The final gentleman

Chapter 344 Mandatory Reading

Gu Gu!

An owl landed in the professor's office. The white-feathered owl suddenly opened its round eyes and made an impatient cry.

Chamberson took out his glasses from the metal box, stood up and walked out of the office.

Other professors and associate professors on the same floor also walked out one after another. They all received emergency signals from the college.

at the same time,

A security guard wearing a black iron mask and uniform hurried over to report an emergency that had occurred between schools.

“An extremely serious regional lesion occurred in Dormitory Building No. 4, which invaded the entire dormitory building in just one minute and continued to spread to the surrounding areas.

Due to the large movement of the lesions, most students were successfully evacuated under the guidance of the dormitory staff.

In addition, according to the dormitory warden's report, fifteen minutes before the incident, an elite gentleman from Gethsemane came to the dormitory looking for William Behrens. After being rejected, he directly threatened him with death and perceived influence.

William Behrens returned to the dormitory building about ten minutes later, and then the regional lesion officially occurred.

The detector has detected two different types of disease - [skin] and [tumor]. The two diseases are in a strange state of struggle.

At present, the rate of spread of the disease has begun to decrease, and it is expected to reach the maximum spread when it is twenty meters away from the dormitory building. "

As the intelligence officers explained the situation clearly, many people present looked at Professor Chamberson. They all knew that William Behrens was his student.

Chamberson released the white-feathered owl on his shoulder first and went to the apartment to collect more detailed intelligence. At the same time, he asked the security guard, "Didn't the principal respond?"

"We have tried to contact the [Principal's Office] through various methods, but have received no response. The principal may be roaming the stars or conducting future divination observations, and is temporarily unable to pay attention to the actual situation."

"Okay, let's go take a look first."

In fact, Chamberson still trusts Yi Chen very much and is not too worried that he will do something out of control.

But when Chamberson arrived at the scene and saw the swollen and oozing leather building, he felt a thump in his heart.

After a while,

The owl, which uses special vision for close observation, brought back detailed information.

Due to the isolation of the cortical layer,

Even the eyes of an owl are difficult to penetrate, and they can only barely see two figures in William's single bedroom, very close to each other, sitting at the desk, and it is unknown what they are doing.

When Chamberson immediately integrated the events in his brain, he tried to analyze what William was doing.

Just when other professors were about to clear out the regional lesions in front of them and forcefully break down the building, Chamberson raised his hand to stop him:

"William and Kim Almeida should conduct some kind of in-depth discussion on the pathological level in the dormitory. The dissociated state of consciousness leads to the leakage of the disease, thus affecting the environment.

Don't disturb their current status for now.

Professor David and Associate Professor Vincent, you two will work with me to set up a [Boundary] to temporarily seal the dormitory building. If the disease shows no signs of fading by this time tomorrow, we will carry out forced treatment.

If something happens, I will bear the consequences alone. "

Because the principal is not here,

The respected Professor Chamberson still has a lot of say.

But some people are still puzzled. They find it difficult to understand what kind of "in-depth discussion" can lead to the leakage of this level of illness.

The fact is just as Chamberson speculated,

When I opened the ‘epidemic book’ and saw the words imprinted inside,

The lines seem to be alive with ancient hookworms, piercing the readers’ eyeballs with hooks and barbs, fixing their sight and even thoughts on the book.

mandatory reading,

Any distraction, skipping reading, or misunderstanding will be counterattacked by these ancient texts.

It can even perform reverse pathological transformation on readers, depriving them of their personality and causing them to be changed both externally and internally.


This is not a problem at all for Yi Chen.

When the words in the books tried to catch his eyeballs,

He actually has two ways to break this 'forced reading' state. One is to use the mental pressure of the epileptic brain, and the other is to directly let Huang Pi come out to suppress and control the "Skin Bible".

But it was no use to him.

He chose to accept forced reading, and in turn used these hookworms to hook his eyeballs and consciousness to improve his concentration.

The professional ability "Study and Ask Questions" is fully activated, and reading efficiency is greatly improved.

Yi Chen, who is already a top student and is good at reading, will naturally not make any mistakes in reading.


The general explanation of "skin" between the lines instantly broadened Yi Chen's thinking in all directions.

He was taken to a super factory built between the slits of the abyss. The assembly line transcended conventional geometric structures and carried various weird shapes of leather through hooks.

The leather is graded according to its color, texture, transmittance, uniformity, etc.

Through the biotechnology-style screening machines working on different assembly lines, more than ten different levels of leather are divided. Among them, the leather sent to Zion is just inferior and ordinary leather.

The high-grade leather recorded in the leather Bible and the rough hand-painted patterns on the book made Yi Chen drool with greed, arousing the most primitive greedy desire.

At the same time, the "usage of skin" roughly explained in the prologue is beyond imagination.

Just when Yi Chen wanted to continue reading the main volume,

Buzz! A strong tinnitus pulled him back from the ancient pictures shown in the Epidemic Book.

Tick ​​tick tick~

Drops of nosebleeds that looked like black liquid dripped onto the table, and the whole brain felt as if it had been drained.

"Is your brain overtaxed?"

Although Yi Chen was greedy for subsequent book knowledge, his reason and desire for survival forced him to give up reading temporarily.

Snapped! Close the book.

The leather that was released was quickly recovered during the process of closing the book, and the dormitory also changed back to its original state, except that a smell remained.


I only read the prologue, but it was able to convey so much content and information to me through words. After a break, I have to go to the First Gentleman to ask for more skins!

It’s time to increase the skin content and strive to reach 100% before the start of the competition. "

at this time,

Two slender arms slowly stretched out from behind, close to the neck and placed on the shoulders.

Then a face approached sideways, with its chin gently leaning on his shoulder.

Under the mask, a slippery thin tongue gently licked the temple, as if it wanted to get into it and lick the brain that existed between Yi Chen's skull.

As the tongue retracted, Jin's voice came:

"William, you can actually watch it for a day and a night. You are truly the brain of a lunatic! I can watch it for eight hours at most, and then I feel like my brain is about to explode. I even need to inject gravy directly into the brain to stabilize it."

"Have you been reading all day?" Yi Chen was completely immersed in the books and didn't pay attention to the time at all.

"That's right! The people from your college are crowding downstairs, and they seem to be preparing to force their way into our place... Do you want to deal with it? Or should you wait for them to attack?"

"what's the situation……"

Yi Chen recalled that when he closed the book, he went through the process of cortical recycling, and immediately guessed that reading the epidemic book might have had a pathological impact on the surrounding environment and alerted the college's security system.

He quickly pulled Jin downstairs with him.

Since the regional disease had been resolved, with Professor Chamberson's help, Yi Chen temporarily solved the problem without revealing any information about the 'epidemic book'.

Half an hour later,

In an office with an owl standing in the corner,

Although Chamberson was shocked when he learned about the 'epidemic book', he also made some guesses in advance.

“It turns out to be an epidemic book, no wonder it has such a big impact.

Spacey's willingness to lend you such an important thing basically shows that he believes in his heart that you are the next 'First Gentleman'.

Time is running out. For you now, I can’t give you much advice... The only thing I can remind you is that if you are determined to fight for this identity, in addition to self-improvement, you can learn about other things in advance. Candidate.

The selection of First Gentleman will not be easy, after all, even a figure like Spacey failed to get the position. "

"Okay, I know."

Before leaving, Yi Chen also handed the nightmare reward fund card to Professor Chamberson for safekeeping, and subsequent expenses were paid directly from him.

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