The final gentleman

Chapter 340 Discussion of the Stars

After saying goodbye to Spacey, Yi Chen was thinking about how to collect the "Skin Bible" while heading to the dressing room where Little Grape was.

At first I just held the "Skin Bible" in my hands, even though there was basically no danger in Zion.

However, considering that such an ancient and rare book might cause trouble if exposed directly, I tried to hide the book in the lining of the clothing.

Unexpectedly, the moment the book cover was attached to the clothing, the entire book began to dissolve.

Gulu gulu~

The bubbling, oozing pus, and thick liquid dissolved between the clothes. Yi Chen was so frightened that he quickly asked Huang Pi what was going on.

As a result, when Yi Chen's brain came up with the 'idea' of wanting to pick up the book again, the chest of his clothes turned into liquid.

Giggle~ Along with a withered sound squeezed from the depths of the old man's throat, the book emerged from the liquid.

I have to say that this thing is really convenient, and Yi Chen can't wait to go back and read its contents.

【Jessica's Dressing Room】

Yi Chen knocked on the door gently, and his scent seemed to be smelled inside, so the door lock opened directly.

What appears in front of you is more like a utility room than a dressing room.

All the wall cabinets are crammed with various forms of fabrics.

Among the multi-layered water tanks placed against the wall, there are also various fabrics that need to be dyed and rinsed floating, and moss and fungi have even grown in some tanks.

Looking for the scent of little grapes, I came to the depths of the room.

Who knows, the garment making has been completed,

A dark gray leather coat with a lot of metal decoration has been put on Little Grape. The rivets, shoulder ornaments, brooches, decorative metal strips inlaid on the coat and the deliberately designed metal burrs at the hem can all be displayed. 'Ember Properties'.

The coat comes with a hood and is paired with a scarf with an eye pattern, which is just enough to completely cover the face.

The eye pattern on the scarf is actually a visual circle that can connect the eyeballs.

The lower body is paired with a pair of black trousers and metal boots. The metal on the boots can also be used to highlight the characteristics of the ember.

"Little Grape is quite a person~"

Surprisingly, Little Putao didn't fight back this time. He looked at himself in the mirror and said, "It's indeed very good~ I like it very much."

In fact, he had thanked this special seamstress, Jessica, many times during the fitting process.

It’s just that Jessica didn’t say much during the whole process, and she simply nodded when faced with Xiao Putao’s thanks.

Just when the two were about to leave,

Jessica adjusted her frames and asked in a low voice:

"Is your garment made by Mr. Ivan? This special way of routing is only used by that old gentleman. Because it is difficult, it has been abandoned by mainstream tailors."

"Do you know Mr. Ivan?"

"It's not acquaintance, I just happened to see the old gentleman using this wiring technique in the association before, and I was very impressed.

Is he okay now? "

"I have old wounds, I open a shop alone, and I only do business with acquaintances."

Jessica could tell that Yi Chen deliberately concealed his location, so she naturally did not ask further, "If I have time, I will try to find the specific location. Thank you very much."


Yi Chen turned his back, raised his palms over his shoulders to say goodbye, and then left the Tailors Association.

However, his thoughts stayed on Jessica for a while.

Although the conversation just now was very short, he could tell that Jessica's words basically did not contain the emotions that humans should have, and there was no trace of enthusiasm for life.

If you have to say it,

The tone of voice is very similar to that of the orphans in the Montenegro Orphanage who have completely lost hope in life.

"Living in such a world, even a genius must be very tired... Since she is also a candidate, there should be contact in the future. Let's talk about it then."

Because she had a letter of recommendation from the archbishop, Little Putao quickly completed the registration for the prophetic assessment after going to the Gentlemen's Hall.

Due to the special nature of the assessment, Little Putao needs to stay in the Gentlemen's Hall after signing up for a week-long 'surveillance life' to ensure that he does not take any medicine that can be used to increase his perception during this period.

At the same time, a confidentiality agreement needs to be signed, and the assessment will eventually begin under the witness of multiple prophets from the organization.

Yi Chen didn't say much, and left alone after saying a simple goodbye.

Since leaving Seven Days Cemetery, the two of them have basically stayed together and have rarely been separated.

Yi Chen was still a little uncomfortable with it. Because the little grape was missing, he always felt that there was some danger in the blind spot behind his back. He often looked back and did not slowly adjust until he got on the train back to school.

Then it’s time to go to the next appointment.

To be honest, if he could refuse, Yi Chen would definitely lock himself in the room for a few days and read the "Skin Bible" carefully.

Unfortunately, if it were delayed any longer, Desline would probably be angry.

With the palm filled with the luster of stars, he broke through the barrier of the principal's office.

Deslin, who had put on a long dark dress, was sitting on the sofa, her 1.9-meter-long legs were deliberately raised outside, and she was holding a glass of self-mixed wine in her hand.

There was a cup left for Yi Chen on the crystal table in front of him.

"The restlessness in your heart is about to overflow. You seem to be very happy to meet Spacey. Are there any unexpected gains?"

Yi Chen knew that he could not hide it from Principal Deslin, so he took out the leather Bible. Maybe he could get more information about this book from the principal.

When the wrinkled book floats on the chest,

Desline almost sprayed out the wine she had just sipped from her mouth.

"Spacey actually gave this to you..."

"You just lent it to me. It will last about a month and I will return it to him before I participate in the screening of the First Gentleman."

"That's also very good. This thing is the key to Spacey's position as president of seamstress. Even the tailoring students he teaches have no chance to look at it.

Now it is actually lent to you, a half-baked gentleman. Even if Zed helped you establish a relationship, it is unlikely.

There's only one reason I can think of.

In the short time he met you, Spacey has already concluded that you are very likely to be the next 'First Gentleman', or he personally hopes that you will become the First Gentleman, so lending him the book will be a boost. .

Or maybe it just makes sense that I'd lend you this book because of the 'sacrifice' you're about to make. "

"Haha~" Yi Chen just smiled in agreement. He didn't care about the reason at all, as long as he could get this book.

"William, this book is quite dangerous. Spacey was not like this before."

Desline waved her hand, and a young man with fluttering British style hair appeared among the stars.

It was really difficult for Yi Chen to associate such a handsome guy with a person who was covered in wrinkles and needed to wear a corset to maintain his figure, and who looked like a 'pork belly pervert'.

"This book belongs to the leather field. Once you read the twisted ancient words in it, the skin disease hidden in it will induce you to undergo a 'biological essence' transformation from the root of pathology, transforming you into a native species of the leather field. ,must be careful."

"Thank you, Principal Desline, for the reminder."

"Put the book away first. It's time to talk about business~ You said you have some insights into star magic. Can you show it to me?"


Yi Chen put away the "Skin Bible", sat down next to Deslin, picked up the wine glass on the table, and shook it gently to sober up the wine.

at this time,

Desline noticed that the wine in the glass actually reflected a full moon and stars during the shaking process. She was unknowingly attracted by this beautiful scenery, but she soon noticed something unusual and quickly touched her eyes with her fingers.

The illusion disappears,

Yi Chen simply sat beside her and never picked up the drink on the table.

"Huh? The star illusion...there is another different attribute integrated into it, [moon]? How did you do it?"

Do not know why,

Yi Chen's display of star magic made Deslin excited, perhaps because she had never had such a talent in Zion who was also proficient in stars.

Perhaps it was because she had been looking for her soulmate, and now she finally found it.

Deslin turned around to face the young man in front of her. She even shed her dual identity of prophet and principal, and used her understanding of the stars to start a formal and in-depth discussion.

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