The final gentleman

Chapter 384 Silver Moon, Evil Sun and Stars

Yi Chen knew very well what the principal meant.

The "level" currently displayed by Insomniac Garen has completely surpassed the selection activity of "Skin Promotion", and is even much stronger than when the First Gentleman of all generations was elected.

By the time Galen was released from restrictions, the promotion had become a one-man show;

With Mandy's life or death uncertain, it was impossible for Yi Chen alone to confront Gallon head-on.


The words from the principal just passed through Yi Chen's mind. He did not choose to abstain.

Yi Chen, who was pitch black and emitted black mist, had used black liquid to reshape his legs. He stood upright and stared at Garen floating in the air. His brain, which was slightly smoky due to extreme thinking, had made the final decision.

"It is impossible to defeat this guy from the outside... What I need to fight is not just Garen alone, but an unknown world full of chaotic creatures. It is impossible for me to win alone."

But the last way is also the only way.

Since Garen's current state and the abilities he uses come from another world, then cut off his connection with that world.

As long as the passage is made of leather, the seal can be completed using the "Skin Bible". 』

Even though Mandy's arms were scattered beside him, Yi Chen still didn't have any doubts or fears.

As long as there is a slight chance of winning, he will seize it.

It is precisely because of this character that Yi Chen was able to escape from the orphanage and get to where he is today step by step. Even if it is an elusive opportunity, we will try our best to grasp it in our hands.

"Principal... I will try one last time. If it doesn't work, I will give up the promotion." 』

"good. 』

Desline changed the direction of crossing her legs,

Her eyeballs are filled with stars, and she is watching the next game carefully. Once William is likely to die or suffer irreversible serious injuries, she will take decisive action to forcibly end this promotion.

Hey hey~

The sunflower seeds on the face of the insomniac Jia Long rearranged themselves into their original appearance. He did not directly attack Yi Chen below.

It seems that he suffered a certain amount of damage from the 'massacre of the broken arm'.

It also seems that the space devouring performed on the face consumes a lot of mental energy and needs a short rest.

It seemed that Garen was just out of gentlemanly etiquette, silently waiting for Yi Chen to recover and for him to make a decision to continue fighting or withdraw from the competition.


Yi Chen took a deep breath and inserted the last meat potion into his neck with his backhand.

The surging energy poured into the body to completely replenish the previous consumption, and even reset the usage time of "Dead Man's Makeup". Such behavior directly explained Yi Chen's choice, he will continue,

Such a scene even made Jin in the audience clenched his fists and revealed a rare gentle voice under his mask:

"We agreed... we will go to the Cancer Palace together.

If you really die, I can only taste your corpse with tears, and send them to my body for cancerous growth. Over time, the most suitable weapons will be born, and they will always be by my side.

This would at least make me feel a little less bored in this world. "

at this time,

Yi Chen slowly moved his gaze upward until he raised his head 90°.

He stared at the collection of skeleton coupons on the top of the church, and with the help of Little Grape, his vision continued to look upward, through the rock formations and the Shenpi Mansion, through the mist and clouds.

A moon comes into view,

In an instant,

Yi Chen's hair was dyed silver at a speed visible to the naked eye, and there was even a ray of moonlight penetrating through the layers of obstacles, hitting him like a spotlight.

Instead of killing, the two axes merge into one and the ax structure is lifted.

Hanging this beautiful spine around his waist, it seems that it will no longer be used in the upcoming duel.

The whole person's state changed from burning, bloodthirsty and ultimately death, to one of tranquility, mystery and uncertainty.

Professor Chamberson, who had been in contact with Yuehen on the observation platform, recognized it at a glance, "This is... Yuehen's disease? Sure enough, have you been in contact since that incident? Even the interaction at the disease level. "

Yi Chen, whose hair was completely dyed silver, pulled out the syringe from his neck.

Button the scarf,

Pull hard,

When the ash scarf was pulled off the face, four independent eyeballs and a main eyeball representing a small grape were scattered.

The main eye is [Yang], and the four eyeballs representing a century-old corpse are [Stars].

And Yi Chen itself is the [moon].

The yang was fixed behind Yi Chen's head, about five centimeters apart. The stars were in the shape of a round wheel, rotating around the yang.

Yi Chen's lips were also dyed silver, and his lips squirmed, "Little Putao... cooperate with me."

Little Putao, who has been recognized by the organization as the new prophet, also used all his strength at this moment, showing the full level of open source, like a true prototype of the evil sun.

Bend your calves and jump up with energy.

Going in a straight line towards the Galleons in the air. This behavior of approaching the Galleons is obviously extremely dangerous.

The audience was a little confused when they saw this scene.

Some people saw two Yi Chens, some saw three... or even more than a dozen silver-haired Yi Chens leaping up at the same time, each of them looking imaginary, real or fake.

As a proficient in star magic, Principal Deslin can see through the mystery at a glance.

"Not only the refraction of light, but also the synergistic effect of lunar disease and ancient eye diseases... William has such a rich imagination that he actually combined the eyeball pets in his body to construct a 'humanoid galaxy'.

Rushing towards the target in a straight line, you can just use your own 'moon' to block the 'yang' behind you, forming a [solar eclipse] phenomenon.

However, even if you can really deceive Galen and get close, what should you do next? "

Garen, who was hanging in the air, looked at William who was rushing towards him with the 'seeds' on the sunflower.

His arms were wiped out by the killing and could not regenerate in a short period of time.

But...he doesn't need to regenerate, he just needs to let another creature from the world inside his body come out.

With the roars of a large number of monsters and the squeezing sounds of layers of flesh,

It seemed that there were a large number of monsters vying to come here through Garen's body, wanting to erode the other world... In the end, a strong monster won the opportunity.


Various grotesque pieces of eroded flesh squeezed out from between the wounds on the arms,

The mottled, messy and compact fleshy structure was like 'emerald flesh and blood', resembling claws, mouth and tentacles, attacking towards Yi Chen's body.


These strange attacks all failed, penetrating Yi Chen's body one after another, and even particles of starlight covered the surface of the monster's limbs, interfering with the interaction between the flesh and making them difficult to control.

Garen quickly realized the problem and was about to condense the sunflower seeds into the shape of a mouth again.

An evil sun emerged from the back of Yi Chen's head, and the solar eclipse ended.

In the blink of an eye, the silver-haired Yi Chen was already in front of him,

Snap~ At the same time, he attached the "Skin Bible" hanging on his waist to the surface of the sunflower.

Fully activate the control of skin,

Even during this process, Yi Chenzhi's arm area holding the Bible developed severe wrinkles, which may cause side effects similar to Spacey's.

But the effect is excellent.

The Skin Bible is much higher than the Gentleman's Skin and has an absolute commanding role.

Directly causing Garen's [Facial Channel] to be forcibly closed,

The narrowed and unstable passage opening was simply not enough to hold the 'Sunflower Face', so the sunflower began to shrink inward, and was eventually forcibly sent back to the world over there.

Only Gallona's facial passage without facial features was left, and it was being shrunk little by little.

"Is it going to succeed?"

Yi Chen was concentrating and did not dare to be distracted for a moment. He saw that the channel was about to be closed and the connection was about to be blocked.

Uh-huh! A human arm stretched out from inside, grabbed Yi Chenzhi's right hand holding the Bible, and clasped it at the wrist.

Through the direct contact of the arms, the voice from Galen directly reached the epileptic brain:

"Come in, let me show you the world between dreams..."

An indescribable pulling force was exerted, and the moment the facial passage was closed, Yi Chen's entire body was pulled into it.

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