unfair means to 'get you'. Although some of the sisters in me are very dark, they even want to pluck out your skin and make it into a doll." Come and enjoy, but remember that I am the subject.

I will win you by fair and square means. "

After talking,

A contract made of ink-colored material was handed over. Yi Chen recognized the changeable old world characters on it and was able to confirm at a glance that it was a soul contract.

It is also clearly written above - if [William Behrens wins the game, the nightmare substances will be completely removed from his body, leaving no negative effects and all nightmare-related substances will be removed from Zion City and will never be invaded. 】

"How is it? I didn't lie to you... I prepared this game very carefully, for you.

Hey, do you know why most of 'us' have a good impression of you, William? "

"Because I am related to the lunatic and have similar abilities to yours?"

“No~ that’s just why you’re interesting.

The reason we have a good impression of you is that we can feel that you have a similar experience to us. William, you should have also stayed in a closed, inhuman and tortured place for a long time. It belongs to you. An integral part of life, right? "

Yi Chen did not respond, but quickly browsed the contract, breaking it down sentence by sentence and confirming that there were no problems.

The rules of the game are also spelled out in detail in the contract.

The five ordinary squads are only used as a warm-up, and only one point is awarded for 'clearing' a squad.

The method of elimination must be related to [idea implantation], including implanting thoughts of suicide, leaving dreams, killing each other, etc. You can even choose the most difficult form of complete enslavement.

Points will be deducted if you directly kill team members with force.

When the ordinary team is cleared up, the most powerful gentleman team will be led to the real game place - [Nightmare Town].

By then,

It is necessary to find ways to separate the team, let the members act alone, and then carry out [Idea Implantation] one by one.

Different scores will be awarded depending on the strength level of different team members and the way they are eliminated.

The specific score will be given on the score board of Nightmare Town, and the score will also be adjusted according to the specific performance of the team members.

After the entire team is cleared, the final score is calculated, and the one with the highest score wins.

"How about it? If there's no problem, just sign it as soon as possible?"

"There is a problem, not a question of fairness, but a question of results. What will happen if we are killed by this team in turn?"

"Hahaha~ William, you don't really think that you can kill us as the essence of nightmares in nightmares, do you? As the masters of nightmares, we will perfectly regenerate even if we are killed for a period of time.

As long as the thought exists, we exist forever.

The same goes for you after swallowing this sugar cube. You will never die in a nightmare.

Well, let me add an additional rule.

Once we die once in the nightmare, we will be deducted five points, and the resurrection time will increase exponentially with the number of deaths. "

"It's really impossible to kill? What if it's erasure at the thinking level? Even thoughts can be forcibly erased from the brain, right?"

As Yi Chen continued to ask, Catherine suddenly climbed forward and propped up his chin with one finger.

“William, stop being clever~I won’t answer you for such blatant clichés.

Sign now and let's start this fun game. It took me a long time to set up the scene. "


Yi Chen wrote his name in the lower right corner, and the contract immediately turned into two soul threads and penetrated into the bodies of Yi Chen and Catherine at the same time, fully taking effect in the souls of both.

"Ah~ open your mouth quickly and let me feed you... I can't wait to see what you look like after transformation.

Don't grab it, this thing is very unstable! If it gets out of my control, it might explode everywhere. "

As Catherine brought the sugar cubes over, Yi Chen slowly opened his mouth.

He didn't withdraw his hand until the other person put his whole hand into his mouth and sent the sugar cube along his esophagus and into his stomach.

Buzz! In an instant,

The iron chains in Yi Chen's body trembled crazily, and some unimaginable transformation began to occur...

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