The final gentleman

Chapter 361 Companion

"William, put it away quickly! This is the inpatient department. Once the death is leaked, the consequences will be disastrous."


Under the scolding of the principal, Yi Chen immediately came out of the immersion state, returned to reality, and immediately put this special death spine back into the storage box made by the principal.

When the spine was retracted, there was still a bit of black mist floating in the ward.

We are currently in an absolutely quiet ward, without any external disturbance. Although the principal's outfit is a bit eye-catching, it can be shielded a little.

Call out Little Grape, use your best eye skills to spy on the black mist in the sky, and immediately discover the essence of the black mist.

A group of pitch-black bacilli with strange flagella. These bacilli are entangled with each other and continuously emit trace amounts of black mist from their bodies, so they only appear mist-like when viewed with the naked eye.

In fact, every mist corresponds to this type of bacteria that represents the 'death epidemic'.

The bacilli floating in the ward seemed to feel that they were being spied on, and they immediately arranged and combined them, trying to convey the cross-shaped symbol of the dead to the spy, Yi Chen.

Of course, this is no threat to Yi Chen at all.

"Are these things the essence of the dead?" Some kind of ancient bacteria beyond conventional understanding, its history can even be traced back to the birth of the original dead.

When I am free, I can study it with Regan, which will not only help me understand the dead in the old world, but also allow Regan to get what he wants. 』

At this time, a fair-skinned thigh even stained with bath water droplets hung in front of Yi Chen. The smell was extremely familiar, reminding Yi Chen of the experience of taking a bath after being trampled that night.

"William, should you lie back on the bed yourself, or should I help you lie back down?"

"I'll do it myself~ By the way, principal, have you just finished taking a shower?"


With a kick to the strongest part of his arm, Yi Chen turned three and a half times in the air and landed firmly on the bed. Deslin also rolled up her long skirt and sat on the edge of the bed.

"Next, I will ask you a few questions about the [death incident]. Your dictation will be made into a document and submitted to the organization. Whether the final result is reward or punishment is directly related to this document."

"Ah, okay~"

Deslin was also a little surprised when she learned the cause of the incident after a brief inquiry.

"The purpose of your first trip out of the city was for the First Gentleman's assessment, so that Reagan could help train you for your mental deficiencies?"

"That's right~ Who would have known that before the first day was over, a deceased person would come looking for the scent of 'Twilight Silver Liquid'.

We simply used the trick, and in the end, we really attracted Mr. Bart, the dead commander who dominated Levenholm... Since the other party came alone, we naturally would not let go of such an opportunity.

Next thing you know, principal, we barely won after a fight to the death. "

Desline continued to ask: "How much do you know about the removal of all the dead from Ravenholm? What conditions did you negotiate with the dead in the old world, or what happened?"

Yi Chen looked surprised, "Have all the dead been evacuated? From this point of view, the dead in the original tombs should not actively attack or our organization's territory from now on, or even launch direct attacks on humans."

After defeating Mr. Bart, my consciousness was forcibly extradited to the "original tomb". I was fortunate enough to meet the original deceased and obtain a verbal invitation to go to the original tomb. "

After hearing this, even Deslin was stunned.

"The original dead?! No wonder you can create that level of estrangement across the world, and such a person actually asks to meet you. The reason..."

Deslin stretched out her right hand and used her fingers to wave the stars to perform temporary divination.

In less than a minute, the stars in her palm were annihilated and turned into death stars, which even almost hit her palm.

"Is it related to the death you carry within yourself, William?"


"I'm just saying that a dead person in an open source didn't cause such a big commotion. It turned out to be related to you. That's fine. As long as it can be confirmed that the threat posed by the deceased to the organization has been eliminated, the superiors will give you three generous rewards.

Get ready for another trip to the Hall of Honor. "

"Thank you principal."

“Don’t thank me, and make less trouble next time.

Even if you are going to cause trouble, at least inform me in advance. You have a few days left to prepare well. This year's candidates are not so easy to deal with, and there are no Kim or Reagan to help you. "


Just as Deslin walked towards the corner, preparing to use the stars to teleport individuals, Yi Chen suddenly jumped off the hospital bed and followed her.

"Principal, um... can you go to your bathroom and take a bath?

The reason why I was able to persist for such a long time in this battle and find a chance to defeat the dead in the end was thanks to the assistance of "Stars" that helped me avoid a lot of damage during the battle.

Moreover, your office is also top-notch in terms of sealing, so you can check out the weapons of the dead you just got. "

Deslin did not respond, but walked to the shadow of the corner alone and disappeared.

Just when Yi Chen shrugged and was about to go through the discharge procedures, a subtle voice came from the corner, "If you want to come, come over here. I don't want to waste too much teleportation energy on you."

Three hours later, the principal's office.

Yi Chen, who had wet hair, had finished bathing and walked out of the bathroom.

The gentleman's clothing adheres perfectly to the flesh, and the damage sustained from fighting the dead has been completely repaired.


The principal, who returned to the office early, seemed to have put some kind of strange tonic in the bathtub when he drained the water. When Yi Chen soaked in it, these tonics flowed into the body along with the stars, activating the star particles to repair and connect deep-seated breaks. trauma.

Deslin was as usual, holding a wine glass in her hand, and she was in a tipsy state.

"Thank you principal."

"Hurry up and take out what you got and take a look. After reading it, leave quickly and don't disturb my rest."


When the deceased's spine was taken out again, the mist emitted from the inside of the spine was immediately suppressed by the stars in the principal's office, or the bacteria were dispersed directly into the universe.

When Yi Chen's right hand pinched it,

The spine no longer releases germs, but undergoes 'plague shaping' at the end of the spine.

Based on special marrow fluid,

The bridging proteins produced by the closely arranged bacteria through transcription and translation are used for coating, connection and framework construction, allowing them to solidify into the shape of a pitch-black ax blade.

It’s just that the thunder entanglement effect caused by the former owner Bart has disappeared.

Deslin's eyes were completely focused on this weapon, and she whispered:

""Symbiotic organisms" or also called "external symbionts\

,"When a small number of patients are born, the pathogens in their bodies autonomously separate and appear externally, growing together with them.

When the patient is released, the symbiote also undergoes practical changes.

Or as outerwear, or as jewelry, or as weapons like this, or even as living creatures like pets, etc.

This is the first time I have seen such a spine symbiote. It is very pure and even has silver spots... The dead man you are dealing with should be about to break through to open source, right? "

"Yes, it's difficult to deal with...if I hadn't used a trick, there would have been big problems."

"If you win, you win. Enjoy the fruits of victory~ This symbiotic weapon can bring you a huge increase in combat power. It depends on how the First Gentleman's assessment goes. Whether you are allowed to use this highly lethal weapon weapon.

Quickly check the relevant properties and let me know. "


As the silk threads between the gentleman's clothes penetrated the gaps in the spine and read relevant information, a string of ancient words emerged between the retinas.

Bursts of purple light shine through the twisted text, outlining the name of the weapon.

Or the name of this symbiotic creature that was born with Balt.

"Dead Ridge Lake"

Today's second update should be a little later. I wish everyone a happy New Year's Eve.

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